SCP what now?
*Massaging my head* I don't even know what this is but it happened... enjoy:
After fleeing the cult of Wendy and managing to escape through another portal, the poor Acnologias were hoping for some sort of a break but unfortunately, their creator needed them to be entertaining for audiences, so they instead found themselves in a reinforced whitewashed room with a simple metal door on the far end and a barred, thick steel door behind them that seemed locked shut.
"Uhhhhhh," the first tried to reason as he looked around the small enclosed room. "This looks terrifying."
"pfft, It's just a room," the second scoffed as he looked around and tried to figure how best to break down a steel door while looking as cool as possible.
"There are security cameras," the third chided, likely seeing the intention in the second's eyes.
"So? Let whatever wimps run this place try to stop me," the second smirked.
"But which door is out?" the first asked looking between the two doors. "That one's super strong and that one is also strong but kinda wimpy compared to this bad boy," the first knocked on the large, barred door and grinned.
"Well... that matters what sort of institution we're in and how close to the exit we are," the third pondered. "Judging by the sheer size of that door I would expect we're in some sort of military operation and judging by the lack of magic in the air, I would expect we shouldn't expect a plethora of mages. Those factors combined lead me to believe we're in a magicless world which means they would have to rely on brute force to break down doors if it came down to it. Therefore, you would put the strongest doors closest to the exit to hold off your foes as long as possible since you're not needing to worry about teleporters or any other manipulation of space."
"Translate!" the first called to the second.
"I'm breaking down the bigger door!" the second cackled as he cracked his knuckles. "Outta the way, we're getting out of wherever we are."
The second's arm glowed with magic power as he readied a punch and hammered the door with an attack that dented the thick metal protector and set off a plethora of alarms. The first jumped when the smaller door behind them suddenly locked and barred itself and, judging by the sounds that echoed around them, many others things locked and shut as well.
"The smaller door was UNLOCKED!?" the first cried in realization as we ran up to the smaller door.
"Ah, idiocy, my old friend," the third sighed as the second continued to hammer down the door.
"What does that mean!?" the first cried.
"Well, judging by the alarms... it's possible I overlooked a few factors," the third pondered.
"LikE WHAT!?" the first demanded.
"Well... if there's a chain reaction of doors locking around them, that means that the building's first defense is for complete lockdown."
"That's not weird... right? Plenty of places lockdown immediately if there's a problem. The magic council, that coffee shop down the street from the guild, angry me when we talk about his emotions - "
"What was that?" the second growled.
"Nothing! You're doing great!" the first cheered as the second went back and kicked the door open.
"Well... perhaps, but then that means that it's increasingly difficult for someone to come and combat attackers, which I suppose could be possible but... It could also mean that the large door wasn't meant to keep enemies out... it could mean this place isn't supposed to protect it's exterior - "
"Uhhhhh," the second managed as he looked through the door. The other two walked up and gawked at the sight before them.
"But it's interior." the third finished with a deadpan expression as he looked into the room and found himself staring at a dark hallway, alarms blazing, with a single "cell looking" room at the very end.
"Are we in prison?" the first hissed slowly as he leaned over to the third.
"I... don't know... this is all quite strange," the third muttered.
"Reminds me of that city we were in a while back. You know, the ones with green money," the second recalled.
"Ah yes, the one where we jumped out of a window and traumatized Rogue," the first remembered fondly.
"Proceed carefully, I do not think this is the way out," the third warned.
"Then let's just TURN around and go through the OTHER DOOR!" the first smiled. "I'm getting bad vibes and I would not mind just, for once, NOT poking dangerous stuff."
"Ah, just hang on a minute, I'm smelling something weird back there," the second dismissed as he walked down the hallway and studied the metal door at the end.
"B-but - OH HANG ON!" the first cried running after him.
The third sighed and turned to go try and figure out the other, smaller door.
The second studied the metal door and began sniffing it, recognizing a scent but also picking up the scent of scorched metal and electric smoke.
The first, meanwhile, pulled a file out of a plastic casing next to the door and began flipping through the pages.
