Jeff the Killer x OC
This is a role-play...
It was long but really fun!
Be warned there will be some "touchy" subjects brought up...
Read at your own risk
For @Wolf34howler
Ice woke up one morning at 5 to do his borrowing rounds but all he needed was something from a room that always has knifes so Ice got dressed and grabbed his shoes throwing them on before starting to Jeff's room. Ice very slowly made his way into the room coming from the vents and started to make his way to wear the knife sharpening kit was so he could sharpen his spear which he left at home, but slipped on a t-shirt and slammed against the ground causing a loud thud. Jeff groaned rolling over in his bed. A rough night and an empty stomach made sleeping difficult. Being a predator who hasn't an eaten the borrower in a few years doesn't help that fact either.
He sat up at the thud. "What the f*ck?" He muttered. Ice froze hoping he hadn't been spotted before moving towards the bed and slipped under it but knocked a knife to the side and sliced his arm by accident. Jeff stood up and pulled up a pair of pants. He turned on his lamp and sniffed the air, smirking when he picked up a familiar and long missed scent.
"Well~ there's a rat in my room~ come on out little buddy I won't hurt ya," he sneered. Ice whimpered before he quickly covered his mouth not noticing he had hit the knife on the way under the bed so his blood was giving away his hiding spot. Ice quickly backed up though and hit the wall where the bed was in the corner. Jeff looked under the bed, following the smell of fresh blood. He smirked when he spotted the borrower.
"Found ya, rat. Make it easy on yourself and come on out," Jeff taunted.
"Plz no...I dont wanna come out." Ice said shaking, 'He'll get bored and leave eventually right??' He thought to himself.
Jeff smirk as the smell of fear entered his nose. "You don't have choice. Either you come out, or I come in."
Ice never moved except to shake his head as he slowly slid down to sit down. Knowing he couldn't come under the bed as Ice was just barely tall enough to fit. Jeff growled and stood up, and grabbed onto the bottom on the bed. He yanked it off the wall and looked back at Ice, a hungry flint in his blue eyes. "I'm coming in then~"
Ice flinched before he stood up and bolted across the room to the vent. 'Why did you do this today, couldn't wait a little longer to wake up Jeff?' Ice thought angerly. Jeff jumped after him and managed to trip him. Ice tripped and slid across the floor a few inches before he grabbed his injured arm and winced before going to get back up. Jeff grabbed him by his injured arm and lifted the 12 inch tall man up to his face. Jeff was 7"1 so this was amusing to him. Ice yelped loudly before trying to bite Jeff's hand while kicking at the air. Jeff chuckled at the little wolf's attempts at biting him.
"You're wasting your breath tiny, I've been bitten before," he said.
Ice whined when his arm started to bleed some more. "Ow stop please it hurts..."
Jeff rolled his eyes at Ice's whining. "And you're annoying the hell out of me kid."
"Then just kill me and get it over with!" Ice snapped his arm stinging from the pain and Jeff's nails cutting into his arm. Jeff laughed and sat on his bed. He grabbed Ice's legs with one hand and pinned his arms to his side with the other.
"Ya know, I don't simply kill shorties like you," he smirked, "I pulled that stunt on EJ's 3-inch-tall girlfriend and it wasn't a happy ending."
"Then what are you going to do with me?! Wait there was another borrower here??" Ice asked confused.
"There WAS another borrower here. Not anymore~"
"Then what are you gonna do to me??" Ice asked confused before trying to yank his injured arm free. Why do you say it like that...." he said staring at him with narrowed eyes. Jeff's stomach went off and he smirked, baring his fangs.
"You're a big one. A challenge. But I love a challenge~"
Ice jerked back "Your gonna eat me?! Not happening!" Ice snarled before clawing at Jeff's hands. Jeff growled and tightened his grip on him.
"It is happening. And I like them head first!" Jeff snapped and shoved Ice's head into his mouth and began swallowing. Ice immediately began to struggle and move around a lot hoping to find a way out before it was to late. 'Ugh think!!' Ice's tail twitched before running across Jeff's nose.
"S-stop moving that damn tail!" Jeff shouted, partly muffled from Ice half way in his mouth. Ice thought a second before his tail started wagging and kept tickling Jeff's nose. Jeff tried to keep swallowing but a sneeze was building up.
"I-If you don't stop, I'll bite o-off your tail!" Jeff warned.
"I'm not moving it though but I'm try and stop it." Ice shouted back. Ice's tail moved 2 more times before going in between his legs. Jeff chuckled at Ice's antics. He kept swallowing, enjoying Ice's blueberry icicle flavor. Ice was now mostly in Jeff's throat, save for his lower legs. Ice had started to tear up at this point but just accepted it and went still. Jeff gave a final hard swallow and watched his stomach expand a little bit as a satisfactory weight dropped into it.
"I'm surprised you didn't put up much of a fight," Jeff teased poking at the bulge.
"I was gonna get caught eventually so why fight to much..." before he started crying, "After all a borrower is always found by a predator right, isn't that the truth sir." Ice said in between his cries.
Jeff rolled his eyes. "Stop crying it makes you sound weak," Jeff snapped at Ice. He did think about what Ice said about predators finding borrowers though. He sighed. "If you shut up with the water works I'll tell ya a secret."
"Huh??" Ice said confused before his crying stopped. "What could be so important."
"What? You're saying you want to die?" Jeff smirked.
"No!! Please I'm only 13!!" Ice shouted in fear.
Jeff laughed, making Ice bounce around in his stomach. "Damn you're a kid? Geez... Anyway, if you're not crying I'll tell ya two secret."
"Oki I'm not crying anymore mister." Ice said shaking slightly.
Jeff smirked. "Well the first secret is... You're not dying." Indeed, other than it being wet, slimy and a little cramped, there was no pain.
"Wait, you mean you stored me?!" Ice asked shocked placing his hand on the wall and pushing out slightly. Jeff groaned with pleasure when he felt Ice press on his stomach.
"Yeah, I stored ya. And keep that up, I might keep ya there longer~" Jeff smirked
Ice immediately moved his hand before placing both on the wall and then pushed some more while nuzzling it and started to purr. "So, what was the other secret..." Ice asked
"Jack's little girlfriend. I had a crush on her myself, but no, she loved Eyeless Jack. She was much smaller than you, all human too," Jeff said, stroking his stomach enjoying what Ice was doing.
"Oh well I'm sorry mister, oh my name is Ice sir." Ice said continuing to nuzzle the stomach wall and pushing out slightly before his tail started to wag as he was getting comfortable in the stomach. Before hearing a noise and going quiet. Jeff also heard the strange noise and quickly threw his white hoodie on and grabbed a knife.
"Whose there?" Jeff snapped. Everyone in the mansion was still asleep since it was only six in the morning and everyone usually woke up at 10am. "And by the way, her name was Kerria," Jeff added, whispering while he did so. He stood with his knife at the ready.
Trenderman had come over for a few days without telling his brother but was shocked to see Jeff awake. Ice started to tremble slightly. Jeff was also surprised to see a Slender Brother.
"WTF?! Trendor? What the hell are you doing here?" Jeff snapped lowering his guard some. He knew that Trendor wasn't a fighter, but he could still fight. He felt Ice starting to shake and grew very slightly, dare I say it, worried.
"Um hello Jeff why are you awake so early. I came for a few days to hangout and have Sally model a few dresses," Trendor explained ad Ice cowered into the wall of flesh and shook. Jeff gave a hum in response. The shaking he was feeling in his stomach was helping with his focus. He put a hand over his stomach and groaned a bit. "O-ow," Jeff muttered, not really in pain but trying to find a way out of this conversation. Trendor got worried and walked closer to Jeff.
"Are you alright Jeff?" He asked worried. Ice was freaking out but heard Jeff say Ow so he stopped moving going still
"Y-yeah, lm good," Jeff muttered, "Something at dinner just didn't argue with me." Jeff careful moved his hands away from his stomach and stood up straight.
