Chapter 2
"W-what are you doing here? Not that I'm not happy you're home but aren't you supposed to be at that big fancy college overseas?" Robert asked the girl as he brought her a glass of water. His eyes holding a tenderness only reserved for his precious granddaughter.
The older man had quickly ushered the girl in before fussing at the two boys for not telling him that Melissa was coming home. They replied defensively that they were just as surprised as him. That in turn made him fuss at them for leaving school early.
The young adult laughed heartily at her family. Even though her grandfather can be stingy sometimes, she knew he carried for her younger brothers. Whether they knew that, she wasn't too sure.
"Eh, I dropped out." She shrugged and explained for what felt like the hundredth time why she left the school. It's not like she didn't still rake up a degree or two; Along with official licenses. She just didn't complete her initial program.
"So what are you planning on doing now?" The grandfather eyed the girl. He had wholeheartedly agreed with her reason for leaving even though he gave her a disapproving look.
"I figured I'd come home and help you take care of the boys. I've already looked into opening a shop downtown so I can help pay bills." She explained her plans to the man. Robert was surprised to hear her already having the next steps of her life planned out. It honestly made him proud of the girl he worked so hard to raise.
"That's your money girl. Don't worry about the bills, granddad can handle them just fine." He waved her off and gave her a hard look. He tried to put on an air of an elder but Melissa saw right through it. She placed her hand on top of his and smiled softly.
"Let me do this for you gramps. You've done so much for me when you didn't have to and now you're taking care of my little brother's. The least I can do is help you lessen the burden on your shoulders." She retorted with heartfelt words. Her tone suggested she wasn't going to change her mind as she wanted to help him.
"Plus, you livin off assisted living checks. With this fuck ass government, who knows how long that's gonna last. It may be cheaper to put you in a nursing home." Melissa mocked playfully as she eyed the old man.
Robert's gentle and touched expression turned ugly in seconds. He glared at her and flicked her forehead.
"Girl, stop all that damn cussing in my house. And who the hell you trynna put in a nursing home?! This foot that's going up your ass can go to a nursing home!" The old man immediately got to yelling as he chased the girl around the kitchen. She only stuck her tongue out at him, making him even more furious.
It was good to be home.
Cyrus stretched after putting the sponge down. He was glad he took off his shirt as his front was covered in soap suds from washing his car.
"I got it gramps! It's only a few bags!" A sweet voice yelled from not too far behind him. The male turned around to the direction of his neighbors house to see the beauty form earlier.
He felt his breath hitch again from seeing her glow in the afternoon sun. Coupled with her alluring voice, she already had him in a chokehold.
The young man watched her walk to her car and whistled in appreciation for the antique drive. Something about it seemed to suit her perfectly. He watched her open the trunk and take out a few bags, but the last one seemed to give her more trouble than the last. So with good intentions, he licked his lips and walked over.
"Excuse me, need some help with that?" He spoke up, startling her a bit. She dropped the bag back into the trunk before looking at him with wide eyes.
Cyrus felt that she was even prettier up close. He could smell the light fragrance of jasmine and citrus wafting off her body. It was very pleasant to the senses as it was softer than he expected.
"I'm fine, thanks though." She brushed him off after expelling whatever thoughts wandered into her head. But as she grabbed the bag again she struggled to pull it out.
"Let me, ma." He chuckled and gently grabbed the handle of her bag. He pulled it out the car and sat it on its wheels. Although it looked easy when he did it, that shit was heavier than a mother fucker.
"Mmmm, thanks." She gave him a half smile that didn't seem to reach her eyes. That's because they were too busy trailing his body to focus.
Cyrus grinned at her before going to lean his hand on the trunk of the car. He was too busy admiring the woman before him that he didn't pay attention to where his hand was going. He completely missed and stumbled to the side. Catching himself right in time before he kissed the pavement.
The brown boy was beyond embarrassed as he covered his face with one of his hands. But it wasn't until he heard bell like laughter did his face grow hot for another reason. He looked over to see the pretty lady holding her stomach laughing, making him grin.
"Hoe, is you cool?!" She asked through her laughter. A bright smile on her face as she looked at him with slight concern. Like very slight....
"Mhmmm. I'm uh Cyrus by the way, Cyrus Delaney. I live just right next door." He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly but still smiled seeing her giggling. That definitely wasn't how he wanted to introduce himself but hey, at least she's laughing.