"SCP-L4XU5... what on earth does that mean? Hmm, says here it's a neutral sort of guy. Mischievous and sometimes vindictive, can be incredibly powerful if near an electric source... Haha, it says he's been known to attack people just to make their hair stand on end, sounds like a guy after my own heart... Hmm, Warning: keep well conta- WAIT!" the first suddenly realized the second was prying the door apart and proceeded to shriek at an unholy decibel.
The second paused momentarily right as something small and bright whizzed past his face and raced right for the light in the ceiling, shattering the bulb and sending them into perpetual darkness.
The first was screeching.
The second was cursing.
The third was still over by the other door and sighed loudly as he banged his head on the door. He slowly turned around and saw the hallway the two had gone down was pitch black except for the occasional flash of light as a little lightning bolt zipped around and shocked the two.
"YOU LITTLE - AGH!" the second cursed as an electrical current race up his spine and made all of his hair stand on end.
"OW! OW! OW! STOP IT!!!" the first demanded as he tried to evade the little lightning bolt that zapped him a number of times.
"Got ya!" the second cackled as he grabbed the lightning bolt which zapped him but was unable to wiggle out of the second's hold. Upon further inspection, the second and first found the lightning bolt to be a little demonic-scaled thing that wiggled and writhed in the second's grasp, hissing and biting at the fingers that restrained him. A dark scar crossed over one of its eyes likening him to a familiar lightning dragon slayer.
"Laxus.... OH! L4XU5, L-4-X-U-5! L-A-X-U-S. AH! I GET IT!" the first cried excitedly.
"I don't! Why is he a demon-looking thing?" the second growled.
Laxus glared at his captor, opened his jaws, and exposed his little needle-like teeth before viciously biting into the second's fingers again, drawing blood.
"You're gonna have to try a little harder than that," the second snickered at the poor thing.
"Let him go, he's just a tiny little guy," the first cooed as he leaned to get a better look at the guy.
"Did you just happen to forget he was attacking us a few seconds ago?"
"But he's sooo cute, look at him!"
"Oh, I'm looking, and he's still ugly."
Laxus looked between the two arguing dragon slayers and smirked before sending a huge jolt of electricity to the second, making him hiss and loosen his grip which allowed the SCP to shoot upward, crashing through one of the lights above them and racing away through the circuitry, causing the entire area around them to flicker from power surges and drains.
"Great, now you lost him!" the first reprimanded.
"You wanted to LET HIM GO!" the second roared.
"Shall we get out of here?" the third's voice interrupted. The two looked back towards the other door which the third had somehow unlocked and was holding ajar.
"SWEET!" the first whooped as he raced out of the hall and out of the door, the second trudged after him.
The trio found themselves in a similar hallway like the one they had just left, the lights now flickering giving an eerie atmosphere to the whole place. They wandered around for a bit, trying to find an exit but only finding similar doors that doubtlessly led to similar rooms as the room they had found Laxus in.
Then, they found the body.
"Ohhhhhhh nope. Nope. Nope. Nope. NOPE! I'D LIKE TO GO HOME NOW!!!" the first cried as they turned a corner and saw someone akin to a lab-worker based in their attire who was lying in a puddle of their own blood, their body covered in wounds as if they had been mauled by a wild animal.
"Ah, now this gets exciting," the second grinned, cracking his knuckles.
"What I wouldn't give for competent comrades," the third sighed. He walked up to the body and studied it carefully. The name tag, the equipment, everything on the corpse was confiscated by the third as he studied the wounds and supposed the cause of death.
Meanwhile the first was trying not to have a panic attack.
"Claw marks," the third shrugged as he got to his feet, discarding everything but a simple key card. "Something with four long claws and a shorter thumb-like appendage to hook into the skin. There are a few bite marks but it doesn't look like those were nearly as efficient as the claws."
"What's that?" the second asked gesturing at the key card in the third's hand.
"This is how we'll navigate this place. I think I know what this does," the third responded as he stepped over he body and kept walking. The second followed leaving the first to squeak as he carefully tried to navigate around the body.
"I'm so sorry," the first whispered to the corpse before scrambling after the other two. "DON'T LEAVE ME GUYSSS!"
The third was inspecting the walls, following a dim blood trail of splattered scarlet that had dripped on the floor and was sprayed on the walls.
