"Fuck." I growled through gritted teeth, pushing Brendon's head down farther on my dick. His tongue darts along the underside of my dick, causing me to bite my lip harder than I have been. I tried my best to make as little sound as possible from the back of the empty Drama class, but fuck, it was so hard to do.
A metallic taste invades my mouth as my hips snap forward. His tongue slowly drags on my slit and I spill into his mouth. He swallows around me and pulls away from my still semi-hard cock. He stands up and stares me down. I look him in his brown eyes as I try to regulate my breathing. He looks at me as if I were his prey, his glance causing me to shiver.
Since he was being a dicktwitch yesterday, guess who decided to be a twitch back? I came about thirty minutes late to his class today, listened to music for the entire period, and didn't say a single word to him. Actually, I didn't say much in class today at all. I mean, Ryan was bugging me about not being in lunch and our other classes, but I just told him that grandpa picked me up early.
Brendon seriously pissed me off yesterday. So I made sure he knew it. I only stayed behind because he slipped me a note towards the end of class that read "please stay after class. xo". After reading it, I looked up to see a frowning Mr. Urie with begging eyes.
Those large brown orbs were pleading for forgiveness, no matter how much he sounded like an asshole. After three years of being with this man, I knew every little quick moment he made and what it meant. The little creases he makes in his forehead when he's upset, the way his hands twitch ever so slightly when he lies, and the glisten in his eyes that exposes all the true emotions that he tries to repress. So being me, I stayed back.
"There, I let you ditch class and I gave you a blowjob. Will you stop being such a baby?" He asks half heartedly, breaking eye contact with an eye roll as he makes his way to his desk.
As he sat down in his desk's chair and rummage through the shit on his desk, I shiver once again, watching his every move with narrowed eyes. Who pissed in his Cheerios?
"Well?" He spoke up, not looking away from his desk. "Are you going to stand there with your dick out?"
"Oh shit." Looking down, I quickly shoved my dick back in my boxers and pull my pants up.
"Language." Mr. Urie said from his desk.
"Piss off." I mutter, still being slightly annoyed while messing with my zipper. I fucking hate when he goes into teacher mode.
I bend over and grab my bag, throwing it over my shoulder. Making my way towards the door, I keep my head down to avoid any further communication.
Just I reach for the door handle, Brendon clears his throat. I stop in my tracks, but I don't turn to face him.
"So, no 'thank you'? There's still half an hour left of last period. Why don't you stay here?"
"First off, you put my dick in your mouth. I didn't ask you to. Secondly, I missed class yesterday. You'd think that my teacher boyfriend would want me to attend all of my classes." I snap, balling my fist.
"Jesus, what's got your panties in a bunch?" His voice raises slightly. "Besides, you were the one acting like a prepubescent little brat earlier."
Now, he really is pushing my fucking buttons. "My panties in a fucking bunch?" I finally turn around, ready to tell him the fuck off.
"I don't get a single text from you all summer! I understand that this relationship is illegal and secret, but it was the summer. You know what I have to deal with at home and you couldn't even do so much as text to see if I were still breathing? You pulled the same shit last year and the year before that. Then, what? A blow job was supposed to make it better? I don't fucking think so." I take a deep breath, running a shaky hand through my hair.
Mr. Urie stood up from his seat and walked up to me, pushing me against the door. The handle of it jabbing me in the back, causing me to wince in pain.
"Listen really fucking closely, you little brat, because I'm only going to say this once." He leans closer towards me, roughly placing a finger on my temple.
"Get this through that thick skull of yours. I'm still married, did you forget that? We're adopting a kid. Things are fucked up, but remember I have a life outside of this. I'm not your boyfriend. You're not my boyfriend. You're a good fuck. That's the only reason I passed you. A good fuck. And frankly, you're not even that. Just some kid. A little fucking slut that's going nowhere in life." He spat through gritted teeth. I bit my lip, trying to hold back that tears that were glossing my eyes.
He moved back, creating more distance between us as he raised his arm, pointing behind me.
"Now get the fuck out of my classroom." His voice dropping down to a whisper.
I didn't move. It wasn't because I didn't want to move, but the shock completely paralyzed me. He told me he loved me. He told me that he wanted nothing to do with Sarah and her plans for a baby. He lied to me and I fell for it.
