Bumblebee x Knockout x OC
BE WARNED THAT THIS IS... really really cringy... but amazing! Also, this was a roleplay with @Wolf34howler
Enjoy ya'll! Also the OC is Mackie from My Car's an Autobot and this story is OBVIOUSLY NON-CANON TO THAT BOOK!!!
McKenzie or Mackie sat about near a road leaning against a tree. She was driving home from her job as a mechanic when her car ironically broke down. She spent the last hour and a half trying to fix it but so far it wasn't starting. Tired the 17year old leaned against the tree, her black tank top and dark jeans and old shoes cover in grease.
"Like my day can't get much worse," Mackie grumbled, extremely pissed off
Bee was out for a drive taking a break from base when he came across a broke down car before he pulled up beside the car and honked.
Mackie scowled and looked up at the yellow and black car. "What do you want punk?" Mackie asked standing up, her wrench at the ready. Bee looked around before he transformed "Little lady calm it alright I wanna help!" He spoke from the radio as he towered above her. Mackie screamed and threw her wrench at bumblebee.
"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!!!" She screamed, trying to reach for another wrench on her car. Her car was an old blue Honda and it was currently the only thing listed between her and Bumblebee. When Mackie got scared, she acted angry and violent. Bee whirled sadly before he picked up the car moved it to behind him while keeping the girl in sight.
"Listen to me Imma good guy, I'm not gonna hurt you." Bee spoke through the radio again.
Mackie shook her head. "We just met! How can I trust you?!" She snapped her other wrench ready to be thrown. Her eyes darted around trying to find a way to escape. Bee quickly put his hands up "Hey I'm not hurting you alright. Come on I'm not a con." The radio spoke out.
Mackie looked up at him, confusion anger and fear on her face. "The hell is a con?" She asked, slowly lowering her wrench. "And what are you for that matter?"
"A con is the bad guy, see my symbol?? Its blue meaning I'm good. Oh I'm an Autobot!! We protect you guys!!" Bee said happily
Mackie hummed in response lowering her wrench completely, but still keeping her guard up. "So... who are you?" Mackie asked crossing her arms. She was slowly growing impressed with the amount of robotics put into this thing.
"I'm Bumblebee the scout pleased to meet your acquaintance miss...." Bee said, kneeling in front of her.
"Mackenzie, but everyone calls me Mackie," Mackie replied with a lazy two fingered salute. "Oh and I am a mechanic." Bee nodded and started to say something before a ground bridge opened and con scouts came out. Bee panicked and grabbed Mackie before disappearing into the trees behind him to hide. Mackie yelped and wiggled in Bee's grip, beating her fist against his hand.
"PUT ME DOWN!" Mackie shouted angrily. Bee quickly covered her mouth hoping the con scouts didn't hear anything. Mackie struggled to get the giant metal finger off her face. Bee sighed thinking before he opened his chest compartment and placed her inside before he closed it after he had strapped her down. Before a first slammed into his face. Bee quickly got back up and started to attack the cons back.
"What the hell?! Hey let me out!" Mackie shouted blindly hitting the "floor". Bee was distracted for a second which allowed a con to punch him and then grabbed his chest before trying to force it open and Bee quickly punched him off before getting up and running into a cave nearby. He then quickly pulled Mackie out of his chest.
"What are you doing yelling like that if they find you, you are gonna die!" Bee snapped before he heard voices outside and quickly pulled a boulder into the entrance and turned on his headlights thinking of what to do.
"EXCUSE ME?!?! You're the one who dragged me into a life or death mess!" Mackie snapped back. Bee groaned before his stomach growled and a thought him. 'We only digest metals and energon not human things, and it would be a safe spot to hide her either willingly or not.'
Mackie looked around at the sound of the growling. "Are there seriously bears in Jasper Nevada?! What is my life?" Mackie grumbled facepalming. Bee sighed. "
It's not a bear...but listen you will be safe I swear!" He promised.
Mackie looked up through the dark of the cave at Bumblebee. "What are you talking? Just leave me alone," Mackie said, walking away and deeper into the cave. Bee sighed before grabbing her and gently placed her headfirst into his mouth and coated her in salvia before swallowing gently. Mackie couldn't register what was happening at first, but when she did she quickly began thrashing around in the tightly closed metallic throat as she tried desperately to slow her descent.
"W-WHAT THE F*CK?!? Spit me out now!!!" She screamed trying to use her elbows to wedge herself stuck. Bee screwed his eyes up before gently swallowing the rest of her sending her down to his tank.
"Hey you okay Mackie?" He asked when he felt her land in his stomach.
"THE HELL KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?!?! NO IM NOT OKAY!!! YOU JUST F*CKING ATE ME!!!" Mackie screamed starting to try to kick and punch at the walls. The thick slimy glowing blue saliva had soaked her and the metallic stomach was coated in it, so naturally whenever she tried to stand up, she ended up slipping and falling onto her back or butt.
"Okay I understand where you are coming from but look around is there any acid in there with you?" Bee said before the boulder started to shift and Bee whirled in alarm before rushing over and trying to keep it shut.
"Uhhh... no? It's slimy as hell though," Mackie grimaced wiping some of the thick saliva off her arms. "And what's going on? Why did you jerk like that!?"
"Because those guys from before are trying to get in the cave. Also, I'm not able to digest you humans only metal and energon, so I knew you would be safe in there, now hold on it's about to get a little bumpy." Bee said before the boulder disappeared and the cons started to attack again
"Hold on?! What am I supposed to-Gahhhhhhh!!!" Mackie yelped as she felt Bumblebee fight cons. Every time she tried to grab onto the metallic stomach like walls she slipped and got bounced around. Bee quickly finished off the scouts before he almost transformed but though better of it and called a ground bridge back to base. Mackie sighed strongly with relief when Bumblebee stopped moving so much and she felt a slow walking motion.
"Oh. My. Lord," Mackie sighed, leaning against the metal walls. She was coated in more slime then ever and groaned at the sight of her clothes and body. "Nasty," she muttered.
"Hey you still gotta be quite okay" I'm about to let you out just give me a few minutes." Bee said before walking through the ground bridge and giving his report before quickly walking to his berth room. Mackie sat silently not enjoying this. Bulkhead noticed Bee acting strange when he entered bolted off to his room. He decided to follow to make sure he was okay. Bee quickly noticed Bulkhead following and turned around.
"Something you need Bulkhead?" He asked, "I'm tired and wanna lay down after a shower since we don't get the kids for a while alright?!"
Bulkhead put his hands up in surrender. "K, Bee just wanted to check on ya," he said turning to go back to the others. Mackie wanted to shout for help, but quickly decided against it... for now.
"Sorry just had the run in and I'm super tired and need a shower so don't mind me..." Bee said walking into his berth room and locking the door before going into his personal bath and closed that door and locked it as well before pushing a button sound proofing the room.
"Mackie you okay??" He asked concerned.
"If by okay you mean am I still alive, then yes," Mackie replied he voice sounding upset.
"What's wrong you sound sad? I don't like people being sad if it's about getting you back home I can get you there or get you back to your car." Bee said placing his hand where he felt Mackie at. Mackie flinched when she felt pressure and moved away from it.
"I'm not that kind of upset, I'm the mad kind of upset," Mackie snapped, crossing her arms. She wondered if it was really the best idea to yell at a giant alien robot thing.
"Look what's wrong you're not coming out until you tell me." Bee said
"Well, my car is broken down, I spent nearly 2 hours trying to fix it and I'm suddenly abducted by an alien robot, and on top of all that I got eaten alive!!!" Mackie yelled giving the wall a solid punch. Bee groaned.
"Well your car battery just needed a boost of energy. And I told you I did what I had to do to keep you safe!" Bee said, slightly mad, "Forget it hold on." Bee then began to gently cough Mackie out of his body.
Mackie freaked out when she saw the walls closing in on her. But when they started to push her up, she relaxed a little but still instinctively squirmed. Bee carefully let her fall into his mouth before he pulled her out and placed her on the floor with a bag of human shower supplies.
