Dragon Slayer Among Us One-Shot
(Shots! Shots! Shots! Shots! ALL THE ONE SHOTS!)
Sting was running. He was running as fast as he could run in the stupid white space suit he was in. He turned a corner too sharply and almost slipped, hearing his pursuer gain ever so slightly. The little bean perched on his head squealed in fear fueling Sting's flight down the hallway. The cafeteria was just ahead! All of the lights were off but he knew these halls like the back of his hand. He was so close!!
How close was the imposter?!! He could hear the footsteps growing closer. This was it! He was a goner if he didn't press that damn red button. He flung himself across the table and smashed that button for all it was worth, the squeal of the alarm shattering the tension like a knife.
Now, it was only a matter of seconds before the other crewmates were here, no imposter would manage to kill him before the others arrived.
Sting whirled around to see his pursuer and found the hallway he'd just run down empty. They must've given up the chase as soon as he entered the cafeteria. The little jelly bean baby on Sting's head cheered happily and Sting let out a huge sigh of relief.
"What happened?" Gajeel demanded as he stomped into the cafeteria in his dark green spacesuit, his metal-tipped boots clanging on the tile. A small one-eyes blue puppy dog followed suit, galloping after Gajeel happily.
"Can someone PLEASE turn the lights on!?" Natsu yelled as he stumbled next to Gajeel, his red space suit looking faded in the darkness and the little red jelly bean who tailed him a small blob in the dim.
"The... imposter..." Sting panted, catching his breath. "Chasing... me..."
"Is EVERYONE alive!?" a yellow-suited Laxus demanded as he ran up from electrical. Erik in his purple-suit right behind him with a small plant on his head for some aesthetic purposes (it was probably a gift from wendy).
"Where's Wendy?" Erik demanded from the darkness.
"I WAS WORKING ON IT!" Laxus yelled back. "Then the darn emergency meeting was called!"
"GUYS! We're missing THREE PEOPLE!" Erik cried.
"No! I'm here!" Wendy's voice sounded out in the darkness and everyone gave a sigh of relief. "Sorry, got caught up in medbay... I wanted to finish my scan!" The girl appeared next to Sting and smiled, almost scaring him out of his skin.
"You should've told me you were going, I would've watched out and made sure no one killed you," Gajeel offered.
"You had to go to the reactor with Natsu-san!" Wendy pointed out. "There was a meltdown happening."
"That's very true," Natsu nodded.
"So we're still missing Rogue and Acno?" Natsu asked.
"I'm here," Rogue's voice sounded out.
"HOLY - Where did you come from!?" Gajeel cried as a black-suited hand tapped his should and make him jump a foot into the air.
"Wires," Rogue answered simply.
"Okay okay okay, Sting, why did you call this meeting?" Erik demanded.
Sting was about to explain when suddenly the lights turned on and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.
"Emergency power must've kicked on, it'll only last a few minutes though so let's go fix lights right after this," Laxus pointed out. In the light, it was clear to make everyone out. Wendy was in a small cyan suit with no special adornments and standing close to Sting. Rogue was in a black suit with a small black jelly bean boy perched on his head, similar to Sting.
"So... we're just missing Acno," Erik realized.
"You think he's..." Natsu asked.
Everyone gave each other a long look except Sting who was still trying to catch his breath.
"I ALMOST DIED!" Sting cried finally, on the verge of comedic tears.
"Oh?" Wendy asked, "What happened."
"I heard a vent open in navigation while the lights were on and so I ran for the button as fast as I could! The imposter was chasing me down and I was almost MURDERED!!" Sting cried.
"Did you see what color!?" Gajeel demanded.
"No! I just heard it and ran! I don't want to die!!" Sting cried.
"Kinda sus," Rogue pointed out.
"NO! IT'S NOT! YOU'RE SUS!" Sting retorted.
"Alright, who was accounted for when the lights when off?" Gajeel demanded.
"I was with Erik the entire time," Laxus offered. "We went to communications and then to admin before we went to lights as soon as they went off.
"This is true," Erik nodded, "I was with him the whole time. I know it's not him."
