Delilah's move.
Zak stood in the bedroom doorway, observing Delilah as she was led on the bed asleep.
His soul was burdened and heart was heavy at the state of her, when she was pulled from crawl space. His eyes roamed over her dirt soiled boots and bandaged bloody hands. He knew the bandages needed cleaning and they had stopped off at a Walmart to grab antiseptic that needed to go over her cuts to stop any infection.
But Zak was stuck.
His guilt was hammering him in the spot as he watched her doze on the bed. It had been the first time she had slept since the lockdown, he knew that because Aaron asked her earlier if she was okay after hearing her TV on all night. His room was beside Delilahs, so he knew that she hadn't slept from the loudness.
Zak shifted on his feet looking over her hair, which was now cleaner than what it was when she was pulled out. Wetting his lips, he slowly made his way into the room and found her pillow was in fact his pillow. Her face was pushed into it, almost like she was inhaling the scent of him as she slept.
His heart picked up speed at the idea, but when his eyes fell back to her hands, he knew that he didn't stand a chance. He wanted to know why he was different from the rest, he thought maybe she had a little thing for him? But no doubt he had killed it from from his decision in the lockdown.
He had reviewed her camera footage, she was screaming and begging to be left alone. She cried and yelled for Aaron and Jay. But what caught Zak hard was when she began screaming his name too. After the way he treated her, putting her into a place where he knew she would absolutely hate, she screamed for him...
Not only did she look innocent, but now she looked vulnerable thanks to him.
Zak slowly crept over to the bed with the first aid box and antiseptic. He sat on the edge of the bed, looking at her face, her lips were slightly pouted and her eyelashes rested onto her cheeks whilst her hair was thrown back across his pillow.
His pillow.
With her hands stretched out, he placed the box on the bedside cabinet and slowly began his work of opening the box and then unwrapping her hands.
Her smaller hand were being cradled in Zak's large ones. His fingers working carefully to remove the gauze. He paused when a moan left her body and her hand pulled causes him to hold onto her elbow and massage it with his thumb gently hoping it would cause her to fall back to sleep.
But when he looked back to check, he found her eyes open and watching him silently.
"Hey, I've just got to change these. Also put some antiseptic on. So it might sting a little bit." He explained as her dark eyes drank in his face. Nervous, Zak swallowed and turned his attention to her wounds.
"I'll try and be quick though." He added as he got the new gauze and bandages ready.
It was only when he dabbed her cuts with the antiseptic did she hiss and try to pull her hand away again.
"I know." He whispered holding onto her elbow to stop her from bending it. "I know it stings but I have to." He insisted.
She grumbled at the stinging and takes a breath. Whilst Zak cleans the wounds on her arm. He blows cold air from his mouth onto her palm trying to soothe the worst of it.
The small action doesn't go unnoticed by Delilah who stares up at him carefully, watching his mouth pucker to blow at her palm again. His eyes and hands working to clean up her palms whilst she lays there. She noticed he looked tired too.
"You haven't slept." She says breaking the silence of the RV bedroom.
"No." He answered truthfully.
"Because I felt bad for you, I shouldn't have been a jackass and sent you down there alone. I'm sorry."
She doesn't reply, just blinks at him. All last night she had been thinking about it, his determination to send her down there alone, the way he challenged anyone to disagree with him...
"You knew I was afraid to go down there.." she stated.
"Yes. But I thought I could get some evidence, I've done it with Aaron before, but never has he came back the way you did. Delilah I'm really sorry." He grumbled whilst wrapping her hand up. Once it is done, he starts on her other hand.
"You should probably sleep." Delilah mentioned.
"I will. When I get back home."
"That's at least another 7 hours." She answered.
"No." She frowned pulling her hand away and sitting up. Before returning her hand to his. "You need to sleep before that."
"I'm fine."
"I didn't think that was a question. I'll sort my hand out, you take the bed."
"No." Zak forced out making her stop. "You didn't sleep last night either. So just stay there."
Delilah looks at the dark circles under his eyes from lack of rest. Patiently, she waits until her other palm is bandaged up before taking off his cap.
The move surprises Zak as he nervously pats down his hair which is stuck in all directions.
"You've got nice hair for a guy. You must look after it." She said looking at it.
