Im Autistic (giant Anti x ASD human)
Now here's a fun fact for you readers: I, Katie_The_InkSlinger, have mild ASD or autism spectrum disorder. Basically means I am unable to read social cues and have a hard time processing a certain situation. I say and do the most random of things possible! It also means I have a very hard time making friends and people see me as really weird, and sometimes scary. So for the sake of this story, I'm going to use myself as the ASD human. Please don't hate this 😭...
BTW none of what you are about to read actually happened to me. Contains depression, suicidal thoughts, and vote. Again, none of this actually happened!
Contains safe unwilling v*re
Katie's POV
Yet another day full of crap... Mom and dad got after me for a bad grade I got in math when I woke up for school, then they left for work. I knew they wouldn't be back until I was way past sleeping. School didn't get any better either, I had found that my only supposed friend was just using me to get shopping money. I know this because I saw her talking with three girls who bully me constantly and I overheard her say this while I was in my locker in the hallway getting books:
"I can't believe how gullible she is! Yesterday, she gave me a hundred dollars, so that's $25 for us each. If we keep this up, we'll be rich in no time!" she said. Let's call her Madison for the sake of things. Upon hearing this, I smile rather darkly and walk up behind her. I tap her on the shoulder and she turns around, shocked to see me. Madison backs slowly away when she sees my face.
"Hey Katie, I was just telling the girls to-"
"Save it. I have a few words for you Madison..." I hiss, my smile getting bigger, "F*ck fake friends. We don't need 'em, only thing they good for is leaving!" I smile normally and bow, and began to walk away.
"You can't walk away from me, freak!" Madison screams after me. I turn around, smile again, and wave good-bye.
"Guess what? I just did! See ya in hell!" I beam. The rest of the day went by slowly and rather upsettingly. Two teachers talked to me after class about me not paying attention and said I should take my medicine more. I agree, but I don't take those stupid pills. I don't care if people stay clear of me because I'm weird and sometimes scary. I love being alone! The more alone you are, the less the possibility of anyone hurting you. Besides, I can't sleep after having those pills. After school let out, I bolt home, go to my room, and grab my other backpack that had a few jerky sticks and water bottles in it as well as a flashlight. I grab my notebook/diary, phone, and leave my homework on the desk. I leave my house and take the next bus to the massive forest outside the city, about an hour away. I get off the bus and bolt into the woods. I'm out here enough to know where to go, so I keep going until I reach my favorite tree and sit down. I take out my notebook and write.
You'll never guess what happened. Madison was a fake friend, only using me for money. Who saw that coming right? The teachers hate me and the school hates me. My parents hate me, avoiding me every chance they get. I won't take those pills for many reasons. People want me to be normal and I can't be normal. I love my disorder, but sometimes its too hard. I thought about suicide a few times but... ya know... I don't know why I stop myself. No one would miss me or care. But I'm trying my best. I'm trying my best to be okay... (song: Trying my Best, by Anson Seabra)
"I'm trying my best, but every day, it's so hard," I softly sing. I began to cry... Life sucks.
Anti's POV
I had nothing to do today. Jack has been sick lately, so that left me with nothing to do. I go to the woods. Yes, Jack and I are both giants, like Dark and Mark (heh, Dark Mark). I wonder out into the woods, scaring whatever animal I come across. Then I notice a human in a bright blue t-shirt. Heh, perfect timing. I move quietly and I'm right behind the tree she leaned against. I peeked at her; she was asleep. I noticed her face was red and tear-stained from crying.
"Must've cried herself to sleep," I thought, pinching her shirt and lifting her up. She woke with start and froze when she saw me.
Katie's POV
I don't even want to know how Anti got that big. I was like two inches compared to him! Toxic green eyes stared into my dark green eyes. I look down at the ground, noticing how high I was.
"I wonder if I fall from this height, it would be enough to kill me," I thought, not realizing I said that out loud. Anti gives me a cruel smirk and laughs.
"Suicidal, are we?" he sneers. I shrug, not really caring. I knew he would kill me eventually because I watched Mark and Jack sometimes, but I'm not a huge fan of theirs. I'm a fan, but a small fan. If I'm lucky, he'll stab me to death.
"If you're going to kill me or torture me, just get it over with," I mutter, crossing my arms. Anti smirks and gives me a long lick. A small squeak escapes me. WHAT THE F*CK IS HE DOING!?!?! He then lowers me into his mouth. I began to shout! I didn't think he was going to eat me! I CHANGED MY MIND, I DON'T WANT TO DIE YET!!!!
"Anti! Hold up! You don't want to do this!" I scream, kicking and thrashing around. He stops and looks at me, still smirking.
"What happened to get it over with?" he asks tossing me into his mouth. He clamps his jaw shut and I sit still in the darkness. A second later, his tongue begins to coat me in saliva; licking me and sucking on me like a piece of candy. I kick and scream at him, but then he pushes me to the back of his throat. I thrash and struggle to try to get away, but he quickly swallows me. I land in his stomach and start kicking the walls.
