Chapter 41
*Doctor's Office*
I drove to the doctors office by myself. I wanted to be alone when I found out what was going on with me.
Doctor: "What seems to be the problem here today, Ashley?"
Me: "Well, last night, my sister-in-law and I went into town and had ourselves a uh...very good time. I woke up this morning very sick. I thought it was from having way too many drinks last night, but my husband thinks that I could possibly be pregnant..."
Doctor: "When was the last time you had your cycle?"
Me: "I'm not too sure..."
Doctor: "Well, I'll have you take a test just so we can take pre-cautions."
Me: "Sounds fine to me Doctor."
Doctor: "I'll be back in just a few."
The doctor leaves the room and returns back with a pregnancy test. I take it and wait for the results.
Doctor: "Well, Mrs.Bagans....
The doctor smiles.
Doctor: "Your going to be a mother!"
Me: "REALLY?!"
Doctor: "Yes, really!"
Me: "Oh my goodness...I was told I would never be able to have kids."
Doctor: "Miracles happen."
The doctor smiles and hands me some papers.
Doctor: "I'm going to go ahead and send you next door to Doctor Bailey. She takes care of all the baby stuff."
Me: "Thank you Doctor!"
I get up and proceed to walk out the door.
Doctor: "No problem, Congrats!"
I smile, say thank you, and walk next door to Doctor Bailey.
Nurse: "How may I help you today dear?"
Me: "I was just next door, and was told that I needed to see Doctor Bailey."
Nurse: "Alright, Let me have you fill out these forms and we will get you back ASAP."
Me: "Sounds good to me."
I smile and take the clipboard along with the forms to fill out.
After I finished filling out all the papers, I'm called back to see the doctor.
Doctor Bailey: "Hi Ashley! The doctor next door told me you would be coming in. Congratulations!"
I smile.
Me: "Thank you so much!"
She smiles.
Doctor Bailey: "We are going to do an ultra-sound just to make sure we can see the baby, and make sue everything is ok. Are you okay with that?"
Me: "I'm fine with it."
Doctor Bailey: "It's only going to look like a little peanut so do not freak out when you don't see an actual baby."
I laughed. I knew that already.
After I left Doctor Bailey's office, I headed home. Zak is going to be so surprised! Well, he kind of said something about it anyway, but oh well. He did not know for sure.
Zak: "What did the doctor say?" "Are you sick?" "Talk to me Ashley Bagans!"
I laughed. Geez this guy.
Me: "Honey, sit down for me please."
He sat down on the couch and I sit in his lap.
Me: "The doctor said I was fine."
Zak: "Oh thank goodness."
He hugged me and I gave him a kiss.
Me: "But I do have some important news..."
Zak: "What is it babe?"
Me: "Well...."
Zak: "You can tell me anything baby."
I smiled. I looked at him with tears in my eyes.
Me: " Your going to be a dad!"
Zak's eyes widened.
Zak: "Are you serious?!"
I smiled.
Me: "Yes!"
I pulled the pictures from my back pocket.
Me: "See."
He took the pictures from my hand, and smiled.
Zak: "I can't believe it."
Me: "I know, I can't believe it either!"
For the rest of the night, Zak and I talked about how amazing parents we were going to be. We are very excited! We will definitely be busy once our little miracle arrives.
~Author's Note~
I'm sorry for lacking on the updating! But hey, at least I'm updating now! I would also like to address that my writing style will be changing. Some of my friends just started reading my stories and they do not particulary like how I write in "text message" format or whatever it is. So, I will be writing more in like dialogue I guess? Idk. I'll figure it out. But thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy! Happy reading!
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