Son Of Czarnia
Ghosts of Czarnia
Story and Cover by evolution-500
Disclaimer: Lobo is a character belonging to DC Comics.
WARNING: This story contains violence, course language, dark, mature and disturbing themes and imagery. Reader discretion is advised.
"Son of Czarnia"
Dusk was quickly setting as Rhea tightened her hold on the little bundle in her pale arms, her white dress and pale blue robe fluttering around her tiny form.
'I need to hurry!' She thought as she hastened to her destination.
Time was running out.
Ever since the late stages of her pregnancy, Rhea had been haunted by a single, recurring dream. It was a dream that had caused her to wake up in cold sweat screaming every single night and feel violently ill. It was a dream that with each passing day became increasingly more vivid, always viscerally the same in its imagery and content, so utterly consistent that it instilled in her an awful certainty and dread.
Czarnia was going to fall.
At first, Rhea had tried to tell herself that it was just a dream, but the more the dream played out, the more she became convinced that it was more than that - the ancestors and gods were trying to warn her of what was to come.
Rhea tried warning people of the coming destruction, her husband included, but they only laughed off her fears. When she insisted, however, the latter lost all traces of amusement and warned her not to continue, for if she were to do so, he would be forced to have her committed.
She had pleaded, practically begged for him to listen, but he just wouldn't have it.
No matter how hard she tried, no matter what she said, Rhea was forced to recognize that nothing she would ever say would be heard or accepted, not until it was too late.
If only her husband would just listen and take them off world...
Nictitating membranes flared across her pretty red eyes as she hurried to the nearest star port.
Even if she couldn't save her family and people, let alone the rest of the planet, Rhea would see to it that her son would be spared from the coming cataclysm.
Rhea glanced at the holographic monitors and heads up displays, carefully monitoring the readings and running the calculations, checking them over for any sign of error.
Coordinates were locked for its destination - a distant world, the third planet from its sun. A tiny planet, its atmosphere and environment should be hospitable enough for the child to survive in, plus it was far from Czarnia, far enough away that it should escape the Scourge's notice should he decide to find some way off-world.
The planet's people were similar enough to Czarnia's own, if not slightly lesser in their build, but they shouldn't be able to pose any danger to her child.
Once she finished reading the planet's stats, Rhea looked over the rest.
The capsule was in pristine condition. From all indications, its life support system should keep the child safe and secure for the long journey.
Rhea quietly thanked the gods for blessing her with gifts in aviation and space travel.
She wasn't proud of what she had to do in order to gain access to the escape pods by sleeping with one of the security guards, but desperate times called for desperate measures, and she prayed that the gods and her husband would forgive her for her transgressions.
Nictitating lenses flared in distress across her red scaly eyes.
If only the damned Czarnian Council had a spine to do something about that abomination, that thing known as Lobo! It wasn't enough that they sealed him away - the little shit was far too cunning, far too intelligent for that! Far too dangerous!
Why hadn't they sent the little bastard into one of Czarnia's suns or somewhere off-world, somewhere far away where it couldn't hurt anyone?
Rhea could never understand how the Czarnian government could allow him to remain on-planet.
She shook her head in disgust.
The only good thing it brought to them was that he had scared off the Khunds...but even that should have been a warning sign!
To have scared such a vile race so badly that they dubbed him with that name in horrible recognition, of both admiration and terror...
Rhea closed her eyes and shook her head.
As long as that monster lives on this planet, I will NOT have my son living alongside him!
Opening her eyes again, she looked away from the console and teared up at the sight of the tiny little baby as it lay sound asleep in its pod, a tiny cradle that will rocket it through the stars.
As she stared at her newborn son, Rhea felt her heart ache.
* * * * *
Sorbo angrily marched forward, followed by a group of security personnel.
The foolish woman was clearly mentally unstable. What the hell was she playing at?!
* * * * *
Rhea loomed over the sleeping baby, staring down lovingly. Putting a hand onto its round face, she gently patted his scalp, making sure as to not disturb his slumber.
"{You have a long journey ahead, little one,}" Rhea said in a soft voice. "{I wish I could come with you.}"
The baby lay unmoving, its eyes closed in sleep. Giving a sad smile, she shook her head in regret. "{If it wasn't for the fact that I love your father so much, I...}" Swallowing, Rhea clamped a hand over her mouth, trying to keep herself from sobbing. "{If only they listened!}"
Wiping her eyes, she exhaled, "{You will be heading to a planet called Earth, little one. The atmosphere will be breathable, and despite the intemperate nature of its inhabitants, they will not pose any threat to you. They might fear you. long as you show them no ill will and are careful, I think you will be fine.}"
Rhea then slowly leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on the top of the infant's head, pulling away as watery lines fell from her eyes.
