The Girl pt 7
"Zak you ready bro?" Billy asked breaking my concentration from a small bird pecking at a crust of bread I had just thrown it. The green on its wings reminded me of Kelsey's eyes.
"I dunno. Do you ever feel that something isn't finished?" I asked looking over to him.
"With this lockdown?" He frowned.
I gave him a nod and looked back at the bird which had disappeared.
"Sometimes, but you know how it is bro? We don't always get answers. These places have been haunted for years. We can't come in for 12 hours and expect to get all the answers. What's bothering you man?"
"That girl. She's protective, why do you think that?"
He shrugged "That's probably a story we will never get."
The idea didn't settle well with me. But I had to accept some people didn't want help, maybe Kelsey was one of them.
My eyes picked up movement in the corner when I saw the bird had came back with a smaller bird.
"Where's the nearest cemetery?"
"Cemetery? East side, why we going?" He asked.
"Yeah. Let me just get something." I replied getting out the car and going into the store.
I wandered around before finding what I wanted, with a few more minutes I was getting into the car.
"Know someone there?" He asked starting the car.
"Something like that.."
The tyres of the SUV crunched the gravel as we slowly made our way up the track. Flowers lined the gravesides marking the respect of the loved ones lost over time.
I got out the car looking around when I noticed a small section of the grave yard littered with colour. Windmills, teddies and balloons were tying down testing themselves against the wind.
"Where you going bro?!" Billy called as I made a beeline for that small sorrowful section.
My stomach knotted knowing all these graves laid out were for small children taken too soon, way before their time.
I looked at each headstone in detail, checking the names, row by row I went until I found one grave with dying flowers and a daisy chain sat on.
Crouching down I dusted off the small cuts off grass to reveal Amber's grave.
So consumed with looking at the daisy chain, I had blocked out the outside world. Until a voice hissed at me "What are you doing here?!"
Craning my head around I found Kelsey, her emerald eyes wide looking at me.
"I jus-"
"Just want to interfere! That's all you do!" She snapped.
"I came to pay my respects." I answered placing the flowers down. I watched her eyes get glassy before she began blinking rapidly to clear them.
"You didn't know her. I never got the chance to know her so you don't get to pay your respects." She answered gasping at the end to control her emotions.
"Who did it?" I asked looking down at the grave.
"You're not suppose to go into the house... I warned you."
"Who did it Kelsey? Who pushed you?"
"He doesn't like visit-"
"Who?!" I snapped causing her to jump.
"J-John.. John pushed me." She stuttered.
"How old?" I asked looking at the grave.
"A year.. I had my beautiful beautiful baby girl a year before he took her. I knew it was coming and I tried to warn them.. I tried to scare them away but they wouldn't listen and because of them she is gone!"
I reached out to comfort her when she stepped back "I killed my baby. I fell on her... I tried. I tried to hard to make her breathe. I tried everything but she wasn't breathing! She wasn't breathing and it's on me!" She shouted.
"I want you to get help. I have someone who can."
She shook her head "Nobody can help. Nobody can stop this..."
I pulled out a card and held it out, her eyes flicked to the card before she looked back at me.
"It's my number. I have to go home.. But I can't leave without knowing you're gonna seek help."
Her brows furrowed slightly before she nodded and took the card. "I have friends who can help, if you need anything, anything. You ring me."
Her mouth opened almost to speak when she decided against it and closed it.
"Take care Kelsey.. For what it's worth? I think you're a pretty strong woman." I turned and went to walk away when she called for me.
Looking back she smiled slightly "Your grans proud of you."
My heart stopped for a split second hearing it when I looked down at a windmill rattling away.
As I looked up Kelsey was gone leaving me alone in the cemetery, turning my eyes to the sky, I saw the sun coming through the clouds shedding some light on this gloomy day.
"I guess I won't get all the answers, Gran."
I returned to the car slowly where Billy was sat inside on his phone. My mind went over the past few days, the lockdown, the problems and the mysterious woman who always had a seem to know more than what she let on.
Kelsey was a mystery, another story and sometimes the best stories are left unwritten....
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