Deceptidragon Knockout x Delilah
Not a requested story or roleplay, but enjoy anyway! 😁 🥰
Delilah ran through the tall trees, jeering and taunting close behind her. She hated her school life; she was the popular girl and she hated it with a passion. The group of popular girls at her high school had dragged her into their group when they saw her looks and style. Delilah had an unnatural shade of blue eyes and almost platinum blonde hair and fair skin. For a 16-year-old, she was a little short, being 5"6, but she was also a very smart girl. She wanted to be a doctor and her parents supported her choice all the way. The school, however, did not. They said a pretty girl like Delilah should be a model, and the popular girls had tried many times to force makeup on her, but her skin was very sensitive to it and it made her break out in hives. Many times a day Delilah would beg to be kicked out of the popular girls but they said, "You keep us together!" which was one of their ways of saying do our work and we won't humiliate you. Well, today was the last straw and Delilah didn't care what would happen, something she would regret later. At lunch she publicly humiliated all the popular girls in the group via the prank in the cafeteria and social media posts. Her plan worked well, a little too well. She was kicked out, but what she didn't count on was all 9 of the popular girls' boyfriends to gang up on her. Right after school and before she could grab her stuff from her locker, they grabbed her and threw her into the trunk of one of their cars. The worst part was no one bothered to help, all too afraid of the thugs. After several hours or what felt like hours, the boys pulled her out of the trunk and set her running through a thick and unfamiliar woods.
Back to present time, Delilah ran through the woods. She'd lost her orange flats as well as her scarf running. The thugs were getting closer and Delilah screamed as she almost ran over the edge of a cliff, a roaring river waiting at the bottom. The thugs came into view, and unlike Delilah, weren't winded. The thrill of the hunt filling them with adrenaline. The head thug, who also happened to be the lead popular girl's boyfriend, chuckled at Delilah's poor condition.
"Tsk tsk tsk, what a shame. Such a pretty girl reduced to rags and dirt," he sneered as two thugs grabbed Delilah's arms. She screamed and thrashed around.
"Let me go! Leave me alone!" she screamed at them and they laughed in return. The head thug leaned into her face, a smirk on his.
"I might be able to let this slide... if," he started. Delilah scowled, still holding her ground.
"If what?" she spat.
"If you be my girlfriend~," he smirked, leaning closer to her face. Delilah gasped and kicked him in the nuts and spat in his face.
"NO!!!" She shrieked completely red with rage. The thugs who watched all made "oh" sounds and expressions as their leader hunched over in pain. He growled.
"Th-throw her over," he snapped. The thugs hesitated and Delilah paled, and began to struggle again. "DO IT DAMNIT!!!" he roared. The thugs holding Delilah shrugged and lifted her up. She screamed, thrashed and begged, but her cries were unheard as she fell over the edge. After 2 seconds of falling, her body made contact with fridge cold water and rapidly swept her away. She struggled against the current and cried out as her body hit rocks in the river. She saw the thugs leaving and suddenly she was slammed against a rock by the unforgiving water and blacked out.
When Delilah woke up, all she could feel was pain and cold. She heard water rushing, but it wasn't raging loudly. She grunted and lifted her head up and propped herself up on her elbows. She had been washed into a sandy bank, still half submerging in water. Her body was bruised beyond measure and Delilah was sure she had at least one broken bone somewhere. But that wasn't the worst part; the worst part was she had no idea where she was. The cliffs and thick, rocky forests had been replaced by low vibrant green hills, distant mountains, and thin spread out trees and the sky was cloudy grey. The river had carried her far from home and she had no way to contact home or knew how long she had been unconscious. Delilah scooted back out of the water and onto the warm sand, her white shirt, dark jeans, and orange belt torn up and a little bloody from multiple cuts on her body.
"H-help," Delilah weakly said. She took a breath and called louder. "Help!!! Please!!!" she shouted. She shouted for several minutes, her voice growing harsh as she began to break down in fits of sobbing. She collapsed back into the sand and curled up a little, crying hopelessly.
Nearby a bright vibrant red dragon was napping in the sun. His name was Knockout and he was a healer or medic. He grumbling hearing shouting and finally sat up after several minutes of constant shouting.
