The SPR team were currently holding the battle of the century. Not a ghost vs hunter battle...a snowball fight. It was Monk, Ashleigh, Ayako, Lin and Yasu against John, Rachel, Masako, Naru and Mai. And they were drawing.
"Take that!" Monk yelled as he hurled a snowball at Naru who seemed to be the main target (no idea why -.-; ) and he got hit in the shoulder.
"Naru!" Mai yelled and got monk square in the face which sent Ayako and Ashleigh into a bout of laughter, ended by monk dumping snow on their heads, starting an inter-group quarrel. Lin had walked off no doubt back to his computer and Mai and Masako were arguing about Naru again. That left Yasu, Rachel and John awkwardly standing there, but not for long. John tugged at the shivering Rachel's sleeve and pulled her into the warm church hall which was empty apart from the Cureic (don't know how to spell it but basically the head of the church) who was decorating the hall for the Christmas dinner later. The two poured each other a mug of hot chocolate and leant against the piano, sipping in silence unknown to the two mischievous pair that was monk and Yasu who were behind the piano. Monk pulled off a piece of mistletoe and lowered it down between the pair until it was in eyesight. Yasu snickered.
"M-mistletoe...?" Rachel whispered, blushing.
"Oh, so it is..." John laughed nervously.
"Just kiss her!" Monk whisper-shouted, hissing as Yasu elbowed him.
"Well, can't break traditions can we!" John stammered, blushing.
"No, guess no-" Rachel was cut off as the young priest (*gasp* naughty John are you allowed o do that!!??" lowered his lips onto hers.
Click! The sound of a camera was heard as Mai and Ayako were seen scuttling away giggling triumphantly.
"Seasons greetings lovebirds!" They yelled.
"Those are gonna be some pretty awesome Christmas cards!" Rachel laughed.
"Dinners served!" The Cureic shouted out and every one scuttled to their seats.
"I'm so going to get you back for this!" Rachel grinned deviously, makin Yasu fall onto the piano which let out a deafening twang.
"Dear!" They gulped.
~(^.^)~ extended ending ~(^.^)~
The church was full with happy people chowing down on a delicious cooked dinner and the air was full with music and chattering. Meanwhile Rachel was planning the plan to top all plans and get the jokers bowing at her knees. She smiled as she notice the mistletoe which monk had just a minute ago lying on the floor. She reached down and grabbed it, sneaking round the table mumbling something about 'getting the gravy'. She tip toed behind monk and Yasu gesturing for the others to keep silent before lowering the mistletoe down at eye level where it stayed for a few minutes before Yasu noticed it.
"Hey, we should sing carols late-" his eyes widened.
"You really should complete your sen..tan...ces...." Monk trailed off.
"Just kiss him all ready!" Rachel said in a mock tone.
"B-but I don't swing that way!" Yasu studdered.
"This is for catching me off guard!" Rachel whispered.
"Oh yeah!" Rachel face palmed as Ayako and John collapsed in laughter, nearly falling off the table. "You'd rather kiss ashleigh."
"What?" Ashleigh mumbled from her seat. She knew that snowball that she hit Rachel with in the back of the head was a death sentence the moment it left her hand.
"Just go kiss your boyfriend already!" Ayako snickered, earning a wolf whistle from a kid who was sat at the far end of the table.
She'd pay for that later.
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