"LET ME OUT!!!" I scream. Anti pokes his stomach, knocking me over. I began to cry again. This was it, I'm really going to die and no one will miss me.
Anti's POV
I heard her crying. I expected that, but she wasn't going to die. I stored her. I grab her little bag and begin to walk back to the house I shared with Jack, Dark, and Mark. I walked in and heard Mark recording a video, Dark was sitting in the living room couch reading a book, and I knew Jack was still in bed. Yes, I know that me and Dark are supposed to be bad and try to kill Jack and Mark, but guys, there's this new thing! Its called 'acting'! I was messing with the girl I found the whole time. Dark sees me and set down his book.
"And where have you been? Found a human or something?" Dark asks. He's more predatory than I am, but he controls it pretty well.
"Yeah, a little suicidal fan," I reply, patting my stomach. I felt her squirming again and began to cough her up. Dark grabbed a small grey towel from a nearby chair that had a pile of laundry on it as the girl entered my mouth. Dark gave me the towel and I brought the towel to my mouth and dropped her into it. She shouted and cussed as I dried her off and set her, still wrapped up, on the coffee table and waited for a second.
Katie POV
This digestive process is taking forever. Am I even in the right organ? Did I land in a lung or something? I'm still drenched with saliva and suddenly walls around me started to squeeze me and push me... Up? I enter Anti's mouth and with a quick slide across the tongue, I'm spat out and wrapped up in a HUGE towel. All I see is grey, and all I can feel is something drying me off. I scream and cuss, then I'm set on a hard surface. It takes me a minute, but I finally crawl out of the towel and see a towering Anti and Dark sitting above me. They look down at me and smile, showing sharp teeth. I take a deep breath and was very tempted to say "boi", but I ended up saying this:
"I do not wish to adult, I wish to remain a cozy burrito. If you need me, I will be in my fluff tortilla," I declared, going back into the towel. Yeah, nope. I ain't gonna deal with dis insanity right now... Sadly that didn't last long. The towel was taken away and Dark scoops me up and I don't even try to back away; I just sit there on his palm like a freaking ninny. My body is frozen and the two demons are watching me. I felt something start to rub my back and I jump up screaming, "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!!" I tripped and fell, plummeting to the ground. I expected to die, when something pinched my ankle, stopping my fall. Looking up, I see Dark had stopped my fall. Wait... why haven't these two tried to kill me yet? Well, I mean Anti nearly did, BUT YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!!!
Dark's POV
Well, I can definitely say that was pretty random. Not her jumping away, but her screaming. I dangle her in front of my face and then after a second set her on my palm again, but I lowered my hand closer to my lap to lessen the risk of her getting hurt.
"What's your name tiny?" I ask her. She looks confused.
"You should be eating your food, not talking to it," she replies as-a-matter-of-factly. I glance at Anti, who just gives a slight shrug. He leans forward and sheepishly smiles.
"Look, I'm sorry for scaring you, but I promise I had no intention to hurt you," he said. The tiny girl just stares blankly at him.
"Hm... So, whatcha going to do to me?" she asks, brushing her short brown hair out of her face. I looked at Anti before replying.
"Not sure yet, to be honest," I said, setting her on the coffee table. She sits crossed-legged and smiles brightly. Well, that was a quick mood change.
"Ah, well, until you know what you plan to do, my name's Katie," she says. Anti and I introduce ourselves as well, and Katie explains she knows who we are. She also explained that she had autism. Ah, so that explains the random outburst. Before I could count to three, Katie begins to tell us her life story. She tells us how much she hates her home and school life, that people bully her for being different and her family neglects her for being different. Anti and I stand up, leaving her on the table for a minute so we can talk privately.
"Should we keep her? She looks like she could use some family," Anti asks. I agree and mentioned we should ask Jack and Mark if they approved. Anti nods and go back to the living room to find Mark doing all kinds of twists and turns while jumping down flat on his chest every now and then. He looked like he... oh sh*t!
"Katie! Where'd you go?!" I call. Anti looks down suddenly and sees the two-inch tall girl clinging to his pants. Almost like how a five-year-old would hide behind their parent. Anti picks her up and she's breathing heavily, all winded from running. Mark comes over ad tries to take her but fails as I push him back.
"Hands off Markiplier, you could've killed her," I snap at him. Anti agrees as he sets Katie on his shoulder. Mark frown and looked at her.
"Why is a human here?! They can't know about the real us!" Mark says, clearly frustrated. Katie looks at Mark and then to me. Anti and I told Mark what Katie told us about her home life and Mark feels sorry for her. He takes Katie from Anti and gives her a hug. "Of course she can stay!" Mark smiles. Katie grins from ear to ear and it's adorable!
A few months later, Jack is better and met Katie. Both him and Mark don't eat tinies, but I can say I've eaten Katie at least 20 times, Anti just as much. She's energetic and has made a great addition to the family. True she had her flukes and odd moments, but that's just her. I think the best thing she's ever done so far is drawn 'I'm gay' on Anti's forehead XD.
And I'm stopping there because after two weeks of this, I can't find a good way to end it. RIP writer's block and procrastination. Hope you guys enjoyed it =)
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