Day of the Dolphins
Ghosts of Czarnia
Story and Cover by evolution-500
Disclaimer: Lobo is a character belonging to DC Comics.
WARNING: This story contains violence, coarse language, dark, mature and disturbing themes and imagery. Reader discretion is advised.
"Day of the Dolphins"
Lobo let out a tired grunt as he got himself into his specialized suit, doing up all the buckles.
"Man, I can't wait 'til I get out of this thing," he grunted while placing on his gloves. "As soon as we're finished with this job, it's happy hour at the bar!"
Beside him, a member of his unit, Tal, let out a deep chuckle. "Took the words outta my mouth, brother. First one to finish the job gets free drinks, loser pays up."
Lobo smirked. "You're on," he said, arm bumping his friend before finally putting on his lead-lined helmet.
He watched as his commander, a tall, clean-shaven man with a short haircut and stern features, eyed him, looking him top to bottom.
"Is your helmet secure?"
Lobo nodded. "Should be, sir."
"Are you sure?" His commander narrowed his eyes.
He grunted. "I'm pretty sure it is."
"You know what will happen if you have failed to properly inspect your helmet. You know of the risks with the job, with these creatures."
Lobo frowned. "All too well, sir."
Beside him, another crewmate, Curiae, a young man in his teens with goggles and blue skin, just finished strapping on his boot.
"Remind me again why we can't use drones for this?" he asked.
"It's because the dolphins' telepathy interferes with their signals," the commander replied. "Completely scrambles and fries 'em." A smirk climbed up one side of his face. "Besides, where's the fun in letting them do all the work, huh? Where's your sense of adventure and tradition, boy? Ain't you a Czarnian, after all?"
"Ah lay off the kid, Commander," Scuzz, a heavyset Czarnian with a beer belly and beard, waved. "He's a Xrexian."
The commander frowned. "Xrexian, huh? Seems you've been missin' out. Well, good news for you, kid - yer about to learn some new Czarnian traditions, starting with dolphin huntin', our oldest and proudest! Lobo's family here has been hunting for generations, and he's bagged..." He glanced back to the aforementioned hunter, "How many has it been, son?"
Lobo smirked proudly, puffing out his chest. "More than a dozen. Plannin' on baggin' more!"
The commander let out a raucous laugh and slapped him on the shoulder. "What a guy!" He then placed his helmet on and sealed it shut. "Alright, people, it's showtime!"
* * * * *
Lobo sat buckled in his seat, drifting off as he felt the shuttle shaking. He was moments away from falling asleep when the speaker went off.
"Heads up, everyone - we've spotted a fresh school of astro-dolphins. ETA five minutes," the pilot said over the intercom.
Narrowing his eyes, Lobo grabbed his hook and harpoon gun as he unbuckled from his seat along with the others.
* * * * *
Outside, among the free-floating asteroids, pods of astro-dolphins soared through zero-gravity, their green, luminescent forms gleaming as light from a distant sun reflected off their near-translucent shapes as they all squealed and clicked happily. One lone dolphin strayed from its pod as it playfully approached a small piece of debris, nudging it with its snout when a spear suddenly exploded out from its head, its blood creating frozen crimson crystals.
Lifting their heads, the pod fled and dispersed in all directions as they were pursued by the large ship, a thing that resembled a large, dark, mechanical whale.
From the rear, the cargo bay doors opened, revealing the suited-up crew as they all revved their interstellar bikes, their engines rumbling and pulsating.
"Last to get all the dolphins is a Korugarian wet blanket! HAW HAW HAW! " Lobo hollered as he brandished his hook and swung wildly overhead in a horizontal loop.
One by one the Czarnians sped off in pursuit of their quarry while the vessel trailed close behind.
The dolphins twisted and turned as they navigated their way through the asteroid belt, their number dwindling and skewered gruesomely as hooks and spears pierced their glowing flesh.
Tal whooped loudly as he skewered two into each other, whirling them into the main vessel. "YEAH! THIS IS THE LIFE!"
Lobo guffawed as he drove up and fist-bumped him. "RIGHT ON, BROTHER!"
The Czarnians revved their engines as they continued their pursuit, with Lobo speeding ahead.
"Lobo you're going too fast, son," the Commander called out. "You might want to slow down a little-"
"Don't worry about me, Commander," Lobo grinned as he looked over his shoulder, "I'm having the time of my life out here!"
