Remake part 3 (end)
As he made it and parked his car the doctors were already done with lacy.
She cried as the zipped up their pants, one of them grabbed the gasoline and poured it around her room.
"Well, this was fun" one of the doctors stated as they laughed in unison.
Lacy looked up at the ceiling and begged in her head for a savior.
Xavier walked into the hospital and noticed something off, there were no secretaries, no nurses in sight, no janitors- nothing.
One thing that caught him off guard was the smell, the smell of gasoline littered the whole hospital.
His eyes widen in fear and he raced for his sisters room that was on one of the top floors. He took the stairs as he ran to her room only to find laughing doctors surrounding her room and his crying sister.
They didn't notice his presence as they were busy laughing and joking while spreading the gasoline more.
He became enraged and tackled the nearest doctors as all heads snapped towards him. He punched the doctor in the face and got up quickly. He took the IV out of his sisters arm and picked her up in a bridal position.
The other doctors helped the beaten doctor up as they glared at Xavier.
"Fuck you" with that he ran with his sister in his arms. They neared behind him as he realized he couldn't make it through all those steps with her in his arms.
He cursed as he entered an empty room and locked the door. The pounding of the door was heard as he sat his beloved sister on the ground and grabbed chair or something and smashed the 4 corners of the window breaking it.
He looked out as he went and picked him his sister, putting her on his back.
"We will have to jump" he stated as he cursed under his breath as the one of the doctors started putting different kinds of keys in the keyhole to open the door.
"I don't know if we will survive but if we tuck and role maybe we can" he informed her as she shifted a bit on his back.
She knew they both wouldn't survive the fall as she looked down.
More like he wouldn't survive since she's on his back. He will take the fall damage and wouldn't be able to tuck and role.
She would most likely live but at the price of her brothers life, she couldn't do that to him.
After all the things he has done for her, fought for her, comforted her, was there for her- she couldn't do this to him.
She began to move and got off his back as he whisked around.
"What are you doing?" He asked as he tried to get ahold of her, reaching out as she stepped backwards.
"We both won't survive the fall, I'm to weak and if I was on your back or anything then you will die" she mumbled as tears ran down her face.
For the first time in forever, she saw Xavier's eyes start to water.
"I can't lose you" he cried out as the door to their room busted open.
"And I can't let you die" with that she pushed him out the window as one of the doctors accidentally let the match slip from his hands and onto the gasoline.
Once the match had hit the gasoline the place exploded. Xavier's body went flying to a nearby tree as he was falling midair.
His back made contact with the tree and he fell to ground in pain.
The image of his sister standing there, crying yet giving him a small smile was something he couldn't bare.
He eyes grew sore as pieces of the hospital went flying everywhere.
Something landed beside him as he noticed it was some hospital blue mask, he groaned in pain as he sat up and reached for it.
He picked it up as he examined it then he placed it on his face.
His white art coat, the somewhat resembled a doctors coat, had some burnt edges as well as some paint splatters from previous art things.
He got up as his eyes were no longer producing tears since the heat was to much for him.
He staggered for miles to a nearby house and knocked on the door, he no longer felt like himself.
He lost his sister, his only sister, his only sibling.
The door opened and revealed and elderly women as she gasped a bit from his appearance.
It's late a night and he looks like a drunk homeless person with a white coat covered in paint splatters and burnt edges. Not only that but he smelled like smoke.
"I need to use your phone, if you don't mind" his voice came out scratchy as he was dehydrated.
"Of course" she went to go grab the phone and he stepped inside, he followed her in silence, staggering a bit in pain as she was in the kitchen.
He went over to the sink and found uncleaned dishes, one of which was steak knife.
He picked it up and gripped it, bringing his sister back was impossible, the world was selfish and cruel. He got that much, if the world turns its back on you then turn your back on the world.
He looked up at the women as she caught his gaze, her figure trembled as he, without a conscience, he neared her and plunged the knife deep into her heart.
"Shh" he mumbled as blood splattered onto his white coat.
"Just let me bring color" he mumbled, "into your dull world" as he finished his sentence her eyes closed and she went limp. He threw the knife aside and found some markers in some cabinet. He grabbed a handful and drew in the wall his new catch phrase.
As he finished the phrase with an X inside two brackets [ ]. Looking like this [x] signifying that he was here. he then wrote 'TMM' standing for "The Marker Maniac"
He wobbled out into the dark woods.
Years passed and the town that lived by the burnt down hospital were covered in fear.
People say that some nights they can hear a girl crying, screaming in terror.
Some were of her weeping for her brother. Some were of her screaming about doctors.
Some could even find a silhouette of a teenage girl in a burnt yellow right dress with a red cover up. She had long, ghostly black hair with a hair tie to tie up some of her hair on her left side.
She was littered in burns, stitches, and bandages.
She was truly terrifying.
Some reported, that survived her attack, that when she attacks you could hear her mumble this small phrase.
"Don't be scared to live alone" she trailed off, "for you are not going to live at all"
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