Sophia sat in the passenger seat of the car her and Brian were in as they waited in the airplane. In the quietness of the plane, they could hear the music from Tej's game on his phone and Roman's mumbling.
"Yeah, I'm good. From the streets. You know what I'm saying?" Roman scoffed. "It's nothing."
The plane hit some turbulence and it shook. Sophia swallowed thickly and breathed out heavily as she shared a look with her fiancé. She felt like she was going to throw up at any moment.
"Sophie, you doing okay?" Brian asked as he can tell Sophia was nervous.
"Yea, just little motion sickness but I should be fine," Sophia tried explaining as he grabbed her hand in comfort.
Tej's voice came over the radio. "Hey, Roman, you freaking out, ain't you?"
"No." Roman who was clearly terrified.
Sophia chuckled. "I wouldn't lie Roman. You clearly are."
"I said no."
Tej continued, "Listen, man, it takes a grown man to embrace his feelings. If you need to cry, just go ahead and cry. As your friend, you know I'm concerned about your well being, which is why I took the precaution of putting some adult diapers in your glove compartment."
Brian and Sophia laughed as Roman cut in annoyed, "Yo, can you just chill out, man?"
"I have seen some crazy shit, Dom." Mr. Nobody spoke over their radio, "But this really could make some waves, so let's just try to keep it as low key as possible, huh?"
"Don't I always?" Dom asked.
Sophia shook her head at her older brother's statement, knowing that was the biggest lie he'd ever told. They never have kept it low key usually something big happens and they are all over the news.
"I'll tell you what." Mr. Nobody spoke. "You knock it down a couple of notches this time and I'll swap out my Belgian for a keg of Corona."
"You'd be doing yourself a favor there," Dom spoke.
Mr. Nobody chuckled before Roman yelled, "Can somebody just walk me through what we supposed to be doing?"
"Come on, Rome, this was your plan," Brian spoke, "You gotta embrace it"
"No, this was not my plan," Roman exclaimed.
An alarm started blaring and Sophia exhaled as the hatch lowered and the wind howled. She can admit she was nervous but more so about the mission at hand.
"Oh, yeah, here we go. Game time." Brian spoke.
All their engines started up and Dom revved his. Roman did the cross on his body as he prayed silently.
"Roman, you need some fresh air?" Tej teased. "Cause you about to get a whole lot of it."
"Okay, here we go!" Dom said before he reversed out of the plane.
Brian looked to Sophia who tried to keep a brave face on despite how nervous and sick she felt. She was trying her best to focus on something other then the fact they will be flying out of plane.
"Just when you didn't think it could get any better, huh? Ready, Sophie?" He asked.
"Yep, let's do this." Sophia nodded and Brian reversed out of the plane.
Sophia gripped her seatbelt tightly as she felt the car drop and fly through the air.
"Oh, shit." She chuckled as Brian squeezed her hand. Letty's car was next to reverse out followed by Tej's.
"Now we're moving." Brian said as the cars fell faster. "Hey, everybody good? Everybody make it out?"
Sophia glanced behind her out the back window as she noticed who wasn't with them. She turned to Brian.
"Roman!" Was all she said and Brian understood.
"Hey, Rome? Hey, what's up, man? Talk to me, come on." Brian spoke.
"I can't do it." Roman said.
"Rome it isn't so bad, okay," Sophia tried to help, "Yeah it was scary at first but everything is peaceful now."
Tej scoffed. "The hell you can't. Come on, Rome! You throw that thing in reverse and get your ass out here now!"
"Look, I can't do it, okay?" Roman insisted, "Listen to what I'm saying."
"Now isn't the time!" Brian said.
Roman continued, "I'ma stay up here with the pilot. We gonna circle around and make sure we holding it down from up here."
"You're running out of time!" Letty joined the conversation, "The chute is guided by GPS. You don't have to do anything!"
"Tej!" Dom yelled.
Tej answered. "I'm already on it."
"Hey, man, listen." Roman spoke. "I'm sorry to let y'all down, okay? I'ma go ahead and stay up here."
"Roman, why don't you take some deep breaths right now," Sophia told him knowing what was about to happened.
Tej chuckled. "No, brother, I'm sorry to let you down."
"What?" Roman asked: "What do you mean you're sor-"
He was cut off as Tej pressed a button and his car was dragged out. Roman tried to press the brakes, but to no avail.
"Tej! What are you doing?" He screamed as his car flew through the air. "Oh, shit! Tej! I hate you, Tej!"
Brian let go of Sophia 's hand to grab the wheel tightly as they approached the ground, "Get ready! Ground's coming fast!"
Sophia grunted as they landed on the ground, her body being jolted slightly. She laughed in disbelief before Brian sped up after Dom.
