A knock sounded.
"Eryn, I have something to say."
I got up from under the covers of my bed and walked to the door, unlocking it.
Mom stood there, both hands clasped, shifting uncomfortably from one foot to the next.
"Come downstairs," she said, not meeting my eyes and then walking away.
I sighed. What better thing do I have to do rather than follow her? That's what I'm doing. Following her downstairs.
She took a seat on the couch. I noticed some old albums lying on the table.
"Come sit," she said, patting the spot next to her.
I went over.
"So, Eryn," she began, fumbling with her hands.
"Yeah?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
"Um," she said stalling, "about your dad."
My heart skipped a beat. She has never mentioned about him before. I don't know anything about him. Not his name, not how he looks like, nothing.
"He's- uh, um-"
"Mom!" I screamed frustrated. "Just spit it out already!"
She gulped.
"I don't know who he is," she said, quicker than her normal pace.
"What?!" I couldn't help but ask.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I don't know who you belong to."
My mouth dropped open.
"What do you mean you don't know who I belong to?"
She sighed.
"It's complicated," she said rubbing her forehead.
"That's not an explanation mom! What do you mean you don't know who I belong to? That's just stupid!" I shouted.
"I'm thirty five now and you're eighteen, right?" she asked ignoring my outburst.
"Yeah," I said slowly. "What does our age have to do with this?"
"So I must've been seventeen when I had you," she said reminiscing.
"Holy shit!" I mumbled. "You were in high school when I was born! You were pregnant in high school?"
"Yeah," she replied looking down.
I fell silent, what she just said sinking in. I never considered the possibility that I came too early in her life.
"So, my dad was your high school crush then?" I asked, my voice low.
"About that-"
I looked up. She gulped. Why is my mother scared of me? Aren't I her fucking daughter!
"Yeah?" I asked mainting my cool.
"I may not've had a single crush," she replied abashed.
Something in me shattered. I don't know what, but I heard the sound.
"Yo-y-you we-e-re a-a s-sl-slut?"
Her face betrayed her emotion. She's hurt. What I just said hurt her. But what she just said, hurt me more. My mother was a slut! And who knows, maybe she still- No!
"I-I, Eryn, I-"
"No mom," I said raising a hand and silencing her. "I don't want an explanation. I just wanna know who my dad is."
"Eryn, I'm sorry. I might've a hint, but I'm not sure," she said.
"I don't care mom," I said practically begging. I've been in the dark for too long. I want so much to know about my dad, to see him once, tell him about the childhood I lived without him, for him to hold me in his hands and kiss me goodnight, just to be with him and hug him. I missed all that and I'm still missing it. "Just tell me about him. Anything. I wanna know."
She sighed and wrapped her arms around me. Somehow, this gesture sent warmth coursing through my whole body, even though we both aren't on good terms.
"I've been a terrible mother, Eryn. I'm sorry," she said softly. "Nobody should ever receive a mother like me. I've never been there for you. And I'm sorry. I know sorry isn't enough. But-"
"No mom," I said hugging her more tighter. Her voice was shaky and I know she's crying. She does feel bad for everything she has done. And being her daughter, I'm ready to forgive her. "It's okay. You've done more than enough for me. I wouldn't be even alive without you."
She hugged me more tight, sobbing into my shoulders. After she finally calmed down, I let her break away from me.
"Your dad's definitely a guy from high school," Mom said, her voice raspy.
"How do you know that?" I asked gently.
"I remember a guy I f- um, I dated, who did have some kind of weird abilities. Maybe that's him."
"So you admit I have supernatural powers," I asked.
"Yeah," she hesitated. "I'm not sure though."
"It's okay. Who is he?"
Her demeanor dropped.
"I don't remember."
I sighed.
"But, I can show you some old school photos. Maybe I'll remember him after seeing those," she said picking up one of the albums.
My hopes raised a little. Maybe I'll get to know about my dad today, after eighteen years without him.
She opened the first one.
"I look just like you mom!" I said running a hand across her photo. "You were beautiful!"
"I'll pretend not to be offended by you indirectly implying I'm ugly now," she said mocking hurt.
I nudged her playfully.
"That's not what I meant."
She rolled her eyes.
"Yeah mom?" I asked without looking up from my hunt in the album.
"Why?" I asked, this time looking up.
She smiled.
"For giving me a second chance even though I don't deserve it."
"Pfft, mom! You're my mother! And I'm the coolest daughter you'd ever have. Now stop ruining the moment and help me find him."
She laughed. And it feels good to hear her laugh. I've never heard it.
"You're absolutely right about you being the coolest daughter I'll ever have. And aslo the only one I'll truly ever want."
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