"Here go shower then I'll take you back depending on the time. Cause it would be weird for me to supposed to be laying down and am suddenly somewhere else," Bee explained before going into his car form and turned around before turning off his engine. Mackie stood there covered in blue thick saliva and looked around.
"Shower?! Using what water source?!" she said in a frustrated tone. Mackie growled and looked around and saw a giant shower. It looked way too complicated. "Showers are supposed to be simple..." She went through the bag and thankfully found all the shower necessities, as well as several clothing items. A few were in her size and they would work for now.
"Now to figure out how to work a giant alien shower. Come Mack, you're a mechanic this should be easy... right?"
Bee didn't move to help her figuring she would know how to work the shower since she was just using a bigger human shower. Mackie found the handle, but they were still up really high. She growled and stormed out of the "bathroom" and looked around the room for two key items, all the while muttering some very unpleasant words.
Bee sighed before changing form. "Oi mutterer what is wrong now??"
"I need rope, and something heavy, but throwable," Mackie said her tone still snarky, not bothering to look at Bee. "Or you could simply turn on the water for me, that would save me the trouble," Mackie said, looking up from here search.
"Yes mam" Bee said in a bad mood already tired of her attitude before he blasted the water on warm. Mackie sighed with relief and looked at Bee.
"Thanks," she said the anger in her voice still there but very faint.
"Yep" Bee said before transforming and rolling up his windows and facing away but still blocking the door to the bathroom so nobody could enter and see Mackie there. Mackie quickly pulled off her clothes, shoes, socks, and undergarments. She tossed them aside and grabbed the shampoo, conditioner and body wash. She quickly cleaned herself off and got all the blue saliva off her. When she was done, she grabbed a towel and quickly dried off. She went through the clothes In the bag and pulled out a sports bra, spare undies, an orange oversized t-shirt, and black sweat pants and quickly put them on. Mackie sighed and knocked on the giant door.
"I'm done, dude," Mackie called. Bee quickly tilted his mirror and saw that she was in fact down so he transformed and looked at the time. "Frag, we gotta get the kids in like 20 minutes and the base is at least 30 minutes away from the school by driving."
"Wait, I'm sorry, KIDS?!" Mackie asked, confusion in her voice. She brushed her wet and tangled hair out of her face.
"Um yeah they are under our protection against the cons. Like how I protected you earlier but well differently. Anyway, stay here while I go get Raf and I'll try and get back here quickly for patrol and take you back toy your car." Bee promised before gently grabbing her and placing her on the shelf in the bathroom closet before closing all the doors on his way out to the front also closing and locking his berth room door. Mackie sat with her mouth open.
"Did he seriously just lock me in a closet?!" she screamed/muttered. There wasn't much light but it was enough to see some. Mackie began to look for a way down. "Maybe I can slip under the door."
Bee quickly walked out front still a little tired but ready to pick up the kids with Bulkhead and Arcee. Bulkhead smiled and gave Bee a playful punch on the shoulder. "Wazzup Bee, ya feeling better?" He asked. Bee quickly whirled that he was in fact feeling better and was waiting to go pick up the kids with them.
"Alright Ratchet, open up the bridge! Please," Bulkhead said Ratchet sighed but opened the ground bridge and they quickly transformed before driving through Bee nervous for Mackie hoping she wasn't trying to get out or anything.
Meanwhile, Mackie was hanging on for dear life on a tarp in the closet. She repeatedly let go and grabbed on as she made a very slow and cautious descent to the ground. She let go completely when she was a few feet from the ground and landed roughly on the ground.
"Ouch," she muttered rubbing her bare foot. Bee and the others quickly pulled up to the school right as it got out and Raf and Miko came right out before waiting for Jack. Bee got a bad feeling in his gut that Mackie was doing something bad.
"Hey Arcee," Jack said climbing on to the blue motorcycle.
"Sup Miko?" Bulkhead smiled.
"Nothing much wanna go dune bashing later though." Miko said as Arcee said Hi to Jack before Raf got in Bee and they all quickly drove back to where the portal was gonna open.
"Yeah! And some Slash Monkey while we're at it!" Bulkhead cheered. Mackie carefully slid under the giant door and after much wiggling she got out of the closet.
"Stupid robots, and their stupid closet," Mackie muttered, standing up and brushing herself off.
"Totally dude, its gonna be awesome!!" Miko shouted proudly as Bee and Raf were talking about remote control cars. Again, Bee was hit with a bad feeling and took off faster towards the base.
Jack noticed Bee speeding up and smirked. "You wanna race Bee? Is that what that is?" Jack called.
Arcee quickly caught up to Bee and commed Ratchet "We aren't gonna use the ground bridge today Ratchet we coming back the long way." Ratchet just grunted and closed the com.
"Ready gang?! Set! Go!" Jack shouted as he and Arcee zoomed off.
Mackie was upset to find that the underside of the main bathroom door was too narrow for her to crawl under. She'd have to find some way to open the door. "Damnit..."
Bee quickly shoot out front and kept up the speed as Raf laughed waving at Jack and Miko as well as Bulkhead.
"Frag it that Mackie better not be trying to escape I said I would take her back home!" Bee thought angrily to himself. Mackie had to climb up on the bathroom counter and was now trying to roll and heavy object in front of the weight sensitive door.
"Laws of physics don't fail me now," Mackie grunted pushing it off the counter. It fell with a loud clang and the door opened. "Woo! Mack, you rock," she smirked as the door closed, but the object wedged the door open. Bee quickly rolled into the base dropped Raf off at the front and quickly left to his berth room with the excuse he wanted a little more sleep before going back out on patrol. Arcee quickly followed him in and Miko came in with Bulkhead in last but didn't see Bee. Mackie climbed over the object and made it into the main room.
"Take that sucker," Mackie smirked proudly to herself.
Bulkhead and Jack both raised their eyebrows. "Bee is everything okay?" Jack asked. "if it's about the race we can always have a rematch."
Bee was already opening the door to his rook and he quickly closed it and locked it behind before seeing Mackie not where he had last placed her.
"Mackie what are you doing?" He asked his tone concerned not angry.
"Escaping obviously!" Mackie replied in annoyance.
Ratchet sighed. "Bee has to pull a double patrol tonight so he wanted to get some more sleep." He explained as Raf nodded, "he seemed tired as he didn't really go all that fast till last minute in the race.."
Mackie began to storm towards the main door. "Peace out Bug Boy," Mackie said angrily. Bee quickly walked to her and picked her up making sure again that his berth door was locked and that Mackie couldn't escape before he sound-proofed the room to where nobody could hear what was going on inside but those inside the room could quickly answer if need be.
"Help me! Let me down!" Mackie screamed thrashing around.
Jack nodded in agreement to Raf's statement. "Yeah, but it's not like Bee to be tired like that right?" Jack asked, looking at Ratchet.
"Mackie stop screaming no can hear you outside of this room and nobody can get in. Now be quite cause I need to get a quick nap in before anything else today alright, please don't make do what I had to do before." Bee begged
Ratchet nodded "Well we also don't have enough energon to go around so Bee has constantly been going out and looking even when the rest of us are asleep.
Mackie froze when Bee mentioned that. She silently glared at Bee before nodding her head. "F-fine, damnit," she replied, not realizing she had stuttered.
"So Bee has been overworking, geez, poor kid," Bulkhead sighed.
"Hey I'm not trying to scare you alright I just don't wanna have to explain to anybody else why you are here when they didn't know I even went on patrol." Bee explained as he placed her on the table beside his berth as he sat down before his stomach groaned out but he quickly made it stop before laying down.
Prime sadly nodded "Since we never really know when he goes out we are unable to stop him and get him to refill on Energon so he has been taking human gas for 2 weeks now.
Mackie crossed her arms and looked away from Bee when she heard his stomach and statement. "I will not feel bad for him," she thought.
Bulkhead sighed at Prime's statement. "Somebody ought to talk to Bee about that. Why don't you Optimus?"
