Chapter 13.
Robin's POV.
~pic above is Derek minus earrings and ripped jeans. ~
"She can summon ghosts Alfred! It wouldn't surprise me if she were one herself!"
Exclaimed Mr Wane as he stormed out of the Bat Cave.
"She's not, last time I checked" I said from behind them as I adjusted my sleeve.
Both adults stopped to look at me.
"We went to the same school till she had to go back to Korea, though that never happened, and Derek would always bully her. If she were a ghost he would have gone straight through her."
Bruce looked at Alfred, then back to me.
"Let's have a little talk with this Derek then."
Writer's POV.
"I know not of this Derek whom you speak of. Please feel free to leave Mr Bruce."
Ian Decaroli stated once again.
Bruce noticed how stiff his demeanor was and the way he clutched the handles of his chair as if to contain his anger.
"As you wish"
Someone might be receiving a visit from Bat Man tonight...
"Mr Bruce" the butler whispered as he accompanied the billionaire out of the Decaroli mansion.
"Forgive me for eavesdropping, but I know what happened to Derek."
Bruce turned to the butler with sudden interest.
"I will tell you everything that happened but in exchange I want you to keep him safe. He's like a son to me."
"Only if the information is satisfying and of some use."
The butler hesitated, then nodded.
"Meet me by the docks at midnight."
Sun-Hi's POV.
So far no job, but I found out that:
1_ Derek got kicked out and is rumored to be in touch with Don Falcon
2_ Ian is looking for two new helpers and
3_ this apple juice is freaking awesome! What did they put in it?
"Are you sure you're eighteen?" Asked the blonde curly haired woman at the counter.
"Uh... Villains don't give out documents"
I immediately facepalmed myself mentally for that stupid answer as the woman rolled her eyes and sighed.
I'm not even villain.
Am I?
"Well for villains: Everyone for themselves. So if you get drunk, which you will, or sick... Which you probably will, you're on your own."
I gulped.
Something tells me that this wasn't apple juice.
"I... Uh... Thought this was apple juice"
The woman raised an eyebrow at me.
"Exactly how old are you kid?"
I looked down at my feet.
"Almost thirteen" I mumbled.
Her eyes widened.
"You sure you should be here?"
Why was she worried all of a sudden?
My expression stone hard I looked at her straight in the eyes.
"Yes" I said firmly.
She studied me sternly for awhile.
"Barbara" she extended a hand for me to shake.
"Ghost" I shook her hand.
Another roll of the eyes.
"Your real name"
"That's classified"
"Well, miss classified, if you plan on staying alive you'll need my help. So you're just gonna have to trust me."
"Rule number one: don't trust anyone"
"Fair enough. I take it you're looking for some sort of job to work your way up to the top?"
She nodded "Follow me" and she led me past a few tables till we reached one with a few men crowded around a table smoking cigars and drinking as they talked in hushed tones.
"Hey boys." Barbara greeted.
"Who's the kid?" one of them asked. He had stunning blue eyes and a bit of brown stubble on his chin.
His hair was hidden with a grey beanie.
"This here is Ghost. Don't let her age trick you" she gave them a wink and left me there.
With a group of six men.
Muscled men.
With weapons...
Help me!
I squeaked to Channyeol and Korki.
Element I had left behind.
Why, oh why, did I leave Element behind?
"So uhm... Need help with a job?" I fidgeted with my stolen motorcycles helmet.
They all laughed.
"You're just a kid"
I growled at them.
Let me help...
Who is this?
Don't worry, you won't have to free me.
This ghost didn't sound trustworthy but what choice did I have?
Sun-Hi do-
Channyeol was cut off as I felt my mind go fuzzy till I saw my actions, but I wasn't the one making them.
I saw my hands grab one of the men and push him halfway into the wall as if it were water.
When I let go, he was stuck in the wall from his abdomen down.
Channyeol's voice echoed throughout my mind and I resumed control of my own body.
I looked down at my hands.
Did I do that?
After using the locket you become half ghost.
Basically, you're dead.
And alive at the same time.
Why didn't you tell me this before?
Channyeol thought your reaction would be epic.
Explained Korki
And it was.
Except for the part where Yuki possessed your body.
Be careful which ghosts you interfere with Sun-Hi.
"Get me out of here you brat!" The guy I stuffed in the wall yelled.
"Do I have a job?" I inquired smugly.
"I didn't hear a please?"
"F*** you!!!"
"Okay bye" I started to leave.
"Please what?"
I noticed how everyone was looking at me.
Hands reaching for hidden weapons.
Except Barbara.
She just looked amused.
That's right folks.
Fear The Ghost.
How do I get him out?
Just follow your instinct.
That's useful.
I sighed and walked up to the guy in the wall and slowly, pulled him out.
I took a seat.
"Let's talk about business".
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