Headcannons {the rewrite}
{These are a more edited version of headcannons , some are the same some are different, ive added more , also seeing as y'all have spoke ,I'll be keeping the old stuff xD ,alot of you really want me to ^^ }
He is an avian hybrid/ watcher , his watchers powers means he can change his wings, original wing colour is black with specks of white in it.
Most of the time he wears contacts,but he does have glasses and mainly wears them alone or when he's around his partners.
His original eye colour is blue, but due to the watchers, his eyes can go purple , he has dirty blond hair , that sometimes he lets it grow and and puts it in a bun,
He has ptsd from sam, yhs , the life series and the watchers ( if you've watched yhs ya know xD, but also funnily i'll be re watching it soon with my partner……whos never watched it xD)
He procrastinates a lot, hence why he keeps forgetting to build the back of his base , his partners try and help him out.
His wings are extremely sensitive, hence why grooming his wings are normally reserved for family or his mates, the base of his wings are the most sensitivity hence why he mainly allows his partners to groom his wings (if ya know, ya know xD)
He’s an amazing flyer ( birb), he’s not so flawless on the ground though , he can get clumsy , especially when he's distracted.
He speaks multiple languages , galactic due to watchers and japanese due to yhs ,ofc he also speaks english .
He also loves to cross dress now and then , as ariana griande , his stage name
Height;: 5 ‘7 ( around my height xD)
Their real name is Xenon , but most of the time prefer to be called Ex, seeing as that's the name most know them by, but they definitely love it when their partners call them xenon; they get a little flustered by it.
They are non binary
They are Xisumas twin, their hair is naturally brown, but the dye their hair white, because they do not want to be confused with xisuma. They'd rather be themself, their partners like to help him with his hair.
They are part voidling , they are from the void just like xisuma, voidlings are kinda like enderians/enderman hybrids.
Their original eye colour was purple , but after sometime of being in the hels dimension due to corruption their eyes became a scarlet red.
They don't like to directly look people in the eyes, due to his voidling nature.
They speak both galactic and english
They are hard of hearing//partially deaf, due to being banned to the void for some years, when eventually they were unbanned, it was weird, he could hear, but certain things were harder to hear, hence why they learnt to read lips, when xisuma realised their hard of hearing, he felt extremely guilty, their slowly trying to rebuild their relationship.
They can take off their helmet, and mask but choose not to, mainly cause due to being stuck in the void for so long they are not used to breathing in the overworld, their mask has a breathing filter that helps them, the only time they take off their mask and helmet is around grian , hels or xismua.
They “hate” flowers, they don't really hate them, they actually love flower, but due to allergies , it gets annoying , their favourite flowers are orchids or wither roses (my favourite mc flowers lol)
Height 6’1 (he has them tall boy privileges xD)
He is half elf ( like wels)
He has long black hair with red tips, just like ex, his hair was originally brown; but he died it, his hair is most of the time in a bun ( but when he lets it down, grian and ex love it, , they love to play with hels hair, its calming), he has bright red eyes
He used to live in a realm//world with his brother Wels, were they were both royal knights, back them him and wels were much closer, they would protect each other , train with each other but as they grew up, the grew apart , and Hels was more in his brother shadow and after a pretty bad fight, Hels and Wels are no longer on speaking terms; when they do talk it mostly ends in arguments.
Hels will never admit it, due to his pride, but he misses little brother. He was stupid to let his pride in the way, he just hopes one day, they could learn to forget the past.
He is some pretty bad anger issues, so when hes in one of his bad moods, its best to leave him alone, so when people see grian talking his ear off ,people get concerned, but frankly hels loves hearing about his loves, prank ideas,only ex and grian can talk to him when hes in his mood.
He is less social than his younger brother, he'd rather stick with himself , or his partners.
He's secretly a softie, but the only people who see him as that and not some evil knight from hels is Ex and Grian. He prefers the nether since it’s where he's felt more welcomed and the safest , he most of the time can be found in the nether or in grains base,( i remember the time i wrote a fic were i believe grian and hels slept together, in a bed ,in the nether, yes that's totally work, go sleep in the nether ,nothing bad would ever happen)
He has piercings! Mainly a couple of ear piercings and a tongue piercing ^^
Hes also being taught galactic by grian and ex
Relationship headcannons!
Grian is mostly the little spoon, due to him being the smallest, but honestly they take turns, sometimes ex is the little spoon especially on nightmare days, sometimes hels is , especially when he's in a bad mood.
Ex loves to help Grian cook in the kitchen, and to also bake with him.
Grian is considered the clingy one in the relationship (in reality both hels and ex are equally attached) but grian has auatophobia//Monophobia (i think thats correct), also known as the phobia of being alone// forgotten, Hels mad the mistake once during one of his pissy moods, he yelled at grian calling him clingy, just like how sam would, sending grian into a full blown panic attack ( totally not projecting xD) ( ofc after words, after they calm him down there's a lot of cuddles and apologies, plus they have a discussion about triggers, to make sure they can prevent the panic attacks)
At the start of the relationship Ex was more shy and reserved because they were not used to being in a relationship, they were more shy and uncertain, but after some time they opened up to their partners, enjoying kisses and cuddled,
Hels is insanely protective over both ex and grian, hed definitely protect them with his life
Just like Ex , hels was also a bit unsure with relationships, especially with how he grew up but the other reason was because
1 grian was a hermit, someone him and ex were suppose to hate but despite eveything neither of them could find a reason to hate their lil gremlin and
2 at first he saw ex as competition, his rival, sometimes he still sees him as a rival, but it a good way.
Grian loves to braid both Xenons and Hels hair;
Grian also tends to overwork himself a lot and has to either be dragged away from his projects by his friend or his partners , Hels and Xenon then force him to eat and have some water , and then will help groom his wings, and if he doesn't comply well they have other ways to convince him to rest ( ill let you guys decide how the convince him xD) , they sometimes threaten him with no kisses if he doesn't rest, its works like a charm
NoW! Under here will be some less then pg stuff, some suggestive, so if you dont like i suggest to leave now and i hope you enjoyed the headcannons!
Heat, due to being an avian grian does go through heats, were he completely goes bird brain, were all he wants is his mates to pin him down and mate him, hels and ex, love to help him out with his heats , ex also has heats.
Also back onto cross dressing , grian loves to give his partners a personal one on one show, and in turn they show how much they love their little sunshine,
{Now enough with this xD, these are the only headcannons i really have rn, if i think of more i'll update this, have a good day yall }
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