"I've tried but he won't listen to me." Prime stated Bee quickly sat up and went to the bathroom and drained a cup of water before quickly coming back and laying down again his arms over his stomach to make the growling not be heard by Mackie. At this point Mackie kept covering her ears, the growling annoying her more than scaring her. "
Maybe I can try," Bulkhead volunteered. Jack shrugged thinking it was worth a shot. Bee groaned before he quickly sat up in his bed and walked back to the bathroom and drowned 4 cups of water and one of gasoline before he came back and sat down then played down before gently grabbing Mackie and placing her in the bedside table drawer before locking that and making it sound proof as he heard somebody coming before he quickly played down and tried to sleep.
"Nah ah! Nope! Let me out this drawer!" Mackie said banging on the wall in the darkness. The drawer may be soundproof, but that didn't stop it from rattling every time she hit it.
Bulkhead knocked softly on Bee's door. "Hey Bee, you asleep?"
Bee quickly stopped it from rattling when he heard knocking on his door. Bee winced but quickly got up and moved to the door before opening it and stepping out with Bulkhead. "What's up Bulk?"
"I just want to say the team is worried about you. You've been ignoring your energon intakes and bolting off without telling anyone. Is everything okay?" Bulkhead asked putting a hand on Bee's shoulder. Mackie stopped moving and listened. They might not hear her, but she could hear them.
"I don't know what you mean Bulkhead." Bee tried to deny when his stomach growled again. Bee quickly averted his gaze and found his berth room door much more interesting.
"Bee... Just... here," Bulkhead shoved a small energon cube in Bee's hand. "Have a little for now. I'll let ya sleep now." Bulkhead turned and walked back to the others. Mackie was confused but stayed silent. Bee sighed before walking back in his room and again closed and locked the door. Keeping the sound proofing on before he walked back over to the bedside table and drained the small energon cube before sighing as an Idea hit him. He quickly took the top off the energon cube and opened the bedside drawer and gently grabbed Mackie and placed her in it leaving the hole open but it was now too small to get back out of. He then sighed
"Sorry Mackie your gonna have to wait till later to leave." Was all he said before be passed out. Mackie frowned at Bee from inside the small glass cube jar.
"This is so unfair!" She cried, trying to lift the lid off but failed. She's slumped and sat at the bottom of the jar, grumbling in defeat. Bee was finally fast asleep and was staying in recharge for like an hour before going on patrol.
Raf looked around the base before sighing. "Wait Bulkhead what if you took Bee's double patrol tonight since you have more energy?!" Raf asked him as Miko agreed "Yeah Bulkhead can't you pull one for the team?!"
Bulkhead thought about it and smirked. "Does a scraplet eat metal?" He asked them. Raf and Miko both cheered and Prime and Ratchet and Arcee agreed with the decision.
Raf suddenly said "But don't bother Bee cause he needs some sleep. Also, Bulk before you go on double patrol would you mind dropping me off at home so Bee can get some much-needed rest?"
"Sure kid!" Bulkhead said. Mackie in the meantime had run out of things to count and was on the verge of exploding, her cheeks red with anger. She looked her hands, seeing blue energy swirling around them. She panicked and quickly made the energy disappear before anyone saw anything.
Raf cheered before Miko challenged them to a race on the gaming system.
Mackie took several deep breaths, trying to calm down. She then knocked on the glass. "Hey Bug Boy, you wanna get me outta here?" Mackie called. Bee quickly jolted awake before looking over at Mackie before bolting up and quickly getting her out of the cube and then placed her back on the bedside table that was completely empty save for the emerging cube before he laid back down
"Thanks..." Mackie muttered. She looked at the door, then glanced at Bumblebee, and back to the door. She slowly stood up and moved to the edge of the bedside table and looked for a way down. She started to climb down and slipped losing her footing. She yelped and grabbed the drawer before she plummeted to the ground. "Sh*t."
Bulkhead watched Miko and Raf battle each other and was cheering Miko on. Jack cheered Raf on too.
Bee heard the sound of something falling and quickly looked over seeing Mackie holding on for dear life so he gently grabbed her and sighed trying to think of where to put her.
Raf ended up winning the race and he cheered. "Finally, I have managed to win against Miko!!" Miko faked gasped before starting to tickle him.
"I... uh... slipped? Heh," Mackie said nervously.
Bulkhead laughed Miko's sore losing attitude. Jack tried to save Raf from Miko's wrath
Bee sighed before an idea came to him. Mackie wiggled uncomfortably in his grip.
Jack pulled Raf away from Miko. "Stop being a sore loser Miko," Jack teased.
Miko smirked before starting to tickle Jack. "You dare interrupt me?! Now you must suffer to!"
Bee sighed before bringing Mackie back up to his mouth before gently shoving her head and shoulders into his mouth. Mackie yelped and began to thrash around. "NOT THIS AGAIN! I JUST HAD A SHOWER!" Mackie screamed trying to push back against Bee.
Jack laughed and grabbed a pillow. "I think not ya tyrant!" Jack said hitting Miko with the pillow.
Bee sighed before he gently swallowed up to her waist before starting to soak her in more saliva.
Miko and Raf immediately ganged up on him with the pillow fight.
Bulkhead smirked and grabbed a huge blanket and dropped it on all three of them and carefully pinned them to the ground. "I win the pillow fight!"
"STOP IT STOP IT PLEASE!" Mackie screamed, kicking wildly at Bee's glossa.
"Hey that's cheating!!' Raf and Miko both shouted at him!! They then proceed to start throwing the pillows at Bulkhead.
Bee sighed before gently swallowing the rest of her into his throat and rested his hand where he felt her fall. "Sorry Mackie but I can't have you injuring yourself." Before he played back down.
"YOU INCONSIDERATE ASSHOLE!!!" Mackie angrily screamed. She didn't bother trying to attack the metallic stomach walls considering the last time she did that she kept slipping. Mackie's eyes widened when she saw her energy swirling around her hands again. She instantly grew quiet and tried to stop the energy. She took deep breaths. Bulkhead chuckled and threw the pillows back at them, Jack using the blanket as a shield.
Bee sighed, "I'm sorry alright but I need to keep you safe until I can get you out of here at my patrol alright!" Bee whirled sadly. Miko and Raf kept throwing the pillows until Ratchet threw a wrench at Bulkhead.
"Bee is awake so go let him now you are taking his patrols tonight." He snapped before getting in the face with a pillow thrown by Raf. "Rude!" He said
"Kid you alright?" Bee asked concerned.
"None of your Beeswax!... wait... waitwaitwaitwait... DID I JUST PUN?!?!" Mackie shouted, more to herself then Bee. Jack laughed at Ratchet. Bulkhead nodded and took Raf with him to get Bee.
Bee chuckled, "yes you did, but I'm really sorry I had to put you there again I just didn't want you to get hurt." Raf eagerly waited to see Bee.
"I have the weirdest feeling that you're not THAT sorry," Mackie pointed out. Bulkhead was almost at Bee's door.
"Listen alright I'm really sorry....hush" bee said hearing footsteps. Mackie took a few more deep breaths and her energy disappeared.
"I am a weirdo," she muttered. Bulkhead knocked on his door.
"Bee you up? We got a surprise for ya!"
"Seriously please be quite." Bee asked begging her before he got up and cracked his door open. "Yeah what's up Bulkhead, hi Raf."
Raf giggled and said, "Hiya Bee!"
"Welp like I said we got a surprise for you!" Bulkhead said as Raf jumped into his hands. Bulkhead gave him to Bee. Bee quickly caught Raf and looked at Bulkhead.
"What's this big surprise then?" He asked.
"I'm taking your double patrol!" Bulkhead smiled. Mackie listened in on the conversation. "Double patrol?" She whispered so softly to herself that she barely heard her own voice. Bee whirled in shock and almost dropped Raf but thankfully he didn't as he quickly caught him an inch after his hands let him go.
"What do you mean?!" Bee asked shocked.
Bulkhead laughed. "It means you're not going patrolling today or tonight. You get to stay at base and rest," Bulkhead smiled. Mackie's face fell, what did that mean for her?