"Cool, I'm Melissa Freeman." She nodded her head as she didn't know what else to say. It's not as if she was the shy type, it's just after what happened earlier, she wasn't sure if she should interact with him. But not a single cell in her body wanted to cooperate with her brain.
"Oh yeah, I know the Freeman's. They're a lively trio, that's for sure." Cyrus's eyes wandered to the side to look at the house. He couldn't remember a time since he moved in that this house wasn't in chaos. It was entertaining for sure but he didn't really talk to them much beyond simple greetings.
Hopefully that's about to change. His eyes looked over at Melissa who shook her head in amusement.
"Sorry about that, gramps and the little shits never know how to tone it down. I'll see to it that they don't disturb you in the future." She offered him a bright smile. Cyrus felt his legs melt at the sight. He thought she had the prettiest smile he's ever seen.
"It's all cool, beautiful. This neighborhood can be a little too quiet sometimes. It's boring as shit." The topless male chuckled. It was a nice neighborhood and everything but it had the boring rich white families. They never want to do anything so the whole block be silent everyday.
"Nah tell me about it! But if you really wanna go to the action, go to Maverick street. Them niggas be hosting block parties damn near every night. You'd think that shit was the club with how active it gets." Melissa did that finger shaking thing when you're trying to remember something. Her eyes lit up in remembrance to her old days. It was cute seeing how excited she was to retell the stories she's experienced at that place.
"Well, maybe if you have some time, you can check it out with me? Or maybe you can show me some other spots you recommend?" He stuck his hands in his pockets and rocked on his feet. A nervous smile on his lips as he looked at her with a hopeful gaze.
Melissa paused for a moment, her heart speeding up. But then she remembered the scene from earlier and she scoffed.
"Sorry, I don't mess with taken men. I wouldn't want that fine shyt to try to beat my ass. Not that she can." She immediately turned him down. Waving her hand in the air to brush him off.
She don't get between complicated relationships.
Cyrus knitted his brows in utter confusion. Trying to figure out who or what she was talking about. It soon clicked when he remembered the scene from earlier when he and Melissa first made eye contact.
"Oh! You talkin bout Riah?" He asked rhetorically, considering that was the only person she could be talking about.
"Mmmm, sure. She looked pretty mad at you. It's not my business to know what it was about but I don't want anything to do with it." She nodded her head. In reality she was nosey as fuck and wanted to know everything about it, but her pride was too strong to ask.
It was Cyrus's turn to laugh. His laughter made her body warm up. That deep laugh that made his chest rumble and small dimples appear in his cheeks. It once again showed off his grills. Melissa wondered if he'd ever let her make him set.
"Man fuck Riah! That could never be my girl, I don't even fool with her like that for real. She came bustin' in my house looking for my homeboy, her boyfriend. Trick gonna get mad at me when I tell her he ain't there and started acting a damn fool. And between you and me, she can't fight worth a damn." Cyrus explained his relationship with the dark skin woman from earlier. Explaining why she stormed out yelling at him. He even told Melissa's nosey ass why she was looking for his friend in the first place.
To say the brown skin girl was gagged was an understatement. She did not expect to learn that fine shyt earlier was caught in a threesome by her man. She even had the nerve to try to blame it on him because he's been distant lately.
Dude was getting ready to propose!
Also turns out that he was in the house. He was just locked in the attic crying his poor heart out. Cyrus was just trying to be a good friend and be there for him. He even went as far as calling the crying man just to prove that he wasn't lying to her.
"Wow, I kinda feel like an ass now. I really thought you were some fuck boy with a complicated relationship. Im sorry, Delaney." Melissa scratched her cheek awkwardly. She felt like shit knowing that she immediately jumped to conclusions based off a ten second scene.
Cyrus smiled at her awkwardness, finding it utterly adorable. He wasn't too hurt by her thoughts as it was common for someone like him. It's not as if he didn't give off the vibe.
"You good Ma. We learn to never judge a book by its cover, cause the story just may surprise you." He winked at the girl making her face heat up. But thank the good lord for melanin.
"Oh? How so Mr.Delaney? What's your story?" She grinned at him mischievously, actually leaning on her car without falling like he almost did.
"Well Ms.Freeman, if you must know. I've been abstinent for a few years now." He told her with a thin smile. It's not that he was embarrassed as he chose this for himself. It's just that most women wouldn't even give him a second thought when he told them this.
It always felt like they mixed up abstinence and celibacy. It scared many away as they didn't think they could date a man without having sex before marriage. Many others just assumed he wasn't good in bed or self-conscious.
