Chapter 33 - Survival (Part 2)
The stark contrast between the chaotic scene Kel had just witnessed and the eerie stillness he now experienced was jarring. He found himself alone in the room that had, moments ago, been the epicenter of a life-and-death struggle. The air hung heavy with an unnatural quiet, undisturbed even by the faintest whisper of wind.
As Kel moved through the abandoned building, his footsteps should have echoed, but the sound seemed to be swallowed by the oppressive silence. The tiny window near the ceiling revealed a night sky unchanged, as if time itself had frozen.
Confusion and fear began to build as Kel explored the deserted corridors. Where rooms had been filled with tension and bodies, now there was only emptiness. The stairs that Presence had been carried up bore no signs of recent use. Outside, the expected cacophony of police sirens and gunfire was replaced by an unnerving quiet.
Panic rising, Kel called out for Presence. His voice reverberated through the empty structure, mocking him with its hollow return. He ran back inside, his spectral form moving frantically from room to room, desperately searching for any sign of life or recent activity.
As the full weight of his situation began to sink in, Kel's mind spiraled with a torrent of emotions—confusion, fear, a desperate longing for Presence. Tears welled up in his eyes, blurring his vision, but he blinked them away, trying to hold onto any semblance of control.
The complex emotions he felt towards Presence – anger at her knowledge of Funi and Anthony's betrayal, mixed with a desperate need to not lose her forever – overwhelmed him. His voice, thick with emotion, called out for her again and again, each cry met only by his own echoes.
Just as despair threatened to engulf him, a voice responded from behind. Kel turned to find an striking figure – a tall, exceptionally beautiful woman dressed impeccably in a blue suit and matching heels. Her short, jeri-curled hair framed a face that exuded both warmth and an otherworldly authority.
"She is not here," the woman said, her voice carrying a gentle yet undeniable finality.
Kel stood frozen, caught between relief at finally encountering another presence and a growing sense that this encounter marked a significant turning point. The woman's appearance and demeanor suggested she was far more than a random visitor to this abandoned site.
As Kel faced this mysterious figure, questions raced through his mind. Who was she? What did she mean that Presence wasn't here? And most importantly, where exactly was "here"? The empty building, the unnatural silence, and now this enigmatic woman – it all pointed to a reality far removed from the world Kel thought he knew.
"Who are you?" Kel asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
The woman raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing across her face. "I mean, I've come to you as a female before, dipshit."
Realization dawned on Kel's face. "Custodian?"
"Been a minute, fucknut," she replied, her elegant appearance at odds with her crude language.
"Boy, is it good to see you," Kel said, relief evident in his voice. "What is this place?"
The Custodian rolled her eyes. "Welcome to the REM realm, where mortals go when they're drooling on their pillows. Lucky you, fucknut."
Kel's brow furrowed in confusion. "The dream realm? How did I get here?"
"You channeled your inner sanctum. It's a unique energy only anomalies like you possess. We call it 'Depths'—because it sounds cool as fuck."
"I... channeled my Depths?" Kel asked, struggling to keep up.
"Accidentally, yeah," the Custodian nodded. "You got your ghostly panties in a twist when you couldn't stop the bodyguard who went for your girlfriend earlier. All that frustration? Boom. Depths activated."
Kel's mind raced, grappling with the implications of the Custodian's words. He thought about the last time he felt this lost, this out of control. Memories of his old life flooded back—times when he had failed, when he had been helpless. The determination to never feel that way again solidified within him, like a burning coal in his chest. "So, I can just... pop into the dream realm whenever I want?"
The Custodian let out a bark of laughter. "Fuck no, kid. This was a fluke. You've got about as much control over your Depths as a drunk toddler on a unicycle."
"Then how do I learn to control it?" Kel pressed, his curiosity piqued.
"Oh, now he wants a fucking tutorial," the Custodian muttered. "Listen, shit-for-brains, mastering your Depths isn't like learning to tie your shoes. It's more like trying to herd cats while blindfolded and covered in catnip."
Kel nodded, determined. "I want to learn," he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil inside him. "I need to do more. For Presence, for the others... and for myself. I can't keep watching from the sidelines, feeling useless. I need to make a difference."
"To help a Seer? You do know her kind's sole purpose is to destroy your kind, right??
Kel's mind whirled like a merry-go-round stuck on high speed, each turn bringing another gut-punch of truth. He was drowning in revelations, gasping for air. What other secrets was Presence holding back? He felt like a kid opening a Russian nesting doll, each layer revealing something new and overwhelming, wondering if he'd ever reach the core or if the surprises would just keep coming forever.
