Incorrect Quotes #2
{ what does one do when they have no energy for a full on oneshot? incorrect quotes ,that's right ,anyway hope I'm fuelling y'all Hels/Ex/Grian stuff xD ,hope y'all have a good day <33}
Grian: Ex, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean?
Ex: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later
Grian: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Hels.
Grian, to Ex: My life is in the hands of an idiot!
Ex, motioning to themself and Hels
Hels: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
Grian: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Hels: *turning to Ex* How tall are you?
Grian: I can’t believe you live nearby, and you won’t let anyone crash at your place.
Ex: You people already know too much about me.
Hels: I know exactly three facts about you, and one of them is that you won’t let any of us crash at your place.
Grian: The results are in, I’m afraid you have updog…
Ex: What’s updog?
Grian: Hels! Get in here, I told you I could do it!
Ex: I want to be like a caterpillar.
Grian: Explain.
Ex: Eat a lot, sleep for a while, wake up beautiful.
Hels: You know they have a lifespan of a week, right?
Ex: That's just another highlight!
Grian, holding a rock: Ex just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock".
Hels: If you don't marry them, I will.
Hels: It's locked. You got a lock pick?
Ex: Yeah-
Grian: *kicks in the door*
Ex: Grian, why is Hels intruding on our cuddle time?
Hels: Grian, why is Ex intruding on our cuddle time?
Grian, in distress: Please… I have two hands…
Ex: In your opinion, what is the height of stupidity?
Hels, turning to Grian: How tall are you?
Hels: The moon looks beautiful, doesn’t it?
Ex, looking at Hels: Yeah… but do you know what’s more beautiful?
Hels and Ex in unison: *sighs* Grian
Grian: What’s it like being tall?
Grian: Is it nice?
Grian: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Hels: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Ex: It was one time!
Ex: Why is everyone so obsessed with top or bottom? Honestly, I’d just be excited to have a bunk bed.
Grian: I'm gonna tell them.
Hels: Don't you dare.
Grian: Are you a painting?
Ex: What-?
Grian: Because I want to pin you to a wall.
The squad is trying to con some random guy
Hels: Um, Ex, why are you pretending I'm this guy's family?
Ex: We need money!
Hels: You're scamming him?
Ex: I was thinking more like flat- out stealing from him?
Hels: What?!No way!
Ex: Why not? We already stole Grian!
Grian: Hey guys
Hels: No, we didn't.Grian can think and talk for themself, they can do whatever they want!
Grian: I wanna steal
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