Trendor just nodded. "Okay go and lay back down then and I will talk with Slender before I make breakfast," he said as Ice sat frozen still.
"Gladly," Jeff said going back to his room. He laid back down on his bed and sighed. "You gotta get that shaking under control kid."
(((Not hey, he
"Sorry he just sounds like somebody I once knew that wasn't the nicest." Ice said pushing on the stomach wall again shaking lightly. Jeff raised an eyebrow but gently rubbed his stomach in response to Ice's pushing.
"Really, you knew somebody else?"
"Yeah but I didn't like him he tried to use me as ......a......s** toy......but I managed to escape and you found out I was here only a week after I escaped him." Ice admitted nudging the wall and purring slightly, "You won't do that right mister?..." Ice asked hesitating.
"WTF?! Kid! I may be a psychopathic serial killer, but I don't do THAT! If anything, where you are right now is the most I'd ever do," Jeff said, voice tone genuine.
"That's why I'm trusting you and I didn't fight you to much when you put me here," Ice admitted, "Imma take a nap..." before he laid down and closed his snoozing away.
"Nah ah ah ah, not in there you're not," Jeff slightly flattered. Ice just shifted slightly but was still asleep. Jeff rolled his eyes and began to cough Ice out. It was hard considering his size but he was able to get the sleeping wolf out. Jeff took a spare hoodie from his bed and quickly but gently dried him off. Ice suddenly shivered and grabbed ahold of Jeff's hand and clutched it close to him.
"Oh sh*t... I'm feeling feelings," Jeff muttered facepalming. He stared at the kid clinging to his hand for dear life. He grabbed a smaller spare blanket and carefully wrapped Ice in it. Ice refused to let go of his hand and clutched it tighter when he felt it leaving his grasp.
"Let go of my hand, kiddo," Jeff said, still trying to free his hand.
"No don't go..." Ice whimpered clutching his hand tighter. Jeff growled a little but lifted Ice up. Jeff laid down on his bed and laid the kid on his chest. He could help but smile a tiny bit when he saw Ice cling to his hoodie. Ice still held the hand but clutched the hoodie not caring until somebody knocked on Jeff's door. Jeff sat up and placed Ice on his bed.
"WHO THE F*CK IS THAT?!" Jeff roared at the door. His eyes darted around looking for a hiding place for Ice.
"Its me Sally, do you wanna play or is your stomach still bothering you like Mr. Trendor told us?" Sally asked Ice shifted hearing the yelling before curling up in a ball releasing his hand.
"Sally. I don't want to f-ing play! Yeah, my stomach is still upset!" Jeff snapped, he never yelled at Sally, snapped, but never yelled. He looked at Ice and sighed.
"Oh oki I'll let Slender know so you don't have to go out today." Sally sang before skipping off. Jeff groaned and looked back at Ice.
"Kid. Seriously. Wake up. We need to talk..." Jeff said slightly shaking him.
"Huh what's wrong??" Ice asked sitting up and rubbing his eyes before laying back down and curling back up "It's cold.."
"Well, first off," Jeff began grabbing the blanket and dropping it on Ice. "We need to figure something out."
"Huh figure what out??" Ice asked confused.
"Like how I'm supposed to keep you alive while trying to hide you. If ya haven't noticed, anyone in the mansion, save for Eyeless Jack, would kill you on sight," Jeff sated as-a-matter-of-factly, "And no, you can't just hide in my storage all day, as nice as that is." Ice wrapped the blanket around himself for warmth.
"Well I guess I could just move into your room since nobody enters it without knocking. But it's warm and there I know I'm safe..." Ice complained.
"Glad you think I'm safe in that way. And yeah, you might have to live in here. But also, if anyone does come in, you know where the vent is," Jeff said standing up. He thought to himself for a minute. What was he doing? Protecting a kid? A child more specifically?! And if word got out about this, no telling what could happen. Not just to him, but to Ice. "Damn... I really do care," Jeff muttered, not realizing her said that out loud.
"Care about what?" Ice asked tilting his head as one ear perked up but one stayed down.
"N-nothing..." Jeff answered. He sighed. "Ya hungry?"
"Yes please, you want me to stay here or go back in storage??" Ice asked looking at him.
"You stay put. I'll be right back. Remember to use the vent," Jeff said. He grabbed. His knife and went downstairs to the kitchen. Thankfully everyone was in the dining room, so this was a literal food grab. Jeff grabbed three cinnamon bagels, plain cream cheese, and a jug of orange juice.
"Stomach feel better Jeff?" Trendor asked looking at him.
"Oh yeah, much better," Jeff answered, not really startled by sudden voices anymore, "And I'm gonna have my breakfast in my room, so move it," Jeff grumbled
"Alright then have fun and feel better if you wanna kill tonight Jeffery." Slenderman said. Ice was curled up in the vents freezing.
"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Jeff snapped, pushing past him. He bolted up to his room and closed and locked the door. "Kid-er-Frosty, where you at?" Jeff whispered, setting the food and orange juice on his desk.
Ice came shivering out of the vent "Ri-right h-he-here." Ice stuttered out. "Frosty??" Ice asked confused
"What. I forgot your name," Jeff said lifting Ice onto his desk. "You got some real temperature problems, don't you?"
"Yeah this house is cold and I only have tank top and shorts to wear. Also, the name is Ice again sir, thanks for the food." Ice said stilling some and devouring it right then and there. Jeff hummed in response and watched him eat but went deep in thought. He stood up and went through some of his clothes. He found a few of Kerria's old outfits made by Trendor, but they were way too small for Ice. He kept looking until he found an old thick white t-shit and a black one as well. Jeff wouldn't miss these. He looked back at Ice.
"Hey," Jeff started.
Ice devoured a whole of bagel before looking up "Yes, sir??" He asked.
"Okay, enough with the "sir" thing, it's gonna drive me nuts," Jeff said sitting back down at his desk. "And how good are you at sewing? Also, just call me Jeff."
"Um I'm okay I guess, why sir...sorry it just comes out Jeff." Ice said licking cream cheese of his arm while his other one was still slightly bleeding from the knife and Jeff's nails. Jeff set his shirts on the desk and reached into a drawer, pulling out scissors, white thread, a few sewing needles, and when he smelled blood, he grabbed some thin band aids too.
"Well for starters, you're getting some new clothes. And secondly, you're getting the cut cleaned. Now," Jeff said, setting alcohol onto the desk as well. Now Jeff was no doctor or tailor. But everyone in the mansion had learned over time how to sew holes in their clothes and how to tend to their cuts.
"No, that stuff burns!! Also new clothes??" Ice explained and then asked still shivering and barely moving his right arm. Jeff ignored his questions and quickly but carefully grabbed Ice's hurt arm. He took some alcohol and poured a bit onto the corner of the white shirt and brought it towards Ice's arm.
"Unless you want to die of infection, I suggest you let me do my work," Jeff said, sending warning glares at Ice.
"Ouch, fine...nut it stings so bad." Ice whimpered before looking down and yanking the blanket closer around his non-injured arm.
"Yeah, I know it burns," Jeff said quickly cleaning the cut. When he was done, he wrapped the thin band aid around his arm. He wasn't bleeding much now, so the thin band aid worked perfectly. When that was done, Jeff pinched the back of Ice's tank top and lifted him up, causing him to stand.
"Huh what are you doing si...I mean Jeff?" Ice asked confused before sitting back down.
"Arms out and hold still," Jeff ordered. He held the white shirt against Ice and grabbed the scissors. He began to cut out a crude shape of a long-sleeved shirt. Ice froze letting him do what he needed to while looking around before his stomach growled again letting him now he was hungry again before Ice started edging towards the bagels again.
