Chapter 27
It was something that Balder had mentioned while he was talking about the power he had 'gifted' you that aided you in coming up with the next part of your plan. He said the power could break glass. If it was possible to break glass with it, perhaps it could break little electrical circuits in a metal bangle.
So you spoke, you sang, you whistled, trying anything you could think of to get the stupid bangle to break. You were going to kill Tony for creating the stupid thing if you ever got out of this mess. You wished for your dagger sheath. You thought that if you had it, you could summon a dagger that could cut through the metal. Loki had commented before that your daggers were of good quality. You thought that meant you'd be able to summon any kind of dagger you wanted.
It was also supposed to teleport back to you, but Balder had to be keeping it close enough that that power wasn't activated.
You had one more attempt before you went looking for your dagger sheath, which would be way more dangerous and obvious if Balder caught you at it. You crawled up on the table where you had had lunch with Balder and shrieked the highest, loudest, damsel in distress shriek you had ever heard, much less produced. You hoped your plan would work and you wouldn't get caught.
You grinned when it did work. You heard the sizzle of electricity in the bangle and when you felt for your powers, they were there. You tried to teleport out of there instantly, but the building was too heavily shielded.
Balder came crashing into the room. "What happened?" he demanded, glaring at you. There was a reason you were up on the table. You pointed at the wall in apparent hysteria, Your grin gone the second you realized you couldn't teleport.
"There was a mouse!" you exclaimed, leaping off the table to go hug him for safety. "It was there and ran across there," you pointed, making up a fake path for the fake mouse.
Balder just laughed at you. "The most powerful human in existence is terrified of a mouse?" he chuckled. "You are an entertaining little pet." You were relieved he had bought the act. "Come, you can hide in the vault with me from the big scary mouse," he bid you gently, still laughing.
You went with him, your brain reeling in the effort of coming up with plans. You had to get outside of the shields to use any proper magic. You noticed as we were walking that all of the servants were now wearing headphones or earplugs. Good idea on their part.
When you arrived, you investigated the wall of magic spheres, eyeing them curiously. Balder didn't seem to care what you were doing as long as you were quiet and stayed out of his way. You grabbed one of the spheres and vanished it when he wasn't looking or paying attention to you. You, Loki, and Frigga, could study it later, after you had gotten out of this place. You were so close to escaping. You just needed a little more patience and an opportunity.
Your opportunity for more research came when you put on the bored, lonely expression that Balder had commented on seeing too often on Loki's face and started to pace, then wander. Balder didn't notice. You kept yourself from grinning. You had gambled right that he would've been so used to Loki acting the same way growing up that he hadn't even noticed you slipping off. So you investigated the mansion, looking for anything you could use. There were too many servants watching the doors. You couldn't make a run for it. You'd be caught before you got past the shields. You definitely could not be caught. If you were caught, Balder would make sure you never got another chance to attempt to escape.
You only had one chance to escape. You had to do it properly.
"Pet? Where did you wander off to?" Balder asked awhile later.
You had gotten a stupid crazy idea, but it was just crazy enough that it might work, if not, you had set it up well enough that he couldn't easily suspect that you were behind it. You laid the foundation for it while you were searching the mansion, pretending to tour your new home.
Balder found you in a small room with books after he called for you. It wasn't really a library, but would be irresistible to a bored bookworm. "Of course," he sighed when he found you, curled up in a comfortable chair with a book. "Come, pet. Time for dinner."
You set the book aside and followed him to a dining room. There were too many servants around during dinner, so you thankfully got to eat in silence. Balder didn't want you knocking them all out.
You made a big show of yawning and looking half-asleep by the end of dinner. That was normal for having power drained like you supposedly had, so Balder wasn't even surprised. He just told you to go to bed. You did as you were told so you could put your plan into action. The seed was set.
It just needed a spark, so to speak.
A literal spark in this case.
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