I hate Belleville High school. I honestly hate school in general. I hate having to wake up at early-as-shit o'clock, dealing with other people's shitty attitudes, and terrible teachers. But over all of that, I hate the first day of school the most. On the first day back, everyone pretends that they're your friend and miss you. All the fake people try to ask you about your summer, but didn't once try to contact you to see if you haven't dropped dead yet. They're all full of shit. But hey, that's life.
The social aspect of school wasn't the only reason I hate it. It is the actual lessons. Most of the things we're taught aren't things we're (or at least me) are going to use in real life. Let's use me as an example. I'm a 17 year old guy that wants nothing more than to stay at home and play his guitar. That's all I want to do, play my guitar. So, maybe I could be in a band. Now, here are a set of questions: Does the square root of 36 have to do with music? Do the different types of chemical bonds have anything to do with music? If your answer to both of these questions were no, then that proves that school isn't for me. The only reasons I still go are because of my mom, friends, and my grandpa.
Maybe I'm not meant to be something in life? Ninety percent of my time and energy goes to music. I know it's not a guarantee that I'll make it in in the industry, but it's something I'm good at. To be honest, I feel like it's the only thing I'm good at. For the past three years, I've been passing with straight D's. All of my teachers say that I have "potential," but I don't. It was just an excuse they tell themselves and I to make my situation sound better. But in reality, I'm just a sad little boy with no realistic aspirations. My grandpa always says that I can do whatever I put my mind to. He is the light in the black hole of my life. He was my motivation to wake up this morning, he was my motivation to get dressed, and he is my motivation to keep me from turning around right now and heading back home.
My head whips around when I feel something nudge me. I turn to see my best friend, Ryan, looking at me.
"Did you hear anything I just said?" He asked, as we walk in route to the prison known as school.
"Not really." Answering him honestly, I gave a nonchalant shrug.
"I said that I'm excited for today! We have three new pieces of man candy- I mean teachers." He says excitedly as we turn the corner, approaching the building. "Both Mr. Fuentes and Mr. Quinn found better jobs and Mr. Perry was fired."
"Wait, why was Mr. Perry fired?" I questioned, shock taking over my expression. He was our music instructor and has been for the past two years. He was my second favorite teacher in that hellhole. Tattoos were all over him and his ears were stretched, he had a 'don't give a shit' attitude that made him cool in my books. I usually called him "Mr. Turtle" and he'd call me "short shit." Even though our nicknames for each other were pretty insulting, that's just how we were. Perry was more like a good friend than a teacher. His class was the only one I looked forward to being in.
"Rumors say that he was fucking Mike Fuentes." Ryan explains.
"Seriously?" I ask, feigning shock. Little did he know, Mike told me about it when I walked in on them making out a few months ago in a classroom. He didn't bother to lock the door, which is probably how they were caught.
"Yeah! I'm way hotter than Mike." He signs, sounding genuinely disappointed.
"Ryan, that's gross. Who fucks a teacher?" My nose wrinkles in disgust.
"Hell, I would. I'd fuck any teacher that's going to pass me." He smirks. "Plus, you know I only have an eye for Mr. Urie." Ryan winks as we walk into the large school. As always, I roll my eyes to his comment.
It's been three peaceful months since I've stepped foot into this building. The long hallway is filled with freshmen trying to find their class, bullies scouting for new victims, girls talking about their summer break, and other acts that usually go on. Ryan and I ignore it all and walk through the halls to find our schedule. As we approach the lockers we've called our own since Freshman year, I notice that there's a piece of paper taped to the front of it. I guess Ryan noticed as well.
"Hey, look!" Ryan says, running over to his locker. He rips the papers from both of our lockers and look them over. "We have Music together first period," A smile makes it's way to his face, "Mr. Brendon Urie's fourth period Drama class, lunch fifth, and Creative Writing class seventh."
"Oh god..." I murmur to myself as my eyes roll. I've always hated how obsessed he was with this teacher.
Putting the combination into the lock, the locker opens and I throw all of my shit inside. Slamming it shut afterwards. "That's great. Would you mind saying the other teachers' names that you don't want to fuck?" I ask nonchalantly.
Ry scans the paper for a moment, flipping me off as he does so. His nose wrinkles slightly as his face distorts. "I think that Mr. Way is teaching Music and Creative Writing."
"That's cool I haven't had him as a teacher since Freshman year." I shrug, beginning my journey to the music room. "It's weird that he's teaching two classes though."
"Yeah, you're right-- Hey, wait up, asshole!" He laughs, catching up with me.
We made our way to the music room, knowing that the bell would ring soon. Personally, I didn't care about being late, but Ryan's mom doesn't approve of him being late. Our school notifies parents if kids are late or absent. Plus Mr. Way is an okay guy. So, I actually wanted to be on time to his class.
