Chapter 34
You spent the next two days researching in the library nearly nonstop. Frigga, Sif, and even Thor were with you and Loki as you poured endlessly through books. Thor wasn't much help with research. His job was mostly to bring you food, carry books, and wrap blankets around people when they fell asleep at the big table you were all working at. You were the only one who didn't dare fall asleep working, your practice of stubbornly staying awake for days during emergency season came in handy. At least it did until Frigga had enough of you not sleeping. She summoned a vial of potion and poured it into your tea in front of you. You couldn't go against the queen's wishes.
"We all need to get some rest," Frigga announced. "Enjoy your last couple of days here," she bid you with a familiar mischievous glint in her eyes when Loki caught you falling asleep at the table. She held up the vial of potion she had dumped in your tea. Loki chuckled at her mischief. "The scholars and I will continue researching while you are gone, but you must do your duty and leave the library and actually be seen by the people. The research will continue without you and I will personally send word when we find out something," she promised.
"Thank you, Mother," Loki said. He helped you to your feet and wrapped an arm around you to keep you there. "Come along, darling. You have not slept in two days. Do not even pretend you think that I had not noticed," he chuckled. He stopped a moment later. "Shit," he murmured. You looked up at him confused.
"Language, darling," Frigga scolded lightly, but had a laugh in her voice. You turned to face her where she was holding up a second empty vial.
"Mother..." Loki groaned exasperated, but you heard his laughter too. Frigga wanted to make sure you all got sleep.
Thor came over to you a moment later. He already had Sif draped over one of his shoulders, fast asleep. "Mother, you could have made this a bit easier," Thor laughed. He wouldn't be able to carry all three of you to bed. Frigga laughed again and a moment later a portal opened in front of you, leading directly to the family wing.
"I think you can make it that far, dear," Frigga commented lightly. Thor looked between you and Loki. He picked up Loki under his free arm. Loki protested that he was perfectly fine to walk and that Thor should take care of you instead. "Your soulbond is perfectly fine," Frigga told him gently. She had come up next to you and linked her arm with yours. She led you through the portal, dragging you with her. You stumbled, your brain foggy, but managed to stay on your feet, until you made it to your suite's door. Thor set Loki on his feet next to you. "Get some sleep, children," Frigga bid all of you.
There were mumbles of 'Yes, Mother' from everyone and a head nod from you. Somehow you and Loki both managed to make it to bed before you passed out.
You laughed the next morning when you realized you had passed out on top of the covers with the clothes you had been wearing for the last two days straight still on.
/I'm getting a shower/ you announced once you had detangled yourselves from the heap you had landed in the night before. /We haven't left the library in two days and I know I'm gross.../ you headed straight for the bathroom without waiting for his reply.
When you came back from your shower, using magic to dry your hair as you reentered the bedroom, you saw a shy-looking woman sitting on your bed. It only took you a moment to recognize her as Loki. Loki could change into a woman at will as he was gender fluid. You had seen him do it before. But even female, she was still your Loki. She just had longer raven hair, a more shapely build, and of course breasts. You nearly laughed, but stopped just in time when you saw Loki's nervous expression. She was unsure of your reaction. The last time she had done this when you had seen was on her birthday two years ago when she had swapped genders of everyone in the tower, except you and a couple others she held in high enough esteem not to prank. She had included herself that day because she said it sounded like fun.
So you gave her a smile. /Morning, love/ you leaned down to give her a kiss, which shocked her even more. /Need me to do your hair?/ you asked, like nothing had changed, because really, it hadn't. Loki looked up at you, surprised by your reaction. You just summoned the hairbrush and sat next to her on the bed, so you could start brushing out her hair.
"You are not...put off... by this?" Loki asked. Her voice was more musical, lighter pitched, but still with the same sexy accent.
You smiled. /Of course not. Don't forget I've seen you like this before/ you reminded her.
"Yes, but that was a joke, a trick..."
/You're still you/ was your reply. /Hold still. I have to be more careful with your hair this morning/ Loki's longer hair did take more work, but you managed, and even highlighted the magenta-red streak in her hair by using it to frame that side of her face.
"Mother expects us at breakfast this morning," Loki hedged around the question she really wanted to ask.
/Naturally/ you replied dryly.
"Do you want me to change back?" The words were hesitant, afraid. She really couldn't seem to accept that you loved her just the same, no matter what form she took. You had a feeling that Odin was behind her fear, as per usual.
/After all that time I spent on your hair?/ you replied indignantly, with laughter and fun in your telepathic voice.
Loki finally laughed, finally relaxed. "How did I ever deserve you?" she asked, pulling you into a hug.
/I love you too/ you replied with a smile. /Am I going to have to be prepared to fight the court to defend your honor?/ you asked. You weren't going to let them make fun of Loki for this. Not when she was obviously uncomfortable. Not even if it was Odin trying to hurt her.
She snorted. "Hardly. They are quite used to my antics," she replied with a grin.
/So I've heard. Though this will make the ball more interesting tonight/ you laughed. You stood and offered Loki your hand and pulled her to her feet when she accepted. She was still taller than you, though a few inches shorter than usual. Asgardians ran tall, and Jotuns ran even taller. You had gotten used to the height difference. You linked your arm with hers and you walked to breakfast together. The servants greeted us as 'princesses' when you passed. They really were used to Loki's antics, or quirks. You didn't think this really counted as an antic, more a part of who your Loki was.