Jeff quickly finished cutting out what he needed and looked at Ice at hearing his stomach growl. "You eat, I'll sew."
"Okay." Ice quickly sat down and started to devour some of the food before looking at the juice funny.
"What's that Jeff and why is it in a clear cup?" Ice asked confused.
"Orange juice," Jeff said setting down his work and pouring a little into the cap of the jug. "You might enjoy this... Kerria sure did."
Ice tired the OJ before quickly devouring what was in the cap before eating another bagel half.
"Like it?" Jeff asked starting to sew again.
"Yeah it's really sweet yet sour. My favorite combo." Ice admitted his face covered in cream cheese as well as half his body. Jeff nodded, but kept sewing. He quickly finished the shirt and tossed it at Ice. "try it on."
"Alrighty." Ice slipped the tank top off and put on the new shirt which hung of his waist by several inches and the sleeves were to long but Ice was comfortable "I like it." Ice said smiling at Jeff.
"Glad you do, now for the pants. Stand up," Jeff smiled.
Jeff held the black pants up to Ice and started to cut the black shirt. Ice stood up and let him measure his legs before he day down and leaned against Jeff's chest his eyes slowly closing as he was finally full, and warm and new he was in a safe place. Jeff smirked a bit at the kid and kept sewing. Whether he admitted it or not, he quickly grew to like Ice like a little brother.
"This should be interesting," Jeff smirked. Ice shifted a little closer before whining.
" stop it.....plz leave me alone......" before shifting again and whining.
Jeff looked down at him confused. "What are you whining about?" Jeff asked poking at Ice's back.
Ice just shifted "No not that anything but that please SIR I'm sorry!!" Ice said eyes squeezed shut from the nightmare he was having.
Jeff worriedly began to shake Ice. "Hey Frosty the Snowman! Wake up!" Jeff cried. Ice jolted awake tears started to fall from his eyes.
"I'm sorry Sir please don't hurt me I'm sorry I'll obey you." He said his mind still on his memory/nightmare. He said all this while clutching Jeff's shirt.
"Now what did I say about calling me sir?" Jeff asked, putting a finger under Ice's chin and forcing him to look up.
Ice shrieked and back away "No no no no please no!! I said I was sorry I dont wanna be a s** toy anymore please I'm sorry!!" Ice exclaimed
Jeff panicked and dumped some orange juice on Ice, hoping to wake him from his day terror. "ICE! Snap out of it!"
Ice quiclly snapped out of it and looked around before sighing "Oh God I'm so sorry. The memories won't leave me alone. I'm so so so sorry Jeff." Ice cried out his new shirt soaked with OJ.
"Don't apologize to me," Jeff said, "You can't apologize for something you have no control over." Jeff looked Ice over and grumbled a bit. "You want to go to storage?" Jeff asked, genuinely asking if that was okay.
"Yes please when I was asleep in storage earlier the nightmares didn't come." Ice said before stripping off his new shirt and putting his tank-top back on. "You probably have to wash that shirt now..." he said before dropping the blanket and waiting to be picked up again.
"Also I know you like headfirst but can we go feet first this time?? Please?" Ice asked looking Jeff in the face. Jeff chuckled as he carefully grabbed Ice's middle, not bothering to pin his arms to his side. He then grabbed Ice's legs and brought the kid to his face.
"Sure, but keep that tail of yours under control," Jeff smirked.
"Alright, just take my shoes off it's hard to get stuff out of your last of shoes..." Ice chuckled as his tail went in between his legs. "Also my tail only wags if I'm enjoying something, so remember that but I'll try and keep it calmer for you." Jeff rolled his eyes but still took off Ice's shoes. He held Ice above his face and waited for the okay.
"Oki I'm ready whenever you are." Ice told Jeff his tail starting to gently wag.
Jeff carefully lowered Ice into his mouth, almost immediately swallowing his feet and lower legs. His tongue worked to get as much saliva and flavor off and from Ice as possible. Jeff swallowed again, pulling Ice waist deep into his throat. Ice giggled and his tail started wagging causing some more flavor to escape from his tail. Jeff grunted at the wiggling tail in his throat, almost making him gag. He gave a hard swallow sucking all of Ice save for his arms and head into his throat. Jeff then got an idea. He opened his mouth and titled his head back. Jeff then open mouth swallowed the rest of Ice, putting a hand to his throat to feel the bulge vanish into his stomach. Jeff gave a sigh of relief when he could breathe normally again and when he felt Ice drop into his guts. Ice giggled when he came to a stop in the storage stomach.
"You okay I didn't hurt you right?!" Ice asked concerned rubbing the walls around him purring madly as his tail wagged. Jeff groaned as he tried to get back to his sewing and chuckled at Ice's purring. "
Nah, I'm good. You can keep that up though," Jeff said smugly as he stroked his stomach. Ice chuckled before nuzzling the wall before stretching out his legs pushing the stomach walls Ice then started to massage the stomach wall while his tail continued to wag. Jeff groaned with pleasure and smiled.
"You sure know how to handle predators kiddo," he smirked, starting to pick up his sewing again. He began to work on the black pants, and as he did so he had a thought. "Let me ask you something, Frosty," Jeff began intentional calling Ice that.
"Oki mister." Ice said purring but still massaging and stretching out the walls every so often so he could get comfy.
"Who was your s** offender? Maybe I can kill them for ya," Jeff said, meaning it. Ice stopped moving all together....
"It was Fredrick Johnson. He only caught me caused he used a mouse trapped and gassed his entire house to flush me out of the walls. The guy from before sounded like him..." Ice said looking down going still.
"Guy from before?" Jeff asked finishing the pants. He stood up and went to his bathroom attached to his room and threw both the shirt and pants into the sink and threw away the now cut up shirts.
"The one that asked if your stomach was bothering you..." Ice admitted moving his hand back to the stomach wall and gently pushing it out as he stretched again.
Jeff then got a sinking feeling, like he knew that Fredrick guy. "He sounded like Trendor?"
"Yeah alot like him, but his voice was deeper and he liked to carry flowers around alot and try to flirt with everybody. Why?" Ice asked pushing on the wall slightly his voice cracking from fear. Jeff looked in the bathroom mirror with rage.
"F*ck..." was his only answer. He put a hand back on his stomach and gently pressed where he felt Ice.
"Jeff what's wrong?!" Ice asked starting to shake again. "Do you know him?! Are you gonna sell me out to him for money, what's going on Jeff?? Please don't' give my position away it took months to get to this mansion and away from him for just a week." Ice started crying remembering those days of dread.
"Yes, I know him. No, I won't sell you. And kid hold your damn horses!" Jeff said, not really yelling but very upset, "That Fredrick guy... his real name is Offenderman, brother of Slender and Trendor."
"Okay....wait what!! Oh gosh if anybody else knows I'm here I'm in serious trouble with him..." Ice started freaking out even more.
"And that's where this BS comes in handy. No one but me knows you're here, so if you stay hidden we shouldn't worry."
"Okay I trust you Jeff. Wait don't you have to go killing tonight, I don't feel comfortable by myself right now." Ice said pushing out on the wall as a knock sounded on the door. Jeff growled and stormed over to his door and before he opened it, whispered to Ice.
"Stay still and quiet." Jeff flung open the door. "WHAT THE F-" he stopped when he saw who it was. Offender stood right outside of Jeff's door, a rose in hand.
"Hello Jeff glad to see you are doing better than this morning, say I lost something about a week ago, did you happen to find it??" Ice clamped his hands over his mouth as his whole body froze from fear at the sound of the guys voice.
"If it's your d*ck you lost, I can't help you there, Jeff smirked.
"Very funny Jeffery I'm talking about what you call a rat..." Offender snapped before Slenderman showed up "Jeffery what's going on here."
"They're rats in the basement. And Slendy, your pedo of a brother won't leave me alone," Jeff snapped.
