Pay Back (Knockout x Brittany)
continuing from Brittany's story.
For @Jack5555583
Contains safe semi-willing v*re
Brittany's POV
It has been a month, possibly a month and a half since Knockout brought me to his base, which I later learned was a giant alien ship. I spent about a day inside of his robo-guts and I spent most of it sleeping. When he finally let me out, he "introduced" me to his "master"; a giant Buckethead named Megatron. Knockout later told me that I was lucky I wasn't killed on the spot and that I would be staying with him for a very long time. I was pissed off course, especially since the first two weeks I couldn't even leave the stupid med bay. I want to leave, not because I wanted to escape, but because I wanted to explore. There's nothing at home for me to go back to. But word quickly got around that a human was staying on the ship and that I was Knockout's human and that those who hurt me should "prepare for surgery"? Anyway, once KO was positive that I wasn't planning on leaving, he let me roam around. Under the conditions that I get back to him at certain times and I avoid contact with Megatron and Starscream. I bumped into Soundwave on accident but he didn't do anything and Lazerbeak seemed to like me enough. I guess me becoming LB's new "friend" was enough for Sounders to trust me. I like Soundwave; he doesn't mind me bugging him and I'm pretty sure he likes that I keep Lazerbeak company when he's busy. Knockout eventually got me some of the necessities I would need to survive, like food, water, clothes, and a few other things. A small area for me was set up in his quarters and was basically shoved under his bed, to "lessen my risk of death".
Back to right now, I'm wearing a black tank top and dark skinny jeans, as well as a black and red button-up shirt around my middle. My red pixie cut hair is a mess and I have brown boots on my feet. KO, however, had been ignoring me for the past two days for some reason. I didn't like it very much, but getting a vain egotistical alien robot to pay attention to your shenanigans is harder then it looks! I sit on the computer and try to read some of the stuff. I can't really read it, but Soundwave taught me the letters. It's a problem of remembering them. After about five minutes I get one word; eat. And that word made me freeze for a second. I think back to when I first met KO and what he did to me. I shudder a bit. I really hated that and I'm still PO-ed about it. I decided to walk around the ship. I climbed down the desk thing and ran towards the door, which thankfully opened for me. I had gotten a lot thinner and more strong with all this running and climbing I've been doing! KO didn't notice me leave so I wandered the halls of the Nemesis, trying to think of a way to get back at Knockout when I wandered into a dark room. It looked like a Cybertronian bedroom, but I had no ideas as to whose room it was. Thankfully, after a minute the lights turned on and DAMN this room was in worse shape than mine! Scrap was everywhere: on the bed, floor, and everywhere! A giant dented metal punching bag stood off to the corner and I noticed a picture of Knockout with another bot. The other bot was navy blue and black and had an orange face and an eyepatch. He was also giving a goofy grin and gave Knockout bunny ears while KO had struck a sassy pose and a sly smirk, completely unaware of the other bot's photobomb. That's when I grew curious.
"How come I've never seen that guy before?" I asked myself.
"Because he's dead." I yelped and took a fighting stance only to see that it was just Steve, a vehicon who was a good friend of mine. Zack, Mark, and Ryan stood behind Steve in the hallway. I remembered when Knockout first captured me he said I reminded him of his dead friend. I felt a little bad but that didn't excuse eating me. I followed Steve out of the room and he set me on his shoulder. These guys were doing their patrol when they walked by so I guess they figured I would just tag along. Shortly we walked by a storage room that looked promising for some reason. "Hey Steve, set me down please," I asked tapping his shoulder. Steve set me down and Mark, Zach, and Ryan watched me. I entered the room to find black car paint. Then an evil idea crossed my mind. I quickly explain my idea to the Legion of Steve (the five of us) and they quickly went on board with this. Zach even said, "If I get scrapped, it'll be worth it!"
(So much time later that they had successfully pulled off the painting prank while Knockout was sleeping and now they await the results)
"And now we await the results!" I proudly state. I was covered in black paint. We sat in the bar area of the Nemesis and the four of them had energon and I sipped on orange juice. I took before-and-after pictures of Knockout and I was very proud of my work! Personally, I like KO better in black.
"How soon do you think he'll notice?" Ryan asked. I opened my mouth to answer when a shriek entered my ears. Everyone in the bar looked up and around at each other at that horrible sound. Faintly everyone heard Knockout screaming my name with rage. It sounded far away but was getting closer. Steve grabbed me and shoved me into his sub-space. I curled up, slightly shaking, but more from adrenaline then fear, and I couldn't wipe my smile off my face. Outside, doors slammed open and Knockout screamed, "WHERE THE FRAG IS BRITTANY?!?" Oh Lord! I wish I could see Knockout right now! We painted his entire red coat of paint black, turning him into a black, grey con, with the only red being his optics. I could hear Steve's spark rate get faster as KO marched right over to the group. I could almost feel his glare on them.
"Where is she, Steve?" KO hissed. Okay, now I was really starting to shake and my adrenaline started to spike more. My smile got bigger as Steve answered no. I heard beeping, like typing on a monitor.
