The girl.. Pt5
I waited nervously all day for a girl who never showed.. Luckily I hadn't mentioned it to the crew as I would be getting jibes now of being played.
I didn't think I was being played. She seemed sincere.. Maybe something had happened?
The black hair and pale skin taunted me every time I closed my eyes or blinked, she was there.
We headed in and did the lockdown capturing evidence here and there. From EVPS to spirit box and even figures on the Kinect Camera. The whole lockdown just went by as a breeze. I expected this entity to kick off or stop us like Kelsey said he would. But we got nothing from this man.. Not a dang sound.
Packing up the lockdown, something ticked me off and I left in the hire car leaving the crew to pack up. I wanted to confront her so I headed straight for her place of work.
I'd call her ass out for standing me up like that! She could of cost me a fortune! I could image the amount of hassle I would be given if I cost the channel a days pay for everyone involved because I had put it on hold for the word of a woman I barely knew!
Parking outside her place of work I stalled seeing a library, I wanted to know more about her and her family. For the backstory of our lockdown and simply because she didn't want me digging around. I wanted to know why she would mislead me like that.
Slipping into the Library I smiled at an elderly lady who returned it and went back to her book. Using the archives I soon found details of the manor house, pages up on pages were from new paper articles, it seemed that Kelsey's family caused quiet a stir building it. There were notices about the design, the size and even the land it was sat on. It looked as though a lot of the locals objected to the house being built because of the land being sacred.. I wondered if that is why the home is so haunted today?
I got further into it when a gust of wind from the window blew the pages across the table. I sighed and gathered them up quickly and in some order hoping the librarian hadn't seen my poor job at keeping them neat and tidy.
Picking through the articles I found photos of the house and placed them down taking in each individual persons face in the black and white photo. My eyes landed on someone.. Someone who shouldn't have been there over 80 years ago...
I sat up and re-read the whole article and the small bulletin of who was in the photo.
"Holy shit.." I whispered.
Using a magnifier I brought the picture up bigger and looked at one person in an 80 year old photo..
Clear as day with a smirk on her face was Kelsey.
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