His Little Sacrifice
For @kaiuya
So I'm using my new OC Razz, god of destruction and death. When ya think about it, he is kinda a demon so either way he's our demon in this story and I'll also be using my OC Nora as the princess. You can find them both in my OC book :3
It was late in the evening of a rainy day in the middle of summer and 19 year old Princess Nora hated it. Actually, at the moment she hated everything and was terrified for her life. A mile behind her was her kingdom, and half a mile in front of her was a small field, and behind the field was a forest that very few ever ventured in. Behind the forest, was a vast mountain range. Nora glared fearfully at them.. he would be coming soon.
Nora was a sacrifice. No, not just a sacrifice, THE sacrifice.. the one the monster swore that if he had her, the Royal Princess and only heir, he'd never come for a maiden again. Her parents were devastated, but they couldn't refuse that monster or he'd kill off the entire kingdom. Nora was wearing a simple white short sleeved dress that stopped just above her ankles, and wore a blood red sash around her waist. Her long curly black hair was down and she wore no shoes. She stood on a large flat stone platform, and chains on her wrists connecting to the stone kept her from running. Four torches surrounded her, causing the rain water on her body to glistened off her brown skin, making her sparkle and nearly glow. At this point, Nora might as well had a large sign that read:
Suddenly.. the ground vibrated rhythmically, almost like a heartbeat. Nora filled with dread and pulled at her chains which caused the rusted metal to dig into her wrists. Her skin bled as the monster started to come into view. Thunder roared and lightening flashed as he knelt down and looked at the pathetic human struggling to escape her fate and chuckled cruelly.
"For a Princess, I'd think you'd have a little more, I don't know, dignity?" He smirked at the Princess, who froze at his husky and cruel voice. It sent shudders of fear down her spine, and her chocolate brown eyes met glowing deep red ones, resting on a pitch black face that bared white fanged teeth at her in a smirk. He looked human but wasn't.. Nora felt sick to her stomach and tugged at her chains again, but the monster pinched her chains and she paled realizing how big he was. She was smaller then his pointer finger! Nora flinched when he snapped the metal chains off the stone as easily as snapping a tiny twig in half and held them both in between his thumb and index. He smirked and yanked her forward causing her to yelp and trip, falling onto her hands and knees. He was clearly enjoying seeing his little sacrifice on a leash and in such distress. Nora didn't stand up, thinking he'd just knock her over again.
"P-please sir.. if you're going to k-kill me please do me a f-final request and make it quick," she begged with a whimper, her head bowed as her body trembled. The monster snickered and burst out in laughter.
"Kill you? Oh no sweet cakes," he sneered and lifted her up to his face by her chains, making Nora wince at the pain. "I can't kill ya. Not now at least~. You're my last sacrifice from here, so my little princess, you get special treatment," he smirked and started walking towards the mountains. Nora whimpered in fear as he walked through the woods, carrying her beside him like a potato sack. Her arms felt numb from dangling by the chains and she was cold.. so cold. If the giant didn't kill her, maybe she'll get lucky and hyperthermia will.
The monster-erm- well, giant, who's name was Razz, noticed his sacrifice had stopped putting up a fight and in fact wasn't moving at all. The rain was getting worse and the air was getting colder and he lifted her up to his face. Razz scowled seeing her passed out, but although he was annoyed with his new pet for sleeping, he also felt.. dare he say, guilty?
"No of course not," he growled and lowered her onto his palm. He used his shadow magic and made her chains vanish and frowned seeing her bleed. Only HE gets to make her bleed. Razz lightly touched each of her wrists with his finger tip and they healed, and an immunity spell was put on her and her clothes. Razz dropped her into his mouth and almost melted in pleasure at the rich and savory taste of the princess. She was so delicate and light! Like an expensive sweet that only kings could afford. He moaned in delight and set about licking her over, getting every inch of her skin that he could. Nora stirred at being in a warm and very wet place. A low rumble shook the room and something warm and wet and soft kept tenderly going up, down, and around her body, and she kept hearing repeated and loud glrks. She instantly went back to sleep with a sigh, too tired to care what was actually happening, and only cared about warmth and the tender treatment her sore, cold body was receiving.
Razz smirked feeling her stir and not fight, but went to sleep again. He chuckled and pressed her to the roof of his mouth, rubbing his tongue against her in bliss. Razz was salivating so much, heh, who knew a princess would be so good? He soaked up as much flavor from her as he could and swallowed her into his neck. He moaned in delight at how easily she slid down. Razz held her in his throat, relishing in the feeling of his sacrifice sitting there and caressed the lump she made, tracing her outline with a finger. Razz noticed he was nearly home and frowned; he'd have to enjoy her later. He pushed her back into his mouth and went inside his cabin/cave home. It was huge, even by giant standards and there was a simple human cottage for his pets by a window. Now Razz liked to play with his treats so he would keep them alive until his next one was ready for him and would replace each girl with a different one. He'd eat them or rip them apart then get a new girl/sacrifice, and do it again.. but since he wasn't going to have a new one...
