The Girl Pt3
We were at the house laying hard wires down for the static night vision cameras. We had formed a base and set up a table for our monitors to go on so that Billy or Jay could watch us.
"Dude.. What are you doing?" Aaron asked as I was stood at the window looking at the forest.
"You've been stood there for 30 minutes."
I frowned "Have I?"
Deep down I knew I'd been stood here a while but I was waiting.. I was waiting for her to step out of those woods and walk across the garden. I wanted a chance to speak to her again.
"Hey Zak, we need new batteries bro, you gonna do the run?" Billy asked.
I didn't want to leave the property but knew I had to do something than stand there and wait for someone who clearly wasn't going to appear.
"Yeah." I sighed picking up the keys and heading out the house.
I drove into town slowly looking at every dark haired woman. I couldn't explain it and I didn't know why but I felt as if I had to speak to this Kelsey. Maybe it was to do with the location but I think deep down its because I wanted to speak to her. Simply because of her.
I parked up and slipped into the store a few minutes before closing. "I'll be real quick." I promised the cashier flashing her a smile. She blushed red and nodded before looking away.
Vegas charm, always worked on the ladies.
I went around the store picking things up, crafties was one of the things. Our manager Dan had picked up our crafties.. But I was a stress eater and had scoffed the majority of it.
Taking the items to the till I dumped them onto the belt and smiled "Sorry."
She smiled "You're not from around here huh?"
I shook my head "I'm with the Travel Channel filmi-"
"Ghost Adventures. You're Zak right?"
I nodded "Watch the show?"
"Only when I can. Which seems to be less lately. I bet you're up Donovan's Farm right?"
I nodded "The house."
"Yeah, it used to be a part of a small plot, it was originally built to be a farm house."
"So why wasn't it?"
"River flow, or something like that. I just say it's the picky farmer. So the Smiths brought it, well.. They kind of just moved in and that was that. Or so I've heard." She shrugged playing with a piece of her hair.
"How long have you lived here for then?" I asked.
"All my life."
"Hmm.. Do you know Kelsey?" I asked and watched the girls face falter.
"Would you like a carrier?" she asked scanning my things.
"Yes I do. So you do know her?"
"I need to talk to her. Where does she live?"
She shook her head "I may be blonde but I know not to send people to houses uninvited."
"What about her last name?" I pushed.
"You have researchers.. Let them find her."
"I need your help... Amber." I read off her name badge. Her face flushed as she looked at her hands.
Giving a sigh she looked at me "She works in our sister store.."
"Where is that?"
"Across town."
"Thank you." I gave her a wink and paid for the groceries.
I drove across town looking for the other store, with dusk approaching I was about to give up my search when I spotted the shop and a small gathering of people. Parking across the street I watched as they all dispersed leaving one woman in the doorway... Kelsey.
I got out and began walking across the street towards her when I stopped seeing her looking directly at me.
"I- don't run." I spoke quietly seeing her stance.
"Donovan's farm." I started with, her eyes narrowed.
"I want to know your story, I'm going to investigate it tonight..."
Her eyebrow cocked at me and a small smile crept across her mouth. She shook her head slowly and pointed to the sky as the thunder rolled in.
I kept my eyes focused on her as a flash of light filled the sky making her skin seem even whiter.
"What are you?" I asked taking a step towards her. She matched mine back avoiding me.
"Are you even real?" I asked out loud, mainly to myself but the question made her frown.
The soft smile came back as she walked over and touched the side of my face with her small hand. I could feel the coldness of her fingertips and the warmness of her palm as she looked at me carefully.
Everything told me in my mind to remove her hand, to place it back by her side or to even step away but her eyes had me fixed. Her hand gently guided my face towards hers as I looked at her beautiful eyes and to her full lips. I felt like a teenager again, inexperienced and useless at all this. It was like I had lost everything I'd known.
My nose caught the smell of her perfume as we got closer together. The thunder would have terrified me any other time, but here I was stood in the middle of a road with a woman I didn't even know, completely at a loss.
The lightening flashes showing her eyes to be greener than I'd ever seen. They were a strong emerald green that could take my breath away easily. She leant towards my lips as my heart pounded against my chest trying to escape.
"Why did you run?" I whispered but her lips touched mine gently.
As she pulled away gently it left a tingling feeling across my lips almost making me want to touch them.
"Am I real now?" Her smooth honey voice spoke.
My instincts kicked in, one wasn't enough as I grabbed her pace as pinned our lips together. Every thing in my body told me I needed more of this woman.
She pulled away hard glaring at me "I-I'm sor-"
"Stay away from the farm." She spoke before stalking away leaving me stood there on my own.
I watched her disappear down an alley way before my phone rang cutting my concentration.
'Zak, it's Billy.'
'What's up?'
'Powers out man, completely gone.'
'Shit.. Is everything set up?' I asked.
'Yeah we were good to go but without electric we are pretty much screwed.
'Okay, well just lock up the place and bring the cameras. Leave the leads and tripods down etc and we will pick up from there tomorrow. It's pretty secure right?'
'Yeah it's sound. Alright I'll let the boys know.'
I hung up and looked back at the alleyway before heading back to the car.
She was real, but I still didn't have the answers I wanted.
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