"What in the pits in that racket?!" he muttered unpleasently. He stood up and stretched his wings and legs and went to investigate the sounds. They sounded desperate and pleaded for help. Knockout was a Deceptidragon, a race of dragons dedicated to destorying earth. He personally could care less if humanity died, but did have to admit they did have their perks. The shouting had stopped and Knockout sighed with relief. He was about to go back to his napping spot when he heard crying. Now curious, he continued to follow it and then spotted the source. From where he stood on the hill, he saw at the base of it in a bank of sand by a river, a human girl. She was curled up, shaking and crying harshly and by the looks of it, had been washed up by the river. He grumbled and went over to her. Knockout sat on his hind legs and loomed over her body. She was three inches tall compared to him and he coughed, getting her attention. Delilah rolled her head to the side and froze at the sight of the giant red dragon. Her blue eye met his crimson red ones.
"D-did you just talk?" she gasped, too shocked at the sight of a dragon to actually be scared. Delilah loved dragons and if she wasn't in such a bad situation she would've been squealing with excitement. She now realized that a cough wasn't exactly talking and felt stupid for asking that. Knockout, however, chuckled and brought his head closer to her.
"Well princess, it wasn't the wind~," he smirked, baring his white fangs. He sniffed her, smelling blood, fear and exhaustion. "Now, what's a lovely human girl such as yourself doing in a sand bank?" he asked, laying down beside the unmoving girl. Delilah tried to prop herself up on her elbows again, but was growing tired. Knockout rolled his eyes and moved his tail behind her and leaned her against it. Delilah did feel extreme relief when the warm red scales touched her bruised skin and sighed without knowing it. Knockout chuckled hearing her sigh.
"I know I'm amazing, but no need to swoon over me," he smirked, making Delilah's eyes widen and her face a little red. She looked away from him and he curled his tail around her, lifting her up to his face. She wiggled a little in his grip, but it hurt too much to put up much of a fight. "Now, what are you doing here?"
"I... I-I was thrown into the river by people from my school. I d-don't know where I am," Delilah whispered, tears falling from her face. Knockout looked at her, unsure of what to do. True he didn't care about humans, but this one... She seemed so young and innocent and she looked so kind-hearted. Whatever mess she was in she didn't deserve it. He sighed and licked her face and chest, making her squeak and cry out.
"Wh-what did you do that for?" she stuttered, wiping the saliva off her face.
"I needed to get you to stop crying and it seems to have worked well," he said with less of a smirk this time," I will say, the fact that you haven't screamed either means you're very brave or very hurt."
"I'm pretty sure its both... hehe," Delilah said with a nervous smile. He tilted his head at her and then noticed all the bruises on her and saw faint red on her clothes and bare feet too. He grumbled and locked eyes with her.
"Now girl, I'll help you heal and get home, but I have a few issues in the way," he said standing up and moving away from the river. Delilah yelped as he moved suddenly and looked at him curiously.
"Issues?" she asked a little fearfully.
"Yes, such as your name, my leader, and the fact that my kin hates humans with a passion... well, maybe not all but most. So my dear I'll have to hide you in a special pouch of mine. All of my kind has one and we use it for our young. Seeing as how small you are, hiding you in it shouldn't be a problem," Knockout said bringing her back to his face. Delilah had a bad feeling about this.
"W-well my name is Delilah and how does the "pouch" work?" she asked. Knockout raised an eyebrow, a little impressed by her curiosity and lack of fear.
"It will look and feel like I'm eating you alive, but its not," he said simply but reassuringly. Delilah's face paled. No animals known to man ever eats their young! Some have pouches yes, but being swallowed alive?! The very idea was enough to scare the everloving sweet crap out of her! But if what Knockout said was true and he was a healer and his kin did hate humans that bad, then hiding in his "pouch" was her only way of getting home. Gathering up whatever courage and stupidity she had left, she nodded.
