New customer
I brushed up the hair on the salon floor quietly grumbling to myself as Kaitlyn snipped at her clients hair.
"Honestly you'd think I asked her to clean the toilets. Not sweep up some hair. Why Darius employed her I'll never know." She tutted making her friend snigger.
I had been working at Marcos for a while now, fully trained hair dresser yet I was Kaitlyn's slave whilst Darius was on vacation.
It had been a week and Kaitlyn had poached all my customers for the entire 2 week period. Leaving me to make tea and coffee, oh and clean.
I didn't mind cleaning it came with the job but her bossy attitude was grating me more than what it usually did and I had to put up with it.
Sweeping up the hair, I disposed of it and placed the brush back when Kaitlyn spoke "Be useful and make some coffees. Seeing as you're not busy."
"Sure thing." I smiled hoping that it would annoy her.
It sure did and turned the kettle on as I passed the back room. The sound of the doorbell rang over the crappy music that has been put on by queen bitch.
Stepping out I found a tall guy stood at the desk looking around. His look screamed trouble, as he donned black clothes and a cap.
"Hi how can I help?" I smiled approaching.
"Is Darius working today?" He asked looking around quickly.
Trouble with a angel carved face...
"Sorry sir he's on vacation."
"Dammit." He sighed.
"Anything I can help with?" I asked seeing his troubled look.
"Yah, I need a haircut desperately. But I need it done ASAP. I'm about to leave town for work."
"I can do it for you?" I offered.
Chewing his lip he looked around "No offence, please don't take offence but I'm real particular with my hair and Darius kno-"
"I can do it!" Kaitlyn called sliding over leaving her friend with half a dye job.
"Zak right?" She asked making him nod.
"I know exactly what you have done. I'll do it." She beamed at him. Her eyes were like marbles looking at him up and down.
Like Anaconda sizing up her next prey...
"You've fully booked yourself?" I reminded her.
"Nonsense. Take a seat, I'll put you next-" She paused as her next client walked in.
"After Mrs Hydeman." She laughed.
"When is Darius back?" He asked me.
"Next week."
"Okay, um sorry what's your name?"
"Saffy?" He asked.
"Short for Saffron. I don't like the name.." I muttered.
"Saffron.." He repeated.
I hated the way it rolled off his tongue already..
"Well Saffron, I need a haircut.. ASAP. I can't leave it... Can you help?" He asked taking his hat off to wild bed hair.
I smiled "Take a seat, Zak."
"Uh- I can do your hair. Just give me an hour." Kaitlyn jumped in trying to take over.
"It's fine, you're busy. Besides, I think Saffron has it covered." He smiled over at me making my face flush.
He took a seat by the sinks as I grabbed a gown for him. He held out his arms as I slipped it on and tied it behind his neck noticing a tattoo peaking out.
"Sure you won't drown me?" He teased as I turned on the shower head.
"I don't make promises I can't keep." I replied making him smirk and lay back against the basin.
I ran my fingers through his hair surprised at the softness of it as well as thickness.
"You mentioned you were heading out of town, anywhere nice?" I asked as I began washing his hair.
"Nice, gorgeous beaches there. All work or pleasure as well?" I asked him.
"Bit of both. Mostly work though, I'm a bit of a workaholic." He admitted.
"No harm in that, why not if you're fit and able?"
He smiled "Glad someone thinks so... How long you been a hairdresser?"
"First day." I joked making his eyes widen.
"I'm kidding, qualified hairdresser? 4 years. Been cutting hair for a lot longer." I smiled scrubbing his head. "Sorry if I'm a bit rough."
"I like that in a woman." He replied causing my face to heat up again.
I rinsed his hair before putting in the conditioner, spreading it out evenly before I began a deep massage on his scalp.
I heard him sigh and close his eyes enjoying it.
"Gotta say, you're knocking Darius of his podium." He groaned.
I grinned and continued before rinsing his hair clean and transferring him to the seat in front of the mirror.
