(I was listening to this song and the lyrics just formed a story in my head sooooo.....)
It was another party night in the Mystery Shack. Mabel, Dipper, Waddles, Candy, Grenda, Stan, Ford, Wendy, Soos, and a few extras were doing vaious partyish things..
I was forcing laughter and smiles the entire night for multiple reasons. One of the main ones being, I knew a lot of names, but I didn't actually know anyone here.
My summer was almost over and I hadn't met a single person, befriending animals and other interesting creatures in the forest instead.
'Why did I even come?' I wondered, scanning the crowd.
Then someone caught my eye.
(I'm to lazy to explain how he looks sorry :p)
My eyes widened as his eye met mine and a little smile made it's way to his lips.
In that moment I felt a strange sensation and I knew what it was so quick.
My mother always said, 'it takes a look to have a crush, a day to fall in love, and a lifetime to forget.'
I was currently in the first stage.
I looked away, tugging at my sleeve as I blushed slightly and before I knew it he was standing in front of me.
"Hello angel," he greeted me. I couldn't help the smile that appeared on my face.
"H-hi," I stuttered back.
"Parties aren't really your thing?" He guessed, glancing around the room.
"N-n-not really... I'm just here, torturing myself because I have nothing better to do," I said with a small nervous laugh.
He chuckled and looked me over.
I suddenly felt even more self conscious under the strangers gaze, my baggy green sweater and red tennis shoes seemed even more out of pace.
"I want to show you something," he whispered, grabbing my hand gently.
I looked up at him and despite all my better judgment I didn't pull my hand away and let him lead me out of the shack and into the woods.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you," he assured me, seeming to notice how tense I was.
I don't know why, but I trusted him.
He led me to a clearing. The moonlight shone through the trees, landing on the soft green grass. In the middle of the clearing stood a lone flower.
A tall, black and yellow lily. (I'm sorry XD Lilys are my favorite!)
"Wow," I breathed.
"Lily's are your favorite. Aren't they?" It was less of a question and more of a statement.
"Um y-yeah... h-how'd you know?" I asked.
"I know lots of things," he said kneeling down beside the flower.
I shrugged and looked around again then once I looked back at him, in his formal clothes, I felt very underdressed.
He stood and turned to me and as or eyes connected for the second time that night I felt something different, I felt... connected to him... somehow.
I didn't notice how close he was to meuntil he tucked some hair behind my ear and took one of my hands.
"Want to dance?" He offered, a smile etched into his handsome face.
"I-... okay, but I'm a little clumsy... And awkward... and not in dancing atire..." I whispered the last parts to myself. His laugh filled the clearing and there was a flash of blue and I looked down, seeing a simple black skirt with a blue shirt and blue leggings, finishing off with black flat bottomed-boots.
I blushed and looked off to the side as he took my other hand.
"Shall we dance?"
(I feel like the writing was okay but the story and the way I actually made it was forced and awkward... whatever, I hope you enjoyed!)
(I forgot to publish this when I wrote it like, 1-2 weeks ago XD so yeah, here it is now)
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