Chapter 33
Nick POV
Ash isn't act like her self today. I wonder if something's bothering her? After we got in the van she was sitting in the car with her headphones in. Ok now, something must really be up.
Ashley POV
We pulled up to an old house about 10 minutes later. I unbuckled and got out the car quickly. I ran to the back and got out my camera and put in my SD card. I heard someone coming around the corner. I tried to quickly gather up everything.
Nick-What's the rush?
I looked at Nick.
Me-Nothing. I just want to get my work done.
Nick-Ash are you okay? You've been acting weird today.
I looked down and bit my lip.
Me-Yeah. I'm fine.
I looked back up at Nick.
Nick-No your not. Something's going on.
I fiddled with my camera.
Nick-Did Zak say something?
I shook my head No.
Nick-Did Zak do something that hurt you?
I shook my head again.
Nick-Come on Ash. You know you can tell me anything.
I looked back at him.
Me-I just have a lot of stuff on my mind.
Nick nodded.
Nick-Is there something specific that's on your mind?
I looked back down. I felt Nick put his hand on my shoulder.
Me-I miss her a lot.
Nick-Me too sis. Me too.
I looked back up and grabbed my camera.
Me-Let's get to work.
Nick-Yes ma'am.
He grabbed his camera and left off to find Aaron and Zak. I went and took some pictures of the old house.
About an hour or two later we all regrouped and went back to the hotel. When I reached Zak and I's room I walked in and put my pajamas on. I was very tired and stressed. I sighed.
Zak-What was up with you today? You weren't your self.
I looked at him.
Me-I know. I just had stuff on my mind.
I lightly smile and start to take off my make up. After that I went and laid in the bed. I felt Zak lay next to me. I open my eyes and look at him.
Zak-Is there anything you wanna talk about?
Zak-You sure?
I laughed.
Me-Yes. I'm sure.
He smiled.
Zak-Love you.
Me-Love you too sweetie.
I closed my eyes again but I felt someone start to kiss me. I opened my eyes back up.
Me-What are you doing?
Zak grinned.
Me-Come on Zak not tonight.
He sighed and gave me the puppy eyes.
I turned my back to him. I felt him put his chin on my arm.
Me-You wont give up will you?
I sat up and looked at him.
I rolled my eyes and laid back down.
Zak-You still love me?
Zak-I'll take that as a yes.
Me-Goodnight Zak.
I laughed.
Zak-Goodnight Ash.
He turned out the light and we both fell asleep.
Is it sad that I already know how I'm gonna end this story and how Im gonna start the 2nd one?xD LOL! I'm gonna leave you guys hanging. ;)
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