Thor looked up when you entered. You stiffened at his initial glance, ready to fight him over Loki's choice for the day. Instead, Thor jumped to his feet and jovially came over to you. He took your hand and bowed over it to kiss your knuckles, then did the same to Loki. "Good morning, Sisters," he greeted you extra jovially. You smiled and relaxed. You should have known that Thor would be nothing but supportive. Thor offered each of you a hand in formal escort position. You both laughed when you placed our hands on his. He walked you to the table and pulled out your chairs for you. You saw the glimpse of pure joy in Loki's eyes at being accepted.
You spent the morning training with daggers in the practice court with Sif and her warriors. If they were surprised to see Loki join them as a female, no one commented. After that, you caught an early showing of the theater troupe's version of Superhero Musical. You weren't going to be able to go to the showing that evening because of the ball, but Loki wanted the troupe to know that you appreciated their hard work, so you saw it again. Loki's voice was fantastic when she sang along that day. It was a joy to hear her.
You went to the spa that afternoon. Loki wanted to get her nails done and had been hesitant to go alone, even in female form. So you gladly went with her so she could get the experience.
Loki was getting nervous when you were getting ready for dinner that night. You figured Odin was not nearly as supportive as everyone else seemed to be and Loki was afraid of appearing before her adopted father. You didn't blame her, but still wanted to stab Odin for upsetting your Loki.
You were momentarily distracted by the gorgeous black and green dress Loki had summoned to wear that night. It easily outshown your own blue and gold dress. You didn't mind. She was the proper princess after all. You helped her settled her tiara perfectly once she was dressed and her hair done. She was absolutely stunning when she was completely ready. You didn't mind taking a back burner to her at all.
Loki hesitated when you got to the hall for dinner. /Stand tall, darling/ you repeated Loki's own words back to her. /They are just jealous/ Loki laughed, straightened her spine and gave you a small smile before the two of you entered the dining hall. You saw Odin's scowl of disapproval, but if Loki saw it, you couldn't tell. She didn't give any indication that she had. Odin didn't say anything, so you didn't have to hurt him. This worked out well. You really didn't want to get smited for trying to kill him. Thor was as adorable as ever and insisted on pulling out Loki's chair for her. You stuck your tongue out at him when he realized you had seated yourself before he could seat you.
"You are incorrigible, little sister," Thor grumbled at you and you laughed in reply. Dinner was bearable, though Odin wouldn't look at you the entire night. That was fine. You had your own fun.
You were sad that the next day was your last day on Asgard. You had to get home before your birthday. Also Tony was sure to be worrying by then. He was so going to kill you, when he learned how Balder had hurt you. That was a problem for another day.
After dinner came the ball. It was a huge event filled with formal dancing. You hung to the sidelines, letting Loki dance with the various men of the court. She was having so much fun and you didn't want to ruin it for her. Even Thor danced, though he lacked Loki's grace. Sif seemed to be having fun as well. A few brave men of the court asked you to dance and you accepted. You knew the court dances from Loki, and now knew why he had known the female as well as the male parts of the dances so well.
Loki came to you for the last dance of the evening and offered you a hand. "May I have this dance?" she asked. You raised a brow, but took her hand. She led you right out to the middle of the dance floor and took the male's position for the waltz. You smiled and took your own position as per usual.
/You don't mind leading this one?/ you asked, concerned she wouldn't be happy with the arrangement.
"I would prefer to dance with my lady. I have had your fun tonight. Besides, it will entertain everyone," she replied in a whisper in your ear. You grinned. Of course she would be concerned about being fun and mischievous. The music started and you twirled around the room in graceful steps, your dresses twirling around you, just adding to the grace and beauty of the moment. People around you stopped dancing just to watch. You should have been nervous, or embarrassed, but it was so much fun that you just didn't care about anyone else's opinion.
The entire room applauded for you when the dance ended. You both curtsied deeply to them in reply, and in thanks for their applause and praise.
You walked back to your suite that night arm in arm, both giggling. Thor and Sif were right behind you. "Did you have a good day, little sister?" Thor asked Loki as you walked.
"I did," Loki replied, only a little stiffly, as if still expecting Thor to tease her.
"Tomorrow is the last day of your visit, is it not?" Sif asked.
We both nodded. "I must return Kathryn to her home before her birthday," Loki explained. "Plus her family will be worrying by now. We had not anticipated being gone for so long,"
You bid them goodnight when you reached their suite and headed down the hall to your own. You found a vial of Frigga's potion on the coffee table waiting for you. You sighed and glared at it. "Mother has found out that you do not like it when I spell you to sleep. She is willing to be the 'bad guy' so you do not get upset with me," Loki explained gently. You sighed and used magic to change into your pajamas before you took the potion. Your pajamas may or may not have been a tunic stolen from Loki's closet. Both he and Frigga were right that you needed the potion. You needed to not dream. That didn't make you like it any better. But Balder could and would attack you if he could find his way into your dreams.
Loki didn't change back to male before you went to bed. You curled up with her anyway. Her heartbeat was the same in either form. You settled to sleep, safe in your Loki's arms.
Loki was back to normal the next morning. "Thank you," he greeted you once you had opened your eyes.
"Yesterday. For being supportive," he replied with a vulnerability you weren't used to from him.
/I love you. All of you/ you reminded him gently. He kissed you thoroughly in reply.
That day was a lot more subdued. You spent the entire day with Thor, Sif, and Frigga. Neither of you really wanted to leave, but you didn't have a choice. You said our goodbyes the following morning. Frigga promised to continue the research on how to strip this power from you as well as on finding out what Balder's plans were. You promised you would be back to visit and reminded them that they were always welcome to come visit you too.
You and Loki opened the portal back home together and waved goodbye one last time before you left Asgard.
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