The door of the class was held open by a doorstopper. Ryan walked into the room first and I followed behind him. Inside, we find someone sitting at the teacher's desk, writing something down on a piece of paper.
"Holy shit." I accidently say out loud.
"What?" Ryan looks back at me. I point at the man behind the desk and Ryan turns to look. When his eyes land on him, as his mouth gapes.
"Well hello to you boys, too." Mr. Way smirks, looking up from what he was writing.
He wasn't the same teacher from three years ago. He seemed to grow out of his emo phase. His hair was no longer black and stuck to his face under his glasses. He has short, blond hair that was combed back. He wore contacts that made his green eyes pop. What the hell, did he hit puberty twice?
"What the hell happened to you?" Ryan voices my thoughts as he takes a seat in the front of the class. I walk to the seat next to his and sit down as more students start to file in.
"Well, I grew up. Found someone, got married, and adopted a kid. The usual." He explains.
"Well, I'm happy for you. Can we start class now?" I ask, resting my elbow on the desk and place my head on my hand. Another kid walks in just as the first bell rings.
"What? Frank Iero wanting to learn? The world must be coming to an end." He jokes before standing up and walking to the front of the class.
I flip him off as he clears his throat. "Alright, class! As most of you may know, Mr. Perry has resigned from this position. So, let me formally introduce myself." He went on. "My name is Michael Way. I prefer Mikey or Mr. Way. Whatever floats your boat." He gives a shrug.
Rolling my eyes, I rest my head on the desk, waiting for this class period to be over with. Knowing Mr. Way, he'll do some corny ass game for us to get to know each other. And, of course, I'm right.
"Alright. Frank, your turn." He points to me. I stand up from my seat and turn to face the class.
"My name is Frank Iero. I hate school and Graduation can't get here any fucking sooner."
"Frank, wake up." I feel someone shaking me slightly.
"Five more minutes, mommy." I sleepily mumble.
"I'm not your mother, but I can sure as hell be your daddy." They chuckle.
I shoot up at the sudden realization of what I just said. Looking around, I notice that I'm in the Drama classroom and it's empty. Jesus, I sleep through three class periods? Why didn't Ryan wake me up?
"Yes, you did. You know, you really need to sleep at home." Mr. Urie smirks as he leans against the wall behind my desk. " Plus, Mr. Ross was too busy undressing me with his eyes to pay attention to you."
Holy shit. I said that out loud?
"Nah, I'd rather sleep in your class." I sass, standing up and stretching my arms above my head, my back facing him. "Your lessons are boring enough to put me in a coma."
Just then, I found myself against a wall, my arms still above my head, but they were being held there. I stare Mr. Urie in the eyes before he leans into my neck.
"You better watch that little mouth of yours." He whispers, his mouth ghosting over my neck and his hot breath causes me to shiver. I wasn't going to lie. Even though we do this, I still hate his class.
"And if I don't?"
"It's only the first day back and you're already teasing me." He trails off as he drags his tongue along the scorpion tattoo on my neck suddenly, causing a louder than expected moan to slip my tongue. He places his free hand on my chest. It slowly cascades down my torso, causing me to shiver.
"S-Stop. We'll get caught." I gasp as his cold hand slides under my shirt, gripping my side tightly.
"I locked the door while you were getting your beauty rest." He taunts, his tongue retreating to his mouth.
"Fuck y-- ohh, fuck." I groan as his knee rubs against my crotch. His cold hand trickled up and down my bare abdomen. He was making me feel hot. I need to get out of these clothes.
He kisses from my inked neck, up my cheek, to my lips. My bottom lip made it's way in between his teeth. I moaned whorishly, craving more from him. I don't care that we are in a classroom. We haven't been caught all these years. I just want him to take me.
Letting go of my lip, he looks me into eyes. I bite my lower lip softly, playing with the ring that inhabits it as a feeling of nervousness washed over me.. "You should go to lunch. Your friends are probably waiting for you." With that, he ends any form of contact we shared. His soft cold hand escaped from beneath my shirt and was in his front pocket.
"Why do you always do that!" I say, being mildly flustered. He gives me a devilish half smirk before leaning forward and kissing my lips softly. Still being annoyed, I kissed him back anyway. When he pulls away, he walks over to his desk, taking a seat at it.
"I get a thrill out of watching you suffer." He answers honestly, his tone being serious. My eyes widen slightly before he winks playfully at me. "Off to lunch with you." He dismisses me with the wave of his hand as the bell rings.
"I'm going home." I state as I grab my books and make my way towards the door.
"And why is that? Is it because you missed lunch?" Mr. Urie asks, his eyes never leaving the stack of papers that were in front of him. I know what he's doing. He's making himself look busy for his next class.
" 'Cause I'm not walking around here with a hard on." I say, unlocking the door and walking out of it, slamming it behind me. I place my notebooks that I held in my hand over my slightly tented jeans as I push through the growing mass of people in the halls.
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