"{I-I know you may be confused. You will probably want answers. You will probably feel different from everyone else. I want...}" She swallowed, "{I want you to know that-that if you ever...ever feel alone...just know that I love you with all of my being.}"
Pulling down the lid as quietly as she could, she then returned back to the console and continued typing away, making the final preparations, her heart growing heavy. Once the commands were implemented and the ceiling oculus opened, only one task remained.
Rhea's trembling finger lingered over the command key. Looking back to the pod, tears trailed down her face as she regarded her child one last time.
"{...Goodbye, my beautiful son.}"
And with that, Rhea pressed the key, watching as the pod rumbled as the countdown began.
* * * * *
The infant opened its eyes as red lights flashed in the pod, watching through the glass incomprehensibly as a man entered the room, shouting something to the woman before looking to the pod, reaching out in desperation. Feeling a slight jolt, the baby felt the pod shake and watched as clouds grew closer. Looking around with curious, wondering and wandering uncomprehending eyes, he watched as the red and orange sky was replaced with a vast blackness and tiny balls of light, settling back down to sleep.
* * * * *
Sorbo stared up to the sky, reaching weakly to the air as his son's pod sailed far into the distance.
"{NO!}" Turning back to face his wife, his hands clenched tightly as he stomped angrily toward her. "{You fool! What have you done?!}" He then waved over a guard. "{Get on the monitor and recall that ship-}"
A deep cackling rose from the speakers, rising and falling into hysterical arcs, and with it came his voice, causing everyone to cease what they were doing.
"{Suck it, Czarnia!}" The Scourge of Czarnia howled riotously. "{Take it all in!}"
At that moment, a guard pointed up to a ventilation shaft, "{Sir, look!}"
* * * * *
Rhea watched in horror as a thick, yellowish cloud droned into the room, watching helplessly as the guards were the first to fall.
One by one they all fell, violently convulsing onto the floor, their forms swelling and bloated. As the yellowish cloud drew closer to Rhea, the final thought she had was of her child, praying for her ancestors and gods to protect him on his journey.
* * * * *
Smallville, Kansas, Planet Earth
Jonathan Kent wiped his brow as he tried grabbing the back of their red pickup truck underneath the heavy snowfall, his parka feeling heavy.
"Are you ready, Martha?" he called to his wife in the driver's seat.
"Ready!" She called back.
"Okay, go!"
Jonathan pushed on the back as the rear tires spun, grunting with exertion, his boot-covered feet struggling to keep himself up.
"Keep going!" He said with grit teeth, practically sliding along the ground.
Changing tactics, Jonathan then tried rocking the truck forward and backward, hoping to use the momentum to help wedge their vehicle out of the snow. After several tries, he reluctantly pulled away, his shoulders sagging in defeat.
"It's no use, hon!" He called, wiping his forehead tiredly as he approached the driver's side. "I'm afraid we won't be able to make it. Not with this weather."
Martha's eyes lowered despondently. "You're right." Letting out a sigh, she shifted over to the passenger side as he stepped in and blew onto his cold hands, rubbing them together.
"God, this weather! It's absolutely freezing!"
Martha reached for the temperature control, turning on the heat. Putting their hands over the heater, the couple sat together, staring at the dashboard.
"Well," Jonathan began, "it doesn't look like we'll be able to make it to your parents' house tonight." He looked over at her sadly, shaking his head in dismay. "I'm sorry, hon."
His wife gave a sad smile, taking one of his hands between her own while resting her head on his shoulder.
"It's okay, Jon," she replied, kissing his knuckles softly. "Things were out of our control. I'm sure they'll understand."
"Yeah. Yeah," Jonathan said in a quiet voice, staring ahead through the front window as windshield wipers swiped snow off from the glass.
Martha fidgeted in her seat, tracing her fingers along his hand as the two of them watched the snowfall together.
"...In a way," she began, "I can't help feeling a little thankful for this weather. I can't imagine how my father would react to the news about..." Martha's eyes trailed off as her eyes drooping. "Oh honey, I'm sorry."
Looking over to her, Jonathan gave her hand an assuring squeeze, adding in a low voice, "It's not your fault."
She glanced up uncertainly, looking unconvinced, then turned away in sadness.
Jonathan sighed.
For six years, the two of them were trying to have a child, but no matter what they did, the couple were unable to conceive. It wasn't for lack of trying, that was for certain. When Martha announced her pregnancy to him, however, the two of them were over the moon, and for a time it really seemed as if the Kents' hopes of starting a family would finally pan out...until they didn't.
Through no fault of her own, Martha ended up having a miscarriage, and a check-up at the doctor's revealed that she would be unable to have any children of her own, leaving the two of them feeling crushed.
Staring at Martha's gentle features, Jonathan watched as tears slipped from the corners of her eyes.
