{This was just too wholesome to write TwT ,also the title was random and I know it ain't good but anywho hope ya lovelies liked this, also the ending was slightly abrupt because I've felt uninspired and I didn't now how to end this -_- also thanks again to Newfoundland_Aiden for allowing me to use the name they use for Ex (Ex= Xenon)
Ship:Grian/Ex/Hels duuuuh xD}
Xenon shivered slightly, crimson eyes snapping open, he looked around, panicky, before he finally calmed down realizing we’re he was, realizing he was safe, and he was no longer back in the void.
He was no longer banned, he was safe, in his home, in his bed with his two incredible boyfriends, by the side of him, was his chaotic gremlin of a boyfriend, Grian, and on the other side of Grian was his other boyfriend, Hels, the dark and overly protective knight of the nether.
Smiling softly, Xenon, looked over at his gremlin of a boyfriend, who even he’ll admit is more calmer when he’s asleep, raking his hands gently through Grian’s dirty blonde hair, Xenon’s smile brightened, when Grian nuzzled into his head, nothing but love shown in Xenon’s crimson eye’s .
If you had told Xenon, years ago that he’d be unbanned and accepted onto the place he once called home, he would of down right called you crazy and if you had also told him, he would meet the two most chaotic and amazing people, who would later become his boyfriend, he would down right laugh in your face, but that was his current reality, he was back in hermitcraft, his brother actually has been trying to forgive him and was admittedly guilty for sending Xenon to the void, especially after he found out Xenon, had gone deaf from the numbingness of the void, Xenon was just glad to be back, and slowly learnt to forgive his boyfriend.
Xenon remembers back when him and his boyfriends recently started dating in secret, they all decided to have a date, in a secret spot in the forest, Grian had found, it was admittedly quite beautiful space, Xenon had confessed to both of them he was deaf, as the only one to know that he couldn't hear, was Xisuma, Grian and Hels admitted they knew, they just wanted to patiently wait, untell Xenon trusted them enough, to tell them.
That night, was full of kisses and tears, that was also the night, Xenon really realized how truly luck he was.
A tug on his shirt, snapped Xenon out of his thoughts, looking down, he could instantly see a pair of sleepy caramel eyes staring questionly up at him
“Exy” the little gremlin spoke, making sure he spoke clearly, so Xenon could understand him
“Yeah, Gri?” Xenon spoke softly
“What are you doing up”
“ Just had a bad dream Gri” Xenon replied
Grian looked concernly up at Xenon, befor pulling the white haired boy back down, cuddling him, Xenon made a quiet yelp befor giggling slightly
“Gri, careful!, You know how Hels gets when woken up early”
Grian just giggled in response, sticking his tongue out at Xenon, Xenon just shook his head at Grian’s childish behavior, before settling down once again
“Sorry Exy, “ Grian replied
Xenon shook his head, just giving Grian a kiss upon his head, making the shorter one to let out a flustered yelp , burying his face into Xenons chest
“Go back to sleep Grian, it’s late” Xenon murmured
Grian just nodded in response, cuddling into Xenons chest, Xenon smiled once more and it brightened even more, when Hels rolled over, pulling the both of them over to him, and cuddling into the both of them.
God’s Xenon, loved theses two so much, he cuddled into Hels chest, yawning slightly and closing his eyes, he could feel the tiredness and darkness envelope him.
Xenon felt so god dam lucky to be with these two expecting boys and he knew he loved them.
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