"Oh we'll have fun together my little sugar cake," he chuckled, going into his human appearance, which changed his pitch black skin into a soft brown color, and spat her out onto his palm. He used his magic and dried her completely and sat down with her at the table. He looked her sleeping form over and couldn't help but smile a little. A real smile. He lightly touched her hair and back and Nora let out a small noise and curled up on his warm palm, still out cold. Razz chuckled and woke her up. Nora yelped and was very groggy, trying to figure out what had happened. She froze when she was suddenly pressed against cloth and heard a loud but slow heartbeat. Nora panicked and slowly looked up at Razz, who smirked looking down at her.
"Hello princess~," he cooed at her. Nora frowned and tried to wiggle away.
"Let go of me!" She yelled hitting at him with her fists. Razz barely felt a thing and chuckled.
"Aw how cute," he teased, "My little snack is fighting back." Nora froze at his words.
"Snack?!" She cried, fear in her eyes. Razz brought her to his face and press his nose into her chest, causing her to yelp and flinch as he inhaled her scent.
"I don't see why not, you're absolutely delicious~," he purred, an unwanted look in his eyes and Nora froze when his tongue went up her arm and he moaned at her taste. His breath was warm and smelled like a.. burning campfire? It Wasn't a bad smell and it was strange and oddly welcoming, but it came from the very place that would consume her whole. Literally. Nora trembled and tried to wiggle back from his mouth on his palm without falling to her death.
"P-p-please don't eat me! I'll do anything just please don't eat me!" She practically screamed before bursting into harsh crying. Razz had seen tears from his maidens before, but with her... why did he feel so guilty?! He had never felt guilt with his other maidens when they cried, screamed, begged, and fought to live, so why was this princess different?! Razz sighed and held her sobbing form to his chest, just over his heart.
"Knock that off, I'm not gonna eat you," he huffed, annoyed he couldn't figure this out, "I might taste ya but I won't swallow." Nora clung to his shirt and froze feeling something trace her back. Razz pressed his thumb onto her back and gently rubbed it, trying to silence her crying. He had to admit; comforting your food was weird.. hehehe, comfort food. Oddly enough, he felt warmer and more calm holding her like this and Nora had gone still and quiet, calming down.
"I-I don't taste good," Nora said quietly. Razz chuckled, and gave her a small poke.
"No do you taste amazing," he said seriously, "alright Princess, what's your name?" Razz stood up and moved to his couch, laying back on it and keeping Nora on his chest. Nora sat up and looked at his big red eyes from her spot on his black shirt. Other then his pointed teeth and unnatural eye color, he looked very human.
"Nora sir," the teen answered, her voice still showing fear. Razz frowned.
"None of that sir sh*t, got it?" He said flatly and Nora rapidly nodded, not wanting to piss him off. Razz sighed seeing he scared her again and petted her head, making her flinch a little but Nora took the comfort.
"Calm down I'm not hurting you.. I'm Razz," he said. Nora couldn't help but smile a little; the terrifying monster who'd taken so many lives, burned the kingdom, and held her captive was named Razz? She let out a tiny giggle and Razz rolled his eyes at the cute sound.
"Yeah yeah yeah, hilarious I get it. Nora though? That name suits a scared adorable little treat like yourself," he smirked pinching her ankle and pulling her slowly towards his face. Nora yelped and kicked at his fingers but Razz ignored her, and stopped pulling on her, having her sitting near his cheek.
"S-so.. if you won't kill me, what will you do to me?" Nora asked him shifting a little, glad he didn't shove her into his mouth. Razz gave a low hum.
"I don't know exactly.. I'm not taking you home or killing you pet, so maybe... ugh yeah I don't know," Razz scowled, annoyed with himself. He picked up Nora and placed a finger over her heart, faintly feeling her fast and tiny heartbeat. He gave a half smile.
"So little and cute," he cooed and press his nose into her chest. Nora went pink at the comment and slowly hugged his nose.
"So big," she said, not sure how else to comeback at "tiny". Razz chuckled and gave a small purr at her little hug.
"You're mine. Got it? I do what I'd like to with you and you won't stop or fight back. What I do, I always have a reason," He told her with a serious look in his eyes. Nora sighed and nodded, not really liking the idea of being property but it was better then dying. She gave a small smile.
"Okay Razz," she nodded and yawned a tiny bit. Razz noticed and gently forced her into his mouth. Nora paled and scrambled to get out, but Razz's tongue held her back and he closed his mouth.
"Razz! Please don't hurt me!!" She begged, waiting for something bad to happen but nothing did. No teeth crushed down on her and she wasn't forced into the black hole of Razz's gullet. Instead, Razz cradled her on his tongue near the front of his teeth and only quietly swallowed saliva. He purred softly and the tip of his tongue gave her a tiny lick, almost like a kiss.
"Calm down. I won't swallow. Just sleep Nora," he purred and kept her there. Nora winced a little bit, and fought to stay awake but The warmth and the softness and the smell of campfire was surrounding her and she slowly drifted off to sleep. Once she was asleep, Razz smiled and got comfortable. True to his word he didn't swallow her and kept her safe in his maw as he soon fell asleep as Nora snuggled his tongue in her sleep, oddly happy and oddly safe.
Yeah I know not a lot of romantic I love yous but Razz rarely admits to loving someone! Plus I thought this turned out good :3
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