"I try my best."
She smiled, she knew that no man really admitted to looking after their hair, usually saying that they weren't bothered or they don't do anything to it. But Zak said he tried his best to look after it.
His eyes looked over at hers, causing a small smile to pull on her lips as she looked at the swirls of blue, green and grey.
"You've got really nice eyes too." She added.
"Thank you."
Silence stayed between them as they looked at each other. Delilah working out how he would accept the bed. Zak trying to work out a way of asking her why he was different. He knew it was now or never..
"Why do you treat me different?" He asked making her blink.
"I do?"
He nodded. "Yeah."
"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realise I did that." She answered biting her cheek.
"You seem to gel easily with everyone apart from me."
"I'm not sure why, maybe it's because you're the big bad boss who didn't want me in the first place?" She guessed.
"Well I do." He answered causing Delilah to look at him. "Want you, that is. I do want you."
His eyes widened slightly as he realised what he had said. "A-as part of the team! Obviously! Because anything else would be weird cause you're young and I'm older so... heh."
Delilah tried but failed to contain her giggle "I think I knew what you meant. But thank you for clarifying that you don't want me."
Zak looked away, not wanting to correct her that he did in fact want her that way too.
She leant forward and kissed his cheek "You're forgiven.. For the lockdown."
His cheeks flushed and he looked back at Delilah who was smiling. "Thanks for these two." She answered wiggling her fingers to her bandaged palms. "I look like I'm about to go for a boxing match."
He chuckled "Yeah my work isn't as good as Billy's."
"I like it. Wanna fight?" She asked creating small fists.
"No, I don't want to do anything that involves hurting you." He answered.
Her fists relax and drop to her knees as he looks at her face and hair.
"Well then.. What do you want to do?" She asked.
He shifted on the edge of the bed and leant forward, pushing a kiss on her cheek. "That's for my stupid decision in lockdown."
But before he could pull away entirely, Delilahs hands took hold of his face, her eyes darting over his features looking for some kind of discomfort. But she didn't find if, just curiosity and maybe a hint of something else.
Feeling the fastness of her heart, she wet her lips and leant in, kissing him on the lips gently.
She felt his body stiffen and she knew instantly that it was a bad idea. Her hands let him go and she pulled away. "I- I'm sorry. That was unprofessional an–"
She was cut off by his mouth kissing her with a little more force behind it. As if he transferred a surge of energy, Delilah kissed him back before threading her fingers through his hair in need for more.
Her body coiled into Zak's as his large hands drew up her back squeezing gently. His hands too found her hair and pulled on it making her moan softly against his mouth.
"You've been driving me insane with your little dances and sucking on that fucking ice pop." He growled before pushing his tongue into her mouth.
Excitement filled her body as she unfolded her legs and stuck one over Zak's lap trying to encourage him to come closer. She didn't intentionally mean to wind him up, she didn't know he was watching her and certainly didn't realise that sucking an ice pop was so sexual for him. All she wanted was relief from the heat...
Zak's teeth bit her lip causing another moan to leave her mouth. She never moaned or enjoyed kissing like this with Jack.
Suddenly her eyes sprang apart and she shoved Zak away as she clamped a hand over her mouth.
"What? Did I hurt you? Was that a moan in pain?" He asked.
She shook her head.
"Then what? Look if it's about me being your colleague then don't worry about anything I-"
"It's not that either." She admitted.
"Is it me? Because I thought-"
"It's me, well not me. It's.. Its Jack."
Zak frowned. "Jack? Who's Jack?"
"M-my partner.." she stuttered.
Zak sat back.
He didn't expect that.. "Oh."
"I shouldn't have kissed you. I'm sorry." Delilah apologised as Zak got off the bed needing to detach himself from this moment. A moment he has been enjoying so much that he would have tore off her clothes and fucked her. If she wanted to go that far...
Bacon and their driver here or not.
"Right. I should probably just go then."
"Yes." She added hugging her knees.
"Yep." He agreed and left the room quickly.
He marched back to the couch and led out on it, willing his body not to relish in the feeling of her lips, the smell of her hair shampoo or how she moaned against his mouth.
But of course he did.
He had a taste of the forbidden fruit, he crossed the line and by hell he wanted to do it all over again.
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