"Trim yeah?" I asked making sure.
He nodded "Yes please."
With that I got on and began cutting his hair, as he text away on his phone.
"Saffron." He spoke making my eyes flick to the mirror.
"Oh, oh nothing. I just like the name. It's a pretty name." He smiled watching me.
"That's why I don't like it." I replied before grabbing another comb not liking the one I had.
"You don't like it cause it's a pretty name?" He asked.
"Yeah, it doesn't suit me." I answered gently pulling his ear down to cut around it.
"Sure it does. You're a beautiful woman, in fact the name doesn't do you justice."
"Well aren't you a charmer?" I asked making him grin.
"God not this song again." I whispered.
"Don't tell me you don't like Justin Bieber?" He asked causing me to lift a brow.
"I'd prefer not too listen to it."
"What type of music you into then?"
"Genre? I don't think they have a genre for my taste yet. I'm a Led Zeppelin, Evanescence, Avicii, Tïesto kinda girl. Whatever mood I guess."
He smiled in approval. "I'm the same."
I finished up the trim before grabbing the dryer and drying his hair off. After it was done I checked for any stray strands before trimming up the neck line. He had some good hair, well maintained hygiene wise. Once done I looked up at him.
"Gel? Wax? Clay? Paste?"
He pondered looking at his hair "Paste. I have a faux hawk. Let's see if you can do it.." He challenged.
"You got it. I'm gonna use this one, smells amazing." I replied opening it for him to smell.
"Hmm. That is a good one, what's that?" He asked looking it up on his phone as I sorted his hair.
Within a few minutes I put the finishing touches on his faux hawk and stood back. Zak lifted his head and sat forward expecting it carefully before grinning.
"That is a perfect one."
"All good?" I asked impressed with how good it looked on him.
"Too right! Think Darius just lost a customer and you gained one." He smiled checking the opposite side.
With a rear mirror check he approved and we headed to the tills to settle up.
"That's $18." I smiled.
"What? Really? I- how come? I pay like $25 normally." He frowned.
"Lucky day then. I charge different as I hire a chair from Darius." I answered.
"Damn, well shit put me on your list from now on. That massage is work that alone."
As he sorted some money, I wrote the amount down in my book and pulled out the change pot, he put down a note and gave me a wink before leaving as his phone began ringing.
Taking the note I paused seeing a $100 bill.
"Woah.." I quickly changed it up and rushed out the shop after him, he wasn't hard to miss, the broadness of his shoulder and cap swinging off the back of his jeans had me running after him.
"E-excuse me! Hello?! Sir!" I called dodging past people.
When did I become so unfit?!
"Zak?!" I shouted causing him to look over his shoulder.
He hung up the phone as I reached him "I- Y- damn boy you got long legs!" I huffed making him chuckle.
"You okay?" He asked as I tried to recover.
"Y- you forgot your change, plus this.." I held out a new pot of paste. "You can't buy it, it's a supplier item."
"You just ran... For a pot of paste?" He asked with a raised brow.
"And your change, you put down a $100." I swallowed trying to stop my panting.
"U- I know." He laughed taking the pot off me as my jaw dropped.
"Then you made me run for nothing? Are you cruel?" I asked pointing to the sky at the sun.
"That's your tip. You know what that is right?" He joked.
"W- Don't be silly. It's far too mu-
"Ah- take it and this.." He smiled holding out his card.
I took it and looked at his name in silver writing across a black Matte card.
"Message me some time. I'll see you around Saffron." He tapped my nose with his finger before unlocking a car behind me.
"I might."
"I'll be waiting." He replied walking past me.
"Have fun at work!" I called turning as he got into a grey Lamborghini, the engine roared into life before purring. Giving me a wink he took off into the traffic leaving me on the side walk.
Looking down at his card I smiled "Paranormal investigator.. Huh."
I slowly returned back to work with a smile on my face, a new customer and a $82 dollar tip.
Today was a good day.
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