"Offender leave Jeffery alone or I will personally make you a woman the hard way brother." Slenderman snapped before dragging Offender away from Jeff's door, "Oh and Jeffery you are going hunting tonight so be careful and if you start to feel sick just tell me. Also lunch is in the kitchen." Slenderman said before grabbing Trendor and walking into his office
Jeff growled a bit and shut his door. He sat on his bed and looked at his stomach. "You heard that right right?"
Ice didn't move for a minute before nodding slightly. "Yes I heard you have to go hunting but what about him...?" Ice asked shaking again. Jeff sighed, honestly not knowing what to do.
"Wait... I think I have an idea. You might not like it though," Jeff said/
"Huh what's that?" Ice asked concerned.
"Slender said I could come home is I felt sick. So what if I went hunting for two hours and said I was sick?" Jeff asked, seeing that Ice's new clothes were dry.
"But what about me. I don't wanna be left here without you here to protect me." Ice asked pushing on the wall slightly.
"I can't carry you around in storage kid. If you were smaller that wouldn't be a problem, but you're 12 inches tall. And you can hide in the vents, you have newer and warmer clothes, not mention we can throw the torn shirts in there like a bed. You said you trusted me, little bro," Jeff added patting his stomach.
"But I do trust you its him I don't, bro please don't leave me alone." Ice begged pushing in his stomach where Jeff's hand was. "But alright but how will I call you if something happens?!" Jeff stood up and pulled a elective shock collar from one of his drawers and ties it around his ankle. He set the remote down on the desk and grabbed the dried clothes and a towel for Ice. He quickly coughed him out and set him in the towel. Jeff grabbed the remote.
"See this Frosty?" He asked. The remote was very small and had a single blue button. Ice nodded as he tried to get the salvia out of his hair before grabbing the new shirt and stripped the tank top before putting on the shirt and changing the shorts for the pants.
"Oh I need my shoes please while you explain of course." Ice said
"Well it's a shock collar remote," Jeff explained grabbing Ice's shoes and handing them to him. "It gives very weak electrical shock but it's range is limitless. If you get in trouble press the blue button. The shark is strong enough that it won't hurt me but I can still feel it."
"Oh so if something goes bad I just push the blue button and try to stay hidden long enough for you to get back right big bro? Ice said slipping on his shoes before grabbing the remote and tied it to his back. (You not toy...
"Yup!" Jeff smiled, ruffling Ice's hair.
"Hehehe okay big bro. Wait did I hear something about food like 30 minutes ago??" Ice said as his stomach growled.
"I guess you did, want me to grab some?" Jeff asked grabbing his knife.
"Yes please bro." Ice said waiting for the next move from Jeff. Jeff lifted Ice up and set him near the vent, just in case.
"BRB," Jeff said as he walked out of his room and closed the door. Jeff went downstairs and into the kitchen to see A bowl of fruit and some ham and cheese and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Jeff grabbed two of each sandwiches and a bowl full of fruit. Ice went onto the vent and sat down waiting to see Jeff walk back inside. Jeff was about to reach his room when he saw Offender standing outside the door.
"wtf Offender," Jeff grumbled. Offender stood there for a few more seconds before he walked away. Ice was hidden in the vent but out of sight. Jeff walked into his room and set the food on the desk. He looked towards Ice's hiding spot. "Come out come out wherever you are."
Ice giggled before opening the vent above the desk. "You're funny big bro." Ice giggled his tail wagging behind him. Before he jumped down and on top of the desk and hung down to the shelf before stopping where Jeff could easily reach because it was a 4 foot drop and he didn't want to injure himself.
Jeff rolled his eyes and held out his hands. "Jump"
Ice giggled before he say down and let himself drop off the shelf and towards Jeff's hands. Jeff grabbed him around the middle when he fell and set Ice on the ground. Jeff then smirked looking down at Ice.
"What's so funny Jeff?" Ice asked backing up slightly.
"Your head is fuzzy," Jeff smirked petting his head.
"Can we finally eat, I'm hungry." Ice said as his stomach roared
"Sure," Jeff said setting the food on the floor. Two pbjs and two ham sandwiches.
Ice snatched ahold of a ham sandwich and started devouring it pretty fast before grabbing a pbj one. Jeff chuckled and took a ham sandwich.
"What is so funny bro?" Ice asked
"How fast you eat those sandwiches," Jeff stated
"My bad that there good and my metabolism is super fast." Ice said Ice quickly finished the sandwich before climbing into the fruit bowl and munching on that hungrily. Jeff grabbed a handful of fruit before Ice ate it all. He chuckled at his behavior
"Sorry I just haven't this much food in a ....while..." Ice said before biting into a strawberry getting the juice everywhere on his face and shirt. Ice quickly finished the fruit before looking at Jeff's sandwich before starting to sneak over to it keeping an eye on Jeff while he was eating the fruit.
Jeff hummed in response and continued to eat his food. he chuckled at the amount of berry juice on Ice. "You're a mess kid."
"What no I'm not, you're a mess." Ice said back stealing a quarter of Jeff's sandwich.
"Hey! Give that back!" Jeff snapped swiping at Ice. "And no, you're a mess!"
"Nope." Ice said shoving the last little bite in his mouth and dodged Jeff's hand but slipped and the bandaged arm slammed into the ground and blood came out from under the bandage and Ice winced. Jeff raised his eyebrows and looked at his arm.
"Suck it up buttercup," Jeff said grabbing new band aids.
"I am fine but that hurt. Also, I need a bath." Ice said looking at his white shirt that was now becoming stained with berry juice.
Ice started licking his arms (yes around the bandage to) to get some of the berry juice of his skin while he was waiting for Jeff to come back. Jeff went to his bathroom and filled the sink with warm water and filled a tiny soap dish with soap and shampoo. He came back to see Ice licking his arm and clicked his tongue.
"Stop that, you look ridiculous," Jeff said scooping Ice up. Ice quietly yelped not expecting the sudden movement before his tail started to wag when he saw the bath. "What about the band aid?" Ice asked looking up at Jeff making a weird face when he did. Jeff looked at the band aid. He set Ice on the bathroom counter and grabbed his knife. "Arm out and try to hold still, okay?"
"Alright. I can try." Ice said holding his sleeve up to try and keep blood of it. Jeff used the tip of the blade to cut some of the band aid and unwrapped it the rest of the way.
"You'll just have to have a bath with a bloody arm. We can patch back up when you're done," Jeff said standing up and heading towards the bathroom door to give Ice some privacy.
"Okay bro." Ice then fully stripped and unbraided his hair before getting into the water and sat there for a few minutes before starting to wash his hair. Ice finally got done washing his hair and started on his body and a few minutes later he was pulling on a tank top and a new pair of shorts. Before drying his hair with the towel and calling "Jeff I'm done." As soon as he finished drying his hair, but he decided to leave it down.
Jeff entered the bathroom and laughed a little at Ice. "Damn your hair is longer than mine," Jeff smirked leaning with his shoulder crossed in the doorway.
"Oh Haha very funny bro. When are you going hunting??" Ice asked moving the remote back onto his back.
Jeff looked at the clock. "Here in a few minutes actually," Jeff said wrapping his hand around Ice's waist.
"Oh so you gonna rebandage my arm before you go?" Ice asked looking at him as the cut was cleaned but it would leave a scar. Jeff nodded and brought Ice to his desk and quickly bandaged his arm.
"I already shoved some of my shirts in the vent so warmth shouldn't be a problem, but if you're able to sleep until I get back that'll save my ass," Jeff said.
"Alright I should be able to sleep some but it honestly depends on the memories but I'll try." Ice said looking at his arm with the new bandage. Jeff ruffled his hair and set him by the vent. He stood up and gave him one final smile before leaving his room. Ice entered the vent before sitting down and gazing at the door hoping that if it was all a dream for it to never end. A few minutes after Jeff left, Eyeless Jack carefully entered Jeff. Ice looked out of the vent wondering why the door opened and accidentally pushed the vent open causing it to scrap against the floor loudly. Ice froze hoping nobody heard it and the door opening was his imagination.
