"Why can't I open the door? It's been a week!"
"Because she's fully drained, and as long as we leave her in that room with the windows closed she won't reboot."
"But why!"
"Because she's an illegal form of technology, that's why!"
"It's not going to hurt us, Dad. Can't I just peek?"
"I mean, it's not as if all robots were bad, just the one who started The War!"
"Three centuries ago people used them as house servants, babysitters, cab drivers, personal secretaries, companions- I mean, how bad could it be?!"
"Kai!" Greer's jaw was firm, eyes hard. "I don't care if she's as harmless as a stuffed bear! Just having her could end our life here! We will go to prison, son, prison! Just waking her up and letting her wander around our house is not a good idea!"
"Then why is it here!" With a stubborn expression that mirrored his father's the two stared at one another unflinchingly. "Why didn't you just hand it over to the Reapers when they showed up? I mean, what's the difference? Keep it locked up here, good as dead, or decommissioned in some secret warehouse. Huh?"
Greer blew a frustrated breath from his lungs, tugging a hand through his hair.
"I don't know, son. It just seemed, wrong, to leave her there. But now...this could mean real trouble for us. I'm rethinking it."
"Mom would have woken it up by now." There was the space of a heartbeat, passing in utter stillness between them.
"Trying to use your mother as a prod won't work. She's not here trying to protect you. I am."
"Mom wouldn't have let soldier goons scare her into letting the bot just rust in our spare bedroom."
"Are you looking for a grounding?"
"No. Are you scared to wake it up?"
"No. Just...cautious." Greer's mouth twitched a little. "And she's not rusting."
Kai grinned as his father shook his head, giving in.
"Sanu ki. I'll wake her up, after you've left for school. Three more study courses, and you're graduated. Don't botch it."
"Ah, Dad-!"
"After you leave or not at all."
"It'll be awake when I get back though, right? I'll get to talk to it?"
"We'll see. Hurry up now. Your tutor will be waiting."
Kai flew down the stairs, his rapid footsteps echoing as he raced along the hall, slamming the front door on his way out. Standing where he could see his son from the upper window, Greer watched until Kai was out of sight, breathing a sigh of relief. Now to do what he'd been dreading. What had he been thinking that day? Why not just give the android to the Reapers and be done with it? The truth was, he wasn't sure.
Bracing himself, he twisted the bedroom handle and stepped inside, closing it behind him. The room was cloaked in semi-darkness, thick curtains pulled over windows that overlooked the backyard and acreage surrounding his home. There was absolutely no noise. Looking at the form lying on the bed he would have thought her dead, expect she looked so real she might have been asleep.
His eyes fell on the dirt crusted heels she wore, the filmy layer that traveled up her legs almost to her knees. The bedspread had been his wife's favorite. Sighing, Greer moved into the small connected bathroom, grabbed a towel to run it under water until it was wet. Wringing it out, returning to the bedroom, he cautiously drew open one curtain panel, letting the mid-morning sun fall across the bed. Moving to her side, he knelt down and gently removed the heels, setting them down. Lifting her leg, Greer used the damp cloth to wipe away centuries of dust and silt. By the time he was done the towel was nearly black.
"Thank you."
He jumped up and back as she slowly sat up, her expression mildly apologetic.
"Forgive me. I did not intend to frighten you."
The frantic beat of his heat pounding in his temples, Rhaner tried to steady himself, embarrassed to appear so easily frightened.
"I didn't hear you wake up."
Her head tilted slightly to one side, vibrant, electric eyes not leaving his.
"Hear me?"
"Yeah," pushing from the wall, he moved back toward her slowly. "In the storage unit, there was a humming noise when you woke up the first time."
"Ah," her nod was almost imperceptible. "My programming was initializing, ready to imprint on my new owner as soon as power returned to my circuits."
"My new owner. You, Greer Rhaner. I am for you."
"Nahīṁ (no)," backing away, Greer cleared his throat. "That's not right. I don't own you- well, not exactly. Just the storage unit you came in."
"I have imprinted your voice and facial pattern into my central matrix," she told him softly, almost like she was sharing her fondness for kittens and chocolate. "The data imprint and adaptation phase will become complete when you-"
"Rukō, maiṁ isa nū suṇanā nahīṁ cāhudā! (stop, I don't want to hear it)," his abrupt tone silenced her, and they stared at one another, she waiting, he increasingly frustrated and worried.
"Have I angered you, Greer Rhaner?" She asked finally.
"No, it's not that. Just...what year do you think this is?"
She blinked once.
"2591, approximately."
"How did you know that?"
"I am capable of keeping accurate passage of time, and simply calculated the further deterioration of the building I was in when I woke up, to when I had last seen it. Logically, about one hundred fifty years had passed."
Greer was dumbfounded. Though she was not real, not truly alive, her simple, straightforward delivery of what had been her life stunned him. She didn't seem bitter, saddened, or relieved. Just...factual. When she smoothly swung her legs off the bed he backed away.
"I will not harm you, Greer Rhaner."
"Just Greer. You don't need to use Rhaner all the time."
"Just Greer," her sudden smile was gorgeous, making his heartbeat increase rapidly. "Thank you, Greer, for cleaning my legs and feet. It was not my intention to dirty your home."
"Citā nā karō," (don't worry)
She seemed to study him for a long moment, then stood, approaching with measured steps.
"Your heart rate and blood pressure are elevated, Greer, along with slight pupil dilation and a faint flush on your face and neck. Are you well?"
"What? Yes, I mean, I feel fine."
"Your body chemistry has changed drastically in the last sixty seconds. Is that normal for you?"
"Um, well, yeah- no, I mean, there's nothing wrong with me. It's natural."
"Ah," her simple sound made him feel as if she'd discovered the hidden meaning of the universe. It made him want to know what she meant, so he asked her.
"As a human male, you have natural responses to the image of an attractive female. A change in body chemistry and function is normal. You find my appearance attractive, and are arous-"
"Okay," he waved his hand to stop her. "I've been through Human Bio 101 and was married, I get it. Calō isa bārē gala nā karī'ē, ṭhīka hai? (let's not talk about it, okay)"
"If it pleases you." She glanced around the room, taking in the sparse furnishings and simple décor. "I like this room. Is it yours?"
"No," curious now, Greer edged closer. "You like it? Just like that, you can decide for yourself?"
"Yes," her eyes moved back to him, somehow gentle. "Does that please you?"
"Why should that matter?"
"Because I am for you, Greer. I want to learn what pleases you."
"About that," he tossed the filthy towel toward an empty hamper, seeing it barely make the edge. "Things are a little different now than they were when you were last...awake."
"Have androids been banned?"
Greer felt the icy feel of intuition shiver up his spine.
"Why would you ask about that?"
"Because The War began when an android murdered the president of the former United States."
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