"Wowowow but I'm fine with my patrols!! I swear I just needed a little bit of rest!" Bee denied
"Sorry, Bee. But Optimus and Ratchet both agree to this. You're staying here on base and resting. Plus, now you can catch up on some gaming time with Raf" Bulkhead said. Raf nodded in response. "Does that mean I'm staying here even longer?!" Mackie thought.
"Um no no no please don't take it, I swear I'm fine." Bee begged wanting to keep his promise.
"It's a direct order from Optimus, Bee. You're staying," Bulkhead said more sternly, his voice full of concern for his friend. "Why do you want to take it so bad?"
"Because it was already assigned to me Bulk. You know this so I'm going one way or another." Bee said voice stern right back. "It doesn't matter who conducted the order I'm still going."
Mackie then stretched, pushing Bee's walls out. She growled a bit, all this becoming too much. Bulkhead blocked the door and stood with his arms crossed. "If you won't take a break for yourself, then do it for the sake of your friends. Everyone is worried about you!" Bulkhead said.
Bee felt her push his stomach wall before he finally snarled "No!" Handing Raf back to bolt and slamming the door shut in Bulkheads face.
"I'm still going and that's final!" Before soundproofing the room again and threw up Mackie placing her in his hand before washing her clothes quickly and drying them before saying "Change quickly alright." Closing the bathroom door and standing there.
Mackie stood still, surprised for a minute but quickly rinsed off, getting all the saliva off her and putting her clothes back on. Bulkhead stood with a silent scowl on his face and looked at Raf.
"He's hiding something," Bulkhead said, going back to the others. He set Raf near Jack and Miko and looked at Optimus and Ratchet.
"Hey, I think Bee is hiding something," Bulkhead began.
"You okay, bug boy?" Mackie called finishing tying her shoes. She braided her wet hair back and straightened her tank top.
"What ever do you mean Bulk?" Prime asked as everybody else nodded their heads.
"Fine just please hurry so we can go." Bee said.
"Bumblebee says he's taking his patrol no matter what, and slammed the door in my face," Bulkhead said, "And Raf saw it too."
"Okay fine, where are we going exactly?" Mackie asked knocking on the bathroom door to let him know she was done.
"I'm taking you back to your car so you can leave." Bee said
"That's totally not like Bee." Arcee said
Mackie sighed with relief. "Thank the Lord!" she cried, walking out of the bathroom. Bulkhead nodded.
"Its why I think he might be hiding something," he said. Jack stepped in. "Maybe we should all go ask Bee what's wrong," Jack suggested.
"Agreed." All of them said. Bee gently picked her up before opening his chest plates and sat her down. "Now please be quite." Mackie shook her head, honestly tired of all the hiding.
"I don't think so," she started.
"Look you stay quite a little longer and then the quicker you can leave." Bee said closing the chest plates
"I'm just saying if these guys know you and you apparently have humans in this place anyway, what difference would it make if I knew and met them?" Mackie asked, even though she knew it was a moot point. True she'd spent all this time trying to leave, but it was because she was worried for her safety and for her family. So far, this bot has done nothing but help her even though his methods are... gross and weird, but still he saved her butt.
Bulkhead started leading everyone to Bee's room.
"Look it's a bit different with you alright now please be quite and I promise you will be home soon." Bee said his voice full of promise. Mackie sighed and leaned back in his chest.
"Alright, bug boy. Lead on," she said, slightly not believing herself. Bulkhead knocked on Bee's door.
Bee opened the door "Oh hey guys" he said looking at all the worried faces "What's up I was about to go out in patrol."
"Bumblebee, for the last time, you're staying here!" Bulkhead said sternly.
Jack nodded in agreement. "Sorry Bee, but you really need a break. You're overworking yourself."
"Guys for the last time I am fine alright so I'm going on patrol and you aren't gonna stop me." Bee said angrily and his voice sharp.
"Bumblebee, you're not hiding anything, are you? You've never acted like this," Optimus said gently. Bee shook his head
"Why would I be hiding something?!" Bee asked.
"You've been acting strange lately. You've been skipping your energon intakes, double patrols, and your behavior today has been... suspicious," Optimus said, laying a hand on Bee's shoulder. Mackie sighed and shook her head, not believing all this trouble was for her.
Bee immediately dismissed it. "I'm just trying to do my part now excuse me please." Bee quickly tried to go around the group. It was then Mackie sneezed. It was so sudden that she didn't have time to register it.
Bee quickly put his elbow up to his own nose "Geez bless me."
"Bumblebee... we don't sneeze," Bulkhead said, raising an eyebrow.
"My bad, you sure anyway I need some fresh air so bye..." Bee quickly tried to walk away. Everyone watched Bee walk away.
"Fresh air then come back," Optimus ordered. He looked at Jack and had him secretly follow them. Bee agreed but as soon as he got outside he pulled Mackie out of his chest before he transformed and took off towards where he found Mackie.
Mackie sat in the driver's seat and sighed. "Sorry about the sneeze," Mackie her arms crossed. Jack groaned and called Arcee, who quickly came to Jack and transformed so they could see what Bee was up to.
"Chill it's fine at least I was able to get you out of the base without getting seen. So rel... never mind hold on to something!!" Bee cried.
"And I thought a life with 6 siblings was exciting enough!" Mackie yelped as Bee speed up. "What are you run-er-driving from anyway?!"
"My teammate, I dont need them to know you know about us or I'm in serious trouble." Bee said as he swerved around a building before he took off into the woods on a trail nobody used in 6 years. Mackie yelped as the bumpy trail caused her to hit her head on his steering wheel as Bee drove as fast as possible through the woods.
"Ow! Oh Pri-Lordy that hurt like sh*t!"
"Wait did you almost say Primus, but oh my god are you okay!!??" Bee asked before he took a sharp right turn and passed the cave where he first fought the cons the bodies still there.
"I'm gonna have a goose egg on my head later but I'm fine," Mackie grumbled, rubbing her forehead and ignoring first part of the question. Jack and Arcee were losing track of them.
"Alright as long as you will be fine." Bee quickly stopped "Alright here's your stop now stay hidden till we leave alright?!" Bee asked opening his door.
"Okay bug boy," Mackie replied getting out of the driver's seat. Bumblebee pulled up beside Mackie's blue Honda that was still sitting on the side of the road. But somehow during a previous fight it had sustained much more damage. Jack and Arcee were losing track of them. Mackie got out of the driver's door and her face fell when she saw her car.
"My mom is going to kill me," Mackie said annoyed. Her parents are both very kind people and she was the oldest of six siblings but parents will be parents.
Bee sighed, "Look let me give you a ride back to your house and then I'll take your car to the mechanic shop alright? It's my fault it got ruined anyway." Bee said his driver door still open.
"Look, you've helped me enough today. Why don't you go back to wherever that place is and get some rest?" Mackie said pulling out her phone to make a call.
Bee sighed turning on his human coliform and stepped out of the car. "Look would you rather explain or let somebody else." He asked her placing his hand over her phone. Mackie jumped a little surprised at the human holoform. Bee's holoform made him seem about her age. Her had tan sun kissed skin, bright blonde hair and sky-blue eyes.
"Oh wow... Well I was going to call work and ask them for a tow. Then I was going to call a friend and ask him to drive me home," Mackie explained, "You know... now that I think about it... he's a lot like you."
"What do you mean?" Bee asked tilting his head to the side like a confused puppy.
"Well, he's a bot... the reason I freaked out so much when I first saw you it because he told me he was the only one of his kind," Mackie explained, starting to dial the number. "It's okay though, you can go home and rest. I honestly didn't expect him to lie about him being the only one. Actually you know what? I take that back."
"No no no I wanna meet this friend of yours. Also, who's gonna pay for the damages?" Bee asked
"Oh..." Mackie sighed, not having thought about money. She sat on her car's hood and shot her mom a text letting her know she was OK and will be home in a little while and that she was hanging out with friends. Then she dialed the number for her friend.
"Hello?" a voice said on the other end.
"What's up you egotistical bastard," Mackie smirked at her phone. Bee just watched confused.
"Oh nothing much doll face," the voice replied, "now what do you want?"