"I'm-I'm really sorry, Jonathan," she murmured. "I should have-"
Brushing a long bang of hair out of her face along with her tears, Jonathan gently shushed her as he leaned forward, kissing her forehead.
"Hey, you have nothing to apologize for," he said quietly. "What happened wasn't your fault."
Sniffling, Martha looked up with her tearstained eyes, "If...if you want to divorce me-"
"Don't say that!" He said sharply, causing her to flinch. Reaching slowly up, Jonathan carefully caressed her cheek with his thumb, gently pecking her cheek. "I don't care if we're unable to have children. I don't care if we have to adopt or remain childless - that's not going to stop me from loving you. I'm not gonna leave you, Martha. Not now, not ever. That's a promise."
Martha watched him for a long time, then smiled, planting a kiss on his cheek.
"I love you, Jonathan Kent," she said quietly. Returning the kiss, the two of them sat together in the truck leaning on each other, their cheeks pressed together. Martha exhaled softly, resting her head on his shoulder. "We'll figure something out."
Jonathan softly squeezed her hand. "That's the spirit, sweetheart."
Martha then frowned. "I wonder how Daddy will react to the news."
Jonathan shivered. "No doubt he'll find some way to blame me as always."
She grunted in acknowledgement.
It was well-known that neither Jonathan nor his father-in-law Martin, the local vicar of their church, got along with each other in Smallville. Hell, the old fart had been adamant against Martha marrying him in the first place, believing his daughter to be too good for a farmer. If it hadn't been for the insistence of his mother-in-law Gladys, Jonathan was certain that he wouldn't have gotten the old bugger to grant him permission, no matter how reluctantly.
Peering through the windows, Jonathan watched as the snow fell.
"It's really coming down hard tonight," he observed. "It almost makes me wonder if Martin is up there on his broom with a cauldron chanting spells."
Martha gently swatted his hand. "Jonathan!" She scowled.
Jonathan shrugged. "Sorry, hon."
Martha looked outside. "So what do we do now?"
Jonathan shrugged nonchalantly, staring up at the snow-filled night sky, resting his head against the cushion of his seat. "I don't know. Wait for a tow truck to come clear the road, I guess."
"It might take a while."
He nodded in agreement. "It might."
Looking back to her beautiful face, a smile crept up one side of his face along with a suggestive quirk of his brow.
Martha blushed, biting her lips, her eyes lighting up with mischief.
Leaning toward her, the two of them chuckled as he passionately kissed her lips.
As the two of them made out, the truck suddenly shook, forcing the two of them to stop.
"What the hell?" Jonathan muttered as he looked confusedly around. "What is this, an earthquake-"
He was cut off as something soared directly overhead and exploded several feet front of the truck, causing Martha to let out a startled shriek.
"Jesus!" He flinched, throwing himself over his wife to shield her, shutting his eyes at the bright, fiery explosion in front of them. Once the light was gone, Jonathan pulled away from Martha, holding her face. "Are you okay, sweetheart?"
She nodded, looking ahead. "What on earth was that?!"
Jonathan looked ahead, squinting around in confusion. "I don't know. Stay in the truck."
Martha shook her head, "I'm coming with you."
"Just stay," he replied. "I'll go have a- Martha? Martha!"
Jonathan sighed as his wife ignored his pleas as she took off her seatbelt and got out from the truck, disappearing quickly up ahead.
'What a stubborn woman,' he thought. 'I love her.'
Turning off the ignition, Jonathan got out from the truck, putting his gloves back on as he made certain his parka was zipped up. Wouldn't do him any good if he were to freeze to death out here, after all.
As he stepped outside, Jonathan glanced around, raising a hand to block out the snow as it fluttered into his eyes.
A huge fiery crater about forty feet away glowed, the fire dying out in the storm.
Looking around at the patches of wavering flame, Jonathan's brow furrowed in confusion.
What the hell happened here?
At first Jonathan thought it was a plane crash, but as he drew closer to the crater, he realized that the impact was indicative of something much, much smaller than a plane.
So, with that crossed off the list of possible explanations, what could it be?
He saw a slight, white glow at the crater's center, but because of the storm, it was very difficult to see. Martha was shouting something to him, but he couldn't hear the words.
'What could have caused this?' Jonathan wondered.
Was it a missile?
He couldn't help thinking about the old WW2 stories about German bombings in England, making the farmer shift in discomfort.
Were they being attacked?
Looking up to the sky, Jonathan glanced around curiously, listening and searching for some indication of an aircraft carrier or a bomb being dropped, an explosion, but thankfully there weren't any to suggest such a thing.
Turning his attention back to the fiery pit ahead, he continued ahead, part of him wondering what lay ahead.
When he was close enough to see, Jonathan's heart stopped. "Oh my God."
