Chapter 38
Early the next morning, you and Loki had to make the portal to send Thor back home. He was livid when he found out about your 3:30am healing, but there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't stay here any longer, either. He had duties back home and had only been able to leave for your birthday. "We will find a cure, little sister," he promised you before he stepped through the portal. You watched as it snapped closed behind him with a twinge of sorrow as you would miss him. He was a great friend and adopted older brother. He promised they would call you home to Asgard as soon as they found a cure. You smiled, glad that he thought enough of you to consider Asgard as your home as well.
You dragged Loki up to the infirmary after Thor had left so you could check on Veronica. You wanted to make sure all of your 3am healing took. Thankfully it had, she was asleep when you arrived, but the other healers assured you that she and the baby were both doing just fine. They shooed you from the infirmary as soon as they'd given you the update. Julia was terrified that Fury or Tony would find you there. Apparently you were forbidden the infirmary anymore that day after the huge healing you had done the previous night. They really were keeping track of how much time and power you spent there.
"When is your first class?" Loki asked as you wandered to the kitchen to get breakfast. You got the biggest mug of coffee Helene had to offer. She gave you a disapproving look, but you flashed her a big reassuring smile and she let you have your coffee, as well as a huge plate of pancakes. You nodded your thanks and took your plate of pancakes to your usual table. You grinned when Loki sat across from you.
/Just like old times/ you thought at him. You had breakfast just like that almost every morning for the year you had both lived in the Tower together.
"Why are you two awake?" Tony asked when he joined you, pulling up a chair to sit at your two-person table.
[I have class] you signed at him. [I can't miss any more classes this semester] you had only gotten out of the classes you had missed because Fury had told the school you were on an urgent mission for the Avengers. He wouldn't help you skip classes for anything less than an emergency. Tony glared at you. [I just have two classes today. We'll be back by 1]
"Fine. Just be careful," Tony replied.
You rolled your eyes. [It's going to suck] you signed, finally betraying some of your emotions to him.
"You like school," Tony reminded you. He was wrong, of course, but he was a moronic genius who tried to hard
[I want to be a qualified doctor] you corrected. [I doubt anyone there signs, and I'm already weird and a celebrity]
"Darling, it will be fine. I will be there to translate, and keep you company, and Mother is looking for a cure. She will find one soon, I am sure. Thor said that she was on the right track. He would not lie," Loki added. You gave him a small smile, but you were still worried. "When is your first class?" he asked again.
[Sorry!] you signed. You had forgotten he had asked. [It's at 9] you glanced at the clock and shoved your pancakes into your mouth faster. You didn't have a whole lot of time. You stood and vanished your plate back to the kitchen. You used more magic to change your clothes from pajamas to your jeans, converse, and a hoodie stolen from Loki's closet. Loki gave you a disapproving look at how grungy you looked, especially in his oversized hoodie.
"You are going out like that?" he asked.
You rolled your eyes. /I'm a college student, Lo. This is how we dress/ you thought at him as you summoned your school bag, which had your laptop.
He sighed. "I can summon you something nicer," he offered. You could tell he missed the dresses of Asgard. You sighed and held out your hand.
/Fine, but nothing too fancy. This is school/ you told him. You couldn't help smiling when his expression lit up. /Nothing fancy!/ you reminded him. /No dresses/ you added for safe measure. He summoned a perfectly tailored pair of jeans instead of the fwumpy old ones you had been wearing and a soft green sweater that fit equally as well. At least he left you your converse. You reached up to braid your hair out of your way, but he spun you around quickly so he could do it himself. You just laughed while Tony rolled his eyes and made fake retching sounds. You flipped him off for his effort. You touched Loki's cheek and used magic to give him an outfit too, a pair of jeans, a white button-down shirt, and a black tie and suit jacket. He looked at you confused, expecting that you would pick something more casual. You did his hair in a quick manbun, as that was the American standard for what to do with long hair on men. /It's appropriate since you're technically working as a translator/ you explained. /Plus you look nice in a suit/
"Only nice? My lady wounds me." He held his hand to his heart with a mock-expression of pain.