It was none of those.......
So Cyrus was prepared for Melissa to turn him down like the rest. Although it would suck considering he felt something different about her, he could only accept it.
"That's really cool! You're so young, what made you do that, if I may ask?" She looked at him with curiosity. An inquisitive gaze in her eyes as she gave him his full attention. Although she was genuinely curious about his choice, she was respectful and didn't push. Letting him know he didn't have to answer if he didn't want to.
Cyrus felt his heart skip a beat. No one had ever asked him that without sounding disgusted or disappointed. But this girl he met less than ten minutes ago was genuinely interested about this small part of his story. And it wasn't out of pity for misjudging him but out of respect for learning about others.
"Oh um, where I came from it was normal to start having sex at a young age. Shit was seen as cool or whatever. My life revolved around pussy and other things growing up. But when I finally decided I wanted to do better for myself I laid off causal sex and all that shit. I don't know, I wanted to focus on me and what I can bring to the table. But the women I've dated never really lasted long cause in their words I wasn't being man enough for them." Cyrus explained his decision in not participating in sexual relations. It's not that he didn't want to, it just never got to that point. But he also didn't want to be with someone just for the sex.
Cyrus wanted a partner that felt like his other half. Someone he could talk to about anything for hours and have real opinions. Someone that wanted to grow and develop with him. Someone that would be down for burgers in the middle night and just chillin in the car randomly stopped in a Walmart parking lot and still call it a date. He wanted to feel human with someone.
Love came first and it creates the best kind of lust.
"It sounds like you just haven't met the right kind of girl. I don't see anything wrong with waiting for a connection. That's some real shit right there." Melissa looked at him with a soft gaze. Just knowing how much work he probably put into himself to make himself a better man made him ten times more attractive than he already was.
Whoever ended up with him would be one lucky girl.
"Thank you. I know she's out there somewhere, she may be closer than I think." He gave her a seductive smirk. Licking his lips as he gazed into her eyes.
"So about that block party? I'd love if you showed me around the block still, Ma." Cyrus asked her again now that their misunderstanding was cleared up. Even if she said no again, he'd accept it. If anything he hoped they could at least be friends.
"I'd lo— Melissa! Granddad said to hurry up with damn bags!" Riley came running out the house with his older brother. The boys snatching up her bags she had lying at her feet. The young woman glared at the eight year old and grabbed his ear.
"Little nigga, what did I say about all that damn cussing?! You ain't grown!" She snarled at him. She reminded every one of Medusa. They could see the angry snakes on her head and the red eyes glaring at him. Even little sparks of fire flew out her mouth.
"Ow! Ow! Granddad told me to tell you! He said word for word!" The little boy cried out aggrieved. Why was he getting in trouble for just doing as told?
Melissa huffed as she let go of his ear. She turned to Cyrus that just watched her amused and smiled.
"I have to go Delaney, but let's keep in touch. I'd love to show you around." She told him as she grabbed her heaviest bag. Giving him a quick wave, she walked into the house.
"Wait! I didn't get your number!" He tried to call after her but she was already yelling at her grandfather. Obviously too far gone to hear him. Cyrus could only sigh and shake his head with a smile.
"Hey you! Stay away from our sister, Nigga. It's already enough dudes in her life." Riley glared at the adult in front of him. He puffed up his chest to seem bigger but it did nothing.
"Trust me, I've been in this family long enough to let you know that you want nothing to do with it." Huey looked at the man. His face always set in that stoic expression.
Cyrus chuckled at the two kids. He found their protectiveness over their big sister to be sweet.
"Don't worry, I'll take care of her. She seems like a sweet woman." Cyrus smiled at the kids. His grills glinting in the light. The two boys stared at him dumbfounded.
"Oh......he don't know what he's getting himself into."
"Mrs.Dubois, I mean this in the nicest way possible but.......who the fuck did your daughter's hair?" Melissa looked at the pretty white woman across from her. The woman in question blushed embarrassedly.
Melissa had put away all her stuff in her room. Her brothers were more than surprised to see to see the inside of her room once again.
They had been in it before, when she was still living here and they got to visit. But it wasn't often and they were still pretty young. Despite having their own room, they'd always end up in her bed by the middle of the night.
But everyone helped her unpack. They asked questions about what she learned and odd pieces of art they unwrapped. Melissa was more than happy to tell them about the culture significance. Huey seemed to enjoy that part the most as he picked her brain about different topics.