"Any chance you could track my phone signal and give me a hand? My car is totaled and I have someone who wants to meet you," Mackie said. The voice went silent for a moment and then replied.
"Of course~ I'll see you in... 3 minutes."
"See ya then."
Bee just slouched back and waited to see what was gonna happen. Mackie leaned back on her car's hood and read the message from her mom who gave her the okay. Then they both heard an engine in the distance. Mackie smiled, recognizing the purr of the distance engine.
"That's him," Mackie said sitting up and looking down the road. Bee immediately stood up straight and looked down where Mackie was looking waiting to see who ever she called. It was then a red Aston Martin slowly appeared down the road and was quickly approaching them. Mackie looked at Bee.
"He's got a sweet ride, doesn't he? It's an Aston Martin," she said.
Bee's eyes went wide 'She's friends with Knockout?! Since when?!' He thought shocked. The red car then screeched to a stop right in front of Bee's alt mode and Knockout's holoform stepped out of his driver's seat, equally as shocked as Bee.
"Sup KO?" Mackie waved getting off her hood.
"KNOCKOUT?!" Bee shouted, shocked.
"BUMBLEBEE?!" Knockout yelled. Mackie watched and stood partly between them.
"I take it you two know each other?" She asked, looking at Knockout. He nodded.
"All too well Dollface," KO replied.
"When, what, why are you friends with Mackie also how did you meet her. I'm so confused I thought all cons hated humans!!" Bee ranted out in whirls and swirls only Knock out could understand. Knockout chuckled while Mackie looked on confused.
"I got into an accident and her little mechanic shop was close by so I stopped there. She has quite the gentle hand for cars~ you have to like a human who knows their vehicles," Knockout smirked and replied in Cybertronian. "I repaid her by taking her to one of my races."
"Wait you mean you don't hate her? I mean I don't exactly hate you but...wait did I say that out loud?" Bee asked his face starting to blush...'please say I didn't.' He thought.
Knockout raised an eyebrow. His holoform was a man about 19 or 20 in a black leather jacket, black jeans and shoes, and a red shirt. He also had dyed red hair, fair skin, and dark brown eyes.
"What? Hehe, what was that little bug?" Knockout smirked in Cybertronian again. Mackie groaned at them, tired of not being able to understand them.
"Elllooooo? Non-alien language speaker here? Anyone mind speaking English?" Mackie asked, tapping her foot.
"Um yeah I dont exactly hate you I thought you were actually pretty cool..." Bee admitted looking anywhere but KO face.
"For an Autobot, you're pretty cute Bumblebee," Knockout said in English this time. Mackie looked at Knockout then to Bee and realized what was going on.
"Ooooooh~ you two like each other," Mackie teased. Bee quickly whirled in shock before he fainted. 'MY CRUSH LKES ME BACK EEKKK' was his only thought
"Bee, something is wrong with your face," Mackie said. Indeed, Bee's holoform was becoming as red as KO's paint job. Mackie looked at KO with a sly smirk on her face.
"I'll bet you a wax job if you kiss him within the next 10 seconds," she said. Now it was Knockout's turn to become red in the face.
"M-Mackenzie!" KO cried, trying to hide his blush. Bee whirled before sighing and pulled KO closer before placing his lips on KO's. Knockout was surprised by the kiss no doubt, but leaned into it nevertheless. Since he was talked then Bee by like half a foot, KO ended up dipping him back as they kissed. Mackie smirked and silently took pictures but last one flashed.
"Crap," she hissed putting her phone in her pocket. Knockout pulled away from the kiss and glared at Mackie. "I recommend you delete those doll face," Knockout said, still holding Bee in a dip. Bee's face was redder than KO's paintjob.
"Wait what happens know?!" Bee said thinking about the possible relationship he could have with KO but then the consequences with his team. Knockout hummed, not sure what to do. Mackie rolled her eyes.
"Welp... there's only one thing TO do," she began. Knockout wrapped an arm around Bee's shoulder, pulling him upright.
"And that would be what?" KO asked. Bee's face finally calmed down.
"Oh God what am I gonna tell the team!!" Bee said starting to panic.
"Simple. You tell 'em nothing," Mackie said, "It's a simple Romeo and Juliet situation. Only we'll call it Beauty and the Bee, and you guys just keep your mouths shut about this."
"But I'm terrible at secrets especially if Prime finds out I'm hiding something, he scares which is why I never made a move before!! *Gasp* what if Bulkhead finds out I'm scrap metal!!" Bee ranted running in circles. Knockout looked at Bee then to Mackie then smirked.
"She can be you babysitter," KO said. Mackie looked at KO.
"Wha?" She started.
"Someone has to watch the baby Bee when I'm not around," KO smirked more to Bee then Mackie. Mackie stood up and ran after Bee grabbing his arm, trying to stop him from panicking.
Bee just ended up dragging her with him "But how do I explain why she is in our base!! What do I do??" Bee asked himself. Mackie yelped and was now just trying to not let go of him. Knockout chuckled at the ridiculous sight.
"JUST SAY YOU RESCUED ME OR SOMETHING!!! Use that battle from earlier today as an excuse!" Mackie yelled, "KnOcKoUt!!! Come calm down your boyfriend!!" Knockout smirked and walked towards to two, hands in his pockets. He then stopped and got a much better idea. His holoform disappeared and his car transformed into his bot mode and he walked over to them.
"Wait I did save you but that was earlier so what do I say know!! It's not like it literally just happened!!" He said before seeing KO in bot form heading over. Knockout picked up the both of them and held them carefully in each palm.
"Well, then say you hid me and didn't know how to explain so you tried to sneak me around before deciding to introduce me!" Mackie said, crossing her legs.
"So basically, what I was doing earlier?" Bee asked before his holoform disappeared and he transformed into bot mode.
"Yeah just... not quite like that. We don't need to mention the... other way you hid me," Mackie said, shuddering a bit. Knockout raised a metal eyebrow.
"Now you've peeked my curiosity," he said looked at Bee for an explanation.
"Nope I don't wanna talk about it, look we gotta go but we meet up with you here later alright KO?" Bee said taking ahold of Mackie.
Mackie got an idea. "Why not that cave?" She asked them.
"Fine, but I will want to know what you two are talking about," he said.
"Later when we meet up at.... say at 9?" Bee suggested
"Sure thing, bugaboo~," Knockout replied, giving Bee a peck on the lips before transforming and driving off. Mackie looked up at Bee and giggled. Bee just started in shock before looking down at her.
"Hey don't giggle at me were gonna have to explain what happened earlier in like 2 hours. Now I have to drive back to base and explain this but first we might have to go car shopping for your new car...." Bee said staring at the what used to be her car.
"How am I supposed to afford this?" Mackie asked herself staring at the lump of metal that used to be her car. Bee shook his head before he transformed around her.
"Don't worry about let's go explain what happened to my team before anything else and don't worry about the cost of the car. I'll pay for it from what I did earlier..." Bee said before driving back the way he got there.
"Oh. Uh. Thanks!" Mackie smiled, patting the dashboard.
"No problem and I just spotted trouble. Cause here comes Bulkhead and he seems mad." Bee said.
"Uh oh," Mackie grumbled. The big green wrecker almost rammed into Bumblebee before transforming.
"BEE WHAT IN THE NAME OF PRIMUS ARE YOU DOING?!?" Bulkhead roared so loudly the Mackie had to cover her ears. Bee quickly swerved out of the way.
"Geez Bulkhead be more careful! Besides I was pulling double patrols for a reason! Did you ever think I was putting sensors on old trails that the map doesn't pick up on huh?! Good thing I did it too or this kid would have been a pancake." Bee snapped back transforming into bot mode holding on to Mackie. She held onto Bee's fingers, holding back nausea.
"No... I'm good. Imgoodimgood," Mackie groaned, shaking her head. Bulkhead looked down at her surprised.
"Another human? Bee, you know what we have to do now right?" Bulkhead asked.
"Yeah well she almost got crushed by Knockout. Luckily, I managed to get out of the base and rushed over here to save her. But yes, I know now let's go." Bee said transforming and driving back to base. Mackie yelped as she landed in Bee's driver seat.
