Chapter 4
*Evan's PoV*
Seeing delirious cry because he had to kill someone because of a stuffed bear really made me feel bad. This kid had it ruff. His parents murdered, that stuffed animals the last thing his mom gave him, it looks like he would kill an army for that thing.
"Del," I poke his shoulder as we ride.
"Hm what," he seems like he just got out of a trance.
"Are you ok," I ask.
"Yeah I'm fine," I says perking up.
"That doesn't sound convinceing," I pout.
"Yeah yeah you wanna walk the rest of the way I'll gladly kick you off, your just extra wight," he snaps.
"You wouldn't," I say.
"You don't know me enough to guess that," he pulls over, turns around on the bike and pushes me off the back. Then he speeds off.
"What a dick," I mumble, "great it's like 4 in the morning who the hell would be in a car at this time." I start to walk down the highway, "I honestly can't believe he fūcken did that." I see a light coming from behind me. Holy fuck its a Lamborghini, welp here comes my hitch hiker skills.
"You need a ride buddy," I stupid male asked.
"Yeah thanks," I smile as I pull out the knife in my back pocket.
"Yo what's in your hand," he asked as I set down.
"Your death," his eyes widen as I bring the knife out from behind my back and slit his neck. I cover his mouth like delirious did in the store. He slowly chokes on his own blood. I drag the body out of the car, into the trunk.
I get into the driver seat. I pull off the side of the road. I sped up since there was a train coming. I make it over the tracks just in time, the train horn blowing like crazy. I laugh as I drive to del's old house. As I pull up to the house it's around 5:30.
I walk in the house I crash on the couch, well at least tired to I didn't make it I mad it about 2 feet in the living room before falling over. I lye flat on my face not moving.
"I'm to tired for this shit," I moan then fall asleep on the floor.
"WAKE UP YOU LAZY ASS," I hear as something freezing cold gets dumped on my head. I let out a girlish scream.
"FUCK YOU GUYS," I scream as I run outside.
"Hey it was delirious's idea not our," Tyler yelled I hear a demonic laugh.
"REALLY NOW," I growl.
"Oh someone hold the owl," Marcel yelled. I clench my fist.
"You son of a bitch WHERES THE BEAR," I scream del's eyes widen he shakes his head no as he runs into a room, "GET BACK HERE YOU BITCH."
"YOULL HAVE TO KILL ME," he screamed as I enter the room he was in.
"Maybe I will," i snarl.
"Go ahead you don't have the balls, OH WAIT YOU DIDNT HAVE ANY ANYWAYS," he yelled. I hear the a cluster fuck of laughs from down the hallway.
"OH YOUR GUNNA GET IT NOW," I tackle him onto the ground.
"GET OFF ME MOTHER FUCKER," he screamed.
"Never," I smirk as I search his pockets for the cigarettes.
"You wouldn't take a homeless man's cigarettes would you," he asked with puppy dog eyes.
"I would, TYLER GET ME A LIGHTER," I yell Tyler soon comes in with a lighter in hand. He stare at me since I'm sitting on a struggling delirious, "thank man."
"You ass hole," del said. I place the cigarette in my mouth, I hold in the smoke, I bend down to delirious's face and gently blow the smoke in his face.
"Thanks so are you," I smile as I put my legs over his and lye down on his body.
"Get off of me," he wiggled.
"I hope you know I'm extremely strong I don't think you will be able to get away from me," I smirk.
"Fuck you, at least give me a cigarette so I can calm down," he sighed.
"Why should I do that," I tease.
"Please I don't want to hurt any of you," he pleaded.
"You won't hurt any of us," I reassure him.
"Yes yes I will now give me a fucken cigarette before we all end up dead," he snapped his eyes fading in and out of focus, his blue eyes fading to black.
"Shit ok," I grab a cigarette out of the box I try to light it but the lighter stopped working, "fuck your going to have to deal with mine." I shove the cigarette in his mouth. His eyes becoming more of a natural color other then black.
"See don't fucken make me mad or that will happen," he snapped.
"I'm sorry I didn't know," I get off of him I walk out the door. All the guys were looking at me, I walk out the door and grab my helmet, I get on my bike and start it.
"Evan where are you going," Craig yelled.
"To clear my fucken head," I yell. I ride down the hill.
*Jonathan's PoV*
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck FUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK. THIS IS SO BAD. Evan thinks I'm a freak. THERE GOES ALL MY NEW FRIENDS.
"Del you ok what happened in here," lui asked.
"Something I wish I had control over," I sigh.
"Did you guys kiss," he asked.
"Ew what no no no there is a reason my name is delirious," I shake my head.
"And what would that reason be," he asked.
"It's nothing I'll just be going to my place," I say.
"I thought you were moving in with us," lui asked.
"I don't think I'm welcomed anymore, can I have some money for some cigarettes and gas," I ask him.
"Yeah here," he hands me 2 one hundred dollars bills, "knock yourself out bye delirious it was nice knowing you."
"Same here lui," I wave goodbye as I walk out of the room to the rest of the guys, "bye guys."
"Where you going," David asked.
"Leaving," I sigh.
"Oh well bye," he said. I wave.
I walk out of the door, Evan's bike gone. Soon I'll be gone.
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