Chapter 5
:/: Alright everyone needs to read this. THESE SHIPS ARE NOT REAL. H20Vanoss, Syndisparklz (even though it would be amazing if it was), every ship isn't real unless the people tell us it's real. Evan loves Sydney FUCKEN DEAL WITH IT, it's his life for fucks sake, LET THE MAN BE HAPPY. Who knows what relationship status Jonathan is. HE COULD HAVE KIDS, just deal with the fact that they will never EVER be together. If this goes on any longer they possibly might stop recording with each other, and we wouldn't want that now do we. Thank you and enjoy the chapter :/:
*Evan's PoV*
As I pull into the driveway del's bike was gone. He probably just went to clear his thought like I did. I walk in the house everyone seems sad.
"What where did delirious go," I ask.
"He fucken left he's gone never coming back now answer my question what the hell happened in the damn room," Brian asked getting up in my face.
"I'm not sure he was fine on minute, then the next his eyes turned black," I rub my head.
"What does the word delirious mean," lui asked.
"Doesn't it mean like your mental health isn't normal," Tyler asked.
"Yeah pretty much," I say.
"His nickname is delirious," lui says we all stare at him, "GUYS HE IS FUCKEN INSANE."
"ohhhhhh," we all facepalm.
"We need to find him before something bad happens," Brock said.
"You think," I rush over to the stolen car, "Marcel car with me."
"You got it boss," he jumped in the passenger set.
"Where would a delirious hide," I mumble.
"The gun rang," Marcel said.
"Yes," I drove off the guys following on their bikes. Craig was ridding Marcel's bike, "why is Craig on your bike, you love that thing more then your girlfriend."
"Not true... Well maybe but he is ridding it because we are not going to stop looking for del until we find him, we thought since he will probably be tired he would ride in the car, so Craig is going to ride on delirious's bike when we find him and I'll ride my bike," he explained.
"You guys are to fucken smart for my liking that needs to stop," I shake my head taking a sharp right turn. I look in the rear view mirror I see David lean so deep that his bike slid out from under him. I pull over, get out and about topple over fro, laughing.
"NOGLA," lui screamed.
"I'm fine, just my bike is going to be scratched to hell," he moaned.
"Oh thank god," lui ran up to him and hugged him.
"I SHIP IT," I scream.
"Shut up," lui groaned as he got back on his bike.
"Alright next time we have a sharp turn DO NOT pull a David," I say getting back into the car.
*Time Skip*
We've been looking for delirious for about 22 hours. We all took turns sleeping for 30 minutes in the car, I'm currently driving lui's bike, David is driving.
We looked almost everywhere, where the fuck could he be.
I was on the front, I might as well check his sleeping area. I put my hand up telling the guys to stop. I get off lui's bike and walk towards the alleyway.
"Del," no answer, "del," no answer again. I soon her police sirens and yelling.
*Jonathan's PoV*
I go to a gas station that wasn't that busy. I keep my helmet on, I pull out the silenced pistol I brought with me.
"GET ON THE FUCKEN GROUND NOW," I scream, "money in the fucken bag."
"Ok ok sir," I was holding the gun to a young boy maybe 14, I turn around the cashier had a gun pointed at me, he was shaking like crazy.
"Oh lookey here mr. I'm going to save the fucken day just arrived, oh well I'm sorry your life had to end this way," I pull the trigger, the cashier drops dead. I hear the boy whimper, "you wanna be next."
"N no please," he begged.
"You remind me of myself, hm pity I wish I could end up like you," I smile nudging the gun under the boys neck.
"Please don't kill me I have a family, my brother and sister died I'm the only thing they have left," he sobbed.
"Awww poor little parents, or you think you can get me to spare your life your wrong this is just going to make me want to kill you more," I smirk he sobbed louder, "shut it no one can save you."
"Do it kill me," he said.
"Hm alright," i smirk standing up.
"N no," I shot him in the head he falls over limp. No one else is in the store thank god. I walk out of the store, I got on my bike and drove away.
I've been robbing stores and killing people for hours, I ran into Evan and his friends ridding they seemed to be on the lookout for something. The cops haven't noticed me yet, witch is ok with me. I see a cop, might as well have some fun right, I aim my pistol, well trying to, I shot and hit him in the knees he buckled in pain.
