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Marylin was a very smiley child, she got along well with everyone. She was taken in by the Parker family and later became Peter's number one protector, she never let anything happen to her slightly younger brother. Although at the time, Mary and Richard had changed her name to Viviana Marylin Parker.
"Come on Peter!" she exclaimed a smile bright on her face, "It's just hide and seek, it'll be fun!" The young boy frowned, "But it's scary. Last time you jumped out at me and scared me." he whined, "I promise I won't ever do that again," she held out her pinky, "You pinky swear, Viv?"
"I pinky swear," she spoke as he hooked his pinky with hers, "Do you wanna hide first, or should I?" Peter asked, "You should hide first, I'll count too.....twenty." Peter hid away, and it was a good thing that Marylin told him to hide first, or he would've had a similar fate to her.
Black widow assassins were silent and completely untraceable. So it wasn't that strange, that both Mary and Richard were killed without a sound.
Marylin was horrified at the sight, both her parents looked as though they were sleeping, but their skin was so pale and lifeless. "Mommy! Wake up!" she shook Mary's shoulders, of course, the woman didn't respond.
She turned rapidly when a hand lay on her shoulder, there was a blonde girl, probably around 16 or 17 years old. "We've gotta go." Marylin shrugged away from the blonde's hand, "Why won't they wake up?!"Marylin cried.
"Please, I don't want to hurt you." the blonde's accent was quite thick, Marylin could barely understand her, she was always smart, so even in her state of panic, she knew better than to alert Peter of anything that was going on, she was just praying he would stay put.
"Who are you?" Marylin asked the tears still free-flowing, "My name's Yelena, and I really need you to come with me."
At this moment, she knew that there was nothing she could do, and in order to protect her little brother, she went with Yelena, without making a sound.
Yelena tried her best to help Marylin, knowing how similar what happened, was to her own life. Before the Chemical Subjugation came into place, Yelena was like a big sister, showing her the ropes of how to survive in this program. Marylin learned that she had to be ruthless, and silent, to keep her head down.
The first time she killed someone her hands shook, for an hour after, she was so young. "You'll be ok," Yelena whispered, pulling Marylin's hands away from the sink, "It's ok, Viv. I know it hurts, but it'll be ok."
"Can you tell me another story?" she sniffled, Yelena smiled slightly, "Have you ever seen a forest star?"
"A what?" Marylin asked, "They're a type of bug, that light up. It's a process called bioluminescence." Yelena explained, "bio-gum-esence?" Marylin tried to pronounce the word, and Yelena laughed a little, "It's how the bugs light up, they came out in the summertime every year. Natasha always used to tease me about it, but at the end of the day, she was in as much awe over them as I was." Yelena spoke, "I had a little brother." Marylin confessed.
"What?" Yelena turned to her, "His name's Peter, we...we're playing hide and seek, when..when you took me here." the blonde frowned, "I'm so sorry Viv."
The thing with chemically altering the mind is you never know what thoughts are your own. So occasionally there would be times when either of them did have their own thoughts. It was rare but sometime Marylin could make contact with Yelena, but that ended by the time Marylin was eleven. The subjugation process had improved to the point where it was impossible to tell your thoughts from the orders you were given.
Every day was the same.
Training. Ballet. Killing.
Every once and a while, a longer mission would pop up, but that's it.
This all changed when Marylin's powers developed. Then it was the constant experimentations and intense training.
"Опять таки Viviana." (again) the voice crackled through her mind as she levitated a sphere of water, slamming it into the wall in front of her. "Опять таки"
And that's what her life was still like, up until this day. The day that Yelena came back. But it wasn't just her...it wasn't even just her and Natasha. Yelena had told Marylin many stories of her time in Ohio, of her big sister Natasha.
Marylin's mother was there.
Rosalie Nicole Barton was there in the Red Room, just out of reach.
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