Crescent Hotel - Season 18
Being the equipment tech to the Ghost Adventures crew means I am responsible for setting up and maintaining the care of each piece. From the moment they enter a location, they are my responsibility and it's my job to ensure they are all fully charged and working ready for the a nights worth of investigations.
"Hey you okay?" Dakota asks coming into the room we had declared nerve for the evening.
I glance up from the line of gizmos and gadgets to him "I sure am. You?"
"I'm good. This place is nice, they are letting us keep the fire in too which is kinda cool."
"They are? Awesome. At least my teeth wont chatter all night."
He laughs "Yeah, you won't have to wear 5 layers again."
It's not normal for an equipment tech to stay over night, however when you're currently dating one of the crew members, who happens to be the lead investigator, rules kinda slide. I have spoke to all the guys individually regarding me staying in the investigations over night and if one of them are unhappy, then I leave because this is their work, their livelihood and I don't want them to feel anything but pure devotion to their work.
And I do not stay overnight unless I am invited...
The guys are upstairs, filming interviews when Billy radios through to Dakota. "Dakota it's Billy. Are you with Willow?"
He looks at me instantly. "I am."
"Can you send her up? Zak has taken a turn, he's being sick and I think-"
"He's getting panicky and will need his inhaler. He always does. Tell them I'm on the way." I answer.
Dakota radios back whilst I grab my purse and head up the stairs, following their voices until I find the interviewee stood in the bedroom, whilst the rest of the crew are stood back, watching Zak leant over the basin in the small bathroom.
"What started it?" I ask moving between them.
"It came outta nowhere." Jay responds.
I squeeze into the bathroom beside Zak and sit on the edge of the bath whilst he stands over the basin. "Easy.." I sooth rubbing his back as he gasps for air.
"I got your inhaler. Don't worry, just try to breathe normally for me.."
"I'm gonna be sick.." He warns.
"I'm right here."
Sure enough the coughing begins to get violent and the tissue he has in his hand scrunches under his tight fist. I look back to the crew who have lowered their cameras. "Can someone get me some water? Or a glass?" I ask them.
Seconds later Aaron is passing me a bottle of water and I unscrew the cap before passing it to Zak who is looking at me worried.
"I don't feel good.." He moans at me.
Looking at his grey face and clammy skin, putting the back of my hand on his head, I can feel his temperature is rising. Turning to the crew I tell them. "We need to take a break."
As Zak goes to protest, they agree with me instantly. Whilst Zak slugs the water back, I unbutton his red flannel shirt and pull it from his shoulders trying to cool him down.
"Don't sink that bottle too fast, you'll bring it all back up." I tell him as he goes to take another mouthful. He doesn't appreciate it when I pull off his cap, revealing his messy hair and pull one glove off, unable to get to the other because he is holding the bottle.
"What are you--"
"You are heating up."
"But I feel freezing cold." He complains.
"I think this is some kind of residual fever. What room are we in? Is there any kind of activity that mimics this?"
"This whole wing is the pain asylum." Aaron answers.
"The dying wing?"
I look at Zak who puts the water bottle down gingerly and pulls his other glove off. "Maybe I need to lose a few lay-"
Before he can finish, he is back over the basin being sick again. Giving him privacy, the crew and interviewee leave us alone, whilst I tend to him.
"My chest feels tight."
"It will, you're putting it under pressure. I think we need to get you out of this wing." I answer as he sits on the edge of the bath beside me.
"I feel horrible."
"Did you feel fine before we started? No stomach pains or flushes?" I ask trying to determine the cause.
"Nothing. Like Jay said, it was out of nowhere."
I nod. "Right, then we need to get you out of this room and off this wing. I think you're connecting with someone and it is making you seriously sick."
"Where's the spirit box-"
"Forget it. You're not continuing until there is some kind of barrier, you've came in too open."
"I know." He responds picking up the water again.
"Then you know better and know we have to leave. Come on." I finish, picking up his shirt, hat, gloves and my purse.
He walks after me slowly, leaving whatever was effecting him in the room behind us. It's not until we leave the hotel entirely and are sat on the wall outside that he takes a full breath of air.
Closing his eyes, he takes another deep breath before opening them. "It's lifted."
"Good. So are you gonna tell me I was right in making you leave?" I ask playfully giving him a gentle elbow.
He scoffs a laugh "Yeah, yeah. You were right."
"I know." I grin back. "I know."
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