*Requested - New Team member*
The first lesson Zak taught me, was to not stare at the camera, expecting it to talk back. That when he was talking, I was to look at him and be engaging, not zoned out at the large recording equipment set upon Dakota's shoulder.
The second lesson was to wear black, that I was able to achieve as I was rather fond of the colour, or lack of it for people who want to split hairs.
The third lesson? To control your emotions in a situation that involved demons and to keep my guard up, unless I wanted uninvited house guests when I got home.
Which is how, after weeks of being put through my paces, I was here... Stood beside Zak and the crew. Ready to start my first lockdown.
Was I nervous? Absolutely. But one look at the guys, who all gave me a reassuring smile, and Dakota's playful grin, I felt safe and I felt ready.
"For the first part of the lockdown, I figured I'd put our youngest two investigators together." Zak informs everyone, as well as the audience at home, who will be watching this in a few weeks time.
I glance over at Dakota who takes a breath in, ready to be thrown in the deep end with me. If he is nervous, he doesn't show it and I can only think that is because we are the same age and both have the same mentality when going into this demon pit. Go hard, or Go home. I flash a smile and hope that he packed his big boy pants, because I was wearing my bravery badge and determined that nothing was going to send me out this place screaming. Not even the demon that liked to torment women...
"We got this." Dakota grins before giving me a jolt with his elbow.
I return it which soon causes a playful shoving game until Zak laughs and steps in between us whilst still talking about the location.
"I'm hoping with the energy these two give off, that we will be able to catch some incredible footage."
That's when Dakota slips a hand behind Zak's body and tugs on my pony tail playfully.
"Alright kids. Break it up or you're both on time out." Zak warns before handing us a spirit box each, as well as a camera, Mel meter and a recorder.
The dilapidated building looked ready to be consumed by Mother Nature, not investigated. According to records, back in the 1900's it was an hospital for the mentally ill patients. From that bit of information alone, I knew this place would be infested spirits, good and bad. Some which here for their own good and others... Well I think we have all seen the reasons for admission list. If you haven't then I can tell you that the overcrowding in these asylums, could have been solved if they let go of the people who were forced in here for the lights of Superstition, asthma, laziness, jealousy, religion, bad company, bad habit and my personal favourite.. novel reading. Yep, picking up that book would see you in the asylum.
"You okay?" Dakota asks as we begin walking down the corridors.
"Sure. You?"
"Yep." He responds.
Pushing open a door, I disturb some pigeons which had set up home, causing them to burst into flight, with flapping wings and a squawk
"WHAT IS THAT?!" Dakota yelps dragging me to his side.
"Relax! It's birds!" I laugh panning my camera around in the dark.
"B-Birds? Are you serious?"
"Just some sleepy pigeons, will you let go of my arm now? I'd like to be able to get my recorder."
"Huh?" He asks making me turn my camera to face him.
"Dakota... My arm."
He releases my wrist but glues himself to my side as I begin walking again, whilst fishing in the equipment vest for the digital recorder. Seeing my struggle with locating my device, Dakota offers his recorder and we both begin EVP sessions.
We head into different rooms, trying to figure out which would be the best place to set up a spirit box session, when I see the X-camera and decide on the room. Figuring that I might be able to catch an anomaly on the static camera, if we are right in front of it.
Running both spirit box and the digital recorder, we begin calling out and in return, receive the sounds of cries and a whistle.
"You know, I grew up in a house with a demon, it terrorised my family, yet I am more scared now than I was back then." Dakota says when we take a break.
"Maybe it's the environment?" I suggest.
He hums before pacing around the room. "I'm going to shoot the hallway, are you okay there?"
I nod. "I am, I got base watching."
With a nod, he leaves the room whilst I begin setting up for another burst session on the recorder.
"Can you tell me your name?" I ask.
"Who is here?"
"Do you know who I am?"
Three questions and a quick review only leads to one response and it's not one I expected. Frowning, I rewind the recorder before the whispered voice becomes clear and I scarper off the floor and to the static camera where I replay the recording over and over again.