"O-okay... Can we just get it over with?!" she cried, fear strong in her tone. Knockout was surprised by her actions and willingness but did what she asked. He slowly brought her into his mouth and closed his maw around her. She tasted of honey and pears, but blood outshone her sweet and tangy flavor. He gently licked her over, feeling her tremble and cry but not fighting. He quickly finished coating her in saliva and tilted his head back, gently swallowing her. Deliah squirmed and wiggled as the fleshy tube gently pulled her down. She was dropped into a small room and it glowed a very soft, almost pink, red color. It definitely had the appearance of a stomach, but nothing happened. All Delilah could feel and hear was a steady heartbeat and warm, wet pouch walls. Knockout hummed when he felt her land safely and he spread his wings, and flew towards the mountains. Delilah felt the movement and she felt lighter, so her best guess was they were flying. Delilah sighed, soaking up the warm air the pouch provided. It was squishy like a water bed and was as soft as velvet and was coated in a thick transparent slime like saliva. She felt herself dozing off and allowed sleep to claim her, exhausted from, well, everything.
Knockout landed as the mouth of a cave high up in the mountains and was greeted by a smaller black and purple dragon.
"Sir," the smaller dragon nodded. Knockout acknowledged him and walked into the cave that glowed with purple, blue, and white crystals. He wondered through the tunnels until he came to Breakdown's room. He pushed back the cloth that gaurded it and chuckled when he saw his best friend on his back snoring like a thunderstorm, claws running through the air like he was chasing someone. Knockout hit him on the head, making him snap awake. The yellow eyed blue orange and grey dragon frowned at his red friend.
(Size comparison)
"You can't let me sleep, can you?" he grumbled rubbing his face with a claw. Knockout sat beside him and smirked.
"Of course not, now I need your help," Knockout said. He explained what he had encountered on his little trip outside the mountain and told him about Delilah, making the blue dragon's eyes widen with excitement.
"So she's here?!" he asked, almost squealing. Breakdown was the only Deceptidragon he knew who could possibly get this excited about humans and human stuff. Knockout nodded but hushed him.
"Yes, I have her and I need you to watch her while I get some things from my healing bay," Knockout said. Breakdown readily agreed and waited as Knockout carefully coughed her out into his claw. Delilah was passed out and was snoring very softly. She shuddered as warm, moist air was replaced with cold air. Breakdown instantly snatched a small piece of cloth from his nest and waited as Knockout took it, sat on his hind legs and gently dried off Delilah, leaving her loosely swaddled in the soft rag. Breakdown laid down and crossed his front arms, waited patiently as Knockout laid the little human girl in them. It took every bit of will power for Breakdown to not sequel with excitement and cuteness. The blonde human in his arms was just precious to look at but he frowned when he saw her bruises.
"You go get the stuff, I'll watch her," Breakdown said seriously. Knockout nodded and left for his healing bay. A few minutes after Knockout left, Delilah stirred. She slowly woke up, sitting up some, proud that at least her spine wasn't broken. She noticed her face was covered in a brownish blue rag like blanket, but whatever material it was made out of felt like heaven to her. She carefully pulled it off and looked around. She was in a big cave light up by white crystals and was lying in a massive nest made out of clothes, skins, giant branches and other things. Delilah then froze when she saw the blue scaly arms that were wrapped around her. She slowly looked up and paled when she was meet with a blue dragon muzzle and yellow eyes. Where was the red dragon?! Breakdown noticed the girl in his arms starting to panic and gently hushed at her.
"Hey kiddo, its alright. Knockout just went to get some things to heal you, he'll be right back," he said quietly as to not startle her. Delilah guessed that "Knockout" was the red dragon. She took a deep breath and nodded.
"Alright... and you are?" she asked slowly. Breakdown beamed a little at her.
"I like you! Most humans who see us run away like their rears are on fire, but you? You're a brave one! Oh, and I'm Breakdown," Breakdown grinned with a slight tip of his head. Delilah felt her face heat up from embarrassment. She wasn't used to anyone calling her brave and she didn't feel brave, she just felt scared and confused.
"I-I'm Delilah," she smiled sheepishly. Breakdown smiled and began firing questions at her, such as has she seen other dragons, how did she get here, what her favorite foods were, and a lot of other things. Delilah tried her best to answer them, but she barely got halfway through each answer when he would ask her another. It made her giggle. Knockout returned with a tail full of things and chuckled at the sight of his giant friend talking away to the small creature in his claws. Breakdown grinned at him and carefully bit the back of Delilah's white shirt, lifting her up into the air and causing her to yelp.