"At least, let me save her," Kel pleaded, his voice cracking with desperation. "Whatever comes next, I'll be your puppet. I'll dance to your tune."
The Custodian stared at Kel, her gaze heavy with a mixture of pity and exasperation. After what felt like an eternity compressed into seconds, she spoke, each word dripping with sardonic disbelief.
"You fucking idiot," she said, shaking her head. "Out of millions of people, you chose to fall in love with your bane. It'd be poetic if it wasn't so tragically stupid."
"I'm not—" Kel started to protest, but the Custodian cut him off with a theatrical gesture.
"Zip-zip!" She waggled her finger comically, but the humor died as she truly looked at Kel. His face was a canvas of heartbreak and hopelessness, a portrait of a man realizing he'd gambled everything on a losing hand.
The Custodian's expression softened slightly. "Look, kid, I get it. You want to be the big damn hero. But this isn't some video game where you level up and suddenly become a badass. It's messy, it's dangerous, and half the time you'll probably end up with your spectral ass handed to you."
"I don't care," Kel said firmly. "I've been helpless too long. I need to act."
"It might cost you,"
Kel knew he was making a deal with the devil. He didn't care. Presence's safety was all that mattered now.
"I'll do whatever you want," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. The words felt like poison on his tongue, but he forced them out anyway. "Please..."
It was reckless, probably stupid, but wasn't that love in a nutshell? Handing over your heart and praying the other person treats it gently.
Hopefully this wouldn't turn into another Funi-and-Anthony disaster—but then again, Kel thought, aren't we all just stumbling through the dark, hoping our heart's GPS doesn't lead us off a cliff?
The Custodian let out a sigh. Her eyes, when they met Kel's, were a mix of irritation and reluctant admiration..
"Fine," she said, in the tone of someone agreeing to let a toddler play with matches. "But don't come crying to me when you fuck up and end up in some freakish horror's lunch box. First lesson: getting your ass back to where you came from. You've got 24 hours of semi-ghostly fun times, with a few supernatural party favors thrown in. Use them wisely, and for the love of all that's wet and tight, don't go mad with power."
Her voice softened, just a fraction. "When you've tied up all your earthly loose ends—and trust me, we all have more than we think—come find me. And Fucknut?" She paused, her expression unreadable. "Try not to die again in the process. The paperwork's a bitch."
As Kel materialized back in the room, the sight of Anthony's fallen companions sprawled on the floor sent a jolt through his being. But it was what happened next that truly shook him to his core. Hesitantly, almost reverently, he reached out to touch one of the bodies. His spectral hand, which had passed through everything for so long, made contact. He could feel the fabric of the shirt, the coolness of lifeless skin beneath.
A sound escaped him, something between a gasp and a sob. Tears welled up in his eyes as he pressed his palm flat against the floor, feeling the rough texture of concrete, the grit of dust. He lifted his hand, watching in wonder as particles clung to his skin. With trembling fingers, he brought the dust to his nose and inhaled deeply. The earthy scent filled his nostrils, triggering a sneeze that left him laughing through his tears.
Overwhelmed, Kel sank to his knees, running his hands over every surface within reach. He touched the walls, marveling at the coarse, unfinished texture. He picked up a small piece of debris, turning it over in his fingers, relishing the weight and solidity of it. Each sensation was a gift, a miracle he had thought forever lost to him.
Tears flowed freely down his cheeks as he embraced this moment of reconnection. He pressed his forehead against the cool floor, his body shaking with silent sobs of relief and joy. In this abandoned, blood-stained room, Kel experienced a profound sense of rebirth. For the first time since his death, he felt truly present, truly alive.
His moment of elation was short-lived, however, as he noticed the absence of Chief, Presence, and Anthony. Just as he was about to search for them, the purple-haired woman and two men - one nursing a gunshot wound - entered the corridor. Their appearance suggested they had somehow managed to fend off the police force.
The woman's eyes locked onto Kel, and in a fluid motion born of training and instinct, she raised her automatic weapon and fired. What happened next defied all logic and expectations.
Time itself seemed to bend to Kel's will. The world around him slowed to a crawl, the bullets barely inching their way out of the gun's barrel. Kel found himself moving with impossible speed and grace, circling the purple-haired woman as if she were frozen in place.