"Whatever it was that killed the guy came this way... and likely came from this way as well," the third supposed.
"How do you know?" the second demanded.
"If the monster came from the other direction, we would've met it. Instead, I think this was a chase down. The worker was running towards us, the thing caught them, killed them, and retreated back the way they came from - which makes me think this thing may be either territorial or intelligent."
"Wonderful, I hope it's big. I want to punch it," the second grinned maniacally.
"Please refrain before we have more information - " the third began.
"OH MY GAAAAAAAAA - "the first cried as they turned yet another corner and found themselves face to face with a wall that had been ripped apart.
"Ah, that would be where the killer came from," the third concluded. "Judging by the height of the hole, the killer is likely a little shorter than us, humanoid I would suppose."
"I don't think we should go in there - " the third sighed.
"YOU DON'T SAY!" the first interrupted.
"Actually! It's pretty safe in here!" a new voice interrupted.
They all jumped as a familiar face poked out the side of the hole; Natsu.
"NATSU!?" the group all questioned.
"Hey! You know my name! That's awesome!" Natsu laughed as he walked out of the hole in the wall and grinned. He was wearing a grimy sort of dark T-shirt and dusty jeans but his smile was bright and still... Natsu.
"Wh-What are you doing here?" the first demanded.
Natsu seemed to think about that for a while. "I... don't really know, but whatever punched a hole through this wall ain't around here anymore so I guess that's good."
"Yes, but what are you doing here. Do you work here?" the third asked warily.
"Uhhhh, I don't... think so?" Natsu managed. "It's... hard to remember." The poor kid seemed to be really struggling to recall.
"Is that blood?" the second asked, unamused as he looked down at Natsu's hands. Natsu looked at his hands and seemed to recognize that the scarlet blood on them was, in fact, blood.
"Oh yeah... Yeah... how did that get there?" Natsu seemed to fumble for a second. "Uhh... Oh OH! I remember! There was a dead guy down the hall! I didn't know he was dead so I tried to, like, ya know, do the pumping of the chest thing but he was dead so I just got a bunch of blood on me. And then the lights went out and I got here... I guess. Missed whatever made all this," Natsu shrugged as he gestured to the damage.
"Do you know a way out?" the first asked hopefully.
"Out? Out of where?" Natsu asked.
"Here," the second growled.
"Uh... Oh! I know the way out of this hallway, come on! There's a bigger hallway this way!" Natsu chirped as he walked back through the destroyed tunnel.
"Okay!" the first nodded as he followed.
"I meant out of the building you idi-" the second began before the third put a hand on his shoulder.
"Keep your guard up. I have suspicions." the third hissed.
"Do I get to punch Natsu?" the second asked in a whisper.
"I don't know yet... just... keep your witts," the third answered. "And don't antagonize anyone before we figure out the situation."
"But that's my job. To antagonize people," the second stated.
"Well then, take a day off," the third snapped.
They followed Natsu through the destroyed wall and into a much larger hallway that stretched on for a while in both directions with a singular door at the end of both hallways and a large door directly in front of the group, that door had been torn off of its hinges and was hanging precariously open, vacant.
"What was in there?" the first asked fearfully as he pointed to the open door.
"I dunno," Natsu pondered. "It's kinda hard to make anything out in this dim light. Usually, the place is lit up real nice but... I dunno, there's something weird."
"What's in those doors?" the second asked gesturing towards the other two doors.
"I... I don't... I can't remember," Natsu muttered. "I think I knew once..."
"You don't remember anything, do you?" the second growled.
"I remember some things!" Natsu defended angrily. "Just... not... a lot..."
The third strode over to the busted door and pulled out the file sitting in the plastic container which was nailed into the metal wall beside the door.
"Ohhh! More cool papers!" the first cheered as he ran over to the third and looked over his shoulder as he opened it up.