I speed up almost to the point that I lost control. I see Evan and his crew at my sleeping place. I zoom by the cops not far behind. The cops screams not really affecting me. I put my foot down and turn around. I speed threw the cops not knowing what hit them. For some of them they didn't know what actually hit them.
I look to my right Evan was standing there, I turn towards him. Once I got to him I pulled his hand and pull him on the back. I go from 30 miles an hour to 120 in 5 seconds. I hear Evan scream, from the wind.
"Shut your damn mouth," I yell to him. He did say anything after. We turn and jump off a ramp the leads to gutter. I don't here the cops anymore I slow to a stop Evan got off and looked at me disgusted.
"If you don't be quite we will die," I shush him.
"What the hell is wrong with you," he whispered screamed at me.
"The cops would have noticed you ok," I say.
"Where did you go I was worried," he sat down.
"I was pissed I needed to release some steam," I sigh leaning on the bike.
"You know how fucken worried we were," he asked looking up at me.
"It's not like you care anyways," I sigh crossing my arms.
"Delirious we know your insane we figured it out," my head shot up.
"What," I growl.
"We know that your insane no reason to hid it anymore," he said I grew more and more angry.
"How the fuck did you find out," I snarl.
"Your name is fucken delirious your eyes turned black, I needed to find out," he walked closer to me.
"Don't come any closer," I snarl.
"Del let me help you," he said walking up to me.
"Get the fuck away from me," I snap, I hear motorcycles coming.
"No let me help you," he grabbed my shoulders.
"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME," I screech pushing him away.
"No come here," he said as he walked up to me.
"Delirious," lui called I swing my head to see him.
"Hey," I push Evan on the ground, lui comes up to me and hugs me.
"I was worried about you," he said.
"Why I'm nothing to you people," I say.
"Yes you are your out friend," Brock said.
"You've known me for what not even 3 days and you think I'm your friend," I ask.
"Yeah why wouldn't we," Evan said I shoot him a look.
"I'm leaving," I growl, "I don't need friends they will just hold me down."
"Wait where are you going," Tyler asked.
"Away from you people," I snap.
"Why what's wrong," brain asked.
"Why would you say that," Evan asked.
"I especially don't need you around," I point to Evan.
"What the fuck did I ever do to you," he snapped.
"HOW TELL ME HOW THE FUCK I CASUED THIS," he yelled getting in my face. I could feel that delirious wanted to take over and I let him, I could feel my skin turning cold, "your eyes someone give him a smoke."
"That won't help you know," I laugh insanely.
"Delirious don't do this," lui said.
"Oh but why shouldn't i," I smirk.
"Stop this right now," Tyler yelled.
"Fuck you," I snap.
"Del stop this," Evan said.
"No this is more fun," I pin him to a tree, I pull the knife out of my pocket.
"Delirious stop," Marcel said as he pulled me away. I hiss at him, he made me face him. He slapped me.
"Ow what the fuck was that for," I screeched in pain.
"You about killed Evan," he yelled at me.
"Oh damn it why did you have to stop me," I huff.
"What's with you, one moment you guys where laughing and the next you hate each other," Craig said.
"I don't hate him," Evan chocked out.
"But I hate you," I mumble.
"Hey that's not nice," Marcel pushed me.
"Does it look like I'm a nice person," I ask.
"It looks like you can be," he smirked.
"Not really," I huff.
"You know what mr. Attitude you can calm down, you almost killed Evan who is now passed out over there, you killed how many fucken people today you need to calm the fuck down," Tyler snapped walking up to me.
"Good Evan deserves it," I glare at the passed out Evan.
"I should fucken kill you right now you ignorant son of a bitch," he yelled.
"I'D LIKE TO SEE YOU TRY," I scream at him.
"Oh yeah," he walked up to me.
"Yeah," I throw a punch at him and hit him in the face, he stumble backwards, i uppercut him in the gut. He fell over Craig ran over to him.
"You need to go," Tyler coughed.
"THATS WHAT I WANTED TO DO IN THE FIRST PLACE," I get on my bike and ride away.
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