“All the birds come home to roost,” the old
fantasist wrote. But fantasy is fact
these star-touched Afternoons. Time bends to gold,
or ductilizes. Skip the second act
is all I ask of you, my nenuphar:
Book passage. Sail down heaven’s cataract
and race the sun in some canopic jar
a while. I’ll pay your fare and have you home
by dusk. Though dusk depends on where you are,
and I’ll be dying here beneath the dome
of seasons while you plummet from the clock
and wager on what church or hippodrome
will be in ruins when you reach the dock.
Take time to gentle the remembered air
that has forgotten you. Then come and knock
and join the exhibition gathered there,
around my bed — old lovers come and gone,
and those the rush of years has yet to bear
into my arms, all sent to greet the dawn
as I’d send you. A year in amber. Bide,
and take your place among the pantheon,
and I’ll revere each time-unravaged bride
in turn, then take my leave. (And leave my trove,
of course; you won’t go hungry. I’ll provide.)
The last to take my offer? Oh, she strove
a moment with it, but we fetishists
are eloquent when rich. Her rocket hove
toward Pleione’s daughters and their cobalt mists
a month or two ago. The thought of her
as fresh in seven decades puts my guts in twists
of wild anticipation. Don’t defer –
I’m wilder for you, and the evening’s cup
is brimming yet. Come make a brilliant blur
of memory for the starways; drink and sup
and say you’ll while my lifetime in the cold
of space — or there’s no way I’ll get it up.
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