You laughed at him. /Fine. You're hot and the most handsome man I have ever laid eyes on. Does that please you, peacock?/ you replied with more laughter.
"Whatever you two are talking about, knock it off before I puke," Tony grumbled.
You laughed and bent down to kiss his cheek. [See you after school] you signed at him.
"You're staying here?" he asked.
[For now] you had your own apartment off campus, but you felt better right now staying in your suite here in the compound.
"See you later then, imp, other imp," he directed the last to Loki, who nodded and offered you his hand in formal escort. You laughed and placed your hand on his. After the first step we took, he teleported you to the coffeeshop on campus.
/You're a genius/ you told him as you stepped inside the coffeeshop. You could use more coffee. You walked up to the counter and found that your order was already being made. You weren't terribly surprised. You ordered the same thing every time you went there.
"What did you order for me last time?" Loki asked you when you had reached the counter. You signed back the reply and he placed the order with the barista. You paid for both of your drinks and you waited by the other counter.
"Sigyn, your order is ready!" the barista told you. You smiled and took your cup from her with a nod of thanks. You never placed your orders under your superhero name, but they always gave it to you that way anyway. "Loki, yours will be right up," she added. Loki thanked her. It was only a minute more before he had his drink as well. You grabbed his tie and pulled him from the coffeeshop by it when he pretended to flirt too hard with the barista. Everyone laughed at your antics.
You led the way to your first class. /I'm going to have so much homework/ you whined at Loki. You'd been gone for two weeks.
Loki just laughed. "No, you will not," he replied with a grin.
/You did it?/ you accused. He tried to look innocent. You just laughed. /You're so bad at the innocent look, but thank you/
"You are welcome, darling,"
You took seats together in the small classroom your first class was in. This was the class you were afraid of. The professor didn't like you already because you was a celebrity, and in a stupidly accelerated program. You didn't think he'd take the fact that you couldn't talk well.
"I don't allow visitors in my class," the professor announced when he walked into the room.
[This is Loki. He's my interpreter. You can't deny my right to have him here] you signed quickly. Loki translated flawlessly, getting your tone in the words. The professor looked like he was going to argue. [This has already been approved by the dean] you added. Even he couldn't fight with the dean.
/What is a dean?/ Loki asked you after he had translated your words.
/The leader of the school/ you replied. The professor couldn't argue that, especially in front of all of the other kids. They all loved you and would fight for your rights if you wouldn't do it youself. You was just glad this class was graded entirely by multiple guess exams. You could get out of here with your A in a couple months. The professor kept asking you questions throughout the class, as if trying to trip you or Loki up. It was a useless endeavor on his part. He didn't realize you could just tell Loki your answers telepathically if he couldn't read the signs. He had no trouble, though and it just frustrated the professor even more. It would have been comical if it weren't so annoying.
You were glad when class was over and you strolled to the student center with Loki to kill time until your next class. /Are you hungry?/ you asked on the way. It wasn't quite late enough for lunch, but you knew his metabolism, especially after the magic he had gone through yesterday.
"I could eat," he answered, which you took to mean that he was hungry. So you stopped by a little hamburger stand on the way to the student center. You thought Loki would hate the place on principle, since it was a greasy delicious college hamburger stand, but he surprised you by actually enjoying the burger.
/I love this place. Best greasy hamburgers in town/ you explained. He raised an eyebrow as you shoved a handful of the best french fries in the city in your mouth. /What? Surely the women on Asgard crave junk food too/
He sighed. "Next you will be demanding chocolate," he said with a mock whine. You just smiled at him.
/Like you wouldn't summon all of the chocolate in the city if I asked for it/ you replied.
"You are right, of course," he conceded with a smile.
You hung out in the student center where Loki got to watch all of the college students while you caught up on social media and emails. You had missed a lot while you was in Asgard. you should have been doing homework, but social media was way more important. You would do the homework later. You had pictures to tag yourself in on social media, friends to catch up with, and school emails to make sure you read.
You second class of the day was much better than the first. Loki was welcomed by the professor, who absolutely adored you. She was a fan of the Avengers and knew Loki as well as you. He was a celebrity too, after all. She asked you a couple of questions, but you thought that she just wanted to watch you sign than actually do anything malicious.
