He poisoned the well, I was lying to myself
°• ♔ •°
Celeste dropped her quill and shook her hand to relieve herself of it's stiffness. The week had come and gone quickly, and she now sat in the Great Hall with an unfinished essay before her and a plate of biscuits and a cup of tea that had turned cold the hour before.
It was one of the rarer moments she often wished for now. Always struggling to focus in classes and sessions, the pleasant sound of quiet chattering and the cozy space was just what she needed.
Very suddenly, in burst Marlene, slightly red-faces and panting as if she had run across the castle.
"Celeste!" she gasped, hurrying towards her. "Quidditch tryouts start soon! Oh please - you must come!"
"Marlene," Celeste protested at once. " I've told you. I've never even flown on a broom! Much less join a team!"
Marlene waved her hand unbothered. "You could still try at least! James is a fair captain."
"I'll make a fool out of myself," she huffed, rearranging her parchment together in a neat stack.
The blonde laughed unbothered. "It'll be fun!"
Several minutes later, Celeste and Marlene strolled onto the quidditch field with brooms in hand and joined the crowd of Gryffindors.
"Marlene!" James sighed in relief. "Thank Godric. I was beginning to worry."
"James and I play as chasers," Marlene told Celeste. "You know the rules of quidditch, right?"
"Of course," she nodded.
"All right guys!" James shouted, signaling for attention. "I'm going to split you up into groups, depending on what you're trying out for! If you don't know what you want, I'll--"
"WAIT FOR ME!" bellowed an incoming voice.
Celeste diverted her eyes at once with a scowl. Sirius Black, in all his glory, pridefully strode up to join the group.
"As I was saying," James rolled his eyes. "Groups! And I'll coming around and tell you which team you're on!"
As James made his way to each person, Sirius moved his gaze slightly, having it fallen on Celeste. A scowl instantly was found on his face. What was she even doing here? Could she even fly a broom?
"Anything you might want to try out for?" James asked Celeste.
"Chaser," she said confidently. It was easily her favorite position.
"Alright," James said. And then a wonderful idea came upon him. "You can stand over there with Sirius."
And then a dreadful feeling came upon Celeste. Moving like a sloth, she trudged to the group that surrounded Sirius. She looked away uncomfortably and decided to examine her broom. Marlene had snagged her the best broom in the supply room - a Cleansweep 7. According to her, it had only been released the year before.
Sirius decided to glare at Celeste again. But frankly, the entire situation was hilarious. A Malfoy trying to play for Gryffindor! He studied her warily. How did she trick the hat? Was she that evil? He was drawn out of his thoughts as James blew his whistle.
"Mount your brooms!" James shouted, preparing to toss up the quaffle. "And on the count of 3! 1.. 2.. 3!"
Celeste had two problems. One: she had never flown on a broom before, and two: she couldn't see the quaffle anywhere. Cold, freezing air blew in her face and she had to squint to see. Her broomstick wobbled as she tried to stay balanced. But a chaser wasn't supposed to stay still in the air! But she was especially thin and light, and taking her advantage, she lean forward and shot straight ahead.
From a higher view, she saw the opposite team had possession of the quaffle. Holding her breath, she dived straight down toward the player and stole the quaffle. A delighted grin took over her face as her as she jetted back around towards the goal rings. She was very aware of the other three chasers hot on on her tail, so in a quick motion, she dived down and the chasers flew right over her in a moment of confusion.
"Celeste!" Marlene shouted. "Here!" In a flurry of wind, Marlene rocketed past her and Celeste chucked the quaffle at her. Marlene turned in a flash, caught it and catapulted towards the goal like a hawk. She carried a badass elegance and the opposing team held back, to wary to take her on. Then she threw the quaffle so had, it almost injured the keeper as it whizzed right past his head.
It she was being honest, Celeste was having fun! Of course, it would take practice for her to become a better player, but James was ecstatic.
"Not bad," grinned James. "Not bad at all."
"Beginner's luck, I think," Celeste said, though she was shining with pride. The entire week had been dreadfully slow and difficult for her, and here she was, enjoying herself!
"Wonderful work everyone!" James called for attention. "The results will be posted on the common room notice board later next week! That'll be all!"
As Celeste and Marlene hurried away, Sirius turned to James, fuming. "You won't really let Malfoy on the team, right? She could tell our tactics to the Slytherins!"
"Ah," James nodded knowing. "It appears you fancy her, don't you?"
"What?" Sirius said loudly. "No - of course I don't! Why would you say that? That woman is evil!"
"The first stage!" James exclaimed fondly. "Denial."
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