Chapter 6
*Jonathan PoV*
I'm so fucken pissed at them all I wish dale would have just killed me then and there, I wouldn't have had to deal with those ass holes. Since lui gave me 2 hundred dollars and I got about 5 grand from the stores I robbed I'm going stock up on gas and cigarettes and shit like that. As I pull into the store parking lot, I see everyone tense.
I walk in with my helmet still on, I take it off and everyone relaxes.
"Haha what," I laugh.
"You look like the guy who has been robbing and murder the people stores like these," the cashier said.
"Nah," I laugh, I grab some snakes, and some monster, "um 2 boxes of (insert name of cigarettes here) please."
"Id," the man says I hand him my id, "here you go."
"Thanks oh and 100 dollars worth if gas," I smile.
"Ok so your total is 206.52," i hand him the money.
I walk out of the store, push my bike to the gas pump, fill it up. As soon as I was done Evan and his friends came up.
They are going to rub the store and take my money. OH HELLLL NO.
"Hey," I yelled right before they walked in the store, there heads shot around.
"Delirious," lui called out.
"What," I yell back to them.
"You wanna help," Brian asked.
"Nah they now what my face looks like but you guys have fun," I wave them off. I watch as they rob the store, "I need to get out of here."
I pull out of the parking lot the cops aren't here yet. Good I won't get blamed. I hear some more bikes behind me. I groan as I know it's them. A Lamborghini pulls out next to me.
"Delirious," Marcel yelled.
"What," I scream over the noise.
"Come closer," he yelled a leaned a bit to my right to where he was. The door opened upwards and he climbed on my bike I try to keep it steady.
"What the fuck are you doing your going to get us killed," I yelled.
"Get in the car," he said the door to the car still open.
"How," I ask.
"I'll put my hands on the handles as soon as you get off, then you will climb into the car," he said.
"I swear to fucken God if I die because of this I'll haunt you forever," I yelled I let go of the handles the driver of the car got really close, push with my legs so I'm standing up. I've stood on a bike before and dance on it while moving, but never have I done something like this. I put my left leg in the car, "you ready Marcel."
"Yeah go," he yelled I jump and ducked into the car and shut the door, I now see who the driver is. IT HAS TO BE VANOSS.
"HI," he smiled.
"I'm starting to regret getting off my bike," I moan.
"Why is that," he asked.
"Because I don't want to be stuck in a car with you for God knows how long," I moan.
"Why do you hate me," he asked.
"Lost of reasons," I say.
"Why do I even bother," he groaned.
"Why do you bother," I ask.
"I don't know your interesting you seem like the guy who has a pleasant side," he said.
"Your completely wrong that part of me doesn't exist anymore," I say slamming my hands on the dash.
"So you were nice," he smiled.
"Not really," I snap.
"Calm yourself," he laughed.
"Let me out," I demand.
"No," he said with a straight face.
"If you don't let me out I'll kill you," I snarl.
"Shut up," he sighed.
"Make me," I growl. His face grew bright red.
"Ok," he smirked and pulled over.
"Vanoss what are you doing," I ask him.
"Stop calling me Vanoss my name is Evan fong," he sighed.
"Hi Evan," I smile I like that name, "the name it suits you."
"Thank you now please tell me your name," he begged.
"Hi I'm delirious," I smile.
"Your real name," he said unbuckling and turning to face me.
"Why who wants to know," I ask.
"Me now tell me," he demanded.
"Fine my name is Jonathan Denis, I am 23 (deal with it) years old, my parents died years ago, I became homeless after that, i ran from social services until I was eighteen, I met my best Jake a few years ago, I've been selling drugs since I was 15 and I've been working with dale since then, why I never got a house, dale got every last penny, I started smoking when my parents died, I found a lot of packs in there room after the murder, I've killed so many innocent and guilty people I've lost track, that's me now you," I sigh.
"Hi Jonathan, I'm Evan Fong I'm 23 just like you, my parents disowned me for a reason that will be kept until a later date, I've lived with Tyler since I was kicked out of my house, then when we were eighteen we moved out here with our money from robbing and killing, we met the others guys one by one, we bought our house that you will be in fact moving into when I have 19 Tyler was 20," he said, I'm really interested in what his secret is.
"Evan why did your parents disown you," I ask softly.
"Long story," he let out a shaky breath.
"We have time," I smile.
"So when I was 15 I had this girlfriend named Britney, we were kissing on the couch, I've never really felt any spark with her or any girls I've dated, I just suddenly felt disgusted with kissing her so I instantly pulled away and almost gaged," he stopped.
"Come on ev' continue," I edge for him to go on.
"She was so confused, I felt so bad but yet so disgusted, I ran up to the bathroom and cried, I was so confused, I kept telling myself it was just I wasn't happy with her. That I wasn't gay or bi and anything like that, I knew that if I was my mom or dad would find out and hurt me they hate people like that, I was scared, she came in the into the bathroom, she help me realize what ruined and helped my life," he said with tears in his eyes.
"What Evan what ruined and helped you," I beg him to continue.
"She helped me realize I'm I'm gay," he let out a shaky breath.
"Was that so bad Evan," I ask.
"Your not disgusted," he asked.
"No why would I be disgusted," I laugh.
"Have you ever been in a relationship," he asked looking into my eyes.
"No," I sigh, "I've never kissed anyone beside my family."
"Oh do you need a hug," he asked.
"Yeah a hug would be nice," I smile. He leans over and hugs me.
"I knew I could get your soft side out," he whispered in my ear, I push him away. He is smiling a genuine smile.
"Haha I actually haven't told anyone about my life before," I smile, "I just feel like I can trust you."
"I feel the same," he smiled at me.
"When we get back wanna go for a walk threw the woods," I ask him.
"Yeah that would be great," he smiled at me.
"Then let's go you fucker," I yell he laughs. We pull onto the road and drive to my old house. The whole drive we were laughing about random shit.
"Ok ok Jon what do you call a magic owl," Evan asked.
"I don't know," I look at him.
"HOODINI," he laughed, I burst out laughing as we pull up to the house.
"How the fuck did you come up with that," I laugh.
"Don't know," he laughed. We get out of the car. The guys were sitting on the ground looking at my hysterical state.
"Vanoss what did you do," David laughed.
"You can use my real name now," he said as I calm down.
"What the fuck happened in that car I swear if I see anything white I'm making you clean it up," Tyler yelled.
"Ewwww what the fuck," I yell.
"No we just talked," Evan defending.
"Let's hope," Craig laughed.
"Whatever I'm going in the house," I laugh and make my way over to the house.
"We still going for that walk," Evan asked.
"Yeah," I say.
I'm tired no clue why just am.
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