"SCP - N4T50," the first read off. "Friendly when exposed to bright light. Kind, amiable, somewhat combative but easily settled with food. Oh... wow, look at those big red letters - "the first cleared his throat to better read the bolded words dramatically. "DANGER, N4t50 possesses the capability to become extremely hostile under certain circumstances, do not be anywhere near the SCP is there HAS BEEN A LOCKDOWN OR A CAUSE OF POWER SURGES - "
The second had been looking around, ignoring the droning of the first when the lights flickered. He turned away from the damaged wall and almost jumped out of his skin when he found Natsu right next to him, staring at him somewhat creepily before smiling.
"What ch'ya looking at?" Natsu asked.
"The busted wall," the second answered dumbly. He heard the first start to read the 'Danger' warning but already felt his instincts curling and twisting in the presence of Natsu.
And just like that, the lights went out for a second before flickering back momentarily, exposing a monstrous-looking Natsu who was eagerly lunging for the second's throat, claws replacing his fingers as he opened his mouth in a terrible smile.
"DOWN!' the second yelled slapping Natsu away and sending the man flying into a wall as the lights came back on.
The first was clinging to the third and crying comically as Natsu stumbled to his feet, reverted back to his normal form, not a wound on him.
"He's immune to most damage, especially heat and fire and heals remarkably fast," the third warned.
"Who does?" Natsu asked as he rubbed his head. "Ow... did I run into a wall or something?"
"Do I kill him?" the second asked dangerously.
"NO! HE'S STILL NATSU!" the first cried.
The lights went out again.
There was a flash of magic power as the third dragon-taloned the demonic form that was digging his claws into the first's shoulders, hungrily trying to kill him. Natsu flew across the room as the magic power faded and they were plunged into darkness again.
"To the door to the left!" the third instructed as a low growling filled the room.
"I can take him," the second cackled, following his draconic senses to where Natsu was getting to his feet and growling. He powered up a claw-attack and clocked the beast into the wall where Natsu growled and mercilessly raked his claws through the dragon-slayers arm.
"YOU LITTLE *INPUT WORD*!" the second roared as he prepared another punch.
The lights flipped back on and Natsu's appearance immediately shifted back to his human form. He was being pinned to the wall by the second looked very confused.
"What's going on? You're bleeding? You good dude? Why are you - " Natsu began as the second's punch flew and knocked the kid out.
"HELLOOOOO! ANGER ISSUES! CAN WE PLEASE GET OUT OF HERE BEFORE DEMON NATSU TRIED TO KILL US ALL!!" the first cried from down the hallway where the third was unlocking the door with his key card.
The second flexed his hand, feeling his magic energy failing to replenish itself... "Yeah... okay..."
He ran over to the other two as the third swiped the card and opened the door.
"Prepare yourself," the third warned as the door slid open and brought them to another hallway.
"Hey... my magic power isn't replenishing. Like... those claw attacks I used, usually I'd be able to throw a few hundred of those... but my magic power isn't replenishing," the second explained.
"Yeah... we're running on borrowed time in this place. Unlike the other world's we've been to, this one is completely void of magic power. Whatever it is that these monsters run off of, it's not magic. There's no way for us to replenish our magic power if we use it all up. I can't guarantee that if one of us transformed, we'd be able to transform back," the third explained.
"So... limit the magic power we use, is that what I'm hearing?" the second asked.
"Preferably, I don't know what would happen if we became completely drained of magic power with no way to replenish it... I don't know if we'd be able to open a portal out of this dimension," the third pondered.
"I'm sorry, WHAT!?" the first demanded.
"Don't use magic. Conserve it. We're going to have to find our way outta here without completely going all 'dragon'," the second hissed.
"I don't like this..." the first whined. "We're gonna die..."
"Likely... but what else is new. At least we don't have tea parties."
At his words, they passed a plastic door and jumped when something crashed against the doors, a large toothy maw trying to eat its way through the plastic.
"WE'RE GONNA DIEEEEE!" the first sobbed.
(I don't know what it was, but I've been reading an SCP AU fanfiction of another show I'm into and my mind said; wait... SCP Fairy Tail. That would be awesome.
Me: but... but we were gonna do a Percy Jackson Fairy Tail
Me: But what about that star wars one I was working on!
Me: B-But what about HUNGER GAMES!
Also Me: NOOOWWWWWwwwwwww!!!!
Me: I know NOTHING about SCP anything!
Hence, here we are.)
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