Chapter 24
Zak's POV
I was upstairs packing Ashley's clothes when my phone rang.
Person-Is this Mr.Bagans?
Me-Uh yes it is..
Person-Mr.Bagans I am just calling to inform you that your wife Ashley Bagans was in a car accident.
Person-Yes. She is in the hospital right now and we need you to come down to the hospital.
Me-Ok. I'm on my way!
I ran downstairs grabbed my keys and took off to the hospital.
Me- What room is Ashley Bagans in?
Nurse-Room 314
Me-Thank you
Nurse-No problem
I walked into Ashley's room and saw her sleeping. I walked over to her bed and held her hand. Her left hand had a cast on it.
Me-Hey baby.
Ashley-What happened?
Me-You were in a car accident.
Me-Do you remember the accident?
Ashley-All I remember was a car crashing into me on the right side of the car.
She looked down and I saw tears coming down her face.
Me-Baby, don't cry. Accidents happen.
Ashley-I know.
Me-I'm just glad your ok.
She looked at me.
Me-Well I mean I know you have a broken arm and some brusies but your not badly injured.
I saw Ashley smile.
Me-There's that smile I was looking for.
She giggled. God she had such a sweet giggle. I got up and kissed her forehead.
Me-I love you
Ashley-I love you too.
After I sat back down her Dad and stepmom walked in.
Dad-Sweetie! Are you okay?
Ashley-I'm fine dad. Just a broken arm and some cuts and brusies but other then that I'm fine.
Stepmom-We were so worried when Zak called us and told us what happened.
Dad-I'm so glad your ok sweet pea
He walked over and kissed her cheek.
Dad-Zak! I totally forgot you were here! How are you?
Me-I'm fine. You sir?
I nodded.
My father-in-law 'looked at Ashley.
Dad-Well I guess we should be going sweetie. We'll see you later.
Ashley-Ok dad.
Dad-Bye Pumpkin. Bye Zak.
Ashley-Bye dad!
Ashley's Dad and stepmom left the room.
Ashley-Do you know when I can get out of here?
Me-No, but I can go get doctor.
I left the room to go get a doctor.
Me-Can you tell me when Ashley Bagans can leave?
Nurse-Let's see....
She started typing on her computer.
Nurse-She is allowed to leave today.
Me-Ok. Thanks.
Nurse-No prob.
I walked back to Ashley's room and saw that a doctor was in there.
Doctor-Ashley is all set to go home. Just make sure she doesn't get the cast wet or anything.
She looked at Ashley.
Doctor-Come back in about six weeks so we can check on your arm.
Ashley-Ok. Thank you.
Doctor-Your welcome. See ya in six weeks!
The doctor left the room and I looked at Ashley.
Me-I brought you some more clothes.
Ashley-Thanks babe.
I handed her her clothes. She went into the bathroom and could get on her pants but not her shirt. She walked out in her bra and said
Ashley-Uh could you help me?
She seemed kinda embarrassed. I smiled and walked over to help her.
Ashley-Thank you sweetie
Me-Your welcome my AshBug.
I kissed her and we left the hospital and went home.
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