As for Riley, he liked hearing about her adventures and all the cool things she did. Especially when she found herself tattooing men in the Japanese yakuza. He begged to show the photos to his classmates so he could show off.
And then there was granddad. He only cared about the hot honeys she came across. Many of them were prostitutes that she learned make up and fragrance making from. As old as it sounded, many women preferred to make their own perfumes to achieve certain results. It wasn't something you could just buy from the store.
Melissa went for what felt like hours just retelling her stories. All the way up to the point they were at now. Eating dinner with some family friends she had never met before. Sorta.
There was Tom Dubois, an assistant district attorney who was very non-confrontational and anxious. He was a handsome and tall black man who she doubt has ever set foot in Southside. Bless his heart. He lived across the street from them with his wife and only daughter.
Sarah Dubois is Tom's wife. She's a sweet lady who works for the NAACP. The short white lady with a blonde bob definitely had a feisty side to her. It wasn't far off to say she wore the pants in the relationship.
Then there was the Dubois only child, Jazmine. The ten year old girl seems to have a crush on Huey, her sweet naive heart. She was very kind as her parents raised her with strong virtues and she still had the child like innocence.
They had also invited Ed Wuncler. He's an old ass billionaire that basically created Woodcrest. Melissa just so happened to grow up with his grandson Ed Wuncler the third. Surprisingly the old man has always been trying to set them up together as he saw potential in her at a young age.
Melissa was not going for it.....that was a story for another time.
Last but not least, there was Uncle Ruckus. Everyone in the room could agree he was nothing short of a coon. Like word for word definition, he was a black man that worshipped white people and despised his own race. But for whatever reason, he could always be found at The Freeman's dinner table when he wasn't invited. Melissa had no clue where he lived and she didn't really care.
All in all it was a nice dinner.
"I usually do as Tom isn't very good with his hands." Sarah scratched her cheek awkwardly. She blames herself as she should've learned how to do black hair as she always struggled. Whenever she does take Jazmine to a salon, they always complain about her mixed hair and just try to put in a relaxer in it. She nor Jazmine wanted that.
"You poor thing." Melissa mumbled as she sipped her wine. No one really knowing who it was meant for.
We love a double insinuation.
"I don't blame her. Taming the half nappy negro in that beautiful white angel is a curse on this snow bunny. I don't know what kind of voodoo ole Tom put on this sweet lady to let him infest her womb but shame on him!" Uncle Ruckus spoke as he shook his head in disappointment. Everyone just ignored the music that played when he opened his mouth.
Actually everyone just ignored when he opened his mouth.
"Don't worry Mrs.Dubois, I'll help you take care of I'm proficient in all hair types." Melissa smiled at the mother whose eyes redden. She was just overwhelmed with happiness.
"Really Ms.Melissa?!" Jazmine looked at the pretty lady with excitement. It's not that she didn't appreciate her mom for trying but, we all knew the two puffs were not it.
"I got you boo. And just Melissa or Mel is fine." The older of the two winked at the little mixed girl that couldn't help but blush in embarrassment.
"You know Melissa, I could help you set up your own shop if not beauty school. Anything for my favorite Freeman girl." Mr.Wuncler smiled at the girl although she could see the greed in his eyes. He would definitely want something from her. Whether it was a percentage or for her to get with his grandson.
It was a hell no either way.
"I'm good Mr.Wuncler, I've already bought a spot. I'm just waiting for renovations to be completed." The brown girl smiled slightly at the male. He only hummed and nodded his head.
Before Uncle Ruckus could open his mouth again, Tom beat him to it.
"I've got to say Robert, this food is amazing. It's a shame I'm so sleepy, I would've loved another plate." The lawyer covered his mouth as he yawned. His eyes drooping as he smiled.
He wasn't the only one. Many of the others found themselves growing extremely tired. They couldn't hold back their yawns as they rubbed their stomachs.
"That my boy is called 'The Itis', it's what good black cooking will get you." Grandad smiled at the Dubois male. He went on to explain the long history of the food coma.
"You know Robert, you may have a good business opportunity on your hands here." Mr.Wuncler once again spoke up. The money hungry man knew the older male would be an easier target than his granddaughter. Either way his plan would come to fruition.
"Really? You think so?!" Robert got excited. A little too excited for his eldest two's liking.
"Of course! Would I ever lie to you?"
Decided to start from season one, kinda
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