"Oh lord, oh geez, oh no, put me down!" Delilah cried fearfully as Breakdown shifted in his next to make room for Knockout to work. He then set her on the soft empty spot and laid down, rest his head beside her. Knockout looked her over, his healer side kicking in.
"I'll need you to remove you outer layers," he said seriously. Delilah's eyes widened and she tucked her legs to her chest, despite the immense pain it gave her. She gave Knockout a firm glare and shook her head no. Knockout gave her a firm, but warning look in return.
"I need to see your injuries if I am to help you, now please stop being stubborn," he asked. Delilah was a modest girl and hated showing too much skin, but they were dragons and she did have a white tank top underneath her white shirt. Reluctantly, she slide her jeans and belt off and slowly pulled off her shirt, leaving her in just her underwear and tank top. Now both she and the dragons could see the full extent of her injuries. Massive bruises were all over her, most a nasty black and purple color. Cuts that were long, but not deep adorned her as well. On her left calf, it was completely covered with one giant bruise, which must've been the reason why Delilah felt as if her leg was broken. Knockout carefully pressed down on her leg, feeling for breaks but felt none. Delilah winced at the light pressure and Breakdown gave her a reassuring lick on her arm. Delilah smiled a little and patted his snout, grateful for the comfort, even though it was slimy. She marveled at how gentle such giant beasts could be. An hour passed and Knockout had finished his work. He wasn't used to wrapping tiny things but managed. He had Delilah apply a red cream to help with her bruises and cuts herself, seeing as he didn't want to cut her by accident before he did the bandages. Delilah pulled her clothes back on, being careful with the bandages wrapped around her body. When she was done, Breakdown pulled her to his front arms via her shirt and Knockout settled into the nest with them.
"Thanks you two, I really appreciate the help," she smiled. Breakdown chuckled and gave her another lick, making her giggle a bit.
"It ain't to trouble, Delly Bean," he replied as Knockout bit her shirt and set her between his arms. Breakdown looked from Delilah to Knockout, a disappoint and slightly possessive look on his face.
"Awwwww come on!" He whined laying his head down and giving them both puppy eyes. Knockout chuckled, immune to them, but Delilah cooed at him.
"Nice try Breaky," Knockout smirked moving his arms more closely around Delilah, "I'll have you know that this is my human. I found her first." Delilah made a face at the two dragons, who were acting like kids fighting over their favorite toy.
"I don't belong to anyone," she said firmly but a little playfully, "And... when can I go home?" Breakdown looked at Knockout, as did Delilah. Knockout rolled his eyes and chuckled.
"If I'm correct, here in a day or two. You need to be somewhat healed up before you can travel," he replied. Delilah frowned at the mention of a few days, but if she'd already been missing for some time, then a day or two shouldn't be much more. She sighed and nodded sadly, earning another reassuring lick, this time from Knockout. He hummed at her.
"I never did tell you, but you do taste wonderful," he smiled at her. Delilah wasn't too sure about the compliment, but thanked him anyway on the account of being polite. Breakdown nodded in agreement and looked her over, an idea popping into his head.
"Could I pouch you?" He asked her slowly. Delilah was a little skeptical about the idea but slowly nodded, seeing as it wasn't so bad.
"S-sure," she said, stuttering a little. Knockout moved a little as Breakdown brought his head to Delilah and wrapped his tongue around her, gently pulling her into his maw. She felt him lick and lap at her, and judging by how much saliva she felt, she was apparently mouthwatering. Breakdown tilted his head back and gently swallowed her down. Delilah squirmed a little but sighed when she gently plopped down in his pouch. Like Knockout's, it was very squishy, soft, slimy and comfortable but unlike Knockout's, Breakdown's pouch was a dark navy blue that glowed with a soft blue light. Breakdown smiled when he felt her settle down.
"You good Delly Bean?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine," she replied. A few minutes later, Delilah unintentionally falling asleep. Knockout and Breakdown shortly followed her example. Knockout will admit he was a little disappointed he was going to have to take her home, but who knows? Maybe they'll meet again.
Crap ending, I know. BUT 3570 WORDS!!! And this was also a test story for Dragonformers so I hope ya'll liked it! See ya in the next story! :3
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