He observed the scene with a mixture of awe and disbelief. The bullets hung in the air, suspended in their trajectory. The woman's face was locked in a grimace of concentration, her finger still depressing the trigger. Her companions stood like statues, their expressions a blend of surprise and determination.
Kel's mind raced as he tried to comprehend this new development. It wasn't just that he could interact with the physical world - he seemed to exist outside the normal flow of time itself. The implications were staggering.
As the bullet hung suspended in the air, Kel seized the opportunity to act. He raced through the building, his newfound abilities allowing him to search with impossible speed. In a storage area, he found a length of rope and quickly returned to the scene.
With careful precision, Kel maneuvered the purple-haired woman and her companions towards a nearby pillar. Using newly enhanced semi-ghostly strength, he positioned them just so, then deftly wrapped the rope around them, securing them tightly. The irony of a ghost restraining the living wasn't lost on him, but time was ticking, and the afterlife wasn't big on overtime.
His task complete, Kel made his way towards the roof, where he knew Chief would be waiting for his escape helicopter. As he approached, he heard the distinctive whir of rotor blades cutting through the night air.
On the rooftop, Chief was poised to make his escape. The helicopter hovered precariously close, a rope ladder dangling invitingly. Just as Chief reached for it, gunshots rang out, forcing him to duck for cover.
Anthony had appeared in the doorway, pistol in hand, desperation evident in his wild eyes as he fired repeatedly at Chief. His aim was poor, bullets whizzing harmlessly past their intended target.
Snake, ever the professional, reacted with cold efficiency. Even with Presence slung over his shoulder, he took aim with practiced ease. A single shot rang out, the bullet finding its mark with deadly accuracy.
The impact hit Anthony squarely in the chest, the force of it lifting him off his feet and sending him hurtling backwards through the doorway. It was at this moment that Kel arrived, his spectral form materializing just in time to catch Anthony's falling body in mid-air.
Time seemed to slow once more as Kel cradled Anthony's limp form. The young man's eyes were wide with shock, blood already blooming across his chest. In that suspended moment, as the echoes of the gunshot faded and the helicopter's rotor wash buffeted the rooftop, Kel found himself holding the life of his former friend and betrayer in his ghostly arms.
As time resumed its normal flow, Anthony's eyes widened in shock and recognition as he beheld Kel. "K-ke.. Kel?" he choked out, blood bubbling at his lips.
Kel's voice was urgent, filled with a mix of emotions. "Stay alive, we need to talk." With that, he gently lowered Anthony to the ground and rushed through the doorway to the roof.
The scene that greeted him was chaotic. Chief and Snake were already dangling from the helicopter's ladder, their escape seemingly assured. But then, a miracle happened. Presence, still slung over Snake's shoulder, glanced down one last time and saw Kel standing there. Her face, which had been a mask of despair, suddenly lit up with hope and joy.
Snake, noticing her change in demeanor, followed her gaze. His eyes widened as he too saw Kel standing on the roof, very much alive - or so it seemed. The impossibility of the situation was not lost on any of them.
Chief's voice cut through the roar of the helicopter blades. "Isn't that Kelechi Ezeh?"
"It appears so," Snake replied, his professional demeanor momentarily shaken.
Chief's words cut through the air like harmattan wind. "Well?" he drawled, impatience dripping from every syllable. "Are you waiting for a special invitation? Clean up after that incompetent lout!"
As Snake raised his weapon to take aim at Kel, Presence acted on pure instinct. She twisted violently, her fingers finding Snake's eyes and digging in with all her might. The burly man let out a pained growl and, in his shock and agony, reflexively threw her off.
Time seemed to slow once more as Presence plummeted towards the roof. Her scream pierced the night air as she grasped frantically at nothing, her eyes squeezing shut in anticipation of the impact.
But the crushing blow never came. Instead, she felt herself enveloped in a pair of strong arms. Her eyes flew open to find herself staring into Kel's face, her own arms instinctively wrapped around his neck in a vice-like grip.
For a heartbeat, the world hit pause. They stared at each other, having one of those conversations where your eyes do all the talking. Relief, joy, confusion, and that deep, butterfly-in-your-belly feeling were all reflected in their eyes like a silent movie.
It was only when the sound of the helicopter faded into the distance that they remembered the gravity of their situation. Chief and Snake were in the wind, but with Presence in his arms, Kel found it hard to care. They'd found each other in this chaos – a two-person lifeboat in a storm of crazy. And for now, that was enough.
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