Requested -Friend from another era.
With a hearty yawn, I sit myself down on a wooden bench that overlooked the Vegas skyline.
"Hard day?" The voice chirps beside me.
I scoff. "How do I compare my day to one of yours?"
"It's a different time. I'd understand. Plus, I fought someone else's war, you are fighting your own, within your body.."
Glancing over, I find Shawn, a World War Two soldier, sitting on the bench beside me with a pleasant smile. Some how, he just knows what to say, to make me feel better.
A year ago, I was in a car accident, hit by a drunk driver, according to medics and doctors, I died at the scene but one pedestrians quick thinking saved my life and I was brought back. With a two busted legs, I had to learn how to walk again, which put me on a path of recovery of pain and exhaustion. Even now, I get tired from walking which is how one day, I ended up on this bench, exhausted, emotional and ready to give up. When Shawn arrived and changed all that.
At first I was terrified, convinced that I was going crazy, but when I finally calmed down, I returned to the bench and had a conversation with Shawn and here we were, having our usual catch-up.
"How are your legs today?" He questions.
"Achy." I respond, rubbing my knees as if it would help. "What about you? How are you?"
"At peace."
I smile at him, looking over his green uniform, and slicked back hair. "At peace and handsome, bet you have all the ladies swooning, huh?"
He chuckles. "If only."
As a couple approach, they give me a pitied look, no doubt worried that I was here alone, smiling and laughing to myself. Reaching up, I hold the blue-tooth device to my ear, making out I was on the phone. Their looks change and they give me a pleasant smile as they pass.
"Technology really does change people, doesn't it?" Shawn questions. "Had it been in my time, I would have stopped to ask if you were okay, not pass with a smile."
"That is because you're a kind soul." I tell him.
We fall silent as we stare out over the city, taking it all in. From the people to the buildings, to the flowers and trees. For some unknown reason, everything looked prettier up here, which is why I made the effort to walk up here. Some days I could barely make it and often arrange an Uber for the way back down and home..
But that is between us and Shawn.
"Do you think the world has changed negatively?" I ask Shawn after a few moments.
"Technology wise?"
"Technology and society."
He hums, thinking it over. "Technology, I have to say yes. It's concerning how many people become absorbed in devices. I watched a man almost get run over because he was too busy looking at his phone and do you know what? He was more angry at the driver than himself for being on his phone."
I scoff. "Sounds about right."
"Society.. No."
Turning myself, I look at him. "Explain."
Shawn smiles and mimics my position. "The unity of races. How people live as one now. No more segregation. You told me about Rosa Parks and it warmed my soul tremendously. I am proud that we have gotten past that."
"I couldn't imagine how things were back then. I don't think I want too."
Fixing his brown hair, Shawn sighs. "Awful. It truly was. One of my closest friends whilst we fought in the war was a black man. It's a damn crime that they couldn't sit anywhere on a bus but were allowed to put their lives on the line for our country. Double standards. Urgh. I'm glad things have changed. Absolutely."
I nod. "Me too. Hey, I never asked you.. If you hadn't gone to war, what did you want to do?"
"I was fortunate enough with that. My father was a mechanic, owned his own shop, I wanted to follow in his footsteps. So when I was called upon, I stated my traits and I was able to become a mechanic too with the US Army." He tells me.
"That's a stroke of luck. I never knew what I wanted to do. I still don't." I mutter.
"Time." Shawn says making me look over to him. "One thing I have learnt about since my passing, is that there is always time. And if you are lucky enough, when you pass, you'll have even more."
"Hopefully not with these legs." I laugh patting my knees. "Maybe I'll be able to walk marathons and dance freely again."
Shawn is about to respond when a voice interrupts.
"Excuse me.. Who are you talking to?" A man asks looking at me with a knitted brow. He is stood in front of us with a black and white dog whose head is tilted at Shawn.
I wonder if she can see him...
"Hold on.." I say and look up to the man, pointing at the blue-tooth piece in my ear.
He looks, tilting his head too, but doesn't look convinced in the slightest. "Right..."
"Sorry, I have to take this call." I tell him, looking away and holding my ear some more.
"I'm sorry.." The man continues making me look back to him.
If I was alone, I might have been a little intimidated by his tall stature and dark clothing. But I felt safe enough with Shawn around, not that he could do anything, at least I don't think he could, but I also could be wrong...
"It's just that, when someone is on the phone, it usually flashes, indicating that it is in use and well... Yours isn't."
"Got you." Shawn snorts making me shoot him a glare, which didn't go unnoticed by the man and his dog. Amused, Shawn shifts forward and begins playing with the unknown mans dog, making her tail wag furiously.
"What's up Gracie?" The man asks, tugging on her leash a little to try and settle her.