"So ehh. What's your name kid?" Bulkhead asks as they drove.
"Mackenzie but everyone calls me Mackie," was the reply.
"Ugh can we go that a little faster that fight took alot of me?!" Bee said before he started to drive alot faster. 'Ugh why must everybody in the dang base wanna know everything I'm doing! Like Geez I know I'm the youngest at only 18 in human years but gosh. I'm a warrior and a scout it's my job.' Bee snarled in anger at himself in his thoughts. His engine roared as he drove into the base, Bulkhead not far behind. Mackie could tell he was mad.
"Temper temper," she sighed then she laughed. Bulkhead didn't know what my she was laughing.
"Cool name but why are you laughing? Hey Bee! Wait up!" Bulkhead called, trying to catch up. Bee quickly drove into closer to the base.
"Sorry it's just my whole team treats me like I'm 10 instead of 18 like I am a warrior! I need to do certain things on my own and they are always criticizing my every move I make. That's why you heard Bulk say something about taking my patrols and you heard me snap at him..." Bee said his engine roaring still as he sped across the desert.
"I feel you there. I am 17 but my parents treat me like I'm their seven-year-old little baby, "Mackie smirked, "whether you're the youngest or the oldest your friends and family will care for you and will treat you like you know nothing, thinking they're doing what they feel is best for you."
"Ugh u know what Imma just make Bulkhead explain everything so hold on cause I'm just gonna race right to my room." Bee said before bursting through the main room in the base and he quickly took off in the direction of his room. Mackie sat in Bee's hand.
"So, what do I do then?" She asked. Bulkhead sighed and transformed right as Arcee and Jack pulled into the base.
Bee transformed when he got to his room.
"Explore I guess Miss escape artist." Before placing her down "Don't forget we meet him at 9 so come back about 8:30ish alright." He then walked into his room and shut the door. Mackie stood there for a second before making her way to the others. She peeked around the corner and awed at the bots. Jack was the first to see her.
"Oh um... guys," Jack said pointing to Mackie. Mackie leaned against the wall and gave a two fingered salute. Raf squealed before hiding behind Jack.
"Wazzup squeaker?" Mackie smirked. Bulkhead chuckled and scooped her up in his hand.
"This is Mackie and Bee saved her from Knockout," he summed. Raf just stood there before Miko growled, "Oi only I get to call him that!!"
"Welp, guess now I get to as well," Mackie smirked at her. Optimus came over and looked down at her. Mackie just stared. Everything about this bot screamed authority. "Ummm... hi?"
Prime nodded his hello, "Um how did Bee save you exactly?"
"I have no idea. One minute I'm trying to fix my broken-down car by the road the next minute I am under attack by a bunch of black bots and then Bee shows up out of nowhere and saves my ass," Mackie explained as Bulkhead set her down in the human area.
"But how did Bumblebee know you were in need of saving?" Miko asked
"Oh he was driving by and saw of bunch of black robots shooting at me so I don't know what made him think he should save me," Mackie replied sarcastically. Seriously did these guys have problem?
"But how when he was supposed to stay right outside the base?!" Raf shouted.
"He wasn't allowed to leave the premises anyway." Ratchet stated. Bee came storming into the main room.
"YEAH!!! Lay off the bot!" Mackie shouted. Now she was feeling Bee's anger and frustration. Her hands started to give off blue swirls of energy. "Oh sh*t! Oh no! Not now!" Mackie hissed trying to hide her hands.
Bee quickly yet gently grabbed Mackie "I'm going for a drive don't follow me," Bee turned his eyes dark, "or you won't like the end result Prime." Bee then stormed off and transformed before driving off leaving them shocked. Bulkhead was about to go after him, when Prime stopped him. "Give him time."
Mackie sat in Bee's driver seat and kept trying to hide her hand which were giving off blue energy swirls like crazy. She tucked her hands under her tank top
"Ugh well its 7:50, sorry about that outburst back there...are you alright Mackie?" Bee asked seeing the swirling blue lines as they flew through her tank top.
Mackie nodded rapidly. "Don't worry everyone has an outburst, you needed one," Mackie said in a panicked tone not answering Bee's question. Bee quickly pulled up to the cave and transformed holding her while he commed KO.
"Oi smexy aft get your butt over here pronto something is wrong with Mackie!" Her swirling energy just got worse. Bee quickly tried to calm her down. "KO seriously I'm not playing!!" Knockout grew worried and raced over there.
"On my way bugaboo!" Mackie slowly began taking deep breaths, holding her hands out in front of her. Very slowly the glowing blue energy began to slow down and fade. Knockout pulled into the cave and transformed, and froze seeing Mackie's energy.
"I don't know what happened, I went off on my team and Mackie yelled and then this happened!!" Bee exclaimed worried for Mackie to KO. Mackie kept breathing slowly and the energy vanished completely. She sighed with relief.
"Thank the lord," she muttered, looking up at her two massive friends. She crossed her arms and looked down. "Don't worry about it."
"Dollface, how can we NOT worry about this?" Knockout asked lifting her chin up with a clawed digit.
"I'm very worried about it! Jesus I should have realized something was wrong earlier." Bee said
"Not like you can do anything to fix it. I found out I had this "gift" two years ago. I've kept it hidden pretty well, but I found out in the last few months, I have less control of it when I'm angry," Mackie explained, letting some of the energy swirl around her fingers like a snake. it gave off a very soft glow. Knockout energon tracker went off and he gasped looking at it. "
B-but that's impossible," he muttered, double-checking the readings
"What is impossible KO?" Bee asked
"The energy she's giving off is energon," Knockout said. Mackie made her energy disappear. "So you're saying your lifeblood is the blue sh*t spinning around my arms?" Mackie asked baffled
"Yes it's what we have to have to be able to function properly." Bee explained in the short version.
"How did you get this power exactly?" Knockout asked.
"I woke up one morning and suddenly I could do this," Mackie said, standing up and Bee's palm. She made a beautiful blue pattern or of the trails of energy. Bee looked at KO before his comm went off.
"Bee this is Ratchet there is a Con in the area around you please come back to base immediately."
Bee growled. "No I'm fine!!" Before turning his comm off.
"Now what?" Knockout asked. Mackie smirked and asked Bee to set her down. Bee complies and set her down before his head went down.
"Am I really that useless...." he whispered
"No, you're not useless. You're Bumblebee, the most feared scout in the known universe!" Knockout said wrapping an arm around Bee. Mackie smiled and began to walk away.
"You two can have a 5-10 minute make-out session and I'll stand guard," she said, a sly look on her face.
Bee sighed "But my team treats me like I'm a sparkling!! They don't think I'm good at anything!!" Bee cried
Knockout shut him by pulling him into a kiss. Mackie smiled and took a picture, even if it was dark and hard to see. "Bee," Knockout began, pulling away from the kiss for a second.
"Yes KO?" Bee asked
"You talk and worry too much," Knockout smirked, pulling him back into the kiss. Knockout sat on the cave floor and pulled Bee into his lap. Bees eyes went wide before kissed KO without hesitation this time The two stayed like this for a few minutes, kissing and stroking each other's backs. Until KO's stomach went off with a loud series of growls. Mackie snorted then burst out laughing.
"That's gotta be embarrassing for ya!" she called from her spot on a large rock. Bee sighed before he sat up again caused he had pushed KO down.
"Forgot we had company," he grumbled at Mackie.
"What? Someone has to make sure you two love bots don't get carried away," Mackie smirked. Knockout rolled his optics and quickly but gently grabbed Mackie. "Hey! Let me down!" Mackie whined. Knockout shook his helm.
"Why don't you two tell me about that other hiding method you mentioned a few hours ago? I'm still curious about it," KO said, giving Bee another peck on the lips.
"Oh um....so you know how our digestive system works right KO?" Bee said after the kiss before gently kissing KO neck.
