3: candle light
There's a faint knock on the door of y/n room "y/n?..." Loki's voice says no answer "y/n... May I enter?" He says the door opens and reveals y/n sitting on the floor against her bed loki walks in and the doors close behind him "a-are you alright?" He asks "what else is there? What is that supposed to mean. He needs to write a book. how to offend a woman in four syllables or less." She says Loki chuckles and sits next to her she rests her head on his shoulder.
"Come to the ball." He says "Loki." She says "please.. it will be awfully boring without your wit. "Please my darling." He says she sighs and looks up at him to find him looking down at her "if you call me that again I'm destined to melt...ugh those names you call me." "Do you want me to stop?" He says as he's been calling her pet names ever since they've become invested.
"No...never stop." She says he looks in her gorgeous e/c eyes glancing at her perfect lips "promise me one thing..." she says moving closer to him "anything love." "Never stop. Even when I tell you or if I'm cross..." she replies
The tension between them becomes great enough for a reason to pull back but they don't they stay close enough to kiss but never reaching a point "go to the ball with me." Loki says I'm a whisper looking directly at her lips this time "yes." She replies in the same quiet tone. In both permission to kiss her and go to the ball. Lightly biting her lip just before Loki smashes his into hers his hand resting in her cheek. Pushing her lightly back she he hovers over her on the carpeted floor kissing her.
Not leaving Loki to his demise she kisses him back with the same force. y/n has never liked anyone the way she feels about Loki for some reason none of the suitors that have come to claim her has taken her interest. Could it be his heart or how quiet and calm he is. How submissive he can be like a puppy being yelled at. Either way she's drawn to it much like how he's drawn to her personality for being sharp witted and stubborn much like his brother but with more common sense and a brain to use.
His hand travel down the waist line of the slip night slip she wears as it is summer in Asgard the nights tend to be warm and humid. Afraid to go any further than where his hands are makes y/n alarmed if he enjoying himself in the moment or not but he is. He's enjoying himself so very much all he wants to do is make her his but he dosnt want to violate her in anyway that would make her uncomfortable.
"W-we have the ball waiting for us." He manages to get out only making y/n sad "did I do something wrong?" She asks his eyes widen at her question "no! No.. you could never I just...I don't..." he sighs sitting up and bringing up y/n with him holding her hands "I don't want to hurt you in anyway shape or form. I don't want anything to be a mistake Because I don't want you and I.." "are you afraid to touch me?" She asks "Yes.. I'm also afraid of you to think of me as my brother." "During or-" "no. I'm general" he says y/n softens as her hands a places lightly on his cheeks
"you loki odinson son of Odin. Are nothing like you're brother. You a kind and smart, hopeful, funny and beyond all loving you fee for those who aren't yourself and care for them. I never want to make you feel, or for yourself to make you feel, any less of that. And if tonight isn't the night then so be it..but I hope one night it is." She says.
Loki's blue eyes glass over as no one in his life, as he feels, has spoke. To him and made him so comfortable as this before. "Can we go to the ball?" He asks
Y/n smiles and nods "yes." She replies
Y/n gasps as mirilka pulls on the strings of the corset "ah Ahh!" Y/n Exclaims "I-uh I can't breath." She says "my apologies miss just a few more." She says pulling again as y/n holds onto the best post gasping for air "done miss." Mirilka says tying off the strings y/n coughs holding her stomach. "Let's put the dress on miss." She says y/n nods
The doors open as y/n walks into the ballroom to see many people both from Asgard and from the other nine realms all dance and cheer and drink and eat. Music plays and people laugh.
Y/n sighs holding her stomach "y/n? Are you alright?" Loki says walking up to her she looks up" yes im perfectly fine" she says lying. Loki Inspects her face features to make sure she's actually feeling alright placing his hand on her cheek "y/n.." he says "frigga had Mirilka make me wear a corset." Y/n says Loki lightly places his hand on her waist feeling the
hard structure that is cutting off air to y/ns lungs
"are you alright?" "Yes. I'll be fine." She says lying once more he nods "let's sit down." He says she nods "we will now begin the candle light dance. Each couple with get one lit candle and dance the waltz. It is said that the couple who can dance with out putting out the candles flame will be destined to be together forever it is extremely hard but fun!" Odin says
"y/n my apologies on what happened today." "Thor says "it's alright." She says "no please let me make it up to you with this dance." "I'm sorry Thor I was um going to dance with Loki." Y/n says "Loki?" He says "oh perfect." Frigga says handing Loki a candle and lighting it. Pushing the two out to the dance floor "I don't know how to dance." I say "it's alright I've got you." Loki says
The music begins to play "Loki" y/n says "don't step on me." He says to her causing a smile to form on her face. His hand wraps around her waist and the other in her hand along with the candle hers rests on he shoulder as they begin to move.
y/ns head turn to look at the candle in thier hand as the flame barley even flickers "y/n." Loki says she looks at him "it's alright." He says she nods and they dance.
Waltzing around the dance floor only focused on each other not having noticed that almost everyone that was on the dance floor left due to their candle flame going out.
Thor leans against a pillar frown at the action between his brother and y/n. How content they are residing in each other's arms "Thor." Sif says he looks down seeing he's causing little sparks to come off his body one of them shocking sif "sorry." He says she nods
The music stops and Loki dips y/n she smiles at him and he smiles back at her and they both stand straight everyone claps at them as the candle flame continues to burn Loki blows it out "well done." Odin says walking up to them.
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