"I was with Gajeel and Wendy in the beginning, then Wendy broke off and we went to reactor when that happened... then I went to wires and I don't know where Gajeel went," Natsu asked suspiciously.
"You saw me on CAMERAS!" Gajeel cried.
"No I didn't," Natsu murmured.
Everyone looked to Gajeel suspiciously.
"Now, wait, wait, that doesn't prove anything, Natsu doesn't pay attention," Wendy pointed out. "Remember he ran past a body last game."
"Two," Rogue pointed out darkly.
"Two, he ran by two bodies last game," Wendy corrected.
"Where were you Rogue?" Erik asked. "You haven't been too talkative."
Rogue glared at Erik before nodding. "I didn't want to get killed so I avoided all of you. I saw Natsu doing wires and immediately turned around because I thought he may be faking it. I then went to try and do an upload in admin after the lights went out which meant I must've just missed running into your guys."
"But no one can back you up," Erik hummed.
"No... but I didn't do anything," Rogue defended.
"Sus," Erik chimed.
"Mad sus," Laxus concurred.
"Whoever did it scared the hell out of me!!" Sting whined.
"So, someone killed Acno. We have no idea where his body is but we can assume that he must've died after the reactor meltdown because we saw him run past us in comms," Laxus offered.
"We did?" Erik asked.
"You were doing a task, he ran past and I thought he was gonna murder me," Laxus deadpanned. Erik cackled.
"Alright... So between the reactor meltdown and now, Acno was killed. That gives us nothing. All of us were on the left side, according to the stories," Gajeel muttered, "Except Sting."
"I'm sus of Gajeel," Natsu announced.
"I'm sus of Rogue," Erik pondered as he looked cooly to the black suited man.
"I'm with you," Laxus nodded.
"Now that's not fair - " Rogue began.
"Nu-uh, you're the only one without a plausible alibi. Wendy was in medbay, Gajeel and Natsu in reactor or cameras, Laxus and I were together the whole time and Sting looks on the verge of hysterics so unless he's gotten better at acting and is pulling a long con, I think you're our best bet," Erik explained.
"Not to mention Acno was killed first, which meant that whoever the killer is was smart enough to take out one of our most experienced players. That would make the killer smart which instantly eliminates Natsu or Sting," Laxus agreed.
"HEY!" Natsu and Sting cried in unison.
"I'm voting Rogue," Erik announced. "He's the only one among us who could've pulled this off!!"
"What?" Rogue hissed.
"I second that," Laxus nodded gravely.
"You can't be serious!" Rogue cried.
"W--wait, surely not Rogue," Sting cried as he looked to his friend. "I-I mean come on, buddy, you wouldn't try to kill me, right?"
"I wouldn't," Rogue assured Sting.
"I think Erik's right," Gajeel reluctantly agreed.
"Gajeel. No... please, listen to me," Rogue pleaded.
"I'm sorry, Ryos... but... it makes sense," Gajeel murmured.
"No... no... no please, listen, it isn't me," Rogue began.
"Save it... Imposter," Erik sneered.
"NO - " Rogue began
"I'm skipping!" Wendy cried, obviously overwhelmed.
"Me too!" Sting cried vehemently, not ready to condemn his friend to death.
"As am I!" Rogue stated.
Everyone looked to Natsu, the tie breaker.
"Oh... *Input word*," Natsu swore.
"Please, Natsu," Rogue pleaded.
"Don't do it Salamander, vote him out," Gajeel warned. "You keep him onboard and we'll have another dead body in a few minutes."
"Uhhhh," Natsu panicked.
"Five seconds before power goes out, you need to decide NOW!" Laxus demanded.
"UHHHH!" Natsu continued to panic.
"I'm not the imposter, please believe me!" Rogue cried.
"If not you, then who?" Erik demanded.
"I don't KNOW!" Rogue cried.
"VOTE NATSU!" Gajeel snapped.
"I VOTE ROGUE!" Natsu cried.
"NOOO!" Sting cried as he ran over and hugged Rogue. "I KNOW IT CAN'T BE HIM! HE'D NEVER - "
Rogue glared around the room as he slowly hugged Sting back, his gaze settling on Erik.