"Touchdown, baby!" Letty said as she sped after them followed by Tej.
"Car check. Call it in." Dom ordered.
"Check." Letty and Tej said.
"We're good." Brian said, "Let's do this."
Roman's voice came over the radio as his car still dangled in the air over the trees. "Hello?! Please, man! Get me outta here. Somebody! No! The trees!"
"Oh my god." Sophia held her laugh as she saw his car dangling.
Dom spoke, "Sit tight, Roman. We'll come back for you."
"This is not the plan!" Roman yelled through the radio.
Mr. Nobody joined the conversation,"All right, you got one chance to hit them here, Dom. You miss, they'll make it to their black site and they'll squeeze whatever information they need out of Ramsey. The device and your chance of ever getting Shaw will be gone for good."
"That ain't gonna happen." Dom remarked.
"I'll see you at the pickup." Mr. Nobody said.
They rounded the corner, the motorcade coming into view. Sophia really need this plan to work for them, she couldn't lose someone else she loves.
"Ramsey will be in the bus." Brian informed.
"Then let's do this." Letty said.
The cars in front of them moved to the side so that there were two cars on either side of the bus. The back two cars opened up the back, revealing men in black wearing masks with guns pointed at them. They began shooting at them.
"Tej! Shield!" Dom shouted.
"I'm on the way." Tej called back.
"All right, formation." Dom ordered as Tej drove to the front.
Tej drove in front of Brian and Sophia, Letty behind them and Dom behind her.
"Bulletproof baby." Tej chuckled as bullets hit the windscreen but didn't pierce the glass. "Can't touch this." He sung.
"Punch it!" Dom sped up, clipping the back of Letty's car.
Letty glanced in her rear view mirror at him before doing the same to Brian who did the same to Tej. Tej managed to hit the back of both cars, sending them to the side as he went for the other two cars.
They moved to the side to avoid being hit by the car, before moving back into formation. Brian went to one side of the bus, Tej going to the other.
Sophia 's eyes widened at the sight of the guns coming out from the side of the bus, "Brian!"
"No!" He whispered as the guns went off, "Get out of the way!" Brian shouted to Tej as their cars were sent to the side.
"Those aren't guns, those are goddamn canons!" Tej exclaimed as he drove back onto the road, "Armour piercing rounds!"
Both Letty and Dom put the grappling hook gun out on top of the roof of their cars.
"Hook them up." Dom said and they did so in sync.
The grappling hooks lodged into the back of the bus, "Soph, Tej, blow it!"
He ordered and the two pushed a button causing smoke and a loud bang to sound, "Lock it up."
Letty stomped on her brakes alongside him, causing the back of the bus to be ripped off.
"Brian, Soph, you're up."
Brian and Sophia shared a look as Brian drove behind the bus. He kicked off the windshield as Sophia climbed onto the hood of the car from the window before he joined her. Tej drove behind them, clipping the back of the car and pushing it forward.
"Little closer, Tej!" Brian said and once Tej had pushed them close enough, the two jumped off the car.
Brian fought off the first guy, throwing him over his head and onto the road. Sophia pulled Brian to his feet before another guy ran at them. The brunette dodged the punches he threw at her and she grabbed hold of the metal door and pushed it into his face before kneeing him in the stomach as Brian slipped past them. She elbowed him in the face before throwing him out of the bus.
The two worked together to take down the men on the bus before Brian picked up a gun and made his way towards the front of the bus where Ramsey was being held. Sophia slammed the last guys' head into her knee before joining Brian as he pulled the hood off of Ramsey. The two shared a look at seeing the woman sat before them.
"Ramsey?" Brian asked.
Ramsey looked at them with mascara down her cheeks. "Stay away from me. Stay back! Don't you touch me!"
Sophia reached into Brian's back pocket and pulled out the knife he had in there as she moved forward.
"Hi, it okay. I'm Sophia and this is Brian. We're gonna get you out of here, but I'm gonna need you to settle down, okay? I'm gonna cut those things off of you," She said before slicing through the restraints on her wrists.
She pulled Ramsey up and led her to the back of the bus with Brian behind them. She waved her hand for Dom to come closer. She turned to the girl beside her.
"We're gonna have to jump."
Ramsey looked at her like she was crazy. "I'm not gonna jump!"
"I know but we don't have time. So trust me." Sophia told her as Ramsey tried to go back.
"Come on! I got you." She pulled her up as Dom motioned for her to jump.
"Come on! Look at me! Look at me!"
"No, kill me!" Ramsey screeched.
Sophia grabbed hold of her shoulders and gripped them tightly as she turned Ramsey to face her.
"I know its scary but if you don't jump, we're gonna die, okay?" Ramsey settled then and nodded.