"Get OUT!" He screamed, making me flinch.
I opened the door and ran out, wiping away the tears that finally cascaded down my face. I made my way down the empty halls, sniffling and drying my eyes.
Three years. I've wasted three years with my teacher. He told me he loved me. I always thought he was pretending to be an asshole to me, but he was really just acting as if he cared for me. I guess that's what happens when you fuck your Drama instructor: an award winning performance.
Instead of fucking with my emotions, he could've just said he wanted to fuck. He knows how I feel about letting people in and he just crushes me, but fuck it. I should be fucking used to being treated like shit. He wasn't even worth the tears I shed, the restless nights, or the energy it took to be sad. I'm just pissed at this point.
Him and Mr. Perry were the only two teachers at the hellhole that actually made me feel like I was worth something. It fucking sucks being reminded constantly that you're worthless, that you're going nowhere, that you're just a waste of space. I felt like I could do something in life because of them. That I could prove everyone wrong. But now, they're both gone.
Fuck 'em.
I want to go home, but I missed class yesterday. As much as I hate school, I know I can't keep skipping. If I keep skipping, they'll tell my mom. If they tell my mom, she'll tell grandpa. If grandpa finds out, I'm fucked.
Signing, I head towards the writing class and walk in. I instantly take the seat next to Ryan and some douche with big plugs. Ignoring everything around me, I just laid my head on the desk and try to peacefully wait out the next twenty minutes.
"And who might you be?" I hear someone say, but I ignore it. Everything went quiet for a few moments, other than the sounds of footsteps. I soon felt someone nudge me and I quickly jerked away.
"Piss off." I mumble, not bothering to look up and see whoever was fucking with me.
"Well, that's no way to speak to a teacher." The unfamiliar voice tsks.
Teacher? I thought we had Mr. Way last period. I looked up to see a somewhat tall man with short length hair that was beautifully dyed red and combed back. His hazel eyes seeing right through me. His body slim yet confident in his blue suit. I had to admit, he looked pretty hot.
"Wait, I thought Mr. Way taught this class..?" I trail off as I turn to Ryan. He looks at me and shrugs.
"This is Mikey's older brother. He wants us to call him Gerard instead of Mr. Way so it's less confusing." Ryan explained.
"You are very correct, Mr. Ross!" Mr. Way, or Gerard, smiled.
"Okay, great. Now that everyone is caught up, can we finish the lesson?" The guy next to me with plugs says out loud, rolling his eyes. Fucking drama queen.
"Yes, Mr. Charnas. I believe we can." Mr. Way turns around and finishes his what he was rambling on about before I walked in.
"Dude, why are you so late?" I hear Ryan whisper as he nudges me.
"Didn't feel like coming." I shrug, giving a dry laugh for reassurance.
"Bullshit. If you thought Mikey were teaching it, you would've been on time." Fuck. Sometimes, I forget that he's my best friend.
"I'll tell you later. Right now isn't really the ti--"
"Hey, do you mind shutting the actual fuck up?" The guy, "Charnas", says to Ryan and I, causing me to glare at him.
"Lay off, glitter dick. I'm talking here." I sass, causing him to huff. Who the fuck is this guy anyway?
"Fucking faggot..." He murmurs loud enough for me to hear.
"What was that, anus ears?" I spit back a little louder than expected. The people around us have their eyes glued to this scene.
"Want to say that clever shit to my face?" He asked, standing up from his seat.
I smirk and stand up as well. After what happened with Urie, I need someone to take my aggression out on. "I would, but I don't see a face. I just see an ass with two eyes."
Everyone around us laughs at the comment, causing anus ears' face to go red. "Hey, watch your fucking mouth!" He shouts back, taking a step closer to me.
"You see I would, but I don't have a mirror." I raise an eyebrow, taking step closer as well so we're face to face.
The laughing stops and everyone turns to see a calm Mr. Way. As if the timing couldn't have been better, the last bell rings. As everyone grabs their shit to leave, I huff in "Charnas's" face before heading out the classroom.
"Charnas and Iero, detention." He frowns before walking to his desk. "You both can make yourselves comfortable for the next hour."
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