You were still glad when classes ended and you could teleport home. The second you were safely back, you set your schoolbag next to your spot on your usual couch in the common room and magically changed your clothes back to pajamas.
You settled yourself in your spot on the couch and pulled out your laptop to do homework. Loki summoned a book to read. He was also in pajama pants and a t-shirt. You could get him to wear casual clothes around the tower, even if he wouldn't wear them outside.
The commonroom soon got crowded when the kids and teens started coming home from school and the older supers were coming back from patrol. You looked over at Loki with a grin. /Want to have a little fun?/ you asked with a mischievous smile.
/Always/ he replied, not bothering to look up from his book. You gave him your plan quickly, without bothering to explain why it would be fun. /I hope this is as good at you are suggesting/ he told me.
He stood up on the seat of the couch, drawing everyone's attention before he announced: "The floor is lava!" you tucked your feet up on the couch and laughed along with Loki as you watched all of the supers leap onto the nearest piece of furniture, or their neighbors and friends. Some used their powers to fly, teleport, or stick to the walls. Four people ended up on one small coffee table, all clinging to each other so they didn't fall off. You laughed when they all toppled over and had overly dramatic 'deaths' in the lava.
Nat calmly walked over to one of the couches. "I'm a fire demon. I'm immune to lava," she announced. You and Loki laughed, allowing it since she was Nat.
The game ended and everyone went back to what they were doing. "Does everyone know this game?" Loki asked in delight after it was over.
You shrugged. /I think every American kid does/ you replied, already planning the next game, and silently apologizing to Loki because he was going to lose.
You got up to put a movie in the DVD player, and placed one finger to your ear as you were walking back to the couch. Someone saw you and mimicked your movement. Soon the entire room had their finger against their ear, as if we were all getting a message in an earbud. You grinned at Loki who was busy with his book and hadn't noticed your antic until he caught your mood shift. He looked up just in time to get tackled to the floor. "Get down, Mr. President!" the supers yelled as everyone leapt on top of him, pinning him to the ground. You laughed and kissed his cheek while you were both pinned. You had been the first one to tackle him, and ended up on the bottom of the pile.
"What's going on in here?" one of the older supers asked, seeing your dogpile.
"Mr. President was in danger," one of the kids replied as our pile slowly dispersed.
"Of course. Who was the unlucky President today?" he asked warmly.
"Well that's hardly fair. Poor guy probably doesn't even know the game."
"Kat started it!" the kids protested. You all started laughing while you helped Loki back to his feet and gave him a proper kiss in apology.
"Silly Trickster," he whispered in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine.
/I learned from the best/ you replied. He gave you an elegant bow, accepting the praise. You laughed and explained the rules of the game to him, so he would be prepared next time.
"What are you guys up to?" Tony asked, seeing the room in chaos as everyone tried to get back to their places from our latest game.
"The floor was lava, and then I was the President," Loki answered calmly as you finally got to settle back in our places on the couch. Tony roared in laughter.
"I would have paid to see you get tackled by the entire group, Mr. President," Tony chuckled. He didn't notice until he saw you make the movement, that everyone had put a finger to their ear and he was the last one. He tried to run, but it was too late.
"GET DOWN MR. PRESIDENT!" Roared the crowd as Tony was tackled to the floor.
"I am going to kill you for starting this, imp," Tony grumbled at you. You held up your hands innocently.
[I didn't say anything] you signed indignantly once everyone had removed themselves from Tony. You also healed someone's nose that had gotten smashed in the excitement. Mr. President was not the safest game ever.
"Kat, we need you and Loki to go out on patrol tonight. Freeza and Nebula caught that stupid flu that's going around," Fury greeted you at dinner that evening. You and Loki nodded and agreed to go on the patrol. Loki was always your patrol partner when he was in town. You worked well together and had fairly complimentary powers, plus a stupid amount of healing power between the two of you. Fury gave you your patrol route and left. He didn't socialize...ever.