"When it's not me, remember who voted for me. Remember it... someone here is playing a long con," Rogue warned as he gently pushed Sting away and was led to the air lock. Sting was crying as the black clad man stepped into the space and the doors closed behind him.
"I TRUST YOU ROGUE!" Sting cried as he looked through the glass. The power was failing but this was more important at the moment. "I'LL FIND YOU IN OUR NEXT LIFE! NEXT GAME! WE'LL STICK TOGETHER! PROMISE!!"
Rogue looked back and smiled, "Thanks Sting."
With that, the secondary door opened and Rogue was sucked into space. The entire ship held its breath in anticipation for this life to end, for the game to announce the victors...
But it didn't.
"NO!" Sting screamed as he fell to his knees and cried. "I KNEW IT!" The little bean that had been on Rogue's head began crying and with huge tears streaming down his face, Sting picked that little guy up and cuddled him.
"Well... shit," Gajeel cursed.
"I-if it wasn't Rogue... than... than who was it?" Wendy shook.
"Ah man, this is why I can't listen to my murderous side," Natsu sighed.
Everyone then looked to him.
"Uh-uh what I meant was -" Natsu tried madly to cover up his mistake.
Suddenly, the reactor went off again.
"COME ON!" Gajeel cried. "We just FIXED that!"
"Stay in groups, stick together. No one else dies until we get to the bottom of this. Gajeel, Wendy. You go take care of the lights and power, Laxus go with them you're the only guy I can trust." Erik began giving orders. "Sting, you're with me and Natsu. We're going to the reactor. Anything strange happens slam that button! We're not losing anyone else. Let's go!"
Everyone nodded and scattered to their assigned positions.
Gajeel and Wendy struggled with the switches for a moment before finally managing to turn it on while Erik and Natsu finished the reactor in record time.
Once all that was said and done, Natsu broke off from the group, heading across the cafeteria to navigation. Sting, already suspicious of the man who's vote had condemned Rogue to an undeserved death, followed.
They stuck together in navigation and went down to comms, Sting watching Natsu fiercely. His two beans did the same, his original one still perched on his head smiling as he looked around and Rogue's old one tailing Sting everywhere.
Then, the lights went out...
Erik had somehow managed to lose both Sting and Natsu while he was stuck doing stupid Simon-Says. He hated that task with every fiber of his body. On the way, he bumped into Gajeel who was cursing and kicking the wall as he tried to do wires.
"You okay there?" Erik called.
Erik smirked and then immediately noticed the lack of everyone else.
"Where's Laxus and Wendy?"
"Laxus said he needed to go to medical real quick, something about test tubes. Wendy said she needed to run up to the cafeteria and download something... I think," Gajeel shrugged.
"You split up!?" Erik cried.
"Hey, I notice an innate lack of Natsu and Natsu 2.0 around you smart guy," Gajeel snapped back. "We still have tasks to do, don't you know!"
Erik cursed and had to take a deep breath. "Have you seen Natsu or Sting?"
"No," Gajeel answered... "Wait... I saw them run into comms when I went over and disposed of some garbage."
"Brilliant. I'm going that way, I'll see if I can make sure they haven't killed each other," Erik nodded as he made his way over.
"Ha! Good luck!" Gajeel called.
Erik walked across storage when the light suddenly went off and the doors closed.
Cue a few moments of rare panic from the usually composed man as he scrambled around, trying not to get murdered by shadows.
When the doors finally opened, Erik scrambled into comms, stumbling into the darkness that was slowly fading (Thank heavens, Gajeel must've fixed it).
As he turned the corner, what did he see...?
Natsu in the same room as a very dead Sting.
Erik had never spammed report faster.
He fled to the cafeteria where he frantically pointed to Natsu.
"What? Sting's dead!?" Natsu cried.
"I was? Really? Wait... How do I know YOU didn't kill him!? I was doing a... thing."
"Oh... a thing!? What kinda of thing!?"
"Ya know... the running thing," Natsu fumbled.
"Running?" Erik taunted.
"Yeah... you know. Doop doop doop, with the papers," Natsu smiled as he reinacted the download action.