"Of course, I'm a doctor," Knockout replied, nuzzling Bee's neck in return. Mackie just sat silently with her arms crossed smiling, watching them be cute. Bee then quietly told him what happened in KO ear. Before biting his neck gently. Knockout smirked when Bee finished telling him. He bit Bee's neck cables and his fuel tank grumbled again. Mackie tried to slide of KO's hand, but he wrapped his hand around her before she could sneak away. Bee groaned before he kissed KO neck again.
"So what do you say about that?" Bee asked in between kisses KO neck.
"I'd say now I'd like to know what human tastes like~," Knockout said bringing Mackie up to their faces.
"Oh lord. Oh Primus," Mackie said with a deadpan face. She didn't sound scared or panicked, she sounded more awkward than anything else. Bee smirked before he kissed KO before biting KO's neck again. Knockout groaned and pushed Bee away a little and gave Mackie to him.
"Mind feeding me bugaboo?~" Knockout asked, a little saliva already escaping his mouth. Mackie sat awkwardly. She trusted KO better than Bee having known him longer, but still being caught in the middle of two bots in a make-out session was nothing to not be awkward about.
"Yeah... I'm totally okay with this..." Mackie said awkwardly, sitting in Bee's hand Bee smirked before gently Mackie feet first into KOs mouth before gently massaging his neck. Mackie squirmed a little and slightly winced as Knockout tongue slowly worked its way around her body coating her in thick blue saliva. She tasted of sweet high-grade energon and her moving made KO shudder. He quickly but carefully swallowed her legs up to her waist and closed his mouth trapping her inside. Knockout's glossa worked around her upper body as he hummed buried his face in Bee's neck cables. Bee then gently massaged his throat before bringing his head to KOs and kissing him again. Knockout kissed him back, with Mackie still in his mouth. She was not only getting a face full of KO's saliva but of Bee's too. She frowned and wiggled her legs in his throat. Knockout smirked at this and bit Bee's glossa.
"Have a taste~," he said teasingly. Bee groaned before his tongue entered KOs mouth as he gently shoved KO back as to not hurt either of them, before moaning when KOs tongue started to move with his. Mackie watched the weird glossa dance and yelped a little as Bee's licked her bare arms. Knockout chuckled at Bee and Mackie, enjoying this very much. Bee then pulled back before nuzzling KO neck before biting it gently but hard enough to actually leave a mark this time. Knockout swallowed the rest of Mackie and a good deal of Bee's saliva and sighed when he felt her land in his fuel tank. Knockout smirked at Bee and him a small but strong nip on the neck cables in a spot where no one would see it unless they actually looked. Mackie just sat silently, wondering questions like is this her life now? Babysitting two lovesick bots who are forbidden to be together?
"You sure this isn't your first time, bugaboo?" Knockout whispered in Bee's ear.
"It sure is why smexy." Bee said before gently shoving KO on his back before straddling Knockout's waist. "I'm for sure not going back to my base anytime soon. So why don't we have a little more fun..." was all he said before kissing KO again before moving down while stroking his stomach where Mackie was knowing it was one of his weaker points. Mackie felt Bee stroke KO's stomach and heard him moan then chuckle. KO moved his hand and grabbed Bee's butt and rolled on top of him.
"Feisty little bee aren't we~?"
"Ow," was all the now upside-down human girl could manage to say in KO's stomach. When KO rolled over, Mackie rolled head over heels and spat out some of the blue saliva.
"Maybe this Bee needs a new leader." Bee said his eyes dark with want
Knockout's eyes also went dark and he leaned closer to Bee's face. "I'll happily lead this dance~"
"Let the sideways tango begin," Mackie said, her tone smug and loud enough for them to hear her. She braced herself for the insanity.
"Yeah let's get creative. I might end up a con after this but I'd go anywhere with you my love." Bee said letting KO turn them over.
"I might be an Autobot after this, but I'd follow you to the well of Allsparks," Knockout cooed, ignoring Mackie's snarky comment.
"And I am gonna have sooooooo much blackmail," Mackie thought with a smug look on her face.
"I'd rather be a con. Cause then I'm with you all the time, but I switch sides after this though." Bee said dragging KO's face back to his and kissing him roughly now that Mackie wasn't in there
Knockout grunted and kissed back. Mackie just sat smirking although she did wonder what the Autobots would say if their scout became a con. But hey, she just met him and she trust KO more so...
2 and a half hours later...
Knockout sighed and looked at Bee. They were both tired but happy. He smiled at him and Bee looked at him.
"Well it's now official now to change sides. I don't want you to change so I will." Bee explained. Knockout chuckled and booped him on the nose.
"Of course you do~" It was then Mackie decide to suddenly stretch and she pushed out the tight walls. Knockout held his stomach and flinched and groaned when she did that. "Oh. I forgot you were in there," KO smirked teasingly, but honestly.
Bee quickly got up. "Shoot we didn't hurt her right??" He asked concerned.
"It got a really tight in here and really REALLY slimy, but no I'm not hurt," Mackie replied. "Hey KO, do you care which side you're on?" Knockout shook his head no, even though he knew Mackie couldn't see it
"No KO the Autobots would rather see you dead!! In not having you switch sides!! They kill you and I'll be left alone." Bee cried out hearing that.
"I'd be more worried about Megatron and Starscream seeing you! Not to mention Shockwave, Soundwave, and Breakdown!" Knockout cried in reply sitting up. Mackie yelped at the sudden movement and slipped.
"Staph movin' so suddenly!" Mackie snapped wiping slimy blue saliva off her face.
"Then we go rouge, cause if my team sees you your done for!! Let's go across country or something!!" Bee suggested. Mackie stood up, trying not to slip.
"I like the way that sounds!" Mackie called. Knockout chuckled and agreed.
"That does sound like a great idea, but we'll need a place to hide until we take off." Mackie yelped and slipped again. "Ya know, I live by myself in an apartment my parents pay rent for. You two can hang there until you leave!" Mackie called, completely giving up on her legs.
"You know we will have to destroy our insignias right?" Knockout asked Bee.
"Yeah that could work. I know Knocks but I don't wanna go back to my team they mock me all the time about being the youngest and plus if we take Mackie with us and use our holoforms we can start a whole new life just us!!" Bee suggested, already excited about the idea.
"Sounds good! My parents don't care what I do as long I keep in contact," Mackie said. Knockout agreed and gave Bee a peck on the lips.
"I'm sorry they treated you like a sparkling," Knockout said.
"Speaking of sparkling, when's my niece or nephew getting here?" Mackie smirked
Bee whirled in shock before he glitched and his body smacked into the ground Bees face a bright red. Mackie couldn't see what just happened but what she heard was hilarious. She burst out laughing. Knockout smirked and tighten his stomach walls, slightly but gently crushing her.
"H-hey! Let me down!" Mackie yelled
"Not until you apologize to my bugaboo," Knockout said smugly.
Bee quickly sat up "I'm good I think just please don't say that again. Or do what Knocks did Mackie." Bee said before kissing KO.
"I'm not apologizing!" Mackie called squirming against the walls.
"Then you're not leaving there anytime soon, you feel much too pleasant, Dollface," Knockout said, but letting her down. Bee suddenly whispered an idea onto Knockouts ear.
"Why don't we make out again but I can put her in my stomach this time to you show your dominance over her??" Bee whispered keeping his voice in Cybertronian so Mackie couldn't understand. Knockout smirked and nodded. Right on cue, Mackie started yelling.
"Hey! Let me out! I've been in here for two hours!" she called.
"One minute Dollface," Knockout said beginning to cough her up. Bee immediately got ready and when he saw she was in his throat he quickly started kissing KO.
"Hey! Whatareyoudoing?!" Mackie yelled. Knockout leaned into the kiss and held her in his mouth, stealing a few more tastes from her and kisses from Bee. Bee quickly opened his mouth and his glossa went into KO mouth and started tasting both the mint salvia in KO mouth and the sweet-energon taste from Mackie. Knockout chuckled and began to nudge Mackie towards Bee's mouth.
"WHATAREYOUTWODOINGSTOPITNOW!" Mackie shouted squirming around as Bee's glossa wrapped around her. Bee quickly but gently pulled her out of Knockout's mouth before moving her around and swallowing her legs before closing his mouth and kissing Knockout again.