Looking ahead, his grin widened as he spotted a small fat dolphin cut off from the rest of its pod.
Revving his engine again, Lobo felt the space bike buck wildly under him as he charged after his target, dodging and weaving through the asteroids with ruthless animalistic persistence that verged on maniacal.
"HAW HAW HAW! WHERE D'YA THINK YER GOING?!" He called after his prey as he swung his hook in a round loop. "THE PARTY'S JUST GETTIN' STARTED!"
Tossing his hook, Lobo scowled as it narrowly missed. Reeling it back in again, he flung his weapon again, watching it smash through a nearby asteroid as the dolphin ducked.
He repeated a third, a fourth, a fifth time.
Clenching his teeth together, Lobo snarled, "Slippery fraggin' bastich!" He reared back his arm, "I'M GONNA-"
Lobo was cut off as an asteroid crashed into the side of his bike, the Czarnian letting out a loud grunt as his vehicle was smashed into pieces and as he briefly blacked out, the last thing he heard being the alarmed cries of his companions on the radio.
* * * * *
"LOBO?! LOBO, ARE YOU THERE?!" Commander S'aras frowned. "Where in the worlds has that boy gone? Lobo, can you hear me? What's your status?"
"Sir, I got his signal," one of the crewmembers said from a nearby console.
"Where is he?"
* * * * *
Lobo let out a groan, reaching up to massage his head.
Opening his eyes, he was surprised to find his helmet gone.
"Ah, frag!" The Czarnian swore as he started to look around. "Where the fuck did my helmet go-?"
He suddenly froze, staring at the pod of dolphins as they started to approach him.
Wincing, Lobo clutched his head, letting out sharp yells as he felt sharp, digging pains in his scalp, his mind feeling as if something was forcefully pressing itself into his head.
* * * * *
"Lobo? Lobo, are you there?" Commander S'aras frowned as he heard nothing but static. "What in the name of our ancestors has happened to that boy?"
It was then that he and the rest of the crew suddenly heard it.
"What's going on?!" He demanded. "What is happening?!"
The crewmate shook his head, "I-I don't know! Everyone's heartrates are flatlining!"
Hearing the reving of an engine, Commander S'aras and the other looked up to see a shape speeding toward them, the figure laughing maniacally as he swung a hook and chain dangerously overhead.
"Isn't that-?" The Commander's eyes widened. "By the gods, he's coming-he's coming for us! Turn this ship around, before he-"
His words came too late as Lobo tore straight into their ship.
* * * * *
One by one, the Czarnian crew fell to the monster that was unleashed.
No matter how many begged, no matter how many pleaded, Lobo gutted them all with relish, the madman laughing to his utmost content as he hunted after everyone.
No matter what weapons were used, no matter where they ran, no matter how far they fled, he pursued and tore them apart, until finally, only he remained.
Cadavers, body parts, spilled, frozen blood, the various parts of the ship and meteors floated all around Lobo, a grotesque kaleidoscope that glistened.
As Lobo leaned his head back, basking in his murderous afterglow, he found himself joined by the Voices.
Looking up in surprise, he gave a soft, fond smile at the Voices' owners as they silently approached, their alabaster forms shining under the sun's light.
'You have done a wonderful job, Lobo,' the Voices said in a calm and placating tone, the sound soothing and hypnotic, 'but...there is still much for you to do.'
Blinking dazedly, Lobo's smile grew, the Czarnian taking out a cigar from his pocket.
"Where d'ya want to start?"
* * * * *
Author's Notes: My apologies for the late chapter. Things have been incredibly busy.
So, one of the most curious things about Lobo as a character is, despite being a complete and utter psychopath who holds every being in the universe with contempt, he is very passionate about dolphins for some inexplicable reason. This trait was something that I puzzled over for a long time, just because, for a guy like Lobo to love them so much, it defied reason. I played around with various story ideas - that they had some sort of influence, that it was sort of the Tarzan situation where perhaps he was raised by dolphins or something - but then the idea hit me: what if Lobo was being manipulated? What if these adorable and cuddly-looking creatures actually had a role in shaping Lobo and his genocide of Czarnia?
Thus, this particular story was born.
I hope you guys like it!
Take care, and stay safe and healthy! :D
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