"YOU ORPHANED TWO KIDS!" Erik cried, pointing to the two jelly beans staring sadly at the floor. Wendy came over and scooped them up. "HOW COULD YOU!?"
"I didn't do it!" Natsu defended. "I would've known if I had done it!"
"Really? Or did that murderous side of you just come up!?" Erik challenged.
"IT WASN'T MEEE!" Natsu cried.
"I was looking at the screen!" Natsu whined.
"Please! Someone! Can anyone listen to me!?" Erik demanded.
"I trust Erik, he could've killed me when I was doing wires, but he didn't," Gajeel vouched.
"By the way, did you snipe those lights?" Erik asked.
"Hell yeah," Gajeel smiled.
"Nice," Erik nodded approvingly.
"I also trust Erik," Laxus agreed.
"WAIT!" Natsu cried.
"How about you Wendy?" Erik asked.
"I... I don't know," Wendy muttered as she looked down to the two jelly beans in her arms. "Natsu-san... did you do it?" she asked.
"No..." Natsu answered.
"Than I won't vote you," Wendy smiled.
"I'm voting Natsu too, I want to be done with this," Laxus concurred.
"That's three to two... you're out Natsu," Erik smirked.
Natsu's jaw dropped.
"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" He cried as he suddenly turned and fled down a hall only to be grabbed by Laxus and Erik. "NOOOOOOOOOOO!"
The two men dragged Natsu to the airlock, though Natsu put up one hell of a fight.
"I will, Natsu!" Wendy promised, shaking a bit at the sight of Laxus and Erik shoving Natsu in the airlock.
"Bye bye, Imposter," Gajeel waved as the secondary door began to open.
"SCREW YOU GUYS! I'M NOT DOING MY TASKS IN THE AFTERLIFE!!" Natsu cried, flipping them all off as he was sucked into space.
"No tasks for you to doooo!" Erik jeered.
They all waited patiently for the victory screen to appear...
But it didn't.
"Maybe it's because he was right and YOU killed him!" Gajeel cried.
"I don't think so," Laxus interjected. "I can account for him for the first murder so I trust him."
"M-maybe we should all stick together?' Wendy offered. "That way the imposter can't... can't kill anyone else..."
All of the little jellybeans looked up at Wendy and leaned into her.
"Alright... alright, fine," Gajeel sighed. "BUT IF I DIE, KILL ERIK!"
"Don't do that to me, man," Erik objected.
"Let's go," Laxus sighed.
They completed a few more tasks together, running down the hallways, dodging shady spots, making sure no one died.
But... they couldn't win... Natsu was't going to finish his tasks. His ghost was flipping them off in the afterlife.
"SALAMANDER, I'M SORRY I KILLED YOU! PLEASE DO YOUR TASKS SO WE CAN WIN!!" Gajeel yelled to the hallway as the other three ran down the hall.
"Gajeel, come on!" Laxus demanded, stopping and turning around. Gajeel sighed and went to run after them...
When the door closed in his face.
"Shit," Gajeel cursed, banging on the door. "OPEN UP!"
Was that screaming he heard? That was definitely screaming. Someone was dead.
"SHIT!" he cried.
Suddenly, a body was reported.
The door opened and there was Erik and Wendy yelling at each other. Wendy was in tears and Erik seemed horrified. Laxus... well... Laxus was very much dead.
"Y-YOU KILLED HIM!" Wendy cried as she pointed to Erik accusingly.
"Gajeel... Gajeel, he killed him! Laxus was vouching for you and you still KILLED HIM!" Wendy sobbed.
"Gajeel, Gajeel listen to me, think about this. Why would I kill the one guy who's been sticking up for me? I wouldn't, I'm smart - " Erik tried to defend.
"YOU ARE SMART! You PLANNED this, didn't you!? PLANNED THIS ENTIRE THING! You probably killed Acno when Laxus was doing a task! You then stuck with him so he would vouch for you. You then knew Natsu was suspicious so you went with him and Sting and KILLED Sting after making sure you had an alibi! AND THEN - And then you did what no one would expect and kill the one person who believed in you so that Gajeel would think it was me!" Wendy shot off.
Even Erik was impressed.