As soon as you were done eating, you put your dishes away and changed into your armor. You made sure your dagger sheath was in place, then took Loki's hand so you could teleport to the start of your patrol route.
You spent most of the evening just walking the streets of the warehouse district in uniform. Of course there were absolutely no illicit kisses during patrol. None whatsoever. You would never do such a thing.
You did come across some robbers trying to rob a bank. You just smiled at Loki. /Shield/ You told him before the robbers noticed you. He smiled and you saw the flicker of green light around him. You stepped into the bank and the robbers turned to face you.
"Hello boys," you greeted them. Before the second word was out, they were all on the ground unconscious. Loki made the call in to the cops, not knowing if the curse from Balder would work across the phone line. Neither of you wanted to take the chance. The cops picked up the robbers, who were still unconscious. This curse from Balder sucked, but it did make patrol a bit easier in this one case.
The next fight you came across was a lot harder, since there were too many civilians around for you to use that particular power. There was a trio of bad guys, including a firestarter. You and Loki took out the firestarter easily. He wasn't the problem. The super strength guy got his hands on you and threw you into a nearby wall hard enough to break bones through your shielding. You cursed under your breath, throwing fireballs and daggers with your unbroken arm. The third one was throwing lightning at Loki and all of Loki's illusions and clones. You cursed again silently and threw up walls of flames around the two remaining villains, buying you a little time. The civilians were busy taking pictures and video. Just what you needed when you were both bleeding and bruised, and your arm was hanging limp at your side.
You speed dialed the cops and summoned a bunch of heavy chain. You let the flame die around the super strength man and used your telekinesis to wrap the chains around him as quickly as you could, using fireballs aimed at him to keep him from being able to fight the chains. He couldn't fight both at the same time. Loki had the lightning super disabled at the same time. It didn't take the cops long to arrive to collect the villains. You and Loki waved to the crowd and he teleported you out of there and back to your suite in the compound.
"Did you forget to shield?" Loki asked you as he helped you sit on your couch.
You shook your head. /This was damage done through my shields/ you replied.
"Damn, he was strong," he commented as he looked over your wounds. He hesitated. "I need to see your arm to heal it," he finally said. You nodded and vanished the top of your armor, leaving you in just your bra. He had seen you in less yesterday, plus this was for healing. Tony rushed into the room while Loki was looking over your side and arm, seeing how bad the damage was.
"Kat? Fury said you were back from patrol. I didn't see you come in. Is everything ok? What the hell?" Tony demanded. "Why aren't you in the infirmary and where the hell is your shirt?" he added more loudly when he saw that you were injured. You gestured to Loki with your good arm. You rolled your eyes and sat quietly while Loki got to work healing your injuries.
"We found a couple of villains with powers. One of them hurt Kat through her shielding. I can heal her just as easily, if not more so, than the healers downstairs, and she does not have to step foot in the infirmary. I needed to see her injury, and had you knocked, you would not have to see your niece in nothing but her bra," Loki answered calmly, but grumpily while he worked. It didn't take him long to fix the damage. You gave him a kiss when he was done. He pulled the throw blanket off of the couch and wrapped it around your shoulders to cover you.
[I'm fine, Tony] you signed at him tiredly. [We caught some robbers and some supervillains. It's late and I just went through a healing. Yell at us tomorrow if you insist on yelling]
"Sorry, Kat. I just worry about you. I hate when you get attacked on patrol. You know that," Tony said, coming over to give you a hug. "I'm glad you're ok. Go get some rest before your eyes do that creepy black thing again." You rolled your eyes at him, but got up from the couch and shoved him from your sittingroom, closing and locking the door firmly behind him. You looked Loki over to make sure he wasn't injured. He only had a couple scrapes and bruises, which only took a pinch of power to fix. You summoned some pajamas and smirked when you realized in your exhaustion that you had summoned one of his Asgardian tunics to wear to bed. It had apparently become a habit. He grinned at you too when he realized what you had done.
"You are adorable, darling," he told you, when he realized what you wereYwearing. you blushed at the unexpected compliment, but kissed him again before you both fell into bed. You was tired of the long days already and you hadn't been home very long at all.
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