"According to her life signatures, she's in your sub-space," KO coldly said. Why can I so clearly hear his smirk?! And that cheater! Too lazy to look for me himself -_- ... At this point, Steve didn't have a choice and reached into his sub-space and pulled me out. I glared at Steve and the bois and they looked away as they handed me to Doc Knock. Knockout harshly took me from them and held me in a firm grip. As we walked out of the bar, I screamed at the Legion of Steve.
"I SHALL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!" I shouted at them. Time skip to medbay where the second KO sets me down on the desk to interrogate me, I bolt. Heh! Stupid move on his part! KO immediately tries to grab me but fails. The second time though, he manages to trip me and grabs my legs.
"Frag you pretty boi," I scowled. I must've looked ridiculous: upside down with crossed arms hanging from one leg, covered in black paint. Knockout scowled at me and swung me back and forth a little bit.
"I should punish you for touching my paint job like this," he says blankly lifting me up to his optics. The slowly rising smirk on his face immediately set off red flags.
"If you punish me, I'll just get you back! Besides, me giving you a new look was payback for what you did to me nearly two months ago!" I shouted angrily. I didn't deserve to be punished just for pulling a prank/payback. Knockout looked confused for a second and then realization crossed his circuits. I could feel my sins crawling on my back as Knockout leaned against the desk and held me higher above his face. He smirked and lowered me down. My face fell like a load of rocks and I started to shake a little. He brought me closer to his mouth and slightly opened it. Yup... At that point, I snapped. I screamed and lifted myself up, managing to grabbed KO's warm metal fingers. I didn't realize how much I was shaking or that I was crying until Knockout stopped and looked me over.
"Stop being so overdramatic, doll face," Knockout said, a faint trace of concern in his voice. He set me on his hand and gently lifted my chin up. I hated it when I cried because my face becomes red and blotchy and gross. KO raised a metallic eyebrow at me and grabbed a nearby rag. To me, it was the size of a king-sized bed blanket. He dropped it on me and then proceeded to wrap me like a taco.
"What are you doing?!" I yelled, my voice muffled. I felt myself being set down a hard surface without an answer from KO. It took a second but I managed to get out of the taco wrap. I stood up and wiped my nose with it then tried to get some of the paint off. Knockout watched me and when I was done he scooped me into his palm and up to his eyes.
"Better?" he asked, a slight smirk in his voice. I nodded, still on edge from the tease.
"Good, because you owe me a new paint job," he said. I groaned.
"NnNnOoOoOo!" I whined, throwing myself flat on my back. KO looked at me and shrugged.
"Either paint job, or timeout doll face," KO said, a hint of hunger in his voice. Speaking of hunger, his tank rumbled. My eyes slightly widen, but I thought about my options. I had already painted KO today and I DEFINATELY did not want to do it again. I would hate to see my hands ruin my hard work. But if I went with 'timeout'... I mean... It really wasn't that bad, it was just scary because one: I had no idea what was going on that day, and two: I was having a really bad day. But on the other hand, it was warm, squishy, and surprisingly soft for a metal stomach. "I can't believe this!" I screamed in my head. I sat up and looked at KO.
"I'm too lazy to undo my hard work," I state, a smirk on my face.
"Hard work?! You RUINED my paint job!" KO cried, slightly mad. I gave him a derpy grin and shrugged my shoulders.
"Which is why I'm considering the latter of my options," I said. Right after I finished speaking KO's stomach went off again and he looked kinda embarrassed. Suddenly, he looked at me confused.
"You'd prefer my eating you, then working?" he asked. Though his voice sounded confused, but his body movements sure didn't. His hand wrapped around me and I was in front of his face in less than a second.
"Yup," I answer, loudly popping the "p". Almost immediately regret filled my body as Knockout smirk grew and he brought me towards his mouth. Crap, feet first this time! He doesn't bother taking my shoes off and the bottom half of me was shoved into his mouth. It's well lit and his metal tongue went around me once before I felt his head tip back and saw his throat open, eager to swallow me. I winced as I slid into KO's throat and I felt the rest of me follow into his mouth. I looked towards the front of his mouth, catching one final glimpse of light before there was a loud slrking sound and a huge gulp, and I suddenly fell downward deeper into KO. Several gulps and slips later (aka five seconds), I land in KO's stomach. I was soaked and coated in thick blue slime. I was glad there was light and leaned against one of the stomach walls, letting out a long breath I didn't realize I was holding. The stomach's silver tube walls were covered in glowing blue saliva. I felt the room bounce to KO's laughter.
"Not much of a fight doll face," he teased. I smirked to myself.
"I told you I was lazy," I replied. The walls moved to laughter again and I crossed my arms, but honestly, I didn't care; I got past the eating part of the thing and now I can chill. Plus, I got my payback and that's all that matter. Not to mention I got blackmail pictures now! >:3 I began to realize that this whole thing wasn't so bad. As long as this didn't become a habit, I didn't mind the idea of being eaten too much. I sighed and leaned farther into the walls; warmth and sleep starting to tug at me. KO walked around and did his thing as I drifted off. I slightly smile to myself, I may not be Breakdown, but I'll try to be a good companion. For Knockout's sake...
And for the pranks!ImCoMiNgFoRyOuStArScReAm!!!! >:3
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