"Who is here?"
"Who is here?"
I look at the lens "I hear Zak, I think they know you guys are watching."
Replaying the recorder, I confirm that the whisper says Zak and save the recording so that we can use it in the episode.
Sitting back into my position on the floor, I pick up a small stone and toss it across the room. "Can you throw it back?"
When nothing happens, I do it again with another stone and do it again. "Come on! You're suppose to be this big bad demon. Is it your day off? Are you bored?"
A second later a small pebble scuttles back and hits my leg. I smirk and toss it across the room. "Come on. You got more strength than that. If you want me out, you're gonna have to do something big. Otherwise, I'm staying here."
Another stone is thrown, this time it's a little harder and it bounces off the wall.
"Hey, I'm heading back to base, Zak has just radioed in, wanting to know if you'll stay here?"
I nod "Hell yeah. I'll catch up with you later."
"Positive. Go."
"Stay safe!" He calls before departing and leaving me in the wing alone.
Picking up my camera, I turn it onto myself. "Well as promised and to be an official member of the crew, I have to be left on my own. I'm good with that."
The stones stop coming and multiple EVP sessions as well as spirit box sessions fall flat. Leaving me sat in a dark room, tossing small stones against the wall hoping I can elicit some activity.
"I heard that you mark people. You terrorise them. Seems like you're not all you're special. Perhaps you don't exist, that it's all a hoax. What do you think about that?"
I roll my eyes at the silence, until the door to the room slams shut. Sitting up straight, I pan my camera to the door. "Is that it? You're pathetic. Do something! Throw some stones, knock over the camera, pick up the wood! Do something!!" I demand.
The air around me chills even further as I turn the camera on myself to document what is going on. Heat begins to spread across my neck but before I can part my lips, my hair is pulled hard, hard enough to whip my head back.
"Woah! Did you just pull my hair?" I ask guiding my hair around the other side of my neck.
The scalp begins to tingle, like someone is running their fingers through my hair, but instead of running, I document it and sit on my hands making sure that I don't move myself an inch.
"I told you! If you want me out, you're gonna have to do something big!"
What I didn't know, is that my demand would be met only seconds later when the static camera is pushed over and I'm pulled across the floor.
I let out a scream in surprise, kicking at the air until whatever is holding my foot releases. Scrambling onto my hands and knees, I crawl back to my camera and into the static camera's range.
"Come on you piece of crap! You want to fight! Let's have at it!" Grabbing a handful of stones, I throw them across the room and prepare myself for retaliation when light floods the room making me grab my eyes.
"What happened? Are you okay?!" Zak asks rushing over as I remove my hand.
"Wha- Why are you here?" I ask instantly.
"We lost feed on the camera. We have the microphone set up and all we got was you screaming. That was enough for me.. Are you okay?" He asks again, crouched in front of me with a concerned look.
"I'm fine."
"What happened to your neck?" He nods.
I lift my hand and lay it on one side of my throat. "Nothing, it felt warm but apart fr-"
"You've been scratched, raw. Jesus why didn't you come straight back?" He asks just as Aaron and Billy tumble into the room.
"Dude... I'm too old to run. What the hell?" Billy puffs before looking at me. "You okay?"
"I'm great! I got my hair pulled, I got scratched and I got pulled across the floor. How awesome is that?!" I ask excited causing all the men to look at each other.
"Um.. Is she for real?" Aaron asks quietly.
"From those floor markings and the state of her clothes, she was dragged."
"Holy shit." Billy comments looking at the floor and my dust covered jeans.
Zak looks up at me and grins "Welcome to the team." He then picks up my camera and turns it onto me, panning over the state of my clothes. "This here is our new little addition. She is turning out to be a wild child already. I'm impressed and that is saying something, especially after doing this for 10 years. Right guys?"
I smile, pleased that they are happy with my work. Which might make this next question a little softer...
"So who is up for the Ouija board?"
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