Eyeless Jack froze at the sound and looked around and he spotted something that caught his "eyes". Ice froze in horror noticing it wasn't Jeff before he quickly scrambled backwards into the vent and around the corner hopefully out of sight of that person. Eyeless Jack squatted near the vent and reached out towards it. He picked a small pale blue shirt. EJ sighed at the sight of it and held it tightly in his hand. "I miss you Kerria," Jack chocked out.
"Wait what?!" Ice said out loud before slamming his hands over his mouth as his head was in view watching EJ from the vent. "Kerria, wait that was..." Ice cut himself off as his galaxy colored eyes meet the eyes on EJ's mask that was staring straight at him.
"Someone in there?" EJ whispered. Ice stayed put before he quickly tried to hide back around the corner before he faced a garden snake and Ice started freaking out and backed up into EJ's view as Ice quickly grabbed his spear and held it towards the snake forgetting about EJ as he was more worried about the snake not eating him.
EJ heard the snake and reached into the vent. He pinched the back of Ice's shirt and pulled him out, the snake following. EJ pulled out his scalpel and stabbed the snake in the head pinning him to the floor. Ice was frozen from fear before he quickly tried to reach for the remote that was now in front of him on the floor and tried to press the button.
EJ lifted the remote away and looked at Ice and tilted his head like a curious cat. Ice quickly tried to get out of the guys grip going as far yo let him take the shirt off him and trying to bolt under the bed and managed to slid under the bed before getting grabbed again.
"Hey... wait a second," EJ's soft echoey voice said from behind the mask. He crawled over to Jeff's bed and peered under it at Ice.
"Go away!! Ice whispered covered his face hoping this was just a bad dream not noticing he was writhing grabbing distance.
"Come out?"
Ice just curled up in a ball and refused to move.
Eyeless Jack just sat up and leaned against the bed. "If you're worried I'll grab at you, I won't," EJ said.
Ice shifted slightly. "What did you want then...." he asked hesitating.
EJ shrugged. "I don't know... to just... talk?"
"About what, what are you even doing in this room?!" Ice demanded "No one enters Jeff's room without knocking first!"
"True, but Jeff owes me for what he did to Kerria," EJ said looking at the little blue shirt in his hand.
"What does that mean?!" Ice asked panicking, "I'm much too young to die!" 'I need to grab that remote somehow and get Jeff's help!!' Ice thought determined and army crawled to the edge of the bed and saw the button within reach and he reached out again to touch the button and call for help.
EJ looked down at Ice trying to press the button he moved it away by an inch. "It means that I just want to ask you something," EJ said gently, sitting still as a statue.
Ice growled before nodding slightly. "What's the question?" He asked edging closer to the remote.
"You knew Kerria?" EJ asked, looking down at Ice.
"No, I just heard what happened." Ice said before looking away for a second before finally slamming his hand down onto the button before scurrying back under the bed. Jeff winced as he felt the buzzer on his ankle go off as he finished his latest kill. Jeff immediately stood up and went to look for slender. EJ sighed and peered under the bed again.
"If I was going to hurt you, don't you think I would've tried to do so all ready?" EJ asked. Ice just clung to the back wall and glared at EJ before edging towards the vent to try and hide not looking at the dead snake.
EJ hummed and sat back down. "Did you know Kerria?"
"So, what's it to you blue face?!" Ice snapped almost to the vent 'Ugh Jeff where are you?!' He frantically thought. 'I'm not able to fight a dang snake much less someone big bros size.'
"She was my girlfriend... Jeff killed her," EJ answered, "Its why I hate Jeff so much."
"Oh yeah well how do you know what's it's like to hate people! So you lost somebody get over it, she's gone!! At least she had you for months probably years damn blue face! I might have known her but it's not your concern cause she was a b*tch to everyone when you weren't around and treats why I don't trust people except for big brother!!" Ice screamed in frustration remembering when his parents where quite literally torn apart in front of him just a month ago. EJ began to grow a little tired of Ice's fight back.
"She may have been a b*tch, but she was my b*tch. And why don't I make you a deal?" EJ said, his voice void of emotion.
"B*tchs like her are the reason the world is the way it is and if it has anything to do with hurting Jeff I am not accepting this deal!!" Ice snarled his ears going up and his tail going up in anger. 'Jeff show up soon please!!' Ice begged him in his mind cause if we have to fight I know I won't win.'
"You come out and rant to my face, or I tell the mansion you're here," EJ said, ignoring the threats. He was a psychiatrist before he was a killer, he knew how to get people to tell him what he wanted to hear.
"Bitch please I would rather have my neck sliced open before telling you sh*t!" Ice snarled going out into the open part of the room away from EJ. "Also I'm glad Kierra is dead the world didn't need her anyway!" Ice snarled his eyes a blaring red.
"Then I guess Jeff won't need you either," EJ said standing up, "Mr. Slenderman will love to hear about this." EJ began to walk towards Jeff's door. Ice quickly grabbed his spear and threw it EJs ear and watch it stab right into it.
"F*ck you to b*tch, it's hard enough dealing with memories of being a god damn s*x toy for Slenderman brother Offender and I just barely escaped him with my life and now you decide you wanna f*ck it up again so ahead and be my guest!!" Ice snapped before Offender came busting down the door and shoving EJ out of the way.
"Looks like I found my toy after all, huh kid?~" Offender asked smirking before grabbing Ice who immediately let out a loud scream of "JEFF!!!" Before they teleported away leaving EJ in Jeff's room alone. EJ grunted as he fell to the floor as Jeff stormed in and punched EJ in the face.
"WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING IN MY ROOM?!" Jeff roared. EJ blocked anther punch and kicked Jeff in the guts.
"Unless you want your little friend to die, you better get to Offender and fast," EJ said standing up and yanking the spear of out his ear.
"What?! OFFENDER GOT ICE?!?!" Jeff screamed.
EJ nodded. "We better find him."
"We?" Jeff asked. EJ nodded again.
"You'll thank me later. We had a "therapy session".
Sally came running in "Jeff Offender just left saying he was going home and he said you have 3 hours to find him or he's dead... but who I wonder. Slendy said you got permission to find him." Before she took off skipping down the hall to Ben's room to torture... I mean play with him.
"F*ck...," Jeff muttered. He looked at EJ, who grabbed his scalpel.
"Lead on Jeffery," EJ said simply. Whether EJ admitted it or not, he cared for small borrowers. Kerria was a different case, she was abused at a young age and never learned how to love. All she knew was how to hate and cause pain. She was 17 when she got away from her family and meet Jack. Jack cared for her for 3 months, became her boyfriend and then Jeff ended her life because of his jealousy. And Ice having known her made him more determined to help find him. He wanted some answers on his dead girlfriend.
Offender had gone to a cabin hidden into the woods and had his fun with Ice before slicing his arms and legs and hanging him up in the shower to slowly drain the blood in a bucket before teleporting. "Help..." Ice called out weakly before his started to shut from bloodless, thankfully he still had his boxers just not his new clothes Jeff had just made that day. Offender had gone to a cabin hidden into the woods and had his fun with Ice before slicing his arms and legs and hanging him up in the shower to slowly drain the blood in a bucket before teleporting. EJ walked into the woods with Jeff and smelled the air. EJ looked at Jeff.
"You have something of Ice's?" EJ asked, holding out his hand. Jeff gave him a small shirt and watched EJ lift up his mask and smelled the shirt. He then sniffed the air and began walking in a certain direction. Jeff followed behind him until they reached the cabin.
"It's very strong," EJ muttered, leaning against a tree. Jeff rolled his eyes and scowled at EJ.