It was white in color and egg-shaped, but it was clearly metallic, the lid opened to reveal a red interior. Standing right beside it, however, was Martha, who was holding a small bundle in her arms all wrapped up in a red blanket, staring down at it in her arms with absolute wonder as she cradled it carefully.
"Jon, you have to see this!" She called.
Hurrying toward her, Jonathan peered down at what she had, his mouth open in shock at what he saw.
It was an infant that couldn't have been any more than a couple days old, probably no more than a least, he thought it to be. It was very humanoid in appearance, so much so that it could pass for a human, clearly wasn't. Although the skin had a slight pinkish tinge that reminded Jonathan of a newborn puppy, it was pale. Unnaturally so. So much so that it looked as if it were colored by the snow itself.
"It's a boy!" Martha said as she gently cradled the baby.
Looking at the infant, Jonathan stared wordlessly at it in amazement and disbelief, then back to the pod, then back to the child again.
The baby stirred, then slowly opened its eyes, causing them both to do a double take.
"Oh my God," Martha gasped.
Looking innocently up at them, the baby's eyes were entirely crimson and strangely luminescent, devoid of irises and pupils.
"Look at his eyes," Jonathan said quietly, struck by their strange glow.
Reaching to its face, his hand was mere inches away from touching its cheek when a pair of filmy membranes slicked across its eyes, causing Jonathan to give a startled yelp and retract his hand quickly as he inadvertently made the baby cry.
"Oh no. Shh, it's okay, little fella," Martha said as she rocked it back forth, humming something to it.
Jonathan looked around worriedly. "What are we going to do?" he asked. "Should we call someone about this?"
Martha looked up, startled. "H-huh?"
"We don't know where this little guy is from," Jonathan gestured to the baby. "For all we know its parents are on their way here."
Martha looked up to the sky, her brow furrowing. "If that's the case, then why didn't they all come together? Why not in a larger vessel or other pods?"
He frowned. That was true.
Looking back down, she smiled down at the baby in her arms, then unzipped her parka, stuffing it carefully into her coat, "We'll wait in the truck. Maybe they'll come soon."
Zipping her coat up, Jonathan watched with some amusement as the baby's face poked out from Martha's front like some sort of baby kangaroo, its glowing red eyes curiously looking around as it made all sorts of infantile sounds.
Looking back to his wife, he saw the hopeful look on Martha's face.
"...Do you think they'll come?" she asked.
Looking down at the baby, he glanced back to the sky, squinting through the snow as he stared upward. Exhaling a plume of condensation, Johnathan shook his head. "I don't know. I can't imagine anyone sending a baby by itself."
"And if nobody does?"
He could see the anticipation along with the other unspoken question in her voice, in her eyes.
He opened his mouth to respond, to say no, but...looking at the infant in her arms...he couldn't.
Part of Johnathan really wanted more than anything to have the child, but....there was so much uncertainty, so many questions about all this.
He had no idea what sort of health concerns, if any, the child may have as a result of this atmosphere and environment. Was the child itself a potential health hazard to the human race? Was it sensitive to whatever germs he and his wife potentially had?
Hell, Jonathan had no idea what the baby's world was like; for all he knew, it came from a world of conquerors.
If God was a kind deity, as he truly liked to believe, with any luck, the child would live a long, healthy and happy life. It would be too cruel to send to the Kents' doorstep a baby that would die immediately upon their discovery, especially when the loss of their child was so fresh in their minds.
It would be too cruel to send them a monster.
Lifting his hand, Jonathan gently caressed the baby's face as he studied it, his eyes softening as the child cooed.
"He's cute," he commented, eliciting a nod and a small laugh from Martha. Looking back up, he raised his eyes to meet hers. "You're sure that it's a boy?"
She nodded again. "It definitely looks like one."
Looking back down at the baby as it cooed beneath his petting, Jonathan felt a small smile form. "Well...I have always wanted a son."
With that declaration, the couple returned back to their pickup with the tiny baby as the snow gently fell, the start of a new and uncertain beginning.
* * * * *
Author's Note: So, one of the things that I couldn't help thinking about was, obviously, how things would have turned out if the Superman character had been a Czarnian rather than Kal El from Krypton. Thinking about it, I think Kal El was probably very fortunate in his circumstances, all things considered. I mean, granted, he is different from everyone else and wants to fit in, and the character does from time to time express feelings of alienation, but by the same token, however, the guy is for all intents and purposes a Greek statue; whatever feelings of alienation he would have, it's kind of negated by the fact that he could pass himself off as normal were he to choose to live a normal life. It also helps matters that people are receptive to his being so handsome. I imagine that people wouldn't be so generous and forgiving were he the more alien and vampire-looking Czarnian.
Hope you enjoyed this, everyone! Take care, and stay safe and healthy! :)
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