I have enjoyed many parties in my life. From Christening, to weddings, to Christmas and even to birthdays. But I didn't enjoy those parties as much as I enjoyed Halloween parties.
Halloween is my favourite time of year, and not because I hope I'll find someone with a relating outfit and call it love at first sight or even fate. No, it's because I get to dress up and let my wild side show...
Entering the house, I was instantly met with flashing lights, music, fog and an array of costumes wore by everyone. Smiling, I glanced around to try and find someone I knew, but with the make up and disguises, I figured it would be a little harder to find them tonight.
Cotton wool cob webs hung across the top of the door jabs, whilst Paper Pumpkin lanterns were hung around the room giving the odd splash of bright light. The rest of the house had been washed with red from the lightbulb, with the odd netted spiders web adoring the large walls with fake spiders hanging from them.
I grinned wickedly at all the decorations, even to the bats that were pressed to the walls on the stairs.
Passing through the throngs of people, I began taking note of outfits, just to make sure that I wasn't matching anyone else. I passed The Incredibles, Avengers, Pharaohs, Mummies, Ghosts, a few devils, a Police officer, Angel, Beetlejuice, Alice in Wonderland, a couple Zombies, The Addams Family and countless Vampires. But none that looked like me.
With mental cheer for my choice, I slipped into the lounge to find that the decorations and masses of people continued.
It's then I was attacked by a witch.
"Oh my god you look amazing!" My friend Katy screamed wrapping her arms around me.
"Not too much?" I ask as we part.
She eyes my outfit before giving me a grin "You look hot. Seriously Hot."
I feel my cheeks heat at her compliment before paying her back in kind as I make her twirl around giving me the full effect. "Are you going to put a spell on me tonight?" I joke.
"Girl, you don't need any spells, you're gonna pull."
"That's not why I wore this. It's Halloween, you know I can't help myself."
She nods "I know, I know. But seriously, you need to wear this like.. Everyday. Actually, don't. You'd definitely cause some accidents. In a good way of course."
I laugh placing my hands onto my hips. "I've spotted a few that I need to take down."
She grins. "If Kate ever needs a replacement, you should totally put yourself forward."
Katy is then swamped by a group of girls who giggle excitedly. Each wearing less than the next making me give them a smile before I make my excuse to leave.
Circulating the party, I greet people and stop to have a few chats before I escape into the kitchen.
The air is a little cooler out here, as I get myself a drink from the punch bowl. Katy had even gone to the trouble of adding jellied snakes to mix. Just for an added surprise.
Taking a sip, I glance at myself in the kitchen window. My dark hair had been cut into a sharp bob over a week ago, on a whim. It had grown too long and fancying a change, I went into the hairdressers and told them to cut 10 inches off and give me something clean cut and easy to manage. My only problem was that a few days I realised that I had a bob and no outfit for Halloween to tailor my hair into.
That is until I watched Underworld.
I was taken with Kate Beckinsales character Selene. The black bob, blue eyes, fangs and a tight black outfit.
Consider me sold!
After searching online and being in Vegas where you can get anything at any time, I managed to find the complete cosplay outfit. Decked in the black catsuit, black corset, leather boots, black coat, and gun holsters. My brown eyes were now transformed into a futuristic electric blue and I had got retractable fangs that dropped when I snarled.
But whilst I looked the part, I never took into consideration the heat of everyone in the house.
Pulling open the backdoor, I stepped outside and shed my coat hoping the cool air would find my skin.
But it wasn't just the cold air I found...
A low whistle filled the air making me turn to find a dark shadow leant up against the house, a foot was propped up against the house looking casual.
"Hi." I spoke trying not to frown as my eyes narrowed trying to see who it was.
"Hellooo." The voice replied, pulling the response out.
I picked out a top hat in the darkness as the person leant forward and pushed themselves up off the brickwork of the house. My foot took a backwards step as they slowly prowled towards me.
"You make an extraordinary Selene."
I smiled to myself "You think?"
"Oh yes.."
"Well thank you. I would probably tell you how good your outfit is, only I can't see you in the dark."
I received a dark chuckle before I was greeted with my stranger. I felt my jaw slack slightly as I took in his outfit.
Knowing him, I knew who he was instantly but couldn't believe how good he looked stood in front of me.
"Holy shit."
He smiles exposing his fangs which I knew were no cheap imitation like mine, his were professional, custom made and totally worth it. "You like?"
I nod.
Zak had came dressed as Dracula. It was his favourite book and film, the man could quote Bram Stoker all day and we had both watched the film countless amount of times.
"I had no idea you were coming here."
He shrugged casually. "I didn't either. But I found myself intrigued as what you would come dressed as... It was worth the social anxiety to see you like this."
I bite my lip as I stare up at him. "I did good huh?"
"Mouth watering."
Most men would have taken the easy option when dressing as Dracula, they would have got a pair of black pants, a white shirt and a black cape. Slicked their hair back and got a fake set of fangs which made talking impossible.
But this was Zak and he put all other Dracula's to shame with his outfit.
He was decked out and rocking it. With black pants, a white shirt, red waist coat with a black tailcoat, hat and black scarf tied around his neck. His fangs were in and he had got red contacts, the same deep red that matched his waist coat and cane he had beside him.
"I love your outfit." I say eyeing him up and down.
"As do I, love yours. If I knew you looked this good in a catsuit, I might have demanded you wore one sooner."
I tweaked my head "You could always demand."
He smirked. "Then I'd want to devour you.. Always."
"You say it like its a problem."
We stare at each other for a few minutes, both unable to process each others transformations.
"So.. Are you saying you did all this, just to see what I would wear?" I ask him under the moon light.
He laughs softly "Your Halloween outfits are always memorable, but this has to be my favourite... Now how long do I have to wait before I'm taking down by Selene?"
His eyes are full of mischief and I can't help but giggle as someone sticks on AC/DC - Back in Black. Reaching up, I grab him around the neck and pull him down to my height.
"Shall I tell you what my outfit is next year?"
He thinks about it. "It might ruin it for me..."
I shake my head.. "I think you'd make an excellent Van Helsing, which would leave me to be your Anna. Would it not?"
"Kate Beckinsale played her."
I rose a brow "Careful, I might think you like her more than me..."
He grins and drops his cane to grab me around the waist and lift me up his body with ease. "There is no chance in that.. Now, I believe Dracula wanted a vampire wife, did he not?"
I wet my lips "I'd hate to break it to you, but Selene is already one."
I gave him a snarl dropping my fangs which made his eyes light up "You look hot with fangs. Tomorrow we are getting Father Seb on the phone to get a set made up."
"And tonight?" I question as he pushes us up against a wall.
His reply?
"Tonight is all about this outfit and I'd let you bite me any day."
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