Chapter 1
The Voltron team walked with the stranger. He looked injured and in pain.
"You alright?" Allura asked. The stranger looked up at her.
"Y-yeah." He said. She looked over him a second time. There were deep cuts, bruises, and little scratches all over him. He held his left arm with a cybernetic right one as though it was broken or fractured or just hurt.
"What happened?" She asked. He looked back up at her.
"I got into a fight with this group of people. It's nothing you should be worried about." He replied looking back at the ground. Allura nodded.
"Anywhere specific you're going?" She asked. He looked at her again.
"Probably home." He said. Allura stopped walking with him and fell a little behind. Only now did she notice the severe wounds in his back and the limp in his walk. She looked to her team with a look only they knew the meaning of. Hunk and Pidge nodded. Lance shrugged and Keith gave her a confused look. Allura nodded and walked back up to the stranger.
"You're welcome to join us back at our base if you want." She offered. He gave her a quizzical look.
"Why would I want to do that?" He asked.
"Oh well we were in a fight too, and you look like you need a safe place to rest and heal without the potential that whoever hurt you will try to, I don't know, take your life?" She said. He raised an eyebrow.
"You don't look like you were in a fight." He stated.
"Well, we were the ones pulling most of the punches if you know what I mean." She said. The stranger raised his eyebrow higher.
Allura looked back over his wounds and quickly apologized.
"With who?" He asked.
"This supervillain. He had black hair and some of the most demonic eyes I've ever seen. He's a murderer and psychopath we've been trying to capture and defeat for the last two years now." She said, studying how he looked deep in thought all of the sudden.
"Do you know him or somethin'?" She asked. He looked up to her with a stern look.
"I used to. He was kind and wouldn't even hurt a fly when we grew up, but something happened to him. He was angry all the time and extremely violent after a while, as though he was trying to get back at somebody or something for hurting him. After he went missing for a year, he was found... changed. I tried reasoning with him but his mind just snapped and he lost it. It's how I got this scar." He said, letting go of his hurt arm for a second to point to the scar that went from one ear across his cheek and the bridge of his nose to the other ear.
"How'd he do that?" Allura asked, terrified. The stranger shrugged and held his hurt arm again.
"I don't remember." He said, shaking his head. "But I know he meant to hurt me." Allura shook her head.
"I can't believe your childhood friend did that to you." She said in disbelief.
"Then you don't know him at all." The stranger responded giving her a hard stare. Allura blinked at him and took a step back to walk with her team.
"We need to get Takashi into custody as soon as we can," Keith said. Allura blinked at him.
"How do you know his real name?" She asked.
"He's my older brother," Keith replied, glancing cautiously to the side. He sighed.
"I remember the day he came home after he went missing for a year. He was uncoordinated and jittery. As though he feared whoever took him would strike at any moment and hurt him again. It scared me to see him like that." Allura looked at Keith.
"Do you know this guy?" She asked, gesturing to the man limping in front of them.
"I'd have to see his face," Keith said. Allura nodded and walked back up to the stranger with Keith.
"Do you remember him?" She asked as Keith looked over him. Keith's eyes widened but he didn't say anything.
"Yeah. I remember him..." Keith said after a minute. The stranger looked back at Keith with an expression that read sorrow.
"He was like a brother to me..." Keith added. Allura nodded to Keith. He stopped walking for a second so he could walk with the others.
"Well, I guess you're coming with us then." She told the stranger. He just nodded.
"Okay." He said quietly and swallowed a painful lump in his throat.
"What's your name?" Pidge asked the stranger, appearing at his other side.
"Shiro." He said. Pidge nodded.
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