"I'll be home at midnight" He whispered as Lou held Evie, feeding her a bottle of milk.
The little one that was so agile and independent not so long ago, had now taken a few steps backward in her developmental milestones. She lay partially sedated in Lou's embrace, to make certain her stitches didn't get busted open with all her wiggling. "Give us a kiss"
Lou leaned back tiredly to accept his lips, the sparkle missing, she had worn herself out with worry and only now they were home, did she finally let herself breathe a little. Even so, Eve still had a large row of neat stitches on her abdomen that scared Louise, making her worry when she was home alone. John kissed her and stroked her cheek with the back of his hand.
The door closed and Louise was all alone and stared at where he had just been sitting beside her.
John had been wonderful there was no other word for it. His strength has propped Lou up keeping her strong. Lou smiled softly, they were so far from the deal as they could possibly get now. Even when dealing with Nate John had been an adult instead of a petulant child. Still he didn't like it much when Lou hugged Nate thank-you but he accepted it. Accepted Nate as excellent practitioner anyway, maybe not as a friend like Lou thought Nate to be.
December had raced by ....
Christmas had passed by in a blur of blood tests and hospital visits, everything slamming together hurriedly and not all welcome ...... culminating in surgery so Eve didn't have to continue to have blood transfusions.
Now the days steamrolled their way toward mid-January and the next challenge for Louise to climb.
The tour across the channel was a matter of weeks not months in length. Only a fortnight long but still John would be so far away and unattainable, Louise worried she would not be capable to cope emotionally when the time came along. And then John.... could she take the way he was on the last long trip.
Putting Eve to bed, Lou sang a lullaby softly as she drift off to dreamland.
Standing at the kitchen counter Lou squared her shoulders and put hands on hips, she had promised George and Richy cake for when they came over and she would make it. Like promised .... Anyway, what else was there to do to keep the worries at bay.
The chocolate icing was stuck to the bowl. The cake was decorated and stood plated, over on the counter. John shushed the lads when he had spotted her. Louise lay asleep at the kitchen table, her head nestled on her arms.
"Come on baby"
John picked Louise up and carried her to bed, laying her down carefully. Her fingers wrapped around his arm as she clung to him in drowsy sleep, her eyes fluttering open
"Go back to sleep luv"
"Kiss" Lou mumbled as her eyes drift closed again "Kiss me Johnny"
"Alright luv" taking her fingers John kissed the chocolate away as she sighed and then kissed her lips softly and finally he peppered her forehead, drinking in the vanilla and coconut that graced her skin, mixed with a slight shot of cocoa from the recent baking "Goodnight Louise"
"She was out like a light!" Passing John his cup of tea, Paul sat stirring sugar in the brew and enquired "She ok with you going to Paris?"
"Says she is but I know she's worried to be alone and I wasn't the best laddy on the last..." He groaned quietly "We have another week, Eve will be better by then fingers crossed and I'll have sorted meself a plan too" John grabbed the milk to add a dash more to his cup staring as the spoon swirled the white and brown together. The other lads didn't bother pushing John on the subject of the last tour... he had, had his tail between his legs enough as it was when he returned home to Lou last time.
"You two are pretty tight now, it's good to see. She loves you" Richy dropped his plate on the stack of other dirty ones in the centre of the table then picked the lot up, deciding to wash them up for Louise. "That cake was mmmmhmmm"
"I just like how she's 'appy ....... and cooking again" George grabbed another slice and placed it in a container to take home with him "I still warn you she's evil though. I rather think she has witches blood the way she carries on"
"She's not a witch but she seems to be pretty magical in the boudoir" John brightened, he loved watching George squirm and George just digs his own large holes to fall into, John grinned as he watched George stick his fingers in his ears "Oh come on Harrison, you have to know by now she's flaming fantastic if I'm still here"
"Maybe you're a glutton for punishment or... or she has cast a spell on you. Say Rumpelstiltskin backwards three times, that'll break the incantation" George started drying up the dishes as he spoke his hands waving about and the plates nearly crashing to the floor. "She'll have you in a pinafore before the years out I bet"
"Take him home Rings, he's giving me a bloody headache" John stood and stretched; scratching his chin he idly watched on as Paul poured another cup of tea "You too Macca, I ain't entertaining you while me beds a-waitin' "
"Ok Ok, just remember to keep a few hours free tomorrow, I wanted to run through those ditties for the studio"
"Work, work, work. Go home the lot of ya. I want to get some bloody kip"
John saw the lads into the night, checked the girls were covered in blankets then, not feeling overly tired after all, he decided to sit up. He automatically reached for his guitar. McBoaster had touted he had a few songs formed up, making John worry his writing partner was way ahead in the even-Steven stakes. John sank down on the sofa reaching for his exercise book and pencil and closed his eyes for inspiration.
A/N: Note how this demo of Johns is in a very high register.
(Damn Yoko took the vid down I'll try find it again)
I think below is the same.
The tape recorder clicked off and he had his lot. She had inspired his lyrics and he had let the chords find their own natural way as his fingers slid smoothly over the frets. John was well pleased and now, with his mind clear and ready for the morrow, he stood to stumble to bed.
Louise rolled over in her sleep and surrounded his body as he curled into a fetal position, even with another song almost done he should be happy but with the tour ahead. Looming up like a giant pain in the arse, a nightmare of what ifs stealthly crept in.....
What if a woman offered him something he could never resist....
What if he did all those things again....
What if Louise couldn't or wouldn't put up with his ways like all their befores.....
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