"I found where he is and I led you here. Not to mention, he doesn't trust me," EJ said as a matter of factly
Ice was unconscious inside and was going pale from lack of blood. A timer stood on the door 5:00 minutes left. Jeff bolted inside the cabin while EJ just stood and watched. Jeff looked around the house.
"Kid! Frosty! Ice! Where the hell are you?!" Jeff shouted
Ice woke up for a minute "Je-Jeff??" Before he closed his eyes again. Jeff heard the voice and kicked the bathroom door down. He grabbed Ice carefully and rushed out of the house to be greeted by EJ. Jack looked Ice over and sighed.
"We need to get him in my room. Now," EJ said starting to run back to the mansion with Jeff close behind. Jeff cradled the young boy to his chest as they ran. Offender watched from behind a few trees a couple yards away '
"So they do work together...interesting. never knew one kid could make them not hate each other, but I might have gone a little far with Ice. He could be traumatized for years, best if I disappear for a while.' He thought before teleporting away. When they got back to the mansion, they headed straight towards EJ"s room. EJ cleared his desk and grabbed a threading kit and scissors. He looked at Jeff.
"Lay him down," EJ said, threading the needle with a thin black stitching thread. Jeff laid Ice on the desk and EJ filled a syringe with numbing medicine and gave him an injection. Ice twitched before his eyes slid open halfway and he looked around before blacking out again. EJ began stitching the wounds shut, catching Ice flinching a little. Thankfully the medicine would prevent him from moving completely. Jeff sat on the bed as EJ did his work. When EJ finished stitching, he wrapped Ice's arms and legs in bandages and nodded to Jeff. "Done," EJ said.
Ice forced his eyes open "Kierra where did you go?? I don't wanna be left alone with him." Ice said the numbing medication making him hallucinate.
"Wake up, kid," a girl with long brownish red hair and blue eyes said. "Wake up."
"Kierra you left me alone with him." Ice said 'Wake up what does she mean by that?' Ice thought confused
"Frosty I'll eat you if you don't wake up," Kerria said her voice sounding more like Jeff's
"Jeff??" Ice thought before his vision went clear and his eyes slowly slid open and stared directly at Jeff's blue eyes. "Big bro??"
"Yeah... who else?" Jeff said, helping Ice sit up. EJ raised an eyebrow as Ice sat up.
"Take it slow. You lost a ton of blood," EJ said, crossing his arms.
"My heads fuzzy... Jeff, what happened?" Ice asked holding his head with his ears down and his tail flat next to him on the table before his eyes widen and he tried to move before looking at his arms and legs. "...I'm hungry." Was all he said.
"Offender kidnapped you, cut both your legs and arms, and let you bleed out. If Jeff had been any later, you would've died," EJ said reaching into his drawer and pulled out another syringe. This time he put it an anti-bacterial medicine in it. EJ looked at Jeff then to Ice.
"So that's why my body hurts." Ice said before sending the needle and he quickly moved his body backwards.
Jeff eyes the needle suspiciously. "What is that Jack?" Jeff demanded. EJ sighed. "Anti-bacterial injection. I assume you don't want Ice to get sick."
Ice quickly shoved himself back against the wall away from the needle as his face went whiter cause he was terrified of needles. "No no no no!! Not happening!!" Ice said shaking his head. EJ looked at Jeff as Jeff lifted Ice up and away from him.
"Keep that damn thing away from my little bro!" Jeff snapped, holding Ice in his arms as if he were a small child. Ice clung to Jeff like a life line shaking from fear, exhaustion and hunger.
"I'm hungry Big Bro." Ice said as his stomach growled again.
EJ sighed. "Fine. You give him the injection and get him something to eat, preferably soup. And don't try to not give him the injection. He might die if he doesn't have it. No telling what offender used to cut him," EJ said, slightly growling. Jeff snatched the needle and put in his pocket as he walked out of the room with Ice. They went to the kitchen since no one was home yet. Hot sausage and potato and soup sat on the stove in a big pot. Ice just started at the pocket where the needle was before smelling the soup and making grabby hands towards it. Jeff set Ice down on the counter and filled a bowl with the soup. He set it on the counter beside Ice and watched his new brother start devouring the soup. Jeff looked at the needle in his pocket, ready to go.
"You know... as much as I hate Jack and admitting when he's right... he might be right about the injection," Jeff said, it hurt his pride to admit it.
"But I don't like needles." Ice said stopping eating long enough to say that before sighing "Oki but only if you do it." He finally agreed when the bowl was empty "Oh more soup to please!!"
"Injection first, then more soup," Jeff said. He held out his hand for Ice's arm and in the other hand he held the small syringe. Ice sighed before holding out the arm that hurt less praying it wouldn't hurt that badly. Jeff carefully and quickly gave ice the injection. When he was done, he threw the needle to the trash and got more soup. Ice whined when he felt the needle enter his skin but he was looking away and had his ears tight against his head and his tail was in between his legs as he had been standing before eating more soup.
"Hey Jeff what time is hunting over because I hear people coming back to the mansion?" Ice asked
"It usually ends at 3am," EJ said standing by the kitchen entrance. Jeff looked up at the eyeless demon and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah! I know that!" Jeff snapped.
"And it's 2:58am," EJ pointed out, moving his mask to the side of his face. His grayish skin and black holes in his eye sockets poured a black thick substance. A tiny smirk was on his face as he got himself a bowl of soup. Ices eyes went wide in panic.
"I have to hide!!" he cried before he flung himself up on the fridge and into the vents before making his way to Jeff's room through the vents. Jeff glared at EJ when Ice disappeared.
"You tell them about Ice-"
"Shut it Jeff, if I really wanted to tell them about Ice, I would've done the minute you found him," EJ said sipping his soup. Jeff scowled.
"You knew about him?!"
"Yes. Kerria told me about him."
Ice was listening from the vent "Kierra told somebody else about me?" Ice asked whispering it in shock before exiting into Jeff's room and sitting on top of the bookshelf. 'I miss her but it's for the best.' He thought
"See, they were like siblings. They were both adopted but siblings. And then their adoptive parents died and they fell apart. Kerria left Ice for me shortly after he vanished," EJ said as pastas began to enter the kitchen. Jeff and EJ left the kitchen and made their way to Jeff's room. "I recommend you tell them about Ice Jeff. No telling what could happen if they found out. He could end up like Kerria," EJ said. Jeff sighed and closed his door leaving Jack in the hall. Ice sighed hearing the biggest secret he had been trying to keep hidden be exposed to Jeff's ears.
"Ice... I know you're in here, come on out," Jeff said, his voice showing barely a trace of emotion
"Not till I know you're not angry for not telling you sooner." Ice said out of Jeff's view
"I'm not mad... just... upset," Jeff said sitting on his bed, burying his face in his hands.
"Big bro don't cry it just upsets me to talk about it but I'm willing to tell you." Ice said coming to the front of the bookshelf in view before starting to climb down. Jeff watched him climb down and Jeff sat on the floor, leaning his back on his bed.
"Alright," Jeff said, sticking his hands in his hoodie pocket.
"Well it started about 4 years ago when I first meet Kierra and she had abusive parents that didn't like her so I stepped in and put a very quick stop to it, but soon after they became even more abusive so I told Kierra to grab a bag and pack it because we were leaving. My parents had been killed 2 weeks before I meet Kierra. I went out one day to hunt some food in the woods and when I came back she was gone, as well as all her stuff. I assumed she left to cool down somewhere because she had turned into a real meal person always yelling, but I understood because of the house she grew up in. Later I was found by him....and then a week ago today I escaped him and you know the rest from there." Ice said sitting down by the desk picking at the bandages on his legs.
Jeff hummed in response, taking in all this new information. "I-I guess I should tell you how Kerria really died," Jeff said. Unknown to both of them, EJ was leaning against Jeff's door outside, listening to their conversation.