I'm about to ask the guy what he wants when I spot a face over his shoulder. A face I know all to well, who is running up the hill like it is nothing, a giant smile plastered on their face, waving my phone at me..
Ah shit.
"Hey Zack!" Toby grins.
"Hi." The man turns looking at Toby.
"Who are you?" He asks, passing him.
"Zak..." The man replies confused.
Toby pauses. "Oh two Zak's. Double trouble huh?"
My eyes narrow instantly at the man. "You are called Zak too?"
He nods. "Yeah... How come you are too?"
The answer was simple to that one and one that I have to explain so often that it has actually become mind numbingly boring. "My dad really wanted a boy. Then I came along."
"Right.." Zak answers before looking at Toby.
"What's up Tobes?" I ask wondering why he has ran up here, usually him and running do not go in the same sentence, so it must be important.
"Oh yeah, dude am I glad that you are here.. You forgot your phone." He says handing it towards me.
I cringe and accept it from his extended hand and place it on the bench beside me. Now I my plan is foiled and I want the world to swallow me whole.
"So you weren't taking a call then?" The man asks amused.
Have they built a time machine yet? If not, why not?!
I had come home from lockdown less than 4 hours ago, before I realised that I needed to get out the house and rid myself of this energy that had hitched a ride home too.
With Gracie looking at me expectedly and the weather being fine out, I thought a good hike would do us both the world of good, and so far it has. Until this very moment...
Our usual seat was occupied by a woman with long black hair and the most beautiful sea green eyes. Dressed in a pair of shorts, a tank top and a pair of converse, she stood out, as most people who walked this high usually had walking boots and trousers on because of snakes.
She was an animated talker and used her hands before going quiet and chewing on her lip piercing whilst she presumably listened. Only there was nobody sat beside her and my paranormal spidey senses were tingling.
My original plan to walk past her was brought to a stop. Even after three days of Hell, I couldn't help myself and had to stick my oar in... Something I have yet to grow out of.
The woman turned to me almost irritated that I had interrupted, blessing me with those eyes that quiet frankly could disarm a man. Her eye colour reminded me instantly of the sea, with it's dark blue hue which was then flooded by green. There was even some hints of gold mixed in, which I would categorise as being the sun hitting the ocean. They were innocent and truly magnificent...
Her lashes framed her eyes perfectly and reached up towards her brows which held a small silver piercing in, hinting at her rebellious side.
She held some fire in her, I could see that and I began to wonder if there was a reason this woman was put on my path today. Could it be a sign? I had began to think otherwise and that I had made a mistake when she told me that she was on the phone. But when her friend arrived with said phone, and said that her name was also Zak...
Well it just seemed like fate to me.
With Gracie tugging on the leash, and leaning herself forward to get at the empty side of the bench, I began to make deductions.. Was there someone there? Did Gracie sense them or maybe see them? Was this Zak talking to whoever it is? A spirit?
Maybe she was unstable? But she seems stable.. Sound of mind and volition, I would say...
Maybe she is different? Maybe she is like me and can see a little more than just this life?
I want to probe further but she already seems defensive enough as well as embarrassed that her friend brought her phone.
My eyes watch as she tugs her lip piercing back between her teeth some more. Her eyes falling off me and to the floor in thought.
"Hey." I say suddenly, pulling my wallet out. "I uh- I don't know if this is your kind of thing, but you should check out my museum."
"Museum?" She repeats.
"Yeah, I own one in downtown Vegas. The Haunted Museum?"
Her eyes widen slightly and she quickly looks beside her before looking at me. "Oh.. I don't know."
I pull out a card and hand it towards her. "Live a little." I tease as she takes it cautiously. "You a skeptic?"
She snorts amused before her smile disappears and she shakes her head. "Not really. I'm kind of on the fence."
"All the more reason for you to come and check it out then. I can assure you, it will be worth it." I tell her.
"Oh yeah. Bring your friend too." I say looking at the empty seat.
The colour drains from her face and I watch as she gulps. "H-how did you-"
Got you..
"You'll come on down. Won't you, Toby?" I say, clapping her friend on the arm.
It's light but I almost send him flying and put my hands out to steady him.
He laughs a little uneasy. "Umm. Yeah, I guess."
"Great!" I grin. "I guess I'll see you, all... Soon."
I give Zak and her spirit friend on the bench one last look before heading off with Gracie who is still indicating that there was something or someone there. Telling me that I am not the only one with paranormal spidey senses.
Now I just hope she shows up at the museum and sometime soon too. It's not every day that you meet a captivating woman, with beautiful eyes, who is open to the idea of spirits. Not to mention that she is called Zak too!
Hell, maybe it's Fate. But I guess I'll have to wait and see how this turns out...
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