One-Shot: The Hole
(Who needed a laugh today? I got you covered.
The three Acnologias came to a god-forsaken world where everyone was stuck in quarantine over some virus and for some reason, everyone had taken all of the toilet paper from the stores? Why? Not even the Smart Acnologia could figure that out. Right when things couldn't get weirder... they got weirder.)
"Hey, Smart Me," the first called, walking into the living room of the vacant house they had decided to hide out in until their three days was up. "Have you see my copy of the greatest movie of all time?"
"Heroes: Rising?" the third asked a cup of coffee in hand.
"Yeah, that's the one," the first nodded.
"Pretty sure it fell in the hole," the third shrugged.
"What hole - OH MY GOSH!!" The first cried looking down at seeing a random, seemingly infinite hole at his feet. "WHAT IS THAT!?"
"It's a hole," the third explained.
"Yes, I can see that. But what's it doing there!?" the first cried.
"Well... I woke up this morning after my Mean Girls Marathon," the third explained. He then took a sip of his coffee and looked at the first. "And there was a hole."
"Okay... what are you gonna do about it?" the first asked nervously, peering down the hole.
"Well, I put a rug over it," the third shrugged.
The first looked down and noted the lack of rug.
"Yeah, it fell in the hole," the third sighed.
"Should we wake up Angry Me?" the first asked worriedly.
"Oh, I did," the third nodded.
"Well... where is he... it's unusually quiet," the first asked.
"In the hole," the third shrugged.
The first looked down at the hole in horror.
"Oh my gosh... wait..." the first looked at the third Acnologia in horror. "Where is your girlfriend?"
The third Acnologia looked at the hole.
"Smart me, where is Anna?" The first demanded slowly.
There was a moment of silence.
"She went to buy more toilet paper," the third explained finally.
"Oh... where did she go?" the first asked.
"In the hole."
"DEAR MAVIS!!... HOW DEEP EVEN IS THIS THING!?? Here, come here," the first reached over and grabbed the coffee mug out of the third's hand. He leaned over the hole and dropped it in, listening for any sound.
There was none.
"That was my favorite mug, now it's in the hole," the third Acnologia noted sadly.
"Smart me, do you even know what this is!? I mean... For all we know, i-it could be and interdimensional wormhole or a GATEWAY TO HELL!! Or-or... Smart Me?"
The first Acnologia had been so preoccupied with his rant that he suddenly realized that the third Acnologia wasn't present. The first Acnologia looked down the hole in horror.
"Smart Me!? SMART MEEE!" the first cried. He looked down the hole fearfully.
"Hey, what's up. I got a snack," the third announced walking back into the room with a bag of chips in hand.
"Smart me, will you please take this seriously," the first demanded.
Suddenly, something tried to climb out of the hole, growling as a human0sih hand reached up.
The third nonchalantly moved his hands in the gun position and shot magic from his fingertips at the creature until it screamed in pain and retreated back down the hole.
"WHAT WAS THAT!???" the first Acnologia screamed.
"Hole person," the third shrugged, crunching down on a tortilla chip.
"WHERE DID IT COME FROM!??" the first demanded.
The third looked at him and crunched down on another chip.
"Right... the hole..." the first nodded. "Yeah. Dude, why are you being so calm about this!?"
"I'm more worried about the mutated virus," the third shrugged.
"What mutated virus!?" the first demanded.
A zombie crashed through the window and looked at the two with its decomposing face.
The first screamed at an unholy decibel and the third dealt with it like he had the hole person.
"That one," the third shrugged. He took ate another chip and then dropped the bag down the hole. He reached into his cloak and pulled out the movie the first was looking for. "Oh... here it is," he smiled.
He then accidentally dropped it down the hole.
"Oh dear..." the third sighed.
(Meanwhile... at the bottom the hole)
"Do you have any sevens?" Anna asked in a bored manner.
"Screw you and everything you stand for," the second growled handing Anna three cards. Anna put down another set.
"Do you have any twos?" the second hissed.
"Go fish," Anna denied. Acnologia cursed and picked up a card from the deck.
He was then hit on the head by a coffee mug.
"HOLYFREAKINMOTHEROFANKHSERAM!" the second cursed, rubbing his head viciously as coffee splatted on him. "ALRIGHT! WHICH OF YOU MORONS DROPPED A MUG DOWN HERE!!" the second demand, looking up.
"Do you have any nines?" Anna asked.
"MAVIS DAMN YOU!" the second swore, handing Anna two eights.
A few minutes later, the second Acnologia was then hit with a bag of chips.
"Okay... what the hell!?" the second demanded, brushing the chips off of him.
The Heroes:Rising movie followed, clocking the second on the head.
"SO HELP ME -" the second roared.
(Here's the original skit. You should check it out, it's pretty funny!)
(Alright, just a stroke of brilliance that hit me today. Hope you like it!)
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