"Damn it." Little Nobody said from behind the computer. "She wiped it all. Took God's Eye. That was the one thing we could use to find him. We lost everything."
Hobbs glanced over to where Shaw was typing away at his computer, Ramsey in front of him as the computer beeped. "What have you got, princess?"
"Finding Toretto." Shaw replied. "But I've got a couple of minutes to spare. If you want me to send you to the hospital again."
Hobbs chuckled at him before turning to Little Nobody. "Yo, rules."
Little Nobody turned to him. "First off, that's not my name."
Roman rose his hand. "Little Nobody."
"Don't call me that. "Little Nobody snapped.
Tej nodded his head from where he sat beside Logan and Mia. "Oh, that's definitely sticking."
Logan shaking his head in agreement, "It's your new name now so you gotta learn to love it."
"Great. Do me a favour, tell Your Majesty over there, that we're gonna find Toretto. We find Toretto together as a team." Hobbs turned to Shaw.
"And when this is all over, I'm happy to slap that whisker biscuit right off his face."
Ramsey interrupted them before they could beat the shit out of each other. "Wait a minute. Guys, I think Decker's actually onto something. How do you think Dom and Cipher got into the country without us knowing?"
When no one replied, she gave them the answer. "Ghost flights."
Tej furrowed his eyebrows. "I thought untraceable aircraft was all internet conspiracy stuff."
"It's not." Mr. Nobody sighed. "Satellites and radar grids all across the globe shift. Like an ocean. And they've got channels that open and close. And theoretically, if you know the right people who know the right patterns."
"You can fly right through the blind spots completely undetected." Ramsey finished.
Logan glanced over to Mia who sat on the other side of him before looking over to Shaw. "So, you know where Dom is headed?"
Deckard clicked a button and the computer beeped. "Yeah." He turned to Logan. "New York."
Mr. Nobody chuckled and stood up, putting his jacket back on as Shaw walked out of the room. "You see there Luke? You guys are gonna get along just great. Which proves rule number two, you never lose everything. Fire up the chopper. Well, guys, have a ball in the Big Apple."
New York City, New York
Mia groaned in disgust as the smell of fish continued to flood her senses. She gripped onto Logan's arm as the truck went over another speed bump. Logan gave Mia a small smile as they held onto each other, making sure neither one of them fell into the fish.
Mia pressed her hand against her stomach as she started to feel a wave a nausea overcome her and she prayed she could make it until she got out of this truck before she threw up. They had made it to New York by the helicopter but had to ride in a fish truck to get to some secret base Mr. Nobody had.
"Why are we traveling like this again?" Roman whined.
The truck came to a stop and Tej opened the cargo door. "Because Dom took God's Eye, so we need to stay off the grid."
They all grunted as the smell of fish intensified. Mia held her hand against her mouth and looked around the room before she spotted a trash can in the corner and she bolted towards it, leaning over it as she puked.
Letty immeditaly went to her side and rubbed her back whilst helping hold her hair back. Mia felt like it was an never ending cycle, she hated throwing up.
"But like this?" Roman complained as Mia continued to throw up and he strutted over to Little Nobody. "Look here, man, before I throw up in my mouth like Mia over there, let me ask you, what are we doing here?"
Logan looked towards Mia hoping she was okay, he knew how much she hated throwing up. Little Nobody also casted a look in Mia and Letty's direction before turning back to Roman.
"That's a good question, Roman." He said as he led the group over to the big door at the back of the room.
Mia wiped her mouth before she and Letty followed them. "Let me show you."
He nodded to the two men who stood on either end of the door and it slid open, revealing cars upon cars upon cars.
"Welcome to our new base of operations." They walked inside, looking around them in awe.
"No seriously, what is this place?" Letty asked as she admired all the cars.
"This - This is heaven." Tej said in adoration as Logan nodded his head in agreement.
"The agency garage." Hobbs confirmed. "They call it the Toy Shop."
Little Nobody led them down the middle of the runway whilst explaining. "This is where we house every vehicle seized from drug dealers on the East Coast. Now, Mr. Nobody said that if we're gonna have a chance at catching Dom, we're gonna have to be damn fast. Maybe this could help."
Deckard walked over to a matte black jeep as Tej walked over to a tank sitting by itself in the corner. Letty went straight to the red 1966 Corvette while Mia and Logan marched over to the 2017 Honda Acura NSX, it was a nice dark blue color.
Logan was mesmerized by the car, it reminded him a lot of the one him and Mia drove when breaking Dom out of prison bus. He always wanted to drive, more specifically race but never got the chance to.
Mia noticed the twinkle in his eyes knowing what he was thinking, "Logan you're not driving-"
"You have a sprained ankle that you need to stay off of," Logan told her.
"But you don't know how to-" Before she could even finish again Logan had an answer.
"I know how to drive trust me. Your sister and Brian even made sure," Logan grabbed Mia's hand in reassurance that he got this.
"We got a tank." Tej mumbled as he walked over to it and circled around it. "Seven hundred and fifty horsepower, six point six liter, V8 Duramax engine with an M153 Crows remotely operated weapon station on top."
Ramsey pointed towards it. "You didn't get this from drug dealers."
"No. No, that, uh, the United States Army lent me." Little Nobody says as he walks over to them, Mia and Logan following.
Tej continued to admire the tank. "See, the army's developing machines like this that soldiers can drive from a mile away. So they can stay safe and alive."
Roman stood next to him as he continued. "But luckily, there's a backup driver's seat for those of us who like to get more hands on."
Roman began mumbling. "I'm sitting here wondering this whole time, will this thing fit in valet at Cheesecake Factory?"
Little Nobody quickly walked over to them and stood in front of the two boys, while Mia and Logan stood beside Ramsey.
"No one is getting hands on. She doesn't go on city streets."
Roman looked up and noticed the neon orange Lamborghini making its way down the runway slowly.
"Woah. I'm in love." He whispered as he started to walk closer to it.
"Again, no. No." Little Nobody stood in front of Roman. "That's a million dollar show car. The point is to not draw attention."
"It's reverse psychology." Roman narrowed his eyes. "Dom will never see it coming."
Logan rolled her eyes and walked up behind him, "It's neon orange." He butted in, bluntly. "The international space station would see it coming."
"Go choose anything less conspicuous." Little Nobody ordered.
"No, no." Roman argued. "This is ridiculous."
Little Nobody walked off. "Not happening."
Mia shook her head at Roman as he started to try and seduce the man that was operating the forklift that was carrying the Lamborghini. Her and Logan walked away, going back towards the car they were most definitely taking.
"Hey, my man, you can put that down right there. This is a gift. A real gift. I know what you're doing. I like your beard. You're Blanta. Black Santa? No, I'm serious. Put it down right here." The man shook his head at Roman.
Author's Note
Omg!!! You all mean so much to me! We hit 38k on this book! Like thank you all so so much for supporting this book! I love each and every one of you! I wanted to give you all another chapter so please enjoy! I'm excited on how this act 6 is going to go! hope everyone has an amazing day!
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