"You're jumping. One... two!" Ramsey screamed as Sophia practically threw her body onto the hood of Dom's car.
A gasp left Sophia's lips as she was grabbed from behind and thrown to the ground, Brian's head snapping around to face her. She looked up to see one of the men from before raising his foot to stomp on her. She protected her head and turned to the side to miss it before Brian tackled him away from her.
She watched as they fought before seeing Brian being thrown to the ground. She got to her feet and jumped onto the man's back, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist as she squeezed his windpipe tightly.
"Letty, stay with Soph and Brian!" Dom ordered her.
Sophia grunted as he slammed her back into the wall behind her, her grip on him loosening until he shoved her off him. She sent a kick to the back of his legs, causing him to go down on one knee. The brunette placed her foot on his knee and hoisted her body up, one leg wrapping around his neck as she twisted her body around his, wrapping her other leg over his shoulder so she was sitting on his shoulders and she used her elbow to slam into his head repeatedly as Brian got back onto his feet.
The man threw his arm back and grabbed the back of her shirt before throwing her body off him, Sophia landing on her back on the ground.
The man fought Brian again, slamming his face onto the desk. He looked at the cameras and saw Letty was stuck right in front of the gun as two cars sandwiched her in. Sophia lifted her head up and once she saw one of the other cars in front of the gun, she kicked her leg up and into the man's groin, Brian then slamming his head onto the big red button, the gun going off.
The man had grabbed a gun and tried firing it at them, only for Brian to deflect his aim causing the bullet to land in the driver. The bus's tires screeched as it drifted from side to side, losing control. It hit the side of the mountain and turned onto it's side, throwing the three of them off balance. The bus skidded on it's side heading towards the cliff.
Brian pulled Sophia up to her feet just as the man ran towards the back of the bus and shut the metal door on them.
"Too slow." He taunted the two.
"Hijo de una cabra sin madre!" Sophia yelled at the man as he jumped off the bus.
Brian and Sophia turned to each other and then faced the front of the bus to see it approaching the cliff. They ran towards the front of the bus as it half dangled over the edge. Brian looked down through the front door as Sophia gasped at how high up they were.
Brian reached up and pushed the button that would open the door and it swung down as Sophia looked at him with wide eyes.
"Come on, Sophie." He told her.
Sophia felt her heart rate quicken as she grabbed hold of the door and lowered her body out of it. She gulped as she hung in the air before looking up at the bus. She maneuvered her body around, placing her feet in all the right places to get her on top of the bus.
"I'm good, Bri," She called to Brian.
Brian did the same as what she did, lowering his body out. He looked up and moved to the side as the driver's body fell out and below them.
Brian tried to place his foot against the door but it slipped causing him to fall slightly, one of his hands slipping from the door. He hoped Sophia didn't see knowing she would try to help him which can cause her to get hurt. As he held back on her knew she didn't she when she hadn't let out a worried gasp.
Once Brian had managed to climb up onto the roof, the bus started slipping off the cliff. Sophia grabbed his hand and Brian pulled her into a run, the two sprinting along the bus as it slid off the cliff. Letty's car came into view and when she saw the two approaching the end of the bus, she turned her wheel sharply to the side, the back of her car swinging on the edge of the cliff as Brian and Sophia jumped.
A scream left Sophia's lips as they leapt off the bus, the two managing to grab hold of Letty's car just as the bus crashed below the cliff. Letty drifted away from the edge, sending Brian and Sophia tumbling onto the ground. Sophia stared up at the sky above them as she breathed heavily. Brian panted beside her and reached for her hand as her other hand pressed against her stomach, she was definitely not telling Mia about this one.
Letty rushed out of her car and looked down at them. "Are you guys good?"
"Thank you," Brian looked to her.
Sophia sat up giving her a smile, "Thanks Letty."
Brian pulled her to her feet as Letty got back into her car and the two got in as well, with Sophia sitting on Brian's lap. They joined the others at the bottom of a cliff that Dom had driven off of to avoid being shot at. As soon as her eyes had linded on her brother falling out of his car, the brunette ran over to him.
"Dominic!" Sophia quickly hugged him as he pulled himself onto his feet.
"We should probably not tell Mia about this." She whispered to him and he chuckled at her as he hugged her back.
"Looks like our demon love child worked." Tej commented.
Brian looked to Dom. "That's one way down a mountain."
Sophia looked around for the girl, "Where's Ramsey?"
Author's Notes
Omg!!! We hit 22.2k reads this is just amazing. Thank you all for the support it means the world to me. I'm sorry for the slow updates I recently started college and it's been a bit stressful. Like first week one of my professors already assigned homework. I'm going to try to update on the weekends or whenever I can. I hope you all like this chapter and have an amazing day!!!
hijo de una cabra sin madre- you son of a motherless goat
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