"Jeff what do you mean!? Ice asked standing up, "Dont tell me that her father is still here!! Damn it why'd I throw my spear!!' He thought angry with himself.
"No, other than Kerria and you there weren't any other signs of borrowers. But Kerria... I..." Jeff looked down, ashamed of himself.
"Jeff what do you mean? What happened?!" Ice asked standing up
"I liked Kerria, like really liked her. Loved her at that, but she loved Jack. I was so overwhelmed with jealousy that I did the one thing I could think of to keep her close to me forever," Jeff muttered, clutching his stomach refusing to look Ice in the eyes.
"Wait don't tell me..." Ice said looking straight at Jeff's face.
"I ate her, and I intentionally didn't store her," Jeff admitted. EJ's fists curled into a ball. Yeah, he was going to beat the shit out of Jeff. Again.
"Oh Jeff, bro it's not your fault we all do things we don't mean. You just wanted her affections but couldn't get it. It's not your fault bro." Ice said creating his hand on Jeff's leg because he had walked closer. "Don't let this affect you the rest of your life. I did something I don't like either but hey, we just gotta go something to make the other people aware we were not in the right mindset alright." He explained hugging Jeff's side "I could never hate you for something that's not your fault."
Jeff smiled and patted his little bro's back. "But I could," EJ snapped. He stood there silently, arms crossed.
"OI Blue face you just ruined the bonding moment and don't blame Jeff because he had feelings for her alright!! Get over it, besides be lucky Jeff didn't carve a smile on your face for selling me out to... him, so don't go placing blame on people who are driven on emptions!! You guys freaking kill for a living he didn't mean it so get ur fat f*cking a*s over it!!" Ice snarled his eyes going blood red. EJ looked at Ice and chuckled.
"You as foul of a temper as Kerria. And who said I'm blaming anyone? I'm just mad Jeff lied to me about her death," EJ smirked. Jeff scowled.
"I'll never understand your damn emotions, Jack!" Jeff snapped, standing up and grabbing a knife.
"In this house, every borrower dies eventually. Whether it's intentional or not. Like Ice said, we kill for a living," EJ said leaning against the door frame, a smirk clear in his echoey voice. Ice snarled angrily before a full-grown pit h black wolf appeared beside Ice who snarled at EJ. The wolf looked at the blue masked boy before tackling him down.
"Now that's badass!" Jeff said, his crazy smile wide on his face when he saw the wolf.
"Touch one hair on my master's brother's head and I'll tip you limb from limb boy. Get a better hold of your anger or it might cause somebody to get excited and kill you were you lay now boy!!" The wolf snarled as Ice stood beside Jeff eyes glowing red. EJ looked the wolf over, seemingly unphased by it.
"Neat trick... ya know Jeffery, you should introduce him to Slender," EJ said as he slid his mask back on his face. EJ pushed the wolf off him and stood up. The wolf snapped his jaws around EJ arm and shook him like a bag of marshmallows before chucking him out of the room.
"Beat it wanna be Mr. Bada*s you forget wolves sense fear and you're very scared of me now that I proved I'm not some party trick kid." Ice just smiled lightly his brain going fuzzy. Jeff laughed and slammed his door shut.
"Finally! Some karma! Ice you okay?" Jeff asked eyeing the wolf that was sniffing Ice's head. EJ in the meantime smirked and went to see Slender. Ice's eyes went back to normal and he fell over fainting from using his power while his body was in the process of healing. The wolf then sighed before he vanished into black smoke and disappeared.
"Yes EJ why did you wish to see me?" Slenderman asked looking him dead in the eyes. Jeff lifted Ice up and set him on his bed, letting him rest.
"You remember Kerria, correct?" EJ asked.
"Yes I do believe I remember your little girlfriend Jack. Why?" Slender asked voice void of emotion.
"Well, Jefferey has her brother hidden in his room. And he has quite the interesting abilities," EJ replied. Jeff watched Ice sleep, occasionally tapping him on the head in attempts to wake him.
"Oh is this so? Bring them both to my office now, Jack." Slender demanded as Ice tried to force his eyes open and succeeded.
"Bro what happened?" Ice asked sitting up and rubbing his head.
"No problem sir," EJ said making his way back to Jeff's room. Jeff chuckled at him.
"You beat the ever-loving shit out of EJ that's what!" Jeff smirked, giving him a gentle but playful punch on the shoulder.
"Wait did Shadow show up that's what I call my black wolf that likes to disappear into black smoke?" Ice asked before standing up "Why is EJ coming back to your room Jeff?" Ice asked
EJ knocked on the door before Jeff could answer. "Hey," EJ started.
"The hell do you want Jack?" Jeff snapped. Ice cowered behind Jeff's arm when he heard EJ voice. "Do you think he told since Shadow bite him?" He asked.
"Slender wants you in his office. Both of you. Now," EJ said, opening the door, his arm still bleeding. Jeff grabbed a knife and threw it at Jack and it lodged itself in his hurt arm's shoulder. EJ pulled it out and tossed it aside.
"Real mature Jefferey," EJ said, voice void of emotion.
"YOU F*CKING TATTLETALE!!!" Jeff roared at EJ. Ice clung to Jeff's hoodie and hide in his face against the fabric hoping it was just a dream.
"No I don't wanna meet him if he looks like that other guy did that caused this, please big bro I don't wanna meet him!!
"Hate to break it to you but either you go to Slender, or Slender is coming to you," EJ said. Jeff looked at Ice, worried for him. He lifted him up and set him on his shoulder.
"We don't have a choice," Jeff muttered, rubbing Ice's back.
"Can you at least pull your hood up so nobody else sees me yet, big bro?" Ice asked clinging to Jeff's neck. Hiding his face behind Jeff's ear in fear. Jeff lifted up his hoodie as they walked through the halls, EJ close behind them. When they got to Slender's office, Jeff slowly knocked.
"Enter Jeffery and company." Slender called out making Ice yelped before curling into a ball closer to Jeff's head. Jeff, EJ, and Ice entered the office and stood in front of Slender's desk. Slender sat up straight and "eyed" the two. "You needed to see me sir?" Jeff began.
"Yes it has come to my attention that there is another borrower here that was almost directly related to Kierra. Where is he Jeffrey and don't try and hide him for you know what will happen." Slenderman said as Ice started shaking a little bit before he bit his own hand to try and calm him down. Jeff nodded and slowly lifted up his hood, revealing Ice, clinging to Jeff's black hair for dear life. Ice felt himself get shown and clung tighter his face in Jeff's hair showing away from Slender. Slender looked at Ice and using one of his tentacles, he carefully wrapped it around Ice and lifted him off Jeff's shoulders.
"H-hey!" Jeff started, only to be silenced by a glance from EJ. Ice immediately freaked out and started crying his eyes going blue. "Leave me alone!!" He cried out desperately trying to get away.
"Calm down, child," Slender said setting him on his desk. His tentacle released him and Slender leaned back into his seat. EJ and Jeff both watched silently. "Now child... Your name, and a few details about yourself," Slender said.
Ice stubbornly shook his head no and faced away from him and towards the wall. Slender wrapped a tentacle around him again and made Ice face him. "Child, I read minds. Either you tell me, or I find out," Slender warned, his voice stern but soft.
Ice stubbornly shook his head yet again before softly saying "You can't read my mind." In a quite whisper. 'The others won't let him.' Ice thought to himself before looking at Jeff for some help. Slender tried to read his mind but was surprised to find it blocked off.
"Very well then... Jefferey. Jack. What do you know about him," Slender asked, setting Ice back down again. Jeff sighed. "Well, he's 13 sir, and comes from a very rough past."
"His wolf power is impressive. Tore up my arms," EJ added showing his arm.