"That transition was just WEIRD!!!" Mackie shouted. Her shouts went unnoticed by the two, but KO's glossa did makes its way into Bee's mouth to steal another taste from her and Bee.
"You helping us Dollface," Knockout teased between kisses. Bee groaned in pleasure before he harshly kissed KO before nibbling on his neck a little bit swallowing Mackie up to her shoulders leaving her face pointed towards the front of the mouth getting a view of Bee giving KO a kiss mark.
"Bee! Let me out! I don't wanna be trapped in a stomach for another two hours!" Mackie shouted trying to wiggle out of Bee's throat. Knockout gently bit Bee's ear and smirked. Bee chuckled before he swallowed the rest of Mackie before groaning as KO bit his ear. Mackie yelped and struggled, managing to stop her decent in Bee's throat with a lot of leg and arm muscle. She made a rather noticeable bulge in his throat that Knockout noticed right away. Bee suddenly noticed she stopped moving and began choking. Knockout growled slightly at Mackie's stubbornness and began to massage Bee's throat, hoping to get her down.
"Mackenzie! Stop it, you're hurting Bumblebee!" Knockout growled. Bee quickly started coughing violently before roughly swallowing again before he motioned for a drink. Mackie yelped as the water crashed down on her, but she stayed put.
"Let me out!" Mackie shouted back, starting to push her way up. Bee quickly drank some water hoping it would make her go down as he was starting to not be able to breath.
Knockout then got an idea and whispered to Bee in Cybertronian. "Let her out, I have an idea. This will really put her in her place~" Knockout said as he held up some rope.
Bee quickly and violently coughed Mackie out into his mouth before he leaned over and coughed her out trying to get his breath back. Mackie sighed with relief, thinking it was over as she laid in Bee's hand. She yelped as Knockout grabbed her and quickly tied her hands behind her back and her feet together. His knot was a simple double knot; it was easy to untie, but the way he tied her up would make untying herself difficult.
"Hey! Untie me!" the blue saliva covered girl shouted, trying her best to kick off the ropes but failing horribly. Knockout clicked his tongue.
"Certainly not Dollface. You need to remember who's in charge," Knockout smirked, lifting her up by her tank top. Mackie scowled at both of them, but her expression softened a bit when she met Bee's eyes.
"If I said sorry, would you spare me?" she asked with a nervous chuckle. Bee just groaned before his head shook as he quickly tried to steady his breathing. Knockout held Mackie in one hand and gently rubbed Bee's back with the other.
"You sure you're alright bugaboo?" Knockout asked, kissing Bee's cheek. Mackie stopped squirming for a minute and watched the two, starting to really feel sorry for hurting Bee. Bee quickly shook his head a few times as he eyes were scrunched up in pain as his chest finally started working again. Knockout set Mackie down on a large rock, still tied up, as he slowly rubbed circle on Bee's back and chest.
"D-did I hurt him that bad?" Mackie asked, her shoes suddenly becoming very interesting.
"You almost choked him out Mackenzie," Knockout said, not bothering to look at her. "Bee... I'm really sorry," Mackie said quietly.
Bee soon caught his breath before he sighed "Imma take a quick nap....ok KO." Bee said in Cybertronian before his eyes closed and he was asleep. Knockout sighed and pulled Bee onto his lap and looked at Mackie, who just looked away.
"If you want to leave me tied up like this, it's fine, I won't complain," Mackie said. Knockout smirked and wrapped his arms around Bee.
30-minute nap skip...
Knockout had his head resting on Bee's while he slept. Mackie, on the other hand, had started growing stiff and bored and began to try to get out of her bonds. Bee woke up and winced as his neck still hurt. Knockout smiled softly at him and gently nuzzled his neck. "Feel better?"
"Kind of..." Bee whispered
Mackie looked over at them. She really felt bad for Bee, and wanted to make it up to him, even if that meant hanging out in his fuel tank for a period of time. She took a deep breath and coughed quietly getting their attention. Knockout looked down at her with disappointment.
"What is it Mackenzie?" he asked. Bee just looked at Mackie.
"I'm sorry, triple sorry, if there was a bigger word for sorry I'd say it! But... why don't... why don't you let me make it up to you Bee?" Mackie asked, still trying at the bonds.
Bee just raised an eyebrow. "Huh what do you mean?" He asked
"I-I'll let you eat me. I won't scream, I won't fight, but if you agree to this, I only have two requests," Mackie replied. Knockout smirked a bit, knowing Mackie for so long, he knew that this was greatly bruising her pride and he was loving it.
"And what might those requests be, Dollface?" Knockout asked
Bee tilted his head confused. "What do you mean?"
"I mean I'll let you eat me! Geez how many times do I need to say it?!" Mackie said exasperated. Knockout chuckled and picked her up and held her between him and Bee's faces.
"I meant what requests!" Bee said.
"Take my shoes and socks off, and leave my hands and feet untied because these ropes are killing me!" Mackie replied, starting at the bonds again. Bee sighed before looking at KO.
"Your call love bug~" Knockout said.
"Shoes and socks Yes, bonds no because I don't fancy being choked again." Bee said leaning against KO.
"At least loosen them a bit?" Mackie asked hopefully. Knockout slid off her shoes and socks. He looked at Bee before he started messing with the rope, waiting for his response. Bee sighed before grabbing her and shaking his head before taking her head and shoulders into his mouth and gently swallowing her up to her waist. Mackie winced and wiggled slightly, trying to her word on not struggling or screaming. Knockout just watched, a smirk on his face. Bee then quickly but gently swallowed the rest of her before wincing as his throat was still quite sore from before, but felt her land in his tank before he leaned against KO. Mackie yelped as she landed in his fuel tank. It was a really awkward landing since she couldn't use her arms or legs to catch herself. She immediately began to try to get the bonds off, really moving around as she did so. She pushed out the walls as she struggled to get the rope off. Knockout felt something hit his stomach and looked down and laughed a little, seeing large bumps from Bee's stomach come and go. Bee then kissed KO before giggling a little as her movement caused him to laugh. Mackie sighed with relief having finally gotten the ropes off her hands and feet. She tossed them aside and gave one final stretch, really pushing the walls out and then collapsed having worn herself out. Knockout booped Bee's nose as he leaned against the cave walls.
"You have a cute laugh," KO smiled.
Bee quickly denied that he had a cute laugh. "I'm not cute!! I'm mean and scary and will kick your aft." Bee cried his face turning red again.
"I'm afraid I have to agree with KO on this one, bug boy," Mackie called, getting an "evil" idea. She began to tickle Bee's walls in hopes of getting him to laugh more. Bee then whirled in alarm before he quickly started laughing. Knockout chuckled as he watched Bee's laugh. He cupped his face and kissed him.
"Mean and scary, huh?" KO smirked. Mackie leaned against the stomach walls and slid down and sat with her arms crossed, smiling slightly. "I am victorious!" She smirked.
Bee quickly kissed KO back "So how soon do we get the heck out of here, KO and Mackie?" Bee asked. Mackie pulled out her phone and read the time. It was midnight.
"I vote sleep, then hit the road," Mackie said. Knockout nodded agreeing.
"It is late, and I know a little bug that needs his rest, especially after today," KO said, pulling Bee closer to him.
"I SAID I WAS SORRY!" Mackie yelled.
"It's fine now, but get some sleep and I'll let you out in the morning then we can stop by your place then take off. But first why don't we get rid of our insignias KO?" Bee explained. Knockout nodded and carefully scratched both Bee's insignias. He looked at Bee then to his insignia. "I'll let you do it." Bee then scratched out KOs before he laid down and shifted closer to KO, holding his stomach. Mackie yawned and gave one final stretch, and settled down, leaning into Bee's hand. Knockout sighed and leaned his head against Bee's.
"Good night my big ol' gay boi beans," Mackie smiled, drifting off to sleep. Knockout rolled his optics but kissed Bee's head. "Night bugaboo~"
"Night KO and Mackie." Bee said before he fell asleep.
The end!
Damn! That was so fluffy and spicy and EEK! ADORABLE!!!
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