"Okay... I admit that was actually pretty good, BUT I KNOW YOU'RE THE IMPOSTER!" Erik cried. "I bet you vented and killed Acno, then vented near Sting, freaking him out which made you run around, no one knew where you came from because it was dark when Sting first called the meeting... you could've even vented into medical... or... or you vented left side... THAT'S WHY YOU TOOK SO LONG GETTING TO THE METTING THE FIRST TIME!" Erik cried.
"Gajeel, you've gotta believe me!" Wendy sobbed.
"No no, don't fall for the angel eyes. Believe me!" Erik demanded.
Gajeel looked from Wendy to Erik and then smirked.
"Erik... the day I choose you over Wendy is the day I give up music," Gajeel smiled.
"NO!" Erik cried as realized what was happening.
"Oh yeah, in you go, snake boy," Gajeel cackled as he grabbed Erik by his spacesuit and dragged the struggling man to the airlock.
"Sure," Gajeel rolled his eyes as he threw Erik into the airlock.
"Bye," Gajeel deadpanned as he slammed the button which sent Erik into space.
"YOU BASTAAAAAaaaaaarrrrrdddddddd!" Erik yelled as he faded away.
Gajeel breathed a long sigh of relief, waiting for the victory screen...
but it never came.
Cue Gajeel's internal screaming as he turned to face Wendy who was happily petting his dog.
"You know Gajeel... I find bribing kids and puppies with food is very rewarding because they have no long term memory," Wendy smiled as she picked up the blue puppy.
"Wendy..." Gajeel gulped.
"You chose wrong, Gajeel... I guess I win," she smiled cruelly under the spacesuit.
Meanwhile, in the afterlife:
Acnologia was cheering Wendy on while Erik headbanged his ghost head on a nearby wall. Rogue and Erik were both yelling at Natsu for some unknown reason (well, everyone knew why Sting was yelling at Natsu; for missing his freaking body). Laxus looked dead to the world as he accepted the fact that he had been killed by his little sister.
Soon, Gajeel joined the little ghostly party, with some unresolved trauma.
"Wendy can never be the imposter again," Gajeel cried.
"It was sooo hard," Wendy whined as she and the ghosts suddenly appeared in the lobby, with new reincarnations, ready for a new game. "I don't like lying!!! I don't want to do it anymore!!"
Acno was proud, the brothers were horrified, Wendy was scarred.
Then Serena joined the game and every proceeded to lose spectacularly to Serena and Wendy's awesome detective skills.
"Alright, whoever the imposter is is wicked good at shutting doors," Erik scowled over the meeting table.
"Thanks!" Sting chirped.
Everyone looked to the man and unanimously voted for the poor kid.
"Natsu vented in the plant place!" Gajeel yelled.
"NO! GAJEEL VENTED!" Natsu yelled across the table.
"YOU TAKE THAT BACK!" Natsu roared, jumping on the table.
Everyone voted for Natsu that round.
"I saw Serena vent," Erik deadpanned as he pointed to the pink-suited dragon slayer.
"Meeee!?" Serena cried dramatically.
Acnologia voted immediately.
"YOU TRAITOR!" Serena cried.
"You vented," Acnologia smirked.
"Yeah, but my hips are too fine and I cant squeeze these beauties through the vents, hence it takes me forever to get anywhere! Don't blame me!" Serena cried.
Everyone else voted as well.
Serena cursed his whole way into space.
A hide and seek round:
"Who's the imposter?" Wendy asked timidly.
Everyone froze as they heard maniacal laughter coming from Acnologia.
"Run brats... today is my lucky day," Acnologia smiled maniacally. "Flee."
"RUN FOR YOUR LIVESSSS!!" Serena screeched as his gorgeous pink bean space-suit booked it towards the reactor.
The kids scrambled away, screaming at the top of their lungs as a murder-happy Acno took pursuit sparing only Wendy.
(Guess who updated!!! And guess what! It's another trash one-shot!! I regret NOTHINGGGGG!
I'm running on three brain cells, one dedicated to the Dream SMP war, one dedicated to Fairy Tail, and one dedicated to Among Us. It's a PROBLEM!!)
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