"Good Lord, Jack, go clean yourself up!" Slender ordered, shooing Jack out of his office. Ice just smirked in his mind when EJ showed what happened to his arm before looking down again before looking down towards the ground below him before Shadow showed up.
"Master we need go talk-" he froze seeing Slenderman tallying to Jeff.
"Oi no face what does master have anything to have got you curious about him." Shadow snarled having EJ's blood on his muzzle. Slender looked at Shadow then to Ice, setting Ice down.
"Impressive skill-"
"Ice," Jeff said quickly. Slender nodded and looked at Ice.
"Impressive skill Ice, and in answer to your question young wolf, your "master" summoning you is what interested me," Slender said as Jeff lifted Ice back onto his shoulders. Shadow snarled at him.
"What Master Ice does with his powers his parents gave him when he died doesn't concern you." Shadow snapped. "My name is Shadow!"
Slender raised a non-existent eyebrow at Shadow. "I don't think you quite understand the situation, Shadow," Slender started, "You see, up until this moment, I was considering having Ice as a new number of the Creepypasta Household. However, your arrogance is making me second guess myself." Jeff looked at Shadow, not sure exactly what to say.
"Look I may be rough on you guys but that's because I've been protecting him from Zalgo his whole life. So excuse me for being a little snappish cause somebody let loose the secret that Ice was alive. You may not realize this but outside this room you have enemies and Offender may be your brother but he will do anything to be able to f*ck somebody including sell out Ice. Please you might believe me but toss him out if you wish but see what happens then." Shadow snarled before he disappeared in black smoke. Ice nodded
"Yeah what Shadow said was right..." as his own ears and tail went down from sadness.
"Which is why you're staying, and training under Jefferey," Slender said. Jeff looked up surprised at this.
"You're serious?!" Jeff said.
"Since when am I not serious, Mr. Woods? Now please get out of my office. I'll send out word that we have a new member," Slender said getting back to his work.
Ice quickly looked at Jeff "that's good right Big bro?" He asked, his tail starting to wag as his ears slowly perked up.
"Yup, it means you're staying with me," Jeff said as they exited the door. EJ stood in front of them. "Slender just sent out the message," EJ said looking at Ice. "Welcome to the mansion. Officially."
"Um thanks blue face. Big Bro I'm hungry again, can I have bone?!" He asked his eyes lighting up in hope. Jeff laughed and went to the kitchen with Ice and EJ behind them. Most of the bones in the house went to Smile Dog but this time will be an exception.
"Why bones?" Jeff asked as EJ sat on the counter. Jeff set Ice by EJ and went to grab a bone from a nearby cabinet.
"Cause they taste good and because I am a wolf good sir, so yes I do like my bones." Ice explained sitting down as he waited looking around noticing nobody else was around. Jeff grabbed a bone and brought it back to Ice only to find him missing. Jeff glared at EJ, who simply pointed at the ceiling. BEN drowned was floating upside down, holding Ice by his leg.
"W-well this is this is c-cool!" Ben said in a glitchy voice, a curious look on his face.
"Oi put me down knockoff version of Link!! I want my food. By the way yes I do bite." Ice growled out while his eyes were narrow. 'This kid is asking for a scar, if any more blood rushes to my head I will pass out.' He thought as his vision started going blurry.
"Ben, I recommend for your safety and his, you bring him down here," EJ said sternly. Jeff was ready to climb up there himself. Ben shrugged and set Ice down, then sat on top of the fridge.
"Weird looking dude," Ben said.
"Hey at least I'm not a knock off version of a video game character pointy ears!!" Ice snapped before looking at Jeff like 'GET ME OUTTA HERE before I bite this dude's hand.
Jeff shrugged and grabbed Ice and the bone and brought them back upstairs to his room and locked the door again. "Happy?"
"Yes, thank you bro. Sorry just don't do to well with a lot of people until I like really know them and even then it's rare especially when I'm hungry."
Jeff laughed. "I'm kinda the same way." Ice then hungrily started to tear into the bone and within 10 minutes it was gone. Jeff's stomach then slightly growled.
Ice looked at him "You okay, need me to go into storage?" Ice asked concerned. Jeff nodded, his stomach growling more. Ice just stood up and quickly changed into his shorts and tank top leaving his shoes off before braiding his hair so it wouldn't choke Jeff and raised his hands up before taking the tank top.
"Alrighty feet first please, and I'll make sure my tail doesn't wag bro." Before his tail went in between his legs holding his hands up. Jeff wrapped his hands around Ice's arms and legs and brought his head to his mouth, smirking as he did so.
Ice giggled "Eh whatever wait the door is locked right? And nobody can come in?" Ice asked. Jeff nodded his head and tilted it back. He gently shoved Ice's head and shoulders into his mouth and swallowed them. His tongue worked around Ice's body as Ice traveled down his throat. Ice really tried not to move but he couldn't help it he was ticklish so he started to gently squirm but not too much so he wouldn't hurt his other brother.
Yes, Ice decided Jeff was his older brother and would protect him with his small life. Jeff hummed, enjoying the movement in his throat and he swallowed Ice to his waist and began to work on his legs, tail, and feet.
Ice quickly started giggling and his tail gently starting wagging. Ice quickly tried to make it stop but he let it go and kept gently squirming on the trip down massaging the throat from the inside. Jeff chuckled and swallowed again, this time leaving Ice's feet and lower legs in his mouth. Jeff smirked getting an idea and licked Ice's feet. Ice quickly jerked before laughing yet continuing to massage the throat.
"Hahahahahha. Jeff stop!!" Ice said in between laughter.
"What's the magic word?" Jeff asked, mostly muffled from the throat and mouth full of Ice. He kept licking Ice's feet, and put a hand to his throat, enjoying the squirming bulge.
"Please stop!!" Ice said laughing some more and squirming a lot more now. He really couldn't help that it was so ticklish, he just had some sensitive skin that made any movement on it cause him to start laughing. Jeff chuckled and swallowed the rest of him. And with one final gulp, he felt Ice drop into his stomach with a satisfactorily weight and sighed with relief.
"Remember your manners~" Jeff teased, leaning back into his bed and stretching. Ice quickly dropped down before he came to a stop si he pushed out on the wall before nuzzling it again. "You always seem to enjoy when I do this, why? And Thank you" Ice managed to get out between his purrs.
"I used to eat every borrower I got hands on, and I always found their struggling and moving entertaining. It felt nice," Jeff said rubbing his stomach.
"Like eat, eat them, if so why didn't you do that to me??" Ice asked as he nuzzled Jeff's hand through the wall before stretching out and paying down slightly curled up so he wouldn't hurt Jeff.
"One, because I felt bad for ya. Two, you're a kid and all the other borrowers were adults, three, I needed a bro," Jeff replied.
"How did you know I was a kid when you first ate me then before I told you my age?? Also, I've always wanted a brother!!" Ice exclaimed happily.
"One because you screamed you were only 13 earlier, and two, kid, you have a baby face," Jeff laughed cause Ice to bounce around in his stomach.
"I do not!" Ice declared before pushing the walls a little harsher before nuzzling them again and purring like a Ferrari on the interstate.
"Yeah, you do. And be glad you have a baby face if you didn't I would've killed ya," Jeff said. He grunted a little when felt the sudden push. He smirked and decided to get back at Ice. Jeff rolled onto his side.
Ice yelped when the surface he was one rolled to one side and made his knee smack into his face bruising his eye. "Ow..."
Jeff stopped moving when he heard Ice. "You okay?"
"I'll live I just got kneed in the face by myself but I'm good." Ice said giving the walls a small push but being careful to not hurt Jeff from the last push he did. "Also sorry about the sudden shove." Ice said his voice showing how sorry he was.
"You're good," Jeff replies yawning some. It has been a big day and most of the mansion was already going to sleep
Ice yawned and stretched some more before turning in